
原文 译文 详情
工程质量监督 Engineering quality supervision -
管理方面 Management aspect -
施工合同 Construction contract -
符合法律 Comply with the law -
银行同期 Bank in the same period -
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
特许期内 During the concession period -
标前会 Pre-bid meeting -
公路用地 Highway land -
起算时间 Starting time -
执法工作 Law enforcement work -
文件副本 Copy of document -
相关法律 Relevant laws -
工作成果 Results of work -
公司股权 Company equity -
终身责任 Lifelong responsibility -
合同基础 Contract basis -
特许权 Concession right -
公路工程施工 Highway engineering construction -
申请报告 Application report -
严重程度 Severity degree -
审计手续 Audit procedure -
股权比例 Equity ratio -
达成一致 Reach an agreement -
顺利实施 Smooth implementation -
承包单位 contractor unit -
正常使用 Normal use -
生效日期 Effective date -
征地补偿费 Compensation for land expropriation -
乙方须 Party B shall -
业务过程 Business process -
权利和义务 Rights and obligations -
活期存款利率 Demand deposit interest rate -
相关费用 Related expenses -
报告给 Report to -
项目有关 Related to the project -
授权人 Authorized person -
项目建设 Project construction -
任何修改 Any modification -
收益权 Income right -
收费管理 Charge management -
事务所审计 Firm audit -
支付违约金 Pay liquidated damages -
控制过程 Control process -
不履行合同 Failure to perform the contract -
贸易仲裁 Trade arbitration -
期限届满 Expiration period -
检查项目 Check the project -
银行贷款 Bank loan -
验资报告 Capital verification report -
终止合同 Termination of contract -
请求权 Right of claim -
公司注册 Company registration -
自治区政府 Autonomous region government -
提供用地 Provide land -
建设期内 During the construction period -
合同各方 The parties to the contract -
维修记录 Maintenance record -
所需费用 Required cost -
研究报告 Research report -
存款利率 Deposit interest rate -
交通管理 traffic control -
权限范围 Scope of authority -
公司应 The company should -
维护项目 Maintenance project -
争议解决 Dispute settlement -
双方协商 Negotiation between the two parties -
变更设计 Change the design -
法律要求 Legal requirement -
帐薄 Account book -
相关规定 Relevant regulations -
共同权利 Common rights -
可研报告预测 Feasibility report forecast -
全部义务 All obligations -
执行完毕 Execution completed -
所有工程 All projects -
验收标准 Acceptance standard -
情势变更 The situation changes -
完成工作 Finish the work -
项目建设资金 Project construction funds -
无法控制 beyond control -
合同有效 Contract is valid -
全部转移 Transfer all -
元人民币 RMB yuan -
主持召开 Preside over the convening -
项目总 Project general -
注册资本 Registered capital -
连接线 Connecting line -
检验时 When inspecting -
一次性认缴 One-time subscription -
协调费用 Coordination cost -
协调机构 Coordinating body -
财产权证 Property right certificate -
事先书面同意 Prior written consent -
作为补偿 As compensation. -
设计成果 Design achievement -
甲方应 Party A shall -
资金筹措 Fund raising -
基建投资 Investment in infrastructure construction -
遵守国家 Abide by the country -
合同义务 Contractual obligation -
造成损失 Cause a loss -
权责 Power and responsibility -
不得超过 No more than -
留置权 Lien -
非实质性 Non-substantive -
书面答复 Written reply -
任何行动 Any action -
不公平待遇 Unfair treatment -
工程施工进度 Project construction progress -
可行性研究报告 Feasibility study report -
所有权利 All rights -
国家有关 Related to the country -
环境影响评价报告 Environmental impact assessment report -
及其他 And others -
第三者责任 Third party liability -
公司造成 Caused by the company -
合理费用 Reasonable cost -
部门管理 Department management -
法规规定 Regulations -
抵押动产 Chattel mortgaged -
联网收费 Network charge -
支付保险费 Pay the insurance premium -
歧视性 Discrimination -
永久性用地 Permanent land use -
公共安全 Public safety -
公路工程 Highway engineering -
配合乙方 Cooperate with Party B -
合同生效 The contract comes into force -
情况下 Under the circumstances -
重大责任 Great responsibility -
登记手续 Registration procedure -
甲方支付 Party A pays -
行业管理 Industry management -
融资方案 Financing scheme -
无法满足 Unable to meet -
