
原文 译文 详情
扣除政策 deduction -
传统产业 traditional industries 查看
例句: 传统产业数字化智能化改造加快,新兴产业保持良好发展势头。 Digital and smart technologies were adopted in traditional industries at a faster rate, and emerging industries maintained good momentum for development.
重大科技 major science and technology 查看
例句: 加强国家实验室建设,推进重大科技项目实施。 改革完善中央财政科研经费管理,提高间接费用比例,扩大科研自主权。 We boosted the development of national laboratories and promoted implementation of major science and technology programs. We reformed and refined the management of central government funding for scientific and technological research, increased the proportion of indirect expenses for research projects, and gave institutes more decision-making power over their research.
发展势头 momentum for developmen -
自主权 decision-making power -
重点产业 key industries 查看
例句: 开展重点产业强链补链行动。 Weak links in the industrial chains of key industries were reinforced and upgraded.
供应链 supply chain 查看
例句: 四是强化创新引领,稳定产业链供应链。 4. We promoted innovation-driven development and stabilized industrial and supply chains.
财政科研经费管理 management of central government funding -
创新引领 innovation-driven development -