广州期货交易所 |
Guangzhou Futures Exchange |
例句: 深交所创业板注册制、广州期货交易所等重大改革落地实施。
Such major reforms as the GEM (growth enterprises market) registration system at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the launch of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange were implemented.
支配收入 |
disposable income |
例句: 居民人均可支配收入4.1万元、年均增长8%。
The per capita disposable income reached 41,000 yuan, an annual increase of 8% on average.
实际利用外资 |
actual use of foreign investment |
例句: 固定资产投资、社会消费品零售总额均突破4万亿元,进出口总额突破7万亿元,5年累计实际利用外资7277亿元。
Fixed assets investment and the total retail sales of consumer goods both exceeded four trillion yuan. The total amount of imports and exports exceeded seven trillion yuan. The aggregate actual use of foreign investment over the past five years stood at 727.
示范区 |
demonstration area |
例句: 粤港澳大湾区国家重大战略全面实施,深圳先行示范区开局良好。
The full implementation of the key national strategy to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the encouraging beginning of Shenzhen’s endeavor to build a Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
“十三五”规划 |
the 13th Five-Year Plan |
社会主义现代化 |
socialist modernization |
例句: 我们牢记嘱托、感恩奋进,全面贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,按照省委工作要求,在省人大及其常委会、省政协的监督支持下,坚定不移贯彻新发展理念,认真落实“1+1+9”工作部署,决胜全面建成小康社会取得决定性成就,“十三五”规划主要目标任务顺利完成,高质量发展迈出坚实步伐,为开启全面建设社会主义现代化新征程奠定坚实基础。
With his words in mind and a grateful heart, we comprehensively implemented major policies and plans issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council. Following the work requirements of the CPC Guangdong Committee, with the oversight of and the support from the Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, its Standing Committee, and the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, we steadfastly applied the new development philosophy, implemented the “1+1+9” work plan, and achieved decisive results in building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. The major objectives of the 13th Five-Year Plan have been met, firm steps in high-quality development made, and solid groundwork for the new march towards socialist modernization in all aspects laid.
现代服务业 |
modern service |
例句: 一二三产业比重调整为4.3:39.2:56.5,先进制造业、高技术制造业增加值占规上工业比重分别达56.1%、31.1%,现代服务业增加值占服务业比重达64.7%。
The added value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing accounted for 56. 1% and 31. 1% respectively in the industry above designated size, the added value of modern service made up 64.
创新创业 |
innovation and entrepreneurship |
例句: 大力推动规则衔接、机制对接,实施境外高端紧缺人才个人所得税优惠、科研资金跨境使用、与港澳共建青年创新创业基地等政策措施,“湾区通”工程取得明显成效。
We vigorously promoted the alignment of rules, regulations and mechanisms across the GBA. We adopted such measures as introducing preferential income tax policies for overseas high-quality talents and talents in urgent demand, approving cross-border use of R& D funds and developing youth innovation and entrepreneurship bases with Hong Kong and Macao.
年均增长 |
annual growth |
例句: 全省地区生产总值2015年为7.5万亿元,2020年超过11万亿元,年均增长6%,总量连续32年位居全国第一。
Guangdong’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew from 7. 5 trillion yuan in 2015 to over 11 trillion yuan in 2020, representing an annual growth of 6%. The volume of Guangdong’s economy had been the highest in Chinese Mainland for 32 consecutive years.
科技创新 |
the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridor |
例句: 国际科技创新中心建设进展顺利,广深港澳科技创新走廊加快形成,光明科学城、松山湖科学城综合性国家科学中心先行启动区建设稳步推进。
The International Scientific and Technological Innovation center was developed smoothly; the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridor took shape at a faster pace; the construction of Guangming Science City and Songshan Lake Science City, the main parts of the pilot zone of the Comprehensive National Science Center in the GBA, was steadily advanced.
新注册港资 |
newly registered |
例句: 广州南沙、深圳前海、珠海横琴等重大合作平台加快建设,新注册港资企业1.3万家、澳资企业3280家。
The construction of major platforms, including Nansha of Guangzhou, Qianhai of Shenzhen and Hengqin of Zhuhai was accelerated, with a total of 13,000 Hong Kong companies and 3,280 Macao companies newly registered.
增加值 |
added value |
例句: 一二三产业比重调整为4.3:39.2:56.5,先进制造业、高技术制造业增加值占规上工业比重分别达56.1%、31.1%,现代服务业增加值占服务业比重达64.7%。
The added value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing accounted for 56. 1% and 31. 1% respectively in the industry above designated size, the added value of modern service made up 64.
of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing accounted for 56. 1% and 31. 1% respectively in the industry above designated size, the added value of modern service made up 64.
固定资产投资 |
assets investment |
例句: 固定资产投资、社会消费品零售总额均突破4万亿元,进出口总额突破7万亿元,5年累计实际利用外资7277亿元。
Fixed assets investment and the total retail sales of consumer goods both exceeded four trillion yuan. The total amount of imports and exports exceeded seven trillion yuan. The aggregate actual use of foreign investment over the past five years stood at 727.
先进制造业 |
advanced manufacturing |
例句: 一二三产业比重调整为4.3:39.2:56.5,先进制造业、高技术制造业增加值占规上工业比重分别达56.1%、31.1%,现代服务业增加值占服务业比重达64.7%。
The added value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing accounted for 56. 1% and 31. 1% respectively in the industry above designated size, the added value of modern service made up 64.