签订协议 Sign an agreement -
证明材料 Proof material -
公司必须 The company must -
履行职责 Perform duties -
管理模式 Management mode -
这些变化 These changes -
结束后 After the end -
桂政办函 Letter from the government of Guangxi -
工程可行性 Engineering feasibility -
进驻费用 Residence expenses -
经营合同 Management contract -
办理土地 Deal with land -
建设计划 Construction plan -
注册手续 Registration procedure -
风险转移 Risk transfer -
移交财产 Transfer of property -
全部责任 Full responsibility -
享受国家 Enjoy the country -
工程承包合同 Project contract -
项目融资 Project financing -
资格审查 Qualification examination -
见附件 Refer to annex -
仲裁裁决 Arbitration award -
工程已 The project has been -
规划项目 Planning project -
持续时间 Duration -
以书面形式 In writing -
贷款人向 The lender to -
材料采购 Material purchase -
交通主管部门 Department in charge of transportation -
工程进展 Engineering progress -
合同规定 Contract stipulation -
届满时 When it expires -
公司清算 Company liquidation -
招标人 Tenderer -
壮族自治区 Zhuang Autonomous region -
银行帐户 bank account -
建设用地 Construction land -
检验合格 Pass the inspection -
负责组织 Responsible organization -
股权变更 Change of equity -
重新组织 Reorganize -
重新调整 Readjust -
公路工程质量 Highway engineering quality -
抵押文件 Mortgage document -
抗力 Resistance -
所需资金 Required funds -
有关材料 Related materials -
下述条款 The following terms and conditions -
文件中 In the file -
有关条款 Relevant clause -
加盖 Cover -
合同签订 Contract signing -
书面申请 Written application -
附属设施 Ancillary facilities -
设计变更 Design change -
中介机构 agency -
会计年度 accounting year -
造成乙方 Cause Party B -
外商独资企业 Wholly foreign-owned enterprise -
税收优惠 Tax preference -
工作进度 Work progress -
单位并 Unit union -
公司责任 Company responsibility -
任何责任 Any liability -
已投资额 Amount invested -
项目投资 Project investment -
有关法律 Relevant laws -
项目工程 Project engineering -
自治区府 Autonomous region government -
初步设计 Preliminary design -
进展情况 Progress -
路政管理 Road administration management -
贷款承诺 Loan commitment -
批准文件 Approval document -
通知存款 Notice deposit -
合同转让 Transfer of contract -
工程招标 Project bidding -
支付方法 Method of payment -
国内外经济组织 Domestic and foreign economic organizations -
协商确定 Negotiation and determination -
仲裁规则 Arbitration rules -
以上条款 The above clause -
项目资本金 Project capital -
社会动乱 Social unrest -
歧视性#遇 Discrimination # encounter -
中止履行合同 Suspend the performance of the contract -
土地管理部门 Land management department -
经营公路 Operate highways -
区域内 Intra-regional -
行使抵押权 Exercise the right of mortgage -
项目设备 Project equipment -
质量规范 Quality standard -
质量保证体系 Quality assurance system -
法定权利 Legal right -
未加 Not added -
痏标文件 Labeling file -
全面质量 Overall quality -
上述法律 The above-mentioned laws -
违约金 Liquidated damages -
中华人民共和国公路法 Highway Law of the people's Republic of China -
法律约束力 Legal binding force -
人民币 RMB -
合同相关 Contract related -
施工进度 Construction schedule -
违约责任 Liability for breach of contract -
技术规范 Technical specification -
施工现场 Construction site -
通讯线路 Communication line -
交工验收 Hand in work for acceptance -
项目建设期 Project construction period -
公正性 Fairness -
互通式 Interworking type -
授权代表 Authorized representative -
相关工作 Related work -
代表签字 Signature of the representative -
合同双方 Both parties to the contract -
建设资金 funds for construction -
工作组进 Working group advance -
随着经济 With the economy -
行业主管部门 The department in charge of the industry -
质量监督 Quality supervision -
次年 next year -
资本金 Capital fund -
单方解除 Unilateral release -
同类公路 Similar highway -
交工验收报告 Hand in the acceptance report -
工作费用 Work expenses -
法定职责 Legal duty -
组织施工 Organization and construction -
公路管理机构 Highway management organization -
完善质量 Improve the quality -
投资计划 investment plan -
招标文件 Bidding documents -
现行法律 Current law -
设计单位 Design unit -
协商解决 Negotiate a settlement -
采取行动 take action -
