
原文 译文 详情
caste widely 種姓廣泛 -
idea of princesses 關於公主的想法 -
web of alliances 聯盟之網 -
its three sessions 它的三個會議 -
dwindling stock 不斷減少的庫存 -
upwardly mobile 向上移動 -
chief minister 首席部長 -
wa- terrushing round 急匆匆地轉了一圈 -
includes traces 包括痕跡 -
campaign wizard 活動向導 -
imposed restricted 強加的限制 -
Such smear tactics 這樣的誹謗策略 -
busy finding 忙於尋找 -
a far higher caste thatincludes -
occupying American forces -
long-suffering emperor -
defender of Muslims 穆斯林的捍衛者 -
frustrated traders -
over two millennia 兩千多年來 -
Bangladesh's only begum 孟加拉國唯一的貝古姆 -
recent book -
national parliament 國民議會 -
earlier this month -
survived prostate cancer 前列腺癌倖存者 -
tribal communities -
runs strong -
supporters circulated 支持者們四處流傳 -
caste widely 種姓廣泛 -
businesses badly -
idea of princesses 關於公主的想法 -
restricted archaeologists 受限制的考古學家 -
sons of princesses -
web of alliances 聯盟之網 -
long polling experience 長時間的投票體驗 -
its three sessions 它的三個會議 -
liberal views 自由主義觀點 -
dwindling stock 不斷減少的庫存 -
opinion polls -
upwardly mobile 向上移動 -
current era 當今時代 -
chief minister 首席部長 -
political defender 政治捍衛者 -
wa- terrushing round 急匆匆地轉了一圈 -
identity politics 身分政治 -
smear tactics 抹黑戰術 -
includes traces 包括痕跡 -
imperial sexism -
campaign wizard 活動向導 -
huge material contradictions 巨大的物質矛盾 -
imposed restricted 強加的限制 -
more state benefits 更多國家福利 -
Such smear tactics 這樣的誹謗策略 -
frequent public appearances 頻繁公開露面 -
busy finding 忙於尋找 -
solid base 實心基座 -
a far higher caste thatincludes 一個更高的種姓,包括 -
twice the height 身高的兩倍 -
poll earlier -
occupying American forces 佔領美國軍隊 -
complex sales tax -
long-suffering emperor -
state of Narendra -
defender of Muslims 穆斯林的捍衛者 -
private inquiry -
frustrated traders 受挫的交易員 -
Commission of India -
over two millennia 兩千多年來 -
law previously -
major vote 主要票數 -
Bangladesh's only begum -
much-vaunted foreign investment -
recent book 新書 -
accumulation of grievances 積怨纍纍 -
national parliament 國民議會 -
a staggered election 參差不齊的選舉 -
earlier this month 本月早些時候 -
purely symbolic role 純粹的象徵性角色 -
survived prostate cancer -
leader of Gujarat -
tribal communities 部落社區 -
multiple reasons -
outgoing government 卸任政府 -
runs strong 運行強勁 -
daily analysis 日常分析 -
supporters circulated 支持者們四處流傳 -
caste widely 種姓廣泛 -
sectarian differences 宗派分歧 -
idea of princesses 關於公主的想法 -
businesses badly 生意不景氣 -
over a year 一年多 -
web of alliances 聯盟之網 -
restricted archaeologists 受限制的考古學家 -
sudden slump 突然暴跌 -
its three sessions 它的三個會議 -
law allowing 法律允許 -
sons of princesses 公主之子 -
dwindling stock 不斷減少的庫存 -
first three grandchildren 前三個孫子孫女 -
long polling experience 長時間的投票體驗 -
upwardly mobile 向上移動 -
business-friendly development 有利營商的發展 -
liberal views 自由主義觀點 -
chief minister -
foreign trips -
wa- terrushing round 急匆匆地轉了一圈 -
opinion polls 民意調查 -
Mr Me- vani 梅瓦尼先生 -
includes traces 包括痕跡 -
current era -
crushing victory 壓倒性的勝利 -
campaign wizard 活動向導 -
political defender 政治捍衛者 -
heart surgery 心臟外科 -
imposed restricted -
identity politics -
a new state legislature 新的州立法機構 -
Such smear tactics 這樣的誹謗策略 -
