
原文 译文 详情
创新成果 Innovative achievements -
成果丰硕 Fruitful results -
粮食生产能力 Grain production capacity -
凸显 Highlight -
城乡义务教育 Urban and rural compulsory education -
抽取检查 Extraction check -
重点城市 Key cities -
提出建议 Make suggestions -
财政赤字率 Fiscal deficit ratio -
企业资产 Enterprise assets -
整体创新能力 Overall innovation ability -
人口减少 Population reduction -
核心意识 Core consciousness -
居民收入 Resident income -
系统性风险 Systemic risk -
公司制改革 Corporate system reform -
完善孵化 Perfect incubation -
财政安排 Financial arrangement -
代表国务院 On behalf of the State Council -
中央财政安排 Central financial arrangement -
政府投资 government investment -
登记制度 Registration system -
土壤污染 Soil pollution -
历史性变 Historic change -
行业融合 Industry integration -
消费价格 Consumption price -
审批事项 Examination and approval items -
全面深化改革 Deepen reform in an all-round way -
顺利实施 Smooth implementation -
坚持稳 Hold on steady -
重大变革 Major changes -
五位一体 economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress -
跌宕起伏 Ups and downs -
汇率基本 Exchange rate is basic -
重大现实 Major reality -
历史新高 An all-time high -
检查对象 Check object -
贫困人口 Poor population -
智能制造 Intelligent Manufacturing -
新发展理念 New Development Concept -
宏伟蓝图 Grand blueprint -
经济下行压力 Economic Downward Pressure -
一般性转移 -
互联互通 Interconnection -
高技术产业 High-tech industry -
要素市场 Factor market -
放缓 Slow down -
成为全球 Become a global -
科技成果权 Scientific and technological achievement right -
项目减少 Project reduction -
转变政府职能 Transform the functions of the government -
住房改造 Housing reconstruction -
中央财政 Central finance -
政府性基金 -
政府定价 Government pricing -
收储 -
管理改革 Management reform -
排放量 Emissions -
社会主义伟大 Socialism is great. -
自主创新示范区 Independent innovation demonstration zone -
侧结构性改革 Lateral structural reform -
大中型商业 -
中高速增长 Medium and high speed growth -
改革基本 Basic reform -
压力持续 The pressure persists. -
看齐意识 Aligning consciousness -
产权保护制度 Property rights protection system -
支付规模 Payment scale -
依靠投资 Rely on investment -
深化能源 -
双随机 Double random -
企业养老保险制度 -
一半以上 -
开创性成就 Pioneering achievement -
水平显著 The level is significant -
成为中国 Become China -
习近平 Xi Jinping -
高铁网络 High-speed rail network -
云计算 Cloud Computing -
取得历史性成就 Make historic achievements -
丝路基金 -
特色社会主义思想 The thought of socialism with characteristics -
我国发展进程 The development process of our country -
新兴消费 -
措施增加 -
银行设立 Bank establishment -
生活持续 Life goes on -
中央与地方财政 Central and local finance -
新型经营 -
行政审批事项 Administrative examination and approval items -
创新中心 Innovation center -
保持人民币 Keep RMB -
层次矛盾 -
公共服务 Public services -
适度规模经营 Moderate scale operation -
零售总额 Total retail sales -
着力破除 -
深刻转变 Profound change -
政务服务 Government service -
基金项目 Fund project -
放管结合 Discharge tube combination -
工商登记 Industrial and commercial registration -
出口增长 Export growth -
收入分配格局 -
微观管理 Micro management -
公立医院 Public hospital -
注册资本 -
单一窗口 -
大数据 Big Data -
补短板 -
建立生态 Establish ecology -
回稳向好 Return to stability and turn for the better -
公立医院综合改革 Comprehensive reform of public hospitals -
主动力 Active force -
推动政府 Promote the government -
农业转移人口 Agricultural transfer population -
完善汇率 Improve the exchange rate -
亚投行 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank -
量子通信 Quantum communication -
着力激发 Focus on excitation -
管理制度改革 -
只要经济 -
支持北京 Support Beijing -
利润增长 Profit growth -
重大工程 Major project -
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform -
全面完成 Complete in an all-round way -
机关事业单位 -
深刻改变 Profound change -
载人航天 Manned spaceflight -
社保基金 Social security fund -
加快发展 Speed up development -
行政许可 Administrative license -
养鱼 Fish culture -
审批制度改革 Reform of examination and approval system -
四个全面 the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy -
贡献率 Contribution rate -
保持战略定力 Maintain strategic focus -
发生率 Incidence rate -
社会保障网 Social security net -
情况下 Under the circumstances -
万众创新 Mass innovation -
