原文 译文 详情
promptly apply 迅速申请 -
sick child 生病的孩子 -
pressing illnesses 急性病 -
case of accidents 意外个案 -
amply repaid 足额偿还 -
rising generation 崛起的一代 -
banish injurious practices 驱逐有害的做法 -
strictly adhering 严格坚持 -
their more pressing illnesses 他们更紧迫的疾病 -
medical man's task 医务人员的任务 -
clearest manner 最清晰的态度 -
simplest language 最简单的语言 -
approaching danger 接近危险 -
more pressing illnesses 更紧迫的疾病 -
prevent disease 预防疾病 -
medical aid 医疗救助 -
subjects appertaining 与之相关的主题 -
employment of remedies 补救办法的运用 -
dispelling errors 消除错误 -
care of children 照顾儿童 -
the immediate employment 眼前的就业 -
medical assistance 医疗援助 -
the pleasing satisfaction 令人愉悦的满足感 -