CATTI口译常用词汇 | 信息科技

原文 译文 详情
被赋予巨大能力 be empowered -
边缘学科 boundary science -
成熟的适用技术 the mature and applicable technology -
成组技术 group technology -
程序性问题和实质性问题 procedural and substantive issues -
充分的公众咨询 thorough public consultation -
处理和内化资讯 information has to be processed and internalized -
创业园 high-tech business incubator -
促进新一代公共服务 enable the next generation of public service -
促进自然科学和社会科学的交叉融合 encourage the integration of natural and social science -
多样化 diversification -
峰会执行秘书处 Executive Secretariat of the Summit -
服务匮乏的地区 underserved areas -
高度重视知识和人才问题 highly emphasize the importance of knowledge and human resources -
个性化 personalization -
工业化、机械化、和社会化的大生产 mechanized and industrialized mass production -
工业园区 industrial park -
共性技术、关键技术和配套技术 general,key and support technology -
硅谷 Silicon Valley -
国际电信联盟 the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) -
国家创新体系 state system for encouraging innovation -
国家重点实验室 national key laboratories -
互利合作、注重实效、成果共享、促进发展 mutually beneficial cooperation,effectiveness,achievement sharing and common development -
火炬计划 Torch Program -
亟需解决的重大问题 major issue to be addressed -
急剧变化的社会 radically changing society -
集成电路 integrated circuits -
技术产权交易所 technology equity market -
技术密集型产品 technology-incentive product -
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers -
加大力度 strengthen the efforts to -
家庭经济和手工业作坊 household economy and handicraft workshops -
建立共融的知识型社会 building an inclusive, knowledge-based society -
健全的保护知识产权制度 rigorous intellectual property protection regime -
交叉学科 interdisciplinary branch of science -
交互式电子书籍 interactive e-book -
界面 interface -
经济全球化 economic globalization -
竞争优势 competitive edge -
科技成果转化 transfer of scientific and technological achievements -
科技含量 technology content -
科技知识的高速扩散传播 speedy dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge -
科学技术突飞猛进 rapid advancements of science and technology宽带 -
宽带高速信息网 high-speed broadband information networks -
宽带上网和移动电话服务的普及程度 penetration rates for broadband Internet connection and mobile phones -
扩大基础研究 expansion of basic research -
媒体的快速融合 rapid media convergence -
免费宽带上网服务 free access to broadband Internet -
南北贫富差距 economic disparity between the North and the South -
培训基地和培训资源 training centers and training resources -
前所未有的物质技术条件 unprecedented technological conditions -
窃取和冒用数字身份 theft or misrepresentation of digital identities -
全球电子商业框架 framework for global electronic commerce -
全球信息社会持续、健康和协调发展的目标 goal of sustainable, sound and coordinated development of the global information society -
全球性重大课题的国际合作 international cooperation in global-caliber research projects -
全天候 round-the-clock -
人力资源开发创新机制 innovative mechanisms for human resource development -
弱势群体 disadvantaged groups -
社会劳动生产率 economic growth and social productivity -
身份管理机制 identity management mechanisms -
数码港和科技园 Cyberport and Science Park -
数码环境中知识产权及隐私保护 protection of intellectual property rights and privacy in the digital environment -
数字鸿沟 digital divide/chasm -
私营部门、民间团体 private sector and nongovernmental organization -
推动数码经济 facilitating a digital economy -
推广先进科技及鼓励创新 promoting advanced technology and innovation -
网络的结构调整 network architecture readjustments -
网络的结构调整和升级换代 network architecture readjustments and upgrading -
网络的升级换代 network upgrading -
网上冲浪 web-surfing -
网上侵权行为 piracy on the Internet -
无线掌上电脑 wireless Palm Pilots -
显著进展 great strides -
(香港特别行政区)财政司司长 The Financial Secretary -
信息安全 information security -
信息处理、储存、传输及展示的方式 the way information is processed, stored, transferred and presented -
信息沟通 communication of information -
信息社会世界峰会 World Summit on Information Society -
信息通信技术 information and communication technologies -
行业领导者 industry leaders -
虚拟身份 virtual identity -
亚洲国际博览馆 Asia World Expo -
移动通讯工具 mobile devices -
应急系统 emergency systems -
用户自创内容 user-generated content -
有一个良好的开端和基础 get off to a fresh start from a sound basis -
与经济脱节 remove from the economy -
语音识别 speech-recognition -
语音、数据、图像 voice, data and image -
在线身份认证工具 online identity tools -
知识和人才的短缺 lack of knowledge and human resources -
知识和信息传播 distribution of knowledge and information -
智能电话 smart phone -
智能化 intelligence -
置换和提升传统工业 replace or transform the traditional industries -
卓越的专业和金融服务 availability of excellent professional and financial services -
资金支持、技术转让、人才培训 financial support, technology transfer and human resources training -
自动化、信息化 automation and information technology -
