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重要组成部分 important part 查看
例句: 科技合作是中俄务实合作的重要组成部分,近年来一直保持良好态势。 Cooperation in science and technology, as an important part of China-Russia practical cooperation, has been gaining momentum in recent years.
俄科学院 Russian Academy of Sciences 查看
例句: 塔斯社记者:第一个问题是,日前,俄科学院院长谢尔盖耶夫说,中国科学院暂停与俄罗斯合作,请问这是真的吗? TASS: First question. Alexander Sergeev, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said the other day the Chinese Academy of Sciences put their cooperation with their Russian counterpart “on hold”.
网络攻击 cyber attacks 查看
例句: 路透社记者:美国共和党参议员格雷厄姆今天在台湾会见蔡英文时称,美国将开始让中国为其在全球的所作所为付出更大代价,包括对台湾人民及台经济的持续网络攻击。 Reuters: Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham said today in his meeting with Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen that the US will start to make China pay “a greater price for what they are doing all over the world”, including what he described as never-ending cyber attacks on the Taiwanese people and its economy.
普遍安全 universal security 查看
例句: 我们将坚持真正的多边主义,积极践行全球安全观,与各国一道,推动建设一个持久和平、普遍安全的世界。 We will uphold true multilateralism, actively implement the vision for global security, and work with all countries to build a world featuring lasting peace and universal security.
中国威胁论 China threat theory 查看
例句: 长期以来,美方炮制了太多的“中国威胁论”,给中国泼了太多的脏水。 For too long, the US has been whipping up the “China threat theory” and throwing dirty water at China.
安倍晋三 Shinzo Abe 查看
例句: 澎湃新闻记者:据报道,近日,日本前首相安倍晋三在美国报纸上发表文章,将台湾与乌克兰相提并论,称美方应明确承诺“协防台湾”。 The Paper: It is reported that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recently published an op-ed on an American newspaper, in which he mentioned Ukraine and Taiwan in the same breath and said the time has come for the US to make clear that it will defend Taiwan.
全球安全 global security 查看
例句: 多年来,中方积极倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的全球安全观,这反映了世界爱好和平人民的共同心声。 For years, China has embraced a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable global security, which represents the shared expectation of peace-loving people across the world.
殖民统治 colonial rule 查看
例句: 日本曾对台湾殖民统治长达半个世纪,犯下了罄竹难书的罪行,对中国人民负有严重历史罪责。 During its colonial rule over Taiwan for half a century, Japan committed innumerable crimes, over which it bears grave historical responsibilities to the Chinese people.
经济全球化 economic globalization 查看
例句: 当今世界,各国相互依存,经济全球化是时代潮流。 The current world is defined by interdependence between countries and economic globalization.
外交部发言人 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 查看
例句: 2022年4月15日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on April 15, 2022
乌克兰危机 Ukraine crisis 查看
例句: 赵立坚:美方在乌克兰危机中一再散布虚假消息,对中国大肆抹黑,对中俄关系挑拨离间,目的是要转嫁矛盾,挑动对抗,借机渔利。 Zhao Lijian:
中俄 China-Russia practical cooperation 查看
例句: 外交部对中俄在这些领域人文交流合作如何评价? Can you confirm this? How do you comment on the people-to-people exchanges between China and Russia on these areas?
务实合作 practical cooperation 查看
例句: 科技合作是中俄务实合作的重要组成部分,近年来一直保持良好态势。 Cooperation in science and technology, as an important part of China-Russia practical cooperation, has been gaining momentum in recent years.
王毅 Wang Yi 查看
例句: 去年,王毅国务委员提出落实“两国方案”三点思路。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a three-point proposal for the implementation of the two-state solution last year.
国家安全观 national security 查看
例句: 2015年7月颁布实施的《国家安全法》以法律的形式确立了总体国家安全观的指导地位,设立每年4月15日为全民国家安全教育日,组织开展形式多样的国家安全教育活动。 The National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, which came into force in July 2015, confirmed the guiding role of the overall national security outlook in the form of law and designated April 15 each year as National Security Education Day, where various kinds of activities for public security awareness are held.
美国共和党 Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham 查看
例句: 路透社记者:美国共和党参议员格雷厄姆今天在台湾会见蔡英文时称,美国将开始让中国为其在全球的所作所为付出更大代价,包括对台湾人民及台经济的持续网络攻击。 Reuters: Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham said today in his meeting with Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen that the US will start to make China pay “a greater price for what they are doing all over the world”, including what he described as never-ending cyber attacks on the Taiwanese people and its economy.
台湾地区 China’s Taiwan region 查看
例句: 而且美国联邦参议员格雷厄姆等人4月14日窜访中国台湾地区。这是否违背一国两制原则? US Senator Graham and others visited China’s Taiwan region on April 14. Do such remarks amount to interference in China’s internal affairs? Does the visit violate the one-China principle?
