
原文 译文 详情
精神 guiding principles -
宏观政策 macro policies 查看
例句: 我们深入贯彻以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署,贯彻落实中央经济工作会议精神,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,扎实做好“六稳”、“六保”工作,注重宏观政策跨周期和逆周期调节,有效应对各种风险挑战,主要做了以下工作。 applied the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor; took solid steps to ensure stability on six key fronts and security in six key areas,* and made cross- and counter-cyclical adjustments with macro policies. We thus effectively dealt with all risks and challenges that arose.
风险挑战 risks and challenges 查看
例句: 我们深入贯彻以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署,贯彻落实中央经济工作会议精神,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,扎实做好“六稳”、“六保”工作,注重宏观政策跨周期和逆周期调节,有效应对各种风险挑战,主要做了以下工作。 applied the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor; took solid steps to ensure stability on six key fronts and security in six key areas,* and made cross- and counter-cyclical adjustments with macro policies. We thus effectively dealt with all risks and challenges that arose.
中央经济工作会议 he Central Economic Work Conference -
“六稳”、“六保 six key fronts and security in six key areas,* -
疫情 Covid-19 -
党中央 the Party Central Committee -
平稳运行 keeping the economy running stably -
成绩 achievements -