
原文 译文 详情
居民收入 Resident income -
经济下行压力 Economic Downward Pressure -
项目减少 Project reduction -
政府定价 Government pricing -
侧结构性改革 Lateral structural reform -
习近平 Xi Jinping -
利润增长 Profit growth -
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform -
贡献率 Contribution rate -
万众创新 Mass innovation -
收入增长 Income growth -
重塑 Reshaping -
保险覆盖 Insurance coverage -
驱动发展 Drive development -
转移支付 Transfer Payment -
制度改革 System reform -
市场主体 Market subject -
结构性改革 Structural reform -
发展新 Develop new -
货币政策 Monetary policy -
小微企业 Small and micro enterprises -
重点领域 Focus areas -
特色社会主义 Characteristic socialism -
经济运行 Economic operation -
下行压力 Downward pressure -
大众创业 Mass entrepreneurship -
合理区间 Reasonable interval -
科技创新 Scientific and technological innovation -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
养老保险 Endowment insurance -
发展呈现 Development presentation -
新增就业 Create new jobs -
领域改革 Domain reform -
互联网+ Internet plus -
经济增长 Economic growth -
扎实推进 Push forward in a down-to-earth manner -
市场活力 Market vitality -
结构优化 Structure optimization -
传统产业 Traditional industry -
创新驱动 Innovation driven -
行政审批 Administrative examination and approval -
保险制度 Insurance system -
全面推开 Push open in an all-round way -
政府职能 Government function -
经济社会 Economic society -
国内生产 Domestic production -
习近平同志 Comrade Xi Jinping -
城镇新增就业 New jobs in cities and towns -
年均增长 Average annual growth -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in the country -
社会创造力 Social creativity -
持续改善 Continuous improvement -