建设性作用 constructive role 查看
例句: 中方一直为解决巴勒斯坦问题发挥建设性作用。 China has been playing a constructive role in resolving the Palestine question.
科技创新 Scientific and Technological Innovation 查看
例句: 2020-2021年双方成功举行科技创新年,创造性实施千余项合作交流活动,取得一系列丰硕成果,奠定今后合作的新起点,再次证明两国科技合作潜力巨大、前景广阔。 The China-Russia Year of Scientific and Technological Innovation was successfully held from 2020 to 2021, during which over 1,000 innovative cooperation and exchange activities were held, delivering fruitful results. This has opened new ground for future cooperation and testified to the immense potential and broad prospects of bilateral scientific and technological cooperation.
中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences 查看
例句: 塔斯社记者:第一个问题是,日前,俄科学院院长谢尔盖耶夫说,中国科学院暂停与俄罗斯合作,请问这是真的吗? TASS: First question. Alexander Sergeev, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said the other day the Chinese Academy of Sciences put their cooperation with their Russian counterpart “on hold”.
习近平 Xi Jinping 查看
例句: 习近平总书记提出总体国家安全观,倡导构建人类命运共同体,强调自身安全和共同安全相统一,体现的是大国的责任担当,表达的是中国人民的真诚意愿。 General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the overall national security outlook, called for the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and emphasized that one’s own security must go hand in hand with common security. This endeavor reflects the sense of responsibility of a major country and expresses the sincere aspiration of the Chinese people.
赵立坚 Zhao Lijian 查看
例句: 2022年4月15日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on April 15, 2022
两国方案 the two-state solution 查看
例句: 去年,王毅国务委员提出落实“两国方案”三点思路。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a three-point proposal for the implementation of the two-state solution last year.
总体国家安全观 overall national security outlook 查看
例句: 2015年7月颁布实施的《国家安全法》以法律的形式确立了总体国家安全观的指导地位,设立每年4月15日为全民国家安全教育日,组织开展形式多样的国家安全教育活动。 The National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, which came into force in July 2015, confirmed the guiding role of the overall national security outlook in the form of law and designated April 15 each year as National Security Education Day, where various kinds of activities for public security awareness are held.
美国国会议员 Members of the US Congress -
冷战思维 cold war mentality 查看
例句: 美方个别官员应该摒弃冷战思维,客观看待中国发展,停止造谣生事,停止挑拨中国同别国正常的国家关系,多做些有利于中美关系发展的事。 Certain US politicians should discard the Cold War mentality, view China’s development in an objective light, stop making things up, stop sowing discord between China and other countries that China has normal relations with, and do more things that are conducive to the development of China-US relations.
全球发展 global development 查看
例句: 中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。 China is a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order.
共同安全 common security 查看
例句: 习近平总书记提出总体国家安全观,倡导构建人类命运共同体,强调自身安全和共同安全相统一,体现的是大国的责任担当,表达的是中国人民的真诚意愿。 General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the overall national security outlook, called for the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and emphasized that one’s own security must go hand in hand with common security. This endeavor reflects the sense of responsibility of a major country and expresses the sincere aspiration of the Chinese people.
合作交流 cooperation and exchange 查看
例句: 赵立坚:关于你提到的第一个问题,据我们了解,当前中俄科技合作交流活动均正常推进,双方将继续秉持世代友好、合作共赢理念,务实推进相关合作。 Zhao Lijian: On your first question, to our knowledge, China and Russia are continuing cooperation and exchange activities in science and technology as scheduled. Guided by the vision of everlasting friendship and win-win cooperation, the two sides will advance relevant cooperation in a practical manner.
教育日 National Security Education Day 查看
例句: 今天是第七个全民国家安全教育日。 Today is the seventh National Security Education Day.
平民伤亡 civilian casualties 查看
例句: 赵立坚:中方对近来巴以冲突加剧、造成平民伤亡十分关注和忧虑。 Zhao Lijian: Recently China has been following with concern the escalating tension between Palestine and Israel, which has caused civilian casualties.
蔡英文 tsai ing-wen 查看
例句: 路透社记者:美国共和党参议员格雷厄姆今天在台湾会见蔡英文时称,美国将开始让中国为其在全球的所作所为付出更大代价,包括对台湾人民及台经济的持续网络攻击。 Reuters: Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham said today in his meeting with Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen that the US will start to make China pay “a greater price for what they are doing all over the world”, including what he described as never-ending cyber attacks on the Taiwanese people and its economy.
国际秩序 international order 查看
例句: 中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。 China is a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order.