pure Japanese stock 純日本股票 -
smear tactics 抹黑戰術 -
busy finding 忙於尋找 -
modest origins 樸素的出身 -
imperial sexism 帝國性別歧視 -
a far higher caste thatincludes 一個更高的種姓,包括 -
at least the long-suffering emperor -
huge material contradictions 巨大的物質矛盾 -
occupying American forces 佔領美國軍隊 -
paternal rule -
long-suffering emperor -
more state benefits 更多國家福利 -
the imperial mystique -
defender of Muslims 穆斯林的捍衛者 -
frequent public appearances 頻繁公開露面 -
the rights ofPatidars -
frustrated traders -
most populous state -
solid base 實心基座 -
over two millennia 兩千多年來 -
cleverly ruthless -
twice the height 身高的兩倍 -
Bangladesh's only begum -
the Muslim minority 穆斯林少數民族 -
poll earlier 早些時候的民意調查 -
recent book 新書 -
Korean and Chinese ancestry -
complex sales tax -
national parliament 國民議會 -
understandable request -
earlier this month 本月早些時候 -
state of Narendra -
independence leader 獨立領袖 -
survived prostate cancer -
past five years 過去五年 -
private inquiry 私人查訊 -
tribal communities -
home turf 主場 -
Commission of India -
runs strong 運行強勁 -
world war 第二次世界大戰 -
law previously 以前的法律 -
supporters circulated 支持者們四處流傳 -
hook voters 吸引選民 -
major vote 主要票數 -
businesses badly -
the election commission 選舉委員會 -
much-vaunted foreign investment 大肆吹噓的外國投資 -
restricted archaeologists 受限制的考古學家 -
Yakushiji of Toyo -
sons of princesses 公主之子 -
accumulation of grievances -
formula forbuilding 建築配方 -
long polling experience 長時間的投票體驗 -
extra month 額外的一個月 -
a staggered election -
liberal views 自由主義觀點 -
Gujarat Legislative Assembly -
purely symbolic role -
greatly expanding 大大擴張 -
opinion polls -
leader of Gujarat -
colonial rulers 殖民統治者 -
current era 當今時代 -
multiple reasons 多重原因 -
first two reforms 前兩項改革 -
political defender 政治捍衛者 -
outgoing government 卸任政府 -
remain patrilineal 保持父系血統 -
identity politics 身分政治 -
national power 國力 -
smear tactics 抹黑戰術 -
daily analysis -
charismatic local leaders 富有魅力的地方領導人 -
imperial sexism -
sectarian differences 宗派分歧 -
learnt divide 習得分水嶺 -
huge material contradictions 巨大的物質矛盾 -
over a year 一年多 -
His frequent public appearances 他頻繁的公開露面 -
more state benefits 更多國家福利 -
sudden slump -
caste thatincludes 種姓制度,包括 -
frequent public appearances 頻繁公開露面 -
law allowing 法律允許 -
request public -
solid base 實心基座 -
first three grandchildren 前三個孫子孫女 -
recent rally 最近的反彈 -
twice the height 身高的兩倍 -
names of Mr MR先生的姓名 -
poll earlier 早些時候的民意調查 -
business-friendly development -
careful web 細心織網 -
complex sales tax 復合型加值稅 -
foreign trips -
Bharatiya Janata Party -
state of Narendra -
Mr Me- vani 梅瓦尼先生 -
winning formula 中獎公式 -
private inquiry 私人查訊 -
crushing victory 壓倒性的勝利 -
Commission of India -
pool ofpotential heirs 潛在繼承人人才庫 -
heart surgery 心臟外科 -
law previously 以前的法律 -
an unlikely coalition -
a new state legislature 新的州立法機構 -
major vote 主要票數 -
business of state 國家事務 -
much-vaunted foreign investment -
recent times -
pure Japanese stock -
accumulation of grievances -
earlier times 更早的時候 -
modest origins 樸素的出身 -
a staggered election 參差不齊的選舉 -
wobbly collection 搖擺不定的集合 -