律师费用 Lawyer's fee -
通知甲方 Notify Party A -
技术状态 Technical status -
带资承包 Contract with capital -
遵守法律 Abide by the law -
工商行政管理部门 Administrative department for industry and commerce -
要求乙方 Party B is required -
中止履行 Suspension of performance -
借款合同 Loan contract -
有关工作 Related work -
债务承担 Debt commitment -
年度报表 Annual report -
投资建设 Investment and construction -
合理损耗 Reasonable loss -
投标管理 Bidding management -
资格预审 Prequalification -
地方性法规 Local laws and regulations -
合同副本 Copy of the contract -
保证函 Letter of guarantee -
连带责任 joint responsibility -
沿途地区 Areas along the way -
违约方 Defaulting party -
第二个 the second -
项目竣工验收 Acceptance of project completion -
不可撤销 Irrevocable -
公路工程竣工验收办法 Measures for acceptance of Highway Engineering completion -
原因造成 Cause -
规定办理 Prescribed treatment -
审批手续 examining and approving formalities -
单方终止 Unilateral termination -
资本金未 Capital not yet -
公司开展 The company develops -
监理单位 Supervision unit -
工程建设 Engineering construction -
规定程序 Prescribed procedure -
中标者 Winning bidder -
协助甲方 Assist Party A -
履行项目 Fulfill the project -
项目已 The project has been -
最大努力 Best effort -
甲方指定 Designated by Party A -
公路路线 Highway route -
承担连带责任 Bear joint and several liability -
道路两侧 Both sides of the road -
相对控股权 Relative controlling shares -
甲方保证 Party A guarantees -
设计概算 Design estimate -
标准调整 Standard adjustment -
补偿项目 Compensation project -
勘察设计 Survey and design -
上述情况 The above situation -
公平待遇 Fair treatment -
有法律约束力 Legally binding -
项目建成 Project completion -
全部材料 All materials -
分离式 Separate type -
公路管理 Highway management -
料场 Material yard -
项目设计 Project design -
设计组织 Design organization -
通行费 Toll -
公司申请 Company application -
交通量 Traffic volume -
计提 Calculation and provision -
仲裁委员会 board of arbitration -
收费站 Toll Station -
建立质量 Establish quality -
投资优惠 Investment preference -
项目资金筹措 Project financing -
相关证明文件 Relevant supporting documents -
原因导致 Cause -
甲方书面 Party An is in writing -
顼目申请报告 Report on the application for registration -
质量监督部门 Quality supervision department -
完成后 After completion -
合同项 Contract item -
支付费用 Pay a fee -
抵押合同 Mortgage contract -
第一年 First year -
职责范围 Scope of responsibility -
过程和方法 Process and method -
服务区 Service area -
工程施工 Engineering construction -
公开招标 Open bidding -
要求项目 Required project -
监督部门 Supervision department -
甲方同意 Party An agrees -
严重质量 Serious quality -
评估机构 Evaluation institution -
工程质量 Engineering quality -
一切争议 All disputes -
评价报告 Evaluation report -
质量控制过程 Quality control process -
县人民政府 County people's government -
合同履行 Contract fulfillment -
经营期限 Operating period -
清算价值 Liquidation value -
财务报表 Financial statement -
竣工验收 Completion acceptance -
特许权 Concession right -
管理区 Management area -
中国法律 Chinese law -
前期工作 Preliminary work -
建设投资 Construction investment -
资产管理 Asset Management -
活动应 Activities should be -
执法人员 Law enforcement personnel -
符合约定 In accordance with the agreement -
准备好 Get ready -
法定节假曰 Statutory holiday day -
乙方交付 Delivery by Party B -
符合国务院 In line with the State Council -
权证 Warrant -
施工图设计 Construction drawing design -
行政管理部门 Administrative department -
配套设施 supporting facilities -
公司依法 The company in accordance with the law -
工程所在地 Project location -
证明文件 Proof document -
主要材料 Main materials -
公司经营 Company operation -
高效地 Efficiently -
进场 Enter the field -
工作并 Work and -
任何部分 Any part -
要求建设 Requirements for construction -
合同要求 Contract requirement -
高速公路管理 Highway management -
全面质量管理 Total quality management -
工程建设进度 Progress of project construction -
有关主管部门 Relevant competent departments -
乙方应 Party B shall -
合同履约 Performance of the contract -
组织工程 Tissue engineering -