调结 -
发展举措 -
加成 Addition -
物联网 Internet of Things -
零售额年均 -
全面建成 Fully completed -
收入增长 Income growth -
投资项目 Investment project -
审慎监管 Prudent supervision -
显著提升 Significant improvement -
监管效能 Supervision efficiency -
再贷款 Re-loan -
重塑 Reshaping -
发展促进 -
土地面积 Land area -
显著提高 Significantly improved -
共享经济 sharing economy -
电网改造 Electroweb transformation -
增速放缓 The growth rate is slowing down. -
企业效益 -
重要领域和关键环节 Important areas and key links -
利息负担 Interest burden -
民间投资 Private investment -
跨境电商 Cross-border e-commerce -
先进制造业 Advanced manufacturing industry -
良好局面 Good situation -
人均预期寿命 Average life expectancy -
利率管制 -
农村电网改造 Rural Electroweb transformation -
交易成本 Transaction cost -
网上零售额 -
一带一路 The Belt and Road Initiative -
重点领域和薄弱环节 Key areas and weak links -
综合试验区 -
分配格局 -
保险覆盖 Insurance coverage -
创历史新高 Set an all-time high -
世界经济增长 World economic growth -
协调机制 Coordination mechanism -
着力实现 -
全面发力 All-round development -
世界前列 The forefront of the world -
驱动发展 Drive development -
农村公路 Rural highway -
新旧 New and old -
转移支付 Transfer Payment -
防风险 Risk prevention -
高校科研 Scientific research in colleges and universities -
统一登记 Unified registration -
下降趋势 Downward trend -
制度改革 System reform -
世界经济复苏 World Economic Recovery -
统筹推进 Push forward as a whole -
宏观杠杆率 Macro leverage ratio -
功能区制度 Functional area system -
改革出口退税负担机制 -
改变生产生活方式 Change the way of production and life -
政府债务 Government debt -
三分之一 One third -
效益明显 -
市场主体 Market subject -
高速铁路 -
形成机制 -
前行 Move forward -
专家增加 -
更多领域 More areas -
支出责任 Expenditure responsibility -
李克强 Li Keqiang -
着力推进 -
结构性改革 Structural reform -
加快优化 Speed up optimization -
主要污染物 Main pollutant -
技术创新体系建设 -
负面清单 Negative list -
税收优惠 Tax preference -
十二五 The Twelfth five-year Plan -
党中央团结 Unity of the Party Central Committee -
教育均衡发展 -
报告过去 Report the past. -
发展新 Develop new -
货币政策 Monetary policy -
全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress -
加强宏观调控 Strengthen macro-control -
建设全面 Construction in an all-round way -
国务院总理李克强 Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council -
实施大气 Implement atmosphere -
考试招生 -
小微企业 Small and micro enterprises -
提出意见 Put forward an opinion -
移动宽带网 Mobile broadband network -
绿色发展 Green development -
十九大 19th CPC National Congress -
加快转变政府职能 Speed up the transformation of government functions -
建成小康 Build a well-off society -
发展成果 Development achievements -
养老保险制度 Endowment insurance system -
事权 Administrative power -
发展新动能 Develop new kinetic energy -
五险一金 -
结构出现 Structure appears -
非行政许可审批 Examination and approval of non-administrative license -
平板玻璃 -
重点领域 Focus areas -
重大水利工程 Major water conservancy project -
部门行政审批事项 Items of administrative examination and approval of departments -
创新型企业 -
三次产业 Three industries -
市场监管 Market supervision -
农村危房 Dangerous buildings in rural areas -
人民币 RMB -
现代服务业 Modern service industry -
非公有制经济 Non-public economy -
社会消费品零售总额 Total retail sales of social consumer goods -
特色社会主义 Characteristic socialism -
普惠金融 Inclusive finance -
开放型经济 Open economy -
全国政协委员 Member of the CPPCC National Committee -
依靠改革 -
大飞机 Big plane -
污染物排放量 Pollutant discharge -
国际竞争力 International competitiveness -
结构性问题 -
深远历史 Profound history -
中等收入群体 Middle-income group -
公正性 Fairness -
经济运行 Economic operation -
居民基本 -
结构加快 -
实际使用 Actual use -
技术产业 Technology industry -
棚户区住房改造 Housing reconstruction in shantytowns -
引智力度 -
社会养老保险 Social endowment insurance -
现代化建设 Modernization -
企业投资项目 Enterprise investment project -
均衡发展 Balanced development -
服务业比重 Proportion of service industry -
下行压力 Downward pressure -
直接干预 Direct intervention -
改革试点 Reform pilot project -
大众创业 Mass entrepreneurship -
合理区间 Reasonable interval -
债务管理 Debt management -
地方政府存量债务 Local government stock debt -
重大创新 Major innovation -
经济增长主动力 The main driving force of economic growth -