at least the long-suffering emperor 至少長期受苦受難的天皇 -
purely symbolic role -
caste lines 種姓界限 -
paternal rule -
leader of Gujarat -
communal lines 公共線路 -
the imperial mystique 皇室神祕感 -
multiple reasons 多重原因 -
second world war 第二次世界大戰 -
outgoing government 卸任政府 -
the rights ofPatidars -
the Hindu majority 佔多數的印度教教徒 -
daily analysis -
bigger resources 更大的資源 -
most populous state 人口最多的州 -
sectarian differences 宗派分歧 -
unusual step -
cleverly ruthless 巧妙地無情 -
over a year -
public broadcaster 公共廣播公司 -
the Muslim minority 穆斯林少數民族 -
sudden slump 突然暴跌 -
Indian National Congress 印度國大黨 -
Korean and Chinese ancestry 朝鮮人和中國人的血統 -
law allowing 法律允許 -
exploitation of class 剝削階級 -
understandable request -
first three grandchildren 前三個孫子孫女 -
male grandson -
exploiting resentment -
business-friendly development 有利營商的發展 -
independence leader 獨立領袖 -
Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies 發展中社會研究中心 -
foreign trips -
past five years 過去五年 -
Earlier this year 今年早些時候 -
Mr Me- vani 梅瓦尼先生 -
home turf 主場 -
clumsy imposition 笨拙的強加 -
crushing victory -
world war 第二次世界大戰 -
lack of enthusiasm 缺乏熱情 -
heart surgery 心臟外科 -
hook voters 吸引選民 -
polling experience -
a new state legislature 新的州立法機構 -
emperor rules 皇帝的統治 -
the election commission 選舉委員會 -
pure Japanese stock -
incongruous caste coalition 不協調的種姓聯盟 -
caste widely 種姓廣泛 -
modest origins 樸素的出身 -
Yakushiji of Toyo 東洋的雅庫士地 -
local leaders 地方領導 -
idea of princesses 關於公主的想法 -
at least the long-suffering emperor 至少長期受苦受難的天皇 -
formula forbuilding 建築配方 -
bjp won 人民黨贏了 -
web of alliances 聯盟之網 -
paternal rule -
extra month 額外的一個月 -
video message aired -
its three sessions 它的三個會議 -
the imperial mystique 皇室神祕感 -
Gujarat Legislative Assembly 古吉拉特邦立法議會 -
divide people 分裂人民 -
dwindling stock 不斷減少的庫存 -
the rights ofPatidars -
greatly expanding -
love daigou 愛代購 -
upwardly mobile 向上移動 -
most populous state 人口最多的州 -
other royal reforms -
colonial rulers 殖民統治者 -
chief minister 首席部長 -
cleverly ruthless -
Election Commission of India -
first two reforms 前兩項改革 -
wa- terrushing round 急匆匆地轉了一圈 -
the Muslim minority 穆斯林少數民族 -
exclusionary image -
includes traces 包括痕跡 -
Korean and Chinese ancestry 朝鮮人和中國人的血統 -
remain patrilineal 保持父系血統 -
bjp held 人民黨保持不變 -
understandable request 可以理解的請求 -
campaign wizard 活動向導 -
national power 國力 -
manifest lack -
independence leader 獨立領袖 -
imposed restricted -
charismatic local leaders -
imperial family 皇室 -
past five years 過去五年 -
Such smear tactics 這樣的誹謗策略 -
obvious reforms 顯而易見的改革 -
learnt divide 習得分水嶺 -
home turf 主場 -
busy finding 忙於尋找 -
increasingly lacklustre hereditary leadership -
His frequent public appearances 他頻繁的公開露面 -
world war 第二次世界大戰 -
a far higher caste thatincludes 一個更高的種姓,包括 -
rulingBharatiya Janata Party 執政的印度人民黨 -
caste thatincludes 種姓制度,包括 -
hook voters 吸引選民 -
occupying American forces -
endangered Philippine jeepney 瀕危的菲律賓吉普尼 -
the election commission 選舉委員會 -
request public 請求公共 -
long-suffering emperor 長期受苦受難的皇帝 -
lower-ranked castes 等級較低的種姓 -
Yakushiji of Toyo 東洋的雅庫士地 -
recent rally 最近的反彈 -