所在地市 City where it is located -
方当事人 The party concerned -
无法实施 Unable to implement -
过程中 In process -
公司向 The company reports to -
通知对方 Notify the other party -
仲裁庭 Arbitration tribunal -
维护合同 Maintenance contract -
承包合同 Contract contract -
国务院交通主管部门 The department in charge of transportation under the State Council -
收费标准 Rates -
基本建设计划 Capital construction plan -
书面同意 Written consent -
收费权 Charging right -
当地政府 Local government -
乙方承担 Party B undertakes -
任何种类 Any kind -
车辆通行费 Vehicle toll -
质量问题 Quality problem -
有关财产 Related property -
不得变更 Must not be changed -
道路安全 Road safety -
设计工作 Design work -
退还乙方 Return it to Party B -
项目运营 Project operation -
损失补偿 Loss compensation -
管理规定 Management regulations -
合同终止 Termination of contract -
监督检查 Supervision and inspection -
交通工程 Traffic engineering -
广西壮族自治区 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region -
违约责任 Liability for breach of contract -
维护费 Maintenance fee -
设备维修 Equipment maintenance -
完善配套 Perfect matching -
否则甲方 Otherwise, Party A -
设计图纸 Design drawing -
融资能力 Financing ability -
管理不善 Poor management -
公路建设市场管理办法 Measures for the Management of Highway Construction Market -
国家法律 National law -
履约保证金 Performance bond -
法律法规 laws and regulations -
未完成 Unfinished -
工程承包 Project contracting -
保证金不足 Lack of security deposit -
绿化带 Green belt -
完成项目 Complete the project -
工程量 Engineering quantity -
移交日期 Handover date -
公司破产 The company goes bankrupt -
基本帐户 Basic account -
书面形式 Written form -
项&公司 Item & Company -
产权证 Property right certificate -
接通后 After it is connected -
项目公司 Project company -
工程质量监督 Engineering quality supervision -
合同条款 Terms of the contract -
管理方面 Management aspect -
公司承担 The company undertakes -
施工合同 Construction contract -
申请办理 Application processing -
符合法律 Comply with the law -
土地征用工作 Land expropriation work -
银行同期 Bank in the same period -
人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
实质性违约 Material breach of contract -
特许期内 During the concession period -
政府授权 Government authorization -
标前会 Pre-bid meeting -
验收申请 Application for acceptance -
公路用地 Highway land -
优惠条件 Preferential terms -
起算时间 Starting time -
全部权利 All rights -
执法工作 Law enforcement work -
建设工程 Construction project -
文件副本 Copy of document -
阳朔 Yangshuo -
相关法律 Relevant laws -
实质性条件 Substantive condition -
工作成果 Results of work -
经济地位 Economic status -
公司股权 Company equity -
工程进度 Project progress -
终身责任 Lifelong responsibility -
征地拆迁 Land requisition and demolition -
合同基础 Contract basis -
车辆维修 Vehicle maintenance -
特许权 Concession right -
设计内容 Design content -
公路工程施工 Highway engineering construction -
银行开设 Bank opening -
申请报告 Application report -
甲方负责 Party An is responsible -
严重程度 Severity degree -
实质性损失 Material loss -
审计手续 Audit procedure -
办公用房 Office room -
股权比例 Equity ratio -
公路法 Highway law -
达成一致 Reach an agreement -
项目服务 Project service -
顺利实施 Smooth implementation -
水利设施 Water conservancy facilities -
承包单位 contractor unit -
合同任何 Any contract -
正常使用 Normal use -
退还保证金 Refund of deposit -
生效日期 Effective date -
鉴定意见 Appraisal opinion -
征地补偿费 Compensation for land expropriation -
第十章 Chapter 10 -
乙方须 Party B shall -
全部过程 The whole process -
业务过程 Business process -
建设期 Construction period -
权利和义务 Rights and obligations -
影响评价 Impact assessment -
活期存款利率 Demand deposit interest rate -
运行状态 Running state -
相关费用 Related expenses -
项目资金 Project funds -
报告给 Report to -
行政规章 Administrative regulations -
项目有关 Related to the project -
授权人 Authorized person -
项目建设 Project construction -
工程分包 Engineering subcontract -
任何修改 Any modification -
收费公路 Tollway -
收益权 Income right -
贷款人 Lender -
收费管理 Charge management -
合同约定 Contractual agreement -