发生系统 Generating system -
推进农村 Promote rural areas -
创新驱动发展战略 Innovation-driven development strategy -
追究制度 Investigation system -
科技创新 Scientific and technological innovation -
通关 Customs clearance -
药品医疗 Medicine and medical treatment -
发展进程 Development process -
发展动能 Development kinetic energy -
稳中求进工作总基调 The general tone of the work of striving for progress in the midst of stability -
基本医疗保险 Basic medical insurance -
适度扩大 -
污染防治 Pollution prevention and control -
国内生产总值增长 GDP growth -
区间调控 Interval regulation -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
重要农产品 Important agricultural products -
养老保险 Endowment insurance -
承包地 -
中低 Medium and low -
精准调控 Precise regulation -
义务教育均衡发展 -
森林面积 forest coverage -
贫困发生率 Poverty incidence -
砥砺前行 Forge ahead -
价格年均 Average annual price -
加强地方 Strengthen the local area -
金融机构改革 -
政策保持 Policy maintenance -
突出重点 -
国家经济 National economy -
收入年均 Average annual income -
金融监管 Financial supervision -
服务问题 Service problem -
支持政策 Support policy -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
成为经济 Become an economy -
发明专利 -
生产总值能耗 Gross domestic product energy consumption -
举降 -
结构性变革 Structural change -
发展呈现 Development presentation -
我国经济发展 China's economic development -
许可审批 License approval -
积极进展 -
新增就业 Create new jobs -
湖长制 -
铁路运营 -
经济中高速增长 -
大局意识 Overall situation consciousness -
持续健康发展 Sustained and healthy development -
领域改革 Domain reform -
随机抽取检查 Random sampling inspection -
全面改革 Comprehensive reform -
融资规模 Financing scale -
医疗保险制度 -
事后监管 Ex post supervision -
开发性金融机构 -
工业企业资产负债率 -
技术交易 -
地方收入 -
项目落地 Project landing -
研发投入 Research and development investment -
大幅增加 A substantial increase -
目标任务 Target task -
群众办事 Handling affairs by the masses -
改造提升 Transformation and promotion -
互联网+ Internet plus -
国有资本 State-owned capital -
分置 Separation -
预期寿命 Life expectancy -
杠杆率 Leverage ratio -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
自贸试验区 Pilot Free Trade Zone -
中央政府定价项目 Central government pricing project -
我国科技创新 Scientific and technological innovation in China -
改革工商 Reform industry and commerce -
钢铁产能 -
政策效应 Policy effect -
经济复苏乏力 -
主要目标任务 Main objectives and tasks -
经济增长 Economic growth -
一站式服务 One-stop service -
限制性措施 -
扎实推进 Push forward in a down-to-earth manner -
市场活力 Market vitality -
公有制经济 Public ownership economy -
历史地位 Historical position -
改革重要 -
改革发展 Reform and development -
经济增速 Economic growth rate -
存量债务 Stock debt -
水耗 Water consumption -
债务规模 -
各种收费 Various fees and charges -
合作共赢 Win-win cooperation -
职业资格许可 Professional qualification license -
贷款平均 Average loan -
完善城乡 Improve urban and rural areas -
房价 House price -
上海建设科技创新中心 Construction of Science and Technology Innovation Center in Shanghai -
时间缩短 Time shortening -
股权融资 Equity financing -
资本充实 Capital enrichment -
第一次会议 First meeting -
保障网 Safeguard net -
基本稳定 Basically stable -
垂直管理 -
资产负债率 Asset liability ratio -
覆盖全国 Cover the whole country -
社会融资 Social financing -
结构优化 Structure optimization -
移动支付 Mobile payment -
创新能力 Innovation ability -
实施医疗 -
全面建成小康社会 Build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way -
新台阶 New stage -
商事制度 Commercial system -
深海探测 Deep sea exploration -
融入 Integration -
技术制造业 Technological manufacturing industry -
传统产业 Traditional industry -
实施创新 Implement innovation -
完善产权 Improve property rights -
综合改革 Comprehensive reform -
广义货币 Broad money -
沙化土地 Desertified land -
创新驱动 Innovation driven -
消费贡献率 Consumption contribution rate -
相机调控 Camera control -
环境持续 Environmental sustainability -
行政审批 Administrative examination and approval -
政治意识 Political consciousness -
单位国内生产总值能耗 Energy consumption per unit of GDP -
兼并重组 -
生产生活 Production and living -
医疗器械 medical apparatus -
招生制度 Enrollment system -
确权 -
今年工作 Work this year -
较低水平 Lower level -
我国率先 -
旅游人次 Tourist trips -