defender of Muslims 穆斯林的捍衛者 -
deputy chair -
formula forbuilding 建築配方 -
frustrated traders -
names of Mr MR先生的姓名 -
the Japanese calendar 日本曆法 -
extra month 額外的一個月 -
over two millennia 兩千多年來 -
careful web 細心織網 -
based partly 部分基於 -
Gujarat Legislative Assembly 古吉拉特邦立法議會 -
Bangladesh's only begum -
Bharatiya Janata Party 印度人民黨 -
even the second idea -
greatly expanding -
recent book 新書 -
previous emperors 歷代帝王 -
winning formula 中獎公式 -
colonial rulers 殖民統治者 -
national parliament -
son of Naruhito 德仁之子 -
pool ofpotential heirs 潛在繼承人人才庫 -
first two reforms 前兩項改革 -
earlier this month -
advisory panel -
remain patrilineal 保持父系血統 -
an unlikely coalition 一個不太可能的聯盟 -
survived prostate cancer 前列腺癌倖存者 -
simply ignoring -
national power 國力 -
tribal communities 部落社區 -
business of state 國家事務 -
tweet suggesting 推特建議 -
charismatic local leaders 富有魅力的地方領導人 -
runs strong 運行強勁 -
recent times 《新近時報》 -
woolly resolution 模糊解析 -
learnt divide 習得分水嶺 -
supporters circulated 支持者們四處流傳 -
earlier times 更早的時候 -
sun goddess 太陽女神 -
His frequent public appearances 他頻繁的公開露面 -
businesses badly 生意不景氣 -
unhappy castes 不快樂的種姓 -
wobbly collection 搖擺不定的集合 -
caste thatincludes 種姓制度,包括 -
restricted archaeologists 受限制的考古學家 -
acronym derived 首字母縮略語派生而來 -
caste lines -
request public 請求公共 -
sons of princesses -
wartime past -
communal lines -
recent rally 最近的反彈 -
long polling experience 長時間的投票體驗 -
star attraction -
caste widely 種姓廣泛 -
names of Mr MR先生的姓名 -
liberal views 自由主義觀點 -
second world war -
prime minister 總理 -
idea of princesses 關於公主的想法 -
careful web 細心織網 -
opinion polls 民意調查 -
the Hindu majority 佔多數的印度教教徒 -
bjp stood 人民黨站了起來 -
web of alliances 聯盟之網 -
Bharatiya Janata Party -
current era 當今時代 -
bigger resources 更大的資源 -
winning streak -
its three sessions 它的三個會議 -
winning formula 中獎公式 -
political defender 政治捍衛者 -
unusual step -
high-value currency notes 高面值紙幣 -
dwindling stock 不斷減少的庫存 -
pool ofpotential heirs 潛在繼承人人才庫 -
identity politics 身分政治 -
ruling party's formula -
public broadcaster -
upwardly mobile 向上移動 -
an unlikely coalition -
smear tactics 抹黑戰術 -
princesses remaining -
chief minister -
Indian National Congress 印度國大黨 -
business of state 國家事務 -
imperial sexism 帝國性別歧視 -
official political donations 官方政治捐款 -
wa- terrushing round 急匆匆地轉了一圈 -
recent times -
huge material contradictions 巨大的物質矛盾 -
exploitation of class 剝削階級 -
official duties -
includes traces 包括痕跡 -
earlier times 更早的時候 -
more state benefits 更多國家福利 -
male grandson -
message or solid base -
campaign wizard 活動向導 -
wobbly collection 搖擺不定的集合 -
frequent public appearances 頻繁公開露面 -
exploiting resentment -
sudden ban 突然禁令 -
imposed restricted -
caste lines -
solid base 實心基座 -
jobs remain scarce -
Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies -
Such smear tactics 這樣的誹謗策略 -
communal lines 公共線路 -
twice the height 身高的兩倍 -
outspoken leader 直言不諱的領導者 -
Earlier this year 今年早些時候 -
busy finding 忙於尋找 -
poll earlier 早些時候的民意調查 -
second world war 第二次世界大戰 -
royal tombs -
a far higher caste thatincludes 一個更高的種姓,包括 -
