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咖啡台 coffee masters 查看
例句: 此外,星巴克臻选门店还专门设立了专属的手冲咖啡台,半开放式的格局,让顾客与咖啡大师之间有更多的交流与互动。 In addition, Starbucks Reserve stores have set up lowered Reserve slow bar, with semi-open pattern, allowing more communication and interaction between customers and coffee masters.
咖啡大师 coffee masters 查看
例句: 结合臻选门店独特的设计和咖啡大师娴熟的技艺及热情的演绎,将为所有咖啡爱好者带来前所未有的咖啡体验。 With unique and remarkable Coffee forward store design, and the attentive skills and passionate delivery of coffee masters, Starbucks China is to provide all coffee lovers with unprecedented coffee experience.
让顾客 allowing more communication and interaction between customers 查看
例句: 此外,星巴克臻选门店还专门设立了专属的手冲咖啡台,半开放式的格局,让顾客与咖啡大师之间有更多的交流与互动。 In addition, Starbucks Reserve stores have set up lowered Reserve slow bar, with semi-open pattern, allowing more communication and interaction between customers and coffee masters.
巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea 查看
例句: 从巴布亚新几内亚遥远的高地到加拉帕戈斯群岛的海岸,星巴克臻选™咖啡来自最有异域风情的地方,且每一颗咖啡豆都是在最新鲜的时候,通过手工采摘的方式获取。 It originates from the most exotic places, from the faraway highland in Papua New Guinea to the coast of Galapagos Islands. Each coffee bean is handpicked at its peak of freshness.
咖啡爱好者 coffee lovers 查看
例句: 结合臻选门店独特的设计和咖啡大师娴熟的技艺及热情的演绎,将为所有咖啡爱好者带来前所未有的咖啡体验。 With unique and remarkable Coffee forward store design, and the attentive skills and passionate delivery of coffee masters, Starbucks China is to provide all coffee lovers with unprecedented coffee experience.
咖啡体验 coffee experience 查看
例句: 星巴克臻选™中国上市 尊享顶级咖啡体验北京,2014年10月28日——星巴克中国今天宣布顶级咖啡品牌星巴克臻选™正式进入中国市场。 Starbucks to Launch Reserve Coffees in China, Providing Ultra-premium Coffee Experience BEIJING, Oct. 28, 2014 – Starbucks China officially announces its ultra-premium coffee brand Starbucks Reserve enters the Chinese Market.
咖啡品牌 coffee brand 查看
例句: 星巴克臻选™中国上市 尊享顶级咖啡体验北京,2014年10月28日——星巴克中国今天宣布顶级咖啡品牌星巴克臻选™正式进入中国市场。 Starbucks to Launch Reserve Coffees in China, Providing Ultra-premium Coffee Experience BEIJING, Oct. 28, 2014 – Starbucks China officially announces its ultra-premium coffee brand Starbucks Reserve enters the Chinese Market.
带领顾客 leading customers 查看
例句: 从门把手上星巴克臻选™品牌的字样,到专属于星巴克臻选™的商品展示柜,再到为星巴克臻选™特别设计的专属菜单板,每一个细节都向顾客展示咖啡的文化与魅力,一步步带领顾客深入这场精妙绝伦的咖啡体验之旅。 From the brand logo in the door handle, to the featured cube and to the customized menu board, every detail is showcasing coffee culture and charm, leading customers through this fascinating coffee experience step by step.
星巴克中国 Starbucks China 查看
例句: 星巴克臻选™中国上市 尊享顶级咖啡体验北京,2014年10月28日——星巴克中国今天宣布顶级咖啡品牌星巴克臻选™正式进入中国市场。 Starbucks to Launch Reserve Coffees in China, Providing Ultra-premium Coffee Experience BEIJING, Oct. 28, 2014 – Starbucks China officially announces its ultra-premium coffee brand Starbucks Reserve enters the Chinese Market.
全球品牌经理 global brand manager 查看
例句: 据星巴克臻选™全球品牌经理Chris Gimbl介绍,此次在中国推出的首批臻选咖啡共有四款风味,每一款都因其独特的魅力和传奇而成为臻上之选。 The first four Reserve coffees to be launched in China are your best coffee choices because of each of their unique charm and stories, according to Chris Gimbl, global brand manager of Starbucks Reserve™.
新几内亚 New Guinea 查看
例句: 从巴布亚新几内亚遥远的高地到加拉帕戈斯群岛的海岸,星巴克臻选™咖啡来自最有异域风情的地方,且每一颗咖啡豆都是在最新鲜的时候,通过手工采摘的方式获取。 It originates from the most exotic places, from the faraway highland in Papua New Guinea to the coast of Galapagos Islands. Each coffee bean is handpicked at its peak of freshness.
夏威夷卡乌咖啡 Hawaii Ka’u Coffee 查看
例句: 夏威夷卡乌咖啡,种植在莫纳罗亚火山气候温和并拥有大量肥沃土壤的斜坡上,同时融合了天气,土壤和时机等有利因素而成为全球公认的最佳咖啡之一。 Hawaii Ka’u Coffee, with beans cultivated on the temperate slopes of Mauna Loa which abounds in rich volcanic soils, has combined favorable conditions such as weather, soil and timing, and is recognized as one of the best coffees globally.
高品质 high quality 查看
例句: 秉承星巴克始终提供高品质咖啡的承诺,星巴克臻选™将为中国更多的咖啡爱好者带来独一无二的星巴克体验。 , Netherlands, ROK, and Japan. Some Reserve coffees, once launched, are sold out within 24 hours. With Starbucks’ commitment to consistently delivering high quality coffees, Starbucks Reserve will take more coffee lovers in China through unique Starbucks coffee experience.
展示咖啡 showcasing coffee 查看
例句: 从门把手上星巴克臻选™品牌的字样,到专属于星巴克臻选™的商品展示柜,再到为星巴克臻选™特别设计的专属菜单板,每一个细节都向顾客展示咖啡的文化与魅力,一步步带领顾客深入这场精妙绝伦的咖啡体验之旅。 From the brand logo in the door handle, to the featured cube and to the customized menu board, every detail is showcasing coffee culture and charm, leading customers through this fascinating coffee experience step by step.
™中国 chinese market 查看
例句: 星巴克臻选™中国上市 尊享顶级咖啡体验北京,2014年10月28日——星巴克中国今天宣布顶级咖啡品牌星巴克臻选™正式进入中国市场。 Starbucks to Launch Reserve Coffees in China, Providing Ultra-premium Coffee Experience BEIJING, Oct. 28, 2014 – Starbucks China officially announces its ultra-premium coffee brand Starbucks Reserve enters the Chinese Market.