
原文 译文 详情
方圆 Squareness and Roundness -
化干戈为玉帛 Turn War into Peace -
和而不同 Harmony but Not Uniformity -
居安思危 Be on Alert Against Potential Danger When Living in Peace -
集思广益 Pool Wisdom of the People -
文心雕龙 Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind -
老子 Laozi (Tao Te Ching) -
孝恕忠信 filial piety and faithfulness -
修齐治平 cultivating Qi Zhi Ping -
内省慎独 introspection and self-discipline -
以孝为本 filial piety-based -
四书 Four Books -
孝经 The Classic of Filial Piety -
黄帝内经 Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine  -
孟子 Mencius -