事务所审计 Firm audit -
出资额 Capital contribution -
支付违约金 Pay liquidated damages -
质押权 Pledge right -
控制过程 Control process -
基本建设投资 Investment in capital construction -
不履行合同 Failure to perform the contract -
企业法人营业执照 Business license of enterprise legal person -
贸易仲裁 Trade arbitration -
国家档案 National archives -
期限届满 Expiration period -
组织管理 Organization and management -
检查项目 Check the project -
相关合同 Related contract -
银行贷款 Bank loan -
道路养护 Road maintenance -
验资报告 Capital verification report -
公司成立 Establishment of the company -
终止合同 Termination of contract -
土地征用 land acquisition -
请求权 Right of claim -
合同生效日期 Effective date of the contract -
公司注册 Company registration -
国有资产管理 Management of state-owned assets -
自治区政府 Autonomous region government -
甲方权利 Party A's rights -
提供用地 Provide land -
有关机构 Relevant institutions -
建设期内 During the construction period -
要求甲方 Require Party A -
合同各方 The parties to the contract -
政府土地 Government land -
维修记录 Maintenance record -
同意乙方 Agree with Party B -
所需费用 Required cost -
向第三方 To a third party -
研究报告 Research report -
中华人民共和国合同法 Contract Law of the people's Republic of China -
存款利率 Deposit interest rate -
提交中国 Submit to China -
交通管理 traffic control -
一方当事人 One party -
权限范围 Scope of authority -
工程竣工 Completion of the project -
公司应 The company should -
退回乙方 Return to Party B -
维护项目 Maintenance project -
施工监理 Construction supervision -
争议解决 Dispute settlement -
政府批准 Approved by the government -
双方协商 Negotiation between the two parties -
工期延误 Delay in construction period -
变更设计 Change the design -
说明理由 Explain the reason -
法律要求 Legal requirement -
招标投标 Bidding and bidding -
受让方 Transferee -
帐薄 Account book -
运营商 Service provider -
相关规定 Relevant regulations -
符合国家 Conform to the country -
共同权利 Common rights -
工程设施 Engineering facilities -
可研报告预测 Feasibility report forecast -
工程质量监督站 Engineering quality supervision station -
全部义务 All obligations -
承办单位 Undertaking unit -
执行完毕 Execution completed -
追加概算 Supplementary estimate -
所有工程 All projects -
拆迁费 Demolition fee -
验收标准 Acceptance standard -
工程监理 Engineering supervision -
情势变更 The situation changes -
平等待遇 Equal treatment -
完成工作 Finish the work -
设计文件 Design document -
项目建设资金 Project construction funds -
国家鼓励 Encouraged by the state -
无法控制 beyond control -
使用和管理 Use and management -
合同有效 Contract is valid -
总投资额 total investment amount -
全部转移 Transfer all -
土地使用权 Land use right -
元人民币 RMB yuan -
乙方支付 Party B pays -
主持召开 Preside over the convening -
规范性文件 Normative document -
项目总 Project general -
控股权 Controlling stock right -
注册资本 Registered capital -
有限责任 Limited liability -
连接线 Connecting line -
公众健康 Public health -
检验时 When inspecting -
存款利息 interest on deposit -
一次性认缴 One-time subscription -
任何合同 Any contract -
协调费用 Coordination cost -
友好协商 Friendly negotiation -
协调机构 Coordinating body -
技术资料 Technical data -
财产权证 Property right certificate -
会计师事务所 Accounting firm -
事先书面同意 Prior written consent -
这些合同 These contracts -
作为补偿 As compensation. -
试运营 Trial operation -
设计成果 Design achievement -
股权转让 Equity transfer -
甲方应 Party A shall -
资金筹措 Fund raising -
基建投资 Investment in infrastructure construction -
遵守国家 Abide by the country -
合同义务 Contractual obligation -
造成损失 Cause a loss -
权责 Power and responsibility -
不得超过 No more than -
留置权 Lien -
非实质性 Non-substantive -
书面答复 Written reply -
任何行动 Any action -
不公平待遇 Unfair treatment -
工程施工进度 Project construction progress -
可行性研究报告 Feasibility study report -
所有权利 All rights -
国家有关 Related to the country -
环境影响评价报告 Environmental impact assessment report -
及其他 And others -
第三者责任 Third party liability -
公司造成 Caused by the company -
合理费用 Reasonable cost -