优化升级 Optimization and upgrade -
创新蓬勃 Innovation is flourishing -
债务置换 Debt swap -
优化服务 Optimize service -
收费项目 -
保险制度 Insurance system -
全面推开 Push open in an all-round way -
适度增长 Moderate growth -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
普惠性支持 -
加快转变 Accelerate the transformation -
激发社会 Inspire society -
创新示范区 Innovation demonstration area -
小康社会 a moderately prosperous society -
规划顺利 The planning is smooth. -
生产总值增长 GDP growth -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
政府职能 Government function -
缴费 Payment -
效应累积 Effect accumulation -
经济社会 Economic society -
国家自主创新示范区 National Independent Innovation demonstration Zone -
金融安全 Financial security -
经济发展新常态 -
时间平均 -
天数减少 Number of days reduced -
国际金融市场 International financial market -
国内生产 Domestic production -
建立存款 -
促进机制 Promotion mechanism -
着力创新 Focus on innovation -
新一轮 A new round -
财政收支 Fiscal revenue and expenditure -
改革完善 Reform and improvement -
加强技术 Strengthen the technology -
居民收入增长 Residents' income growth -
上海建设 Shanghai construction -
大幅减少 Greatly reduced -
跑为主转向 -
保护制度 Protection system -
全面开创 Create in an all-round way -
习近平同志 Comrade Xi Jinping -
趋于稳定 Tend to stabilize -
决定性进展 Decisive progress -
引领经济发展新常态 -
深层次矛盾 Deep-seated contradiction -
各位代表 fellow deputies -
企业养老保险 Enterprise endowment insurance -
十三五 Thirteen five-year Plan -
优化投资结构 Optimize the investment structure -
重大政策 Major policy -
创新体系 Innovation system -
根本性变革 Fundamental change -
简政放权 streamline administration and institute decentralization -
差别化政策 Differential policy -
环保机构 Environmental protection organization -
责任追究制度 Accountability system -
定向调控 Directional regulation -
鼓励民间 -
投资结构 Investment structure -
城镇化率 Urbanization rate -
市场准入 Market access -
面积超过 -
政府工作报告 Government work report -
宽带网 Broadband network -
落后产能 -
出口退税 Export tax rebate -
行动纲领 Programme of action -
着力培育 Focus on cultivation -
城镇新增就业 New jobs in cities and towns -
全面深化 Deepen in an all-round way -
年均增长 Average annual growth -
总理李克强 Premier Li Keqiang -
阶段性降低 -
高速增长 Rapid growth -
制度性交易 Institutional transaction -
发展动力 Development motive force -
国务院部门 The department of the State Council -
各类市场 All kinds of markets -
工作回顾 Work review -
专项转移支付 -
定向降准 Directional reserve reduction -
监管协调机制 -
地方政府定价项目 Local government pricing project -
一般性转移支付 General transfer payment -
基本面 Fundamentals -
突破性进展 Breakthrough progress -
建设成效 Construction effect -
建立统一 -
工作总基调 General tone of work -
历史性成就 Historic achievement -
全面推行 -
新型研发 New research and development -
世界经济比重 Proportion of world economy -
人民币汇率 RMB exchange rate -
新模式 New Model -
关键环节改革 Key link reform -
重大步伐 Significant steps -
环境状况 Environmental condition -
低收入者 -
改革全面 Comprehensive reform -
主体功能区 Main functional area -
总额年均 -
企业开办 Enterprise start-up -
服务业改革 -
异常波动 Abnormal fluctuation -
易地扶贫 Change of land to help the poor -
中国制造 Made in China -
资金投向 Capital investment -
营改增 -
深化科技 Deepen science and technology -
环境改善 -
医保 Medical insurance -
决策部署 Decision deployment -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
居民消费价格 Consumer price -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation -
存款保险制度 Deposit insurance system -
国内外形势 Domestic and foreign situation -
建设科技创新中心 Build a scientific and technological innovation center -
市场秩序 -
商品住宅 -
营商环境 Business environment -
创新创业 Innovation and entrepreneurship -
推进工业 Promote industry -
基金方案 -
普惠金融事业部 -
状况逐步 The situation is gradual. -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in the country -
公路里程 Highway mileage -
加快新旧 -
环节改革 Link reform -
社会创造力 Social creativity -
发展理念 Development Concept -
体系建设 System construction -
提质增效 Improve quality and increase efficiency -
药品加成 Drug addition -
创新发展 Innovation and development -
持续改善 Continuous improvement -
体制机制弊端 -
改革考试 -
充分就业 Full employment -
企业利润 Enterprise profit -