中药 20G203

原文 译文 详情
胆汁 bile -
寸口诊法 Cunkou Diagnostic Method -
仓廪之管 Granary Officer -
调理阴阳 Regulating Yin and Yang -
肺主宣发 The Lung Governs Dispersion -
肺朝百脉 All Meridians and Vessels Converge in the Lung. -
大肠 Large Intestine -
辨证论治 Pattern Differentiation and Treatment -
补母泻子 Tonifying Mother Organ and Reducing Child Organ -
肺主肃降 The Lung Governs Depuration and Descent. -
肺主气 The Lung Governs Qi. -
Gallbladder -
肺主治节 The Lung Governs Management and Regulation -
肺主通调水道 The Lung Governs Regulation of Water Passage -
传道之官 Transportation Officer -