部门管理 Department management -
法规规定 Regulations -
抵押动产 Chattel mortgaged -
联网收费 Network charge -
支付保险费 Pay the insurance premium -
歧视性 Discrimination -
永久性用地 Permanent land use -
公共安全 Public safety -
公路工程 Highway engineering -
配合乙方 Cooperate with Party B -
合同生效 The contract comes into force -
情况下 Under the circumstances -
重大责任 Great responsibility -
登记手续 Registration procedure -
甲方支付 Party A pays -
行业管理 Industry management -
融资方案 Financing scheme -
无法满足 Unable to meet -
签订协议 Sign an agreement -
证明材料 Proof material -
公司必须 The company must -
履行职责 Perform duties -
管理模式 Management mode -
这些变化 These changes -
结束后 After the end -
桂政办函 Letter from the government of Guangxi -
工程可行性 Engineering feasibility -
进驻费用 Residence expenses -
经营合同 Management contract -
办理土地 Deal with land -
建设计划 Construction plan -
注册手续 Registration procedure -
风险转移 Risk transfer -
移交财产 Transfer of property -
全部责任 Full responsibility -
享受国家 Enjoy the country -
工程承包合同 Project contract -
项目融资 Project financing -
资格审查 Qualification examination -
见附件 Refer to annex -
仲裁裁决 Arbitration award -
工程已 The project has been -
规划项目 Planning project -
持续时间 Duration -
以书面形式 In writing -
贷款人向 The lender to -
材料采购 Material purchase -
交通主管部门 Department in charge of transportation -
工程进展 Engineering progress -
合同规定 Contract stipulation -
届满时 When it expires -
公司清算 Company liquidation -
招标人 Tenderer -
壮族自治区 Zhuang Autonomous region -
银行帐户 bank account -
建设用地 Construction land -
检验合格 Pass the inspection -
负责组织 Responsible organization -
股权变更 Change of equity -
重新组织 Reorganize -
重新调整 Readjust -
公路工程质量 Highway engineering quality -
抵押文件 Mortgage document -
抗力 Resistance -
所需资金 Required funds -
有关材料 Related materials -
下述条款 The following terms and conditions -
文件中 In the file -
有关条款 Relevant clause -
加盖 Cover -
合同签订 Contract signing -
书面申请 Written application -
附属设施 Ancillary facilities -
设计变更 Design change -
中介机构 agency -
会计年度 accounting year -
造成乙方 Cause Party B -
外商独资企业 Wholly foreign-owned enterprise -
税收优惠 Tax preference -
工作进度 Work progress -
单位并 Unit union -
公司责任 Company responsibility -
任何责任 Any liability -
已投资额 Amount invested -
项目投资 Project investment -
有关法律 Relevant laws -
项目工程 Project engineering -
自治区府 Autonomous region government -
初步设计 Preliminary design -
进展情况 Progress -
路政管理 Road administration management -
贷款承诺 Loan commitment -
批准文件 Approval document -
通知存款 Notice deposit -
合同转让 Transfer of contract -
工程招标 Project bidding -
支付方法 Method of payment -
国内外经济组织 Domestic and foreign economic organizations -
协商确定 Negotiation and determination -
仲裁规则 Arbitration rules -
以上条款 The above clause -
项目资本金 Project capital -
社会动乱 Social unrest -
歧视性#遇 Discrimination # encounter -
中止履行合同 Suspend the performance of the contract -
土地管理部门 Land management department -
经营公路 Operate highways -
区域内 Intra-regional -
行使抵押权 Exercise the right of mortgage -
项目设备 Project equipment -
质量规范 Quality standard -
质量保证体系 Quality assurance system -
法定权利 Legal right -
未加 Not added -
痏标文件 Labeling file -
全面质量 Overall quality -
上述法律 The above-mentioned laws -
违约金 Liquidated damages -
中华人民共和国公路法 Highway Law of the people's Republic of China -
法律约束力 Legal binding force -
人民币 RMB -
合同相关 Contract related -
施工进度 Construction schedule -
违约责任 Liability for breach of contract -
技术规范 Technical specification -
施工现场 Construction site -
通讯线路 Communication line -
交工验收 Hand in work for acceptance -
项目建设期 Project construction period -
公正性 Fairness -
互通式 Interworking type -
授权代表 Authorized representative -
相关工作 Related work -
代表签字 Signature of the representative -
合同双方 Both parties to the contract -
建设资金 funds for construction -
工作组进 Working group advance -
