原文 译文 详情
重大改革 Major reform -
炒货食品 Fried food -
排放量 Emissions -
侧结构性改革 Lateral structural reform -
关系协定 Relationship agreement -
伙伴关系 Partnership -
居民人均可支配收入 Per capita disposable income of residents -
坚果制品 Nut products -
平均浓度 Average Concentration -
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform -
及其他 And others -
占有率 Occupancy rate -
加工企业 Processing enterprise -
小作坊 Small workshop -
重要领域和关键环节 Important areas and key links -
一带一路 The Belt and Road Initiative -
经济伙伴关系协定 Economic partnership agreement -
市场主体 Market subject -
粮食加工 Grain processing -
结构性改革 Structural reform -
主要污染物 Main pollutant -
人民生活水平 People's living standard -
加工工艺 Processing technology -
稳步提高 Steady improvement -
浓度下降 Concentration decrease -
继续下降 Continue to decline -
城市细颗粒物 Urban fine particulate matter -
污染物排放量 Pollutant discharge -
实际使用 Actual use -
基本医疗 Basic medical treatment -
污染防治 Pollution prevention and control -
调味品 Condiments -
全面经济 Overall economy -
加工品 Processed product -
新进展 New development -
产品市场 Product market -
社会救助 Social assistance -
生产加工 Production and processing -
区域全面经济伙伴关系 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership -
教育改革发展 Educational reform and development -
人均可支配收入 Per capita disposable income -
改革举措 Reform measures -
生态环境质量 Ecological environment quality -
环境质量 Environmental quality -
焙烤 Baking -
关键环节 Key link -
水果制品 Fruit products -
改革发展 Reform and development -
货物进出 Goods in and out -
淀粉制品 Starch products -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
特殊膳食 Special diet -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
小企业 Small business -
进出口总额 total imports and exports -
推动区域 Push area -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
水平稳步 Steady level -
可支配收入 Disposable income -
支配收入 Disposable income -
总额增长 Total growth -
收入实际 Actual income -
第一批 First batch -
市场占有率 Market share -
细颗粒物 Fine particles -
总量超过 The total amount exceeds -
明显改善 Obvious improvement -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation -
出口总额 Total export volume -
食品生产 Food production -
改革深入 In-depth reform -