原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
安土重迁 | Attached to the Land and Unwilling to Move | - |
霸道 | Despotic Governance Despotic Governance | - |
边塞诗 | Frontier Poetry | - |
悲慨 | Depressed and Enraged | - |
本末 | Ben and Mo (The Fundamental and the Incidental) | - |
八卦 | Eight Trigrams | - |
本无 | Benwu(Original Non-being) | - |
边塞诗 | Frontier Poetry | - |
北曲 | Northern Opera | - |
安民 | Give Peace and Comfort to the People | - |
爱类 | Loving One’s Own Kind | - |
安居乐业 | Live in Peace and Work in Contentment | - |
爱人以德 | Love the People in Accordance with Rules of Moral Conduct | - |
安时处顺 | Face Reality Calmly | - |
百戏 | Baixi (All Performing Arts) | - |
悲悯 | Mercy and Compassion | - |