清明 |
The Qingming Festival |
例句: 中华民族四大传统节日(春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节)之一。 |
It is one of the four major traditional festivals, namely, the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-autumn Festival, that are celebrated by the Chinese. |
爱民者强 |
Power Comes from Caring for the People. |
例句: 爱护百姓的国家才真正强大。 |
A state which takes good care of its people is one with true power. |
国泰民安 |
Stable Country and Peaceful People |
例句: 国家太平无事,人民安居乐业。与“天下太平”等近义 |
When a country is at peace, its people enjoy a happy life. |
春节 |
Spring Festival |
例句: 中华民族及海外华人最重要的传统节日 |
This is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese nation and overseas Chinese. |
二人同心,其利断金 |
If Two People Are of the Same Mind, Their Combined Strength Can Break Metal. |
例句: 两人同心 , 其力量犹如利刃可以斩断金属。 |
When two people are of the same mind, their combined strength is like a sharp blade which can cut through metal. |
爱民 |
Love the People |
例句: 仁爱民众;爱护百姓。 |
This term means to love and care for the common people. |
政通人和 |
Good Governance and Harmonious People |
例句: 政事通达,人民和顺。 |
This refers to efficient governance and harmonious people. |
安居乐业 |
Live in Peace and Work in Contentment |
例句: 安定地生活, 愉快地工作。 |
ive a stable life and work happily. |
众志成城 |
Unity Is Strength. |
例句: 本谓“众心成城”,意思是大家同心协力,就会像城墙一样坚固。 |
Literally, this term means “united, we’ll be as solid as a fortress.” |
民心 |
Will of the People |
例句: 民众的共同心愿。 |
This term refers to the evaluative judgment or view of the people in a country or region, on an issue, phenomenon or incident which touches on their common interest and which has broad societal meaning. |
民惟邦本 |
People Are the Foundation of the State |
例句: 指民众是国家的根本或基础。 |
This term means that the people are the essence of the state or the foundation upon which it stands. |
载舟覆舟 |
Carry or Overturn the Boat / Make or Break |
例句: 水既能载船航行,也能使船倾覆。 |
Water can carry a boat, but can also overturn it. |
国无怨民曰强国 |
A Country with No Resentful People Is Called a Strong Country. |
例句: 国内没有对政权心怀怨恨的民众,这样的国才叫作强国。这是法家关于“强国”的界说。 |
If a country has no people harboring resentment against those in power, it is a country that can be called a strong country. |
得人者兴,失人者崩 |
He Who Obtains the Support of the People Will Rise; He Who Loses theSupport of the People Will Come to Ruin. |
例句: 得到人心或人才就会兴旺,失去人心或人才就会衰亡。“人”指民心、人心,也指人才。 |
The term means that those who win the hearts of the people or get the service of the talented will rise while those who lose the hearts of the people or fail to get the talented people will perish. Ren (人) stands for people’s hearts as well as people’s talents. |
天时地利人和 |
Opportune Time, Geographic Advantage, and Unity of the People |
例句: 天时”本指作战时的有利气候,泛指时间上的各种有利条件,包括天气、时机、机遇等;“地利”本指作战时的有利地形,泛指空间上的各种有利条件,包括地形、地势、区位等; |
“Opportune time,” which originally referred to the favorable weather at the time of war, now generally refers to various temporal advantages, including weather, timing, opportunity, and so on. |