
原文 译文 详情
术语原文 术语译文 -
成为世界 Become the world -
国际人权交流 International human rights exchanges -
消除贫困 Eliminate poverty -
经济体 Economies -
写进 Write into -
核心人权 Core human rights -
建设性交流 Constructive communication -
国际人权公约 International human rights covenants -
人权事业 Human rights cause -
显著提升 Significant improvement -
第二大 The second largest -
人均预期寿命 Average life expectancy -
人均GDP Per capita GDP -
交流合作 Exchange and cooperation -
发展权 Right to development -
保障公民 Protect citizens -
国际人权 International human rights -
政策体系 Policy system -
保障人权 Safeguard human rights -
人民安居乐业 People live and work in peace and contentment -
人权对话 Dialogue on human rights -
预期寿命 Life expectancy -
生存权 The right to exist -
社会和谐 Social harmony -
文化权利 Cultural rights -
人权公约 Human rights convention -
建立起 Establish -
尊重和保障人权 Respect and guarantee of human rights -
大经济体 Large economy -
履行国际 Fulfill the international -
同联合国 With the United Nations -