the Hindu majority 佔多數的印度教教徒 -
complex sales tax 復合型加值稅 -
clumsy imposition -
marry commoners 嫁給普通人 -
occupying American forces -
bigger resources 更大的資源 -
state of Narendra 納倫德拉州 -
lack of enthusiasm 缺乏熱情 -
far bigger resources 更大的資源 -
long-suffering emperor 長期受苦受難的皇帝 -
private inquiry -
unusual step -
polling experience -
royal reforms -
defender of Muslims 穆斯林的捍衛者 -
Commission of India 印度委員會 -
public broadcaster 公共廣播公司 -
emperor rules 皇帝的統治 -
frustrated traders -
Indian National Congress 印度國大黨 -
law previously -
incongruous caste coalition 不協調的種姓聯盟 -
over two millennia -
major vote 主要票數 -
exploitation of class 剝削階級 -
local leaders 地方領導 -
Bangladesh's only begum -
much-vaunted foreign investment -
male grandson 男孫 -
bjp won 人民黨贏了 -
recent book 新書 -
accumulation of grievances 積怨纍纍 -
exploiting resentment -
national parliament 國民議會 -
a staggered election -
video message aired -
Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies -
earlier this month -
purely symbolic role 純粹的象徵性角色 -
Earlier this year -
divide people 分裂人民 -
survived prostate cancer -
leader of Gujarat -
clumsy imposition 笨拙的強加 -
love daigou 愛代購 -
multiple reasons 多重原因 -
tribal communities -
lack of enthusiasm -
other royal reforms 其他皇室改革 -
outgoing government -
runs strong 運行強勁 -
polling experience -
Election Commission of India 印度選舉委員會 -
daily analysis 日常分析 -
supporters circulated 支持者們四處流傳 -
emperor rules 皇帝的統治 -
exclusionary image 排他性形象 -
sectarian differences 宗派分歧 -
businesses badly -
incongruous caste coalition 不協調的種姓聯盟 -
over a year 一年多 -
restricted archaeologists 受限制的考古學家 -
bjp held 人民黨保持不變 -
local leaders 地方領導 -
sons of princesses 公主之子 -
sudden slump 突然暴跌 -
bjp won -
manifest lack 明顯缺乏 -
long polling experience -
law allowing 法律允許 -
video message aired 播放視頻資訊 -
imperial family 皇室 -
liberal views -
first three grandchildren 前三個孫子孫女 -
divide people -
obvious reforms 顯而易見的改革 -
opinion polls -
business-friendly development -
love daigou 愛代購 -
increasingly lacklustre hereditary leadership -
current era -
foreign trips 出國旅行 -
other royal reforms -
rulingBharatiya Janata Party 執政的印度人民黨 -
Mr Me- vani 梅瓦尼先生 -
political defender 政治捍衛者 -
Election Commission of India 印度選舉委員會 -
crushing victory 壓倒性的勝利 -
endangered Philippine jeepney 瀕危的菲律賓吉普尼 -
identity politics 身分政治 -
exclusionary image 排他性形象 -
heart surgery 心臟外科 -
smear tactics 抹黑戰術 -
chief minister -
lower-ranked castes 等級較低的種姓 -
bjp held 人民黨保持不變 -
a new state legislature 新的州立法機構 -
imperial sexism -
includes traces -
manifest lack 明顯缺乏 -
deputy chair 副主席 -
pure Japanese stock 純日本股票 -
huge material contradictions 巨大的物質矛盾 -
imposed restricted -
imperial family 皇室 -
the Japanese calendar 日本曆法 -
modest origins 樸素的出身 -
more state benefits 更多國家福利 -
a far higher caste thatincludes 一個更高的種姓,包括 -
obvious reforms 顯而易見的改革 -
based partly 部分基於 -
at least the long-suffering emperor -
frequent public appearances -
long-suffering emperor 長期受苦受難的皇帝 -
increasingly lacklustre hereditary leadership 日益乏善可陳的世襲領導 -
paternal rule 父權統治 -