信息安全 information security -
高度重视知识和人才问题 highly emphasize the importance of knowledge and human resources -
全球信息社会持续、健康和协调发展的目标 goal of sustainable, sound and coordinated development of the global information society -
急剧变化的社会 radically changing society -
全球性重大课题的国际合作 international cooperation in global-caliber research projects -
信息社会世界峰会 World Summit on Information Society -
弱势群体 disadvantaged groups -
网络的结构调整和升级换代 network architecture readjustments and upgrading -
交叉学科 interdisciplinary branch of science -
健全的保护知识产权制度 rigorous intellectual property protection regime -
行业领导者 industry leaders -
在线身份认证工具 online identity tools -
交互式电子书籍 interactive e-book -
技术密集型产品 technology-incentive product -
自动化、信息化 automation and information technology -
科学技术突飞猛进 rapid advancements of science and technology宽带 -
人力资源开发创新机制 innovative mechanisms for human resource development -
网络的升级换代 network upgrading -
国际电信联盟 the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) -
科技成果转化 transfer of scientific and technological achievements -
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers -
推广先进科技及鼓励创新 promoting advanced technology and innovation -
网络的结构调整 network architecture readjustments -
加大力度 strengthen the efforts to -
被赋予巨大能力 be empowered -
创业园 high-tech business incubator -
促进新一代公共服务 enable the next generation of public service -
南北贫富差距 economic disparity between the North and the South -
免费宽带上网服务 free access to broadband Internet -
科技知识的高速扩散传播 speedy dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge -
处理和内化资讯 information has to be processed and internalized -
亟需解决的重大问题 major issue to be addressed -
窃取和冒用数字身份 theft or misrepresentation of digital identities -
与经济脱节 remove from the economy -
信息沟通 communication of information -
数字鸿沟 digital divide/chasm -
宽带高速信息网 high-speed broadband information networks -
数码港和科技园 Cyberport and Science Park -
集成电路 integrated circuits -
建立共融的知识型社会 building an inclusive, knowledge-based society -
工业化、机械化、和社会化的大生产 mechanized and industrialized mass production -
经济全球化 economic globalization -
程序性问题和实质性问题 procedural and substantive issues -
应急系统 emergency systems -
国家重点实验室 national key laboratories -
全天候 round-the-clock -
共性技术、关键技术和配套技术 general,key and support technology -
家庭经济和手工业作坊 household economy and handicraft workshops -
虚拟身份 virtual identity -
身份管理机制 identity management mechanisms -
全球电子商业框架 framework for global electronic commerce -
智能化 intelligence -
智能电话 smart phone -
硅谷 Silicon Valley -
充分的公众咨询 thorough public consultation -
成组技术 group technology -
界面 interface -
技术产权交易所 technology equity market -
语音、数据、图像 voice, data and image -
知识和信息传播 distribution of knowledge and information -
语音识别 speech-recognition -
私营部门、民间团体 private sector and nongovernmental organization -
国家创新体系 state system for encouraging innovation -
信息通信技术 information and communication technologies -
推动数码经济 facilitating a digital economy -
用户自创内容 user-generated content -
火炬计划 Torch Program -
移动通讯工具 mobile devices -
媒体的快速融合 rapid media convergence -
网上冲浪 web-surfing -
成熟的适用技术 the mature and applicable technology -
服务匮乏的地区 underserved areas -
互利合作、注重实效、成果共享、促进发展 mutually beneficial cooperation,effectiveness,achievement sharing and common development -
信息处理、储存、传输及展示的方式 the way information is processed, stored, transferred and presented -
社会劳动生产率 economic growth and social productivity -
边缘学科 boundary science -
亚洲国际博览馆 Asia World Expo -
知识和人才的短缺 lack of knowledge and human resources -
科技含量 technology content -
前所未有的物质技术条件 unprecedented technological conditions -
无线掌上电脑 wireless Palm Pilots -
资金支持、技术转让、人才培训 financial support, technology transfer and human resources training -
有一个良好的开端和基础 get off to a fresh start from a sound basis -
扩大基础研究 expansion of basic research -
个性化 personalization -
宽带上网和移动电话服务的普及程度 penetration rates for broadband Internet connection and mobile phones -
竞争优势 competitive edge -
多样化 diversification -
卓越的专业和金融服务 availability of excellent professional and financial services -
培训基地和培训资源 training centers and training resources -
置换和提升传统工业 replace or transform the traditional industries -
(香港特别行政区)财政司司长 The Financial Secretary -
促进自然科学和社会科学的交叉融合 encourage the integration of natural and social science -
工业园区 industrial park -
峰会执行秘书处 Executive Secretariat of the Summit -
网上侵权行为 piracy on the Internet -
显著进展 great strides -
数码环境中知识产权及隐私保护 protection of intellectual property rights and privacy in the digital environment -