solid base -
even the second idea 即使是第二種想法 -
Bangladesh's only begum -
rulingBharatiya Janata Party 執政的印度人民黨 -
the imperial mystique -
twice the height 身高的兩倍 -
national parliament -
endangered Philippine jeepney 瀕危的菲律賓吉普尼 -
previous emperors -
the rights ofPatidars Patidars的權利 -
poll earlier 早些時候的民意調查 -
earlier this month 本月早些時候 -
lower-ranked castes 等級較低的種姓 -
son of Naruhito 德仁之子 -
most populous state -
complex sales tax 復合型加值稅 -
runs strong 運行強勁 -
deputy chair -
advisory panel -
cleverly ruthless 巧妙地無情 -
state of Narendra -
restricted archaeologists -
the Japanese calendar 日本曆法 -
simply ignoring 乾脆無視 -
the Muslim minority 穆斯林少數民族 -
private inquiry 私人查訊 -
liberal views -
based partly 部分基於 -
Korean and Chinese ancestry 朝鮮人和中國人的血統 -
Commission of India -
tweet suggesting 推特建議 -
opinion polls 民意調查 -
even the second idea 即使是第二種想法 -
understandable request -
law previously 以前的法律 -
identity politics -
previous emperors -
woolly resolution 模糊解析 -
independence leader 獨立領袖 -
major vote 主要票數 -
imperial sexism 帝國性別歧視 -
son of Naruhito -
sun goddess 太陽女神 -
past five years 過去五年 -
much-vaunted foreign investment -
solid base -
advisory panel -
unhappy castes 不快樂的種姓 -
home turf 主場 -
accumulation of grievances 積怨纍纍 -
complex sales tax 復合型加值稅 -
simply ignoring 乾脆無視 -
acronym derived 首字母縮略語派生而來 -
world war 第二次世界大戰 -
a staggered election -
state of Narendra 納倫德拉州 -
tweet suggesting 推特建議 -
wartime past 戰時往事 -
purely symbolic role 純粹的象徵性角色 -
hook voters 吸引選民 -
Commission of India 印度委員會 -
woolly resolution -
leader of Gujarat -
the election commission 選舉委員會 -
star attraction -
major vote -
sun goddess -
multiple reasons 多重原因 -
Yakushiji of Toyo 東洋的雅庫士地 -
unhappy castes -
much-vaunted foreign investment 大肆吹噓的外國投資 -
prime minister 總理 -
outgoing government 卸任政府 -
formula forbuilding 建築配方 -
acronym derived 首字母縮略語派生而來 -
purely symbolic role -
bjp stood 人民黨站了起來 -
daily analysis 日常分析 -
extra month 額外的一個月 -
wartime past 戰時往事 -
multiple reasons 多重原因 -
winning streak 連勝 -
sectarian differences 宗派分歧 -
Gujarat Legislative Assembly 古吉拉特邦立法議會 -
star attraction -
daily analysis -
high-value currency notes -
over a year 一年多 -
greatly expanding 大大擴張 -
prime minister 總理 -
sectarian differences -
sudden slump -
ruling party's formula 執政黨的公式 -
colonial rulers 殖民統治者 -
bjp stood 人民黨站了起來 -
over a year -
law allowing -
first two reforms 前兩項改革 -
winning streak -
sudden slump -
princesses remaining 剩下的公主們 -
first three grandchildren 前三個孫子孫女 -
remain patrilineal -
high-value currency notes 高面值紙幣 -
law allowing -
official political donations 官方政治捐款 -
business-friendly development -
national power 國力 -
ruling party's formula 執政黨的公式 -
business-friendly development -
official duties 公務 -
foreign trips -
charismatic local leaders 富有魅力的地方領導人 -
princesses remaining 剩下的公主們 -
foreign trips 出國旅行 -
message or solid base -
Mr Me- vani 梅瓦尼先生 -
learnt divide 習得分水嶺 -
official political donations 官方政治捐款 -
at least the long-suffering emperor 至少長期受苦受難的天皇 -
crushing victory 壓倒性的勝利 -
His frequent public appearances -
official duties 公務 -
paternal rule 父權統治 -
sudden ban -
heart surgery 心臟外科 -
caste thatincludes 種姓制度,包括 -
message or solid base 消息或堅實的基礎 -
the imperial mystique 皇室神祕感 -
jobs remain scarce -
a new state legislature 新的州立法機構 -
request public 請求公共 -
sudden ban 突然禁令 -
the rights ofPatidars Patidars的權利 -
outspoken leader 直言不諱的領導者 -
pure Japanese stock 純日本股票 -
recent rally 最近的反彈 -
jobs remain scarce -
most populous state 人口最多的州 -
royal tombs -
modest origins 樸素的出身 -
names of Mr MR先生的姓名 -
outspoken leader -
understandable request 可以理解的請求 -
at least the long-suffering emperor 至少長期受苦受難的天皇 -
careful web 細心織網 -
marry commoners 嫁給普通人 -
royal tombs 皇家陵墓 -
home turf -
paternal rule 父權統治 -
Bharatiya Janata Party 印度人民黨 -
marry commoners -
far bigger resources 更大的資源 -
Yakushiji of Toyo 東洋的雅庫士地 -
the imperial mystique 皇室神祕感 -
winning formula 中獎公式 -
far bigger resources 更大的資源 -
formula forbuilding -
royal reforms -
the rights ofPatidars Patidars的權利 -
pool ofpotential heirs 潛在繼承人人才庫 -
extra month -
royal reforms -
most populous state 人口最多的州 -
an unlikely coalition -
national power -
cleverly ruthless 巧妙地無情 -
charismatic local leaders -
business of state -
the Muslim minority 穆斯林少數民族 -
request public 請求公共 -
recent times -
Korean and Chinese ancestry 朝鮮人和中國人的血統 -
Bharatiya Janata Party 印度人民黨 -
earlier times -
understandable request 可以理解的請求 -
second world war -
wobbly collection 搖擺不定的集合 -
independence leader 獨立領袖 -
Indian National Congress -
caste lines 種姓界限 -
past five years 過去五年 -
male grandson 男孫 -
communal lines 公共線路 -
home turf 主場 -
exploiting resentment 利用怨恨 -
second world war 第二次世界大戰 -
world war 第二次世界大戰 -
Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies -
the Hindu majority 佔多數的印度教教徒 -
hook voters 吸引選民 -
polling experience 民調體驗 -
bigger resources 更大的資源 -
the election commission 選舉委員會 -
video message aired 播放視頻資訊 -
unusual step 不尋常的一步 -
Yakushiji of Toyo 東洋的雅庫士地 -
divide people -
public broadcaster 公共廣播公司 -
formula forbuilding 建築配方 -
Election Commission of India 印度選舉委員會 -
Indian National Congress -
extra month 額外的一個月 -
exclusionary image 排他性形象 -
exploitation of class -
Gujarat Legislative Assembly 古吉拉特邦立法議會 -
manifest lack 明顯缺乏 -
male grandson 男孫 -
greatly expanding -
endangered Philippine jeepney -
exploiting resentment 利用怨恨 -
colonial rulers 殖民統治者 -
deputy chair 副主席 -
Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies 發展中社會研究中心 -
first two reforms 前兩項改革 -
even the second idea 即使是第二種想法 -
Earlier this year 今年早些時候 -
remain patrilineal 保持父系血統 -
son of Naruhito -
clumsy imposition 笨拙的強加 -
national power 國力 -
advisory panel 諮詢小組 -
lack of enthusiasm 缺乏熱情 -
charismatic local leaders 富有魅力的地方領導人 -
simply ignoring 乾脆無視 -
polling experience -
learnt divide 習得分水嶺 -
star attraction 明星吸引力 -
emperor rules -
His frequent public appearances 他頻繁的公開露面 -
winning streak 連勝 -
incongruous caste coalition 不協調的種姓聯盟 -
caste thatincludes 種姓制度,包括 -
high-value currency notes -
local leaders 地方領導 -
request public 請求公共 -
official duties 公務 -
bjp won -
recent rally 最近的反彈 -
royal tombs 皇家陵墓 -
video message aired 播放視頻資訊 -
names of Mr MR先生的姓名 -
royal reforms 皇家改革 -
divide people -
careful web 細心織網 -
love daigou 愛代購 -
Bharatiya Janata Party -
other royal reforms -
winning formula 中獎公式 -
Election Commission of India -
pool ofpotential heirs 潛在繼承人人才庫 -
exclusionary image 排他性形象 -
an unlikely coalition 一個不太可能的聯盟 -
bjp held -
business of state 國家事務 -
manifest lack -
recent times 《新近時報》 -
imperial family 皇室 -
earlier times 更早的時候 -
obvious reforms 顯而易見的改革 -
wobbly collection 搖擺不定的集合 -
increasingly lacklustre hereditary leadership 日益乏善可陳的世襲領導 -
caste lines -
rulingBharatiya Janata Party 執政的印度人民黨 -
communal lines 公共線路 -
endangered Philippine jeepney 瀕危的菲律賓吉普尼 -
second world war 第二次世界大戰 -
lower-ranked castes -
the Hindu majority 佔多數的印度教教徒 -
deputy chair 副主席 -
bigger resources 更大的資源 -
the Japanese calendar 日本曆法 -
unusual step 不尋常的一步 -
based partly 部分基於 -
public broadcaster -
even the second idea -
Indian National Congress -
previous emperors -
exploitation of class 剝削階級 -
son of Naruhito 德仁之子 -
male grandson -
advisory panel -
exploiting resentment 利用怨恨 -
simply ignoring 乾脆無視 -
Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies -
tweet suggesting 推特建議 -
Earlier this year 今年早些時候 -
woolly resolution 模糊解析 -
clumsy imposition -
sun goddess -
lack of enthusiasm 缺乏熱情 -
unhappy castes 不快樂的種姓 -
polling experience -
acronym derived 首字母縮略語派生而來 -
emperor rules 皇帝的統治 -
wartime past -
incongruous caste coalition 不協調的種姓聯盟 -
star attraction 明星吸引力 -
local leaders 地方領導 -
prime minister 總理 -
bjp won 人民黨贏了 -
bjp stood 人民黨站了起來 -
video message aired 播放視頻資訊 -
winning streak 連勝 -
divide people 分裂人民 -
high-value currency notes -
love daigou -
ruling party's formula 執政黨的公式 -
other royal reforms -
princesses remaining -
Election Commission of India -
official political donations 官方政治捐款 -
exclusionary image 排他性形象 -
official duties 公務 -
bjp held -
message or solid base -
manifest lack -
sudden ban 突然禁令 -
imperial family 皇室 -
jobs remain scarce 就業機會仍然稀缺 -
obvious reforms -
outspoken leader 直言不諱的領導者 -
increasingly lacklustre hereditary leadership -
royal tombs 皇家陵墓 -
rulingBharatiya Janata Party -
marry commoners 嫁給普通人 -
endangered Philippine jeepney -
far bigger resources 更大的資源 -
lower-ranked castes 等級較低的種姓 -
royal reforms -
deputy chair -
the Japanese calendar 日本曆法 -
based partly 部分基於 -
even the second idea -
previous emperors 歷代帝王 -
son of Naruhito 德仁之子 -
advisory panel -
simply ignoring 乾脆無視 -
tweet suggesting 推特建議 -
woolly resolution -
sun goddess 太陽女神 -
unhappy castes 不快樂的種姓 -
acronym derived 首字母縮略語派生而來 -
wartime past -
star attraction 明星吸引力 -
prime minister 總理 -
bjp stood 人民黨站了起來 -
winning streak 連勝 -
high-value currency notes -
ruling party's formula -
princesses remaining 剩下的公主們 -
official political donations 官方政治捐款 -
official duties -
message or solid base 消息或堅實的基礎 -
sudden ban 突然禁令 -
jobs remain scarce -
outspoken leader 直言不諱的領導者 -
royal tombs 皇家陵墓 -
marry commoners 嫁給普通人 -
far bigger resources 更大的資源 -
royal reforms -