随着经济 With the economy -
行业主管部门 The department in charge of the industry -
质量监督 Quality supervision -
次年 next year -
资本金 Capital fund -
单方解除 Unilateral release -
同类公路 Similar highway -
交工验收报告 Hand in the acceptance report -
工作费用 Work expenses -
法定职责 Legal duty -
组织施工 Organization and construction -
公路管理机构 Highway management organization -
完善质量 Improve the quality -
投资计划 investment plan -
招标文件 Bidding documents -
现行法律 Current law -
设计单位 Design unit -
协商解决 Negotiate a settlement -
采取行动 take action -
律师费用 Lawyer's fee -
通知甲方 Notify Party A -
技术状态 Technical status -
带资承包 Contract with capital -
遵守法律 Abide by the law -
工商行政管理部门 Administrative department for industry and commerce -
要求乙方 Party B is required -
中止履行 Suspension of performance -
借款合同 Loan contract -
有关工作 Related work -
债务承担 Debt commitment -
年度报表 Annual report -
投资建设 Investment and construction -
合理损耗 Reasonable loss -
投标管理 Bidding management -
资格预审 Prequalification -
地方性法规 Local laws and regulations -
合同副本 Copy of the contract -
保证函 Letter of guarantee -
连带责任 joint responsibility -
沿途地区 Areas along the way -
违约方 Defaulting party -
第二个 the second -
项目竣工验收 Acceptance of project completion -
不可撤销 Irrevocable -
公路工程竣工验收办法 Measures for acceptance of Highway Engineering completion -
原因造成 Cause -
规定办理 Prescribed treatment -
审批手续 examining and approving formalities -
单方终止 Unilateral termination -
资本金未 Capital not yet -
公司开展 The company develops -
监理单位 Supervision unit -
工程建设 Engineering construction -
规定程序 Prescribed procedure -
中标者 Winning bidder -
协助甲方 Assist Party A -
履行项目 Fulfill the project -
项目已 The project has been -
最大努力 Best effort -
甲方指定 Designated by Party A -
公路路线 Highway route -
承担连带责任 Bear joint and several liability -
道路两侧 Both sides of the road -
相对控股权 Relative controlling shares -
甲方保证 Party A guarantees -
设计概算 Design estimate -
标准调整 Standard adjustment -
补偿项目 Compensation project -
勘察设计 Survey and design -
上述情况 The above situation -
公平待遇 Fair treatment -
有法律约束力 Legally binding -
项目建成 Project completion -
全部材料 All materials -
分离式 Separate type -
公路管理 Highway management -
料场 Material yard -
项目设计 Project design -
设计组织 Design organization -
通行费 Toll -
公司申请 Company application -
交通量 Traffic volume -
计提 Calculation and provision -
仲裁委员会 board of arbitration -
收费站 Toll Station -
建立质量 Establish quality -
投资优惠 Investment preference -
项目资金筹措 Project financing -
相关证明文件 Relevant supporting documents -
原因导致 Cause -
甲方书面 Party An is in writing -
顼目申请报告 Report on the application for registration -
质量监督部门 Quality supervision department -
完成后 After completion -
合同项 Contract item -
支付费用 Pay a fee -
抵押合同 Mortgage contract -
第一年 First year -
职责范围 Scope of responsibility -
过程和方法 Process and method -
服务区 Service area -
工程施工 Engineering construction -
公开招标 Open bidding -
要求项目 Required project -
监督部门 Supervision department -
甲方同意 Party An agrees -
严重质量 Serious quality -
评估机构 Evaluation institution -
工程质量 Engineering quality -
一切争议 All disputes -
评价报告 Evaluation report -
质量控制过程 Quality control process -
县人民政府 County people's government -
合同履行 Contract fulfillment -
经营期限 Operating period -
清算价值 Liquidation value -
财务报表 Financial statement -
竣工验收 Completion acceptance -
特许权 Concession right -
管理区 Management area -
中国法律 Chinese law -
前期工作 Preliminary work -
建设投资 Construction investment -
资产管理 Asset Management -
活动应 Activities should be -
执法人员 Law enforcement personnel -
符合约定 In accordance with the agreement -
准备好 Get ready -
法定节假曰 Statutory holiday day -
乙方交付 Delivery by Party B -
符合国务院 In line with the State Council -
权证 Warrant -
施工图设计 Construction drawing design -
行政管理部门 Administrative department -
配套设施 supporting facilities -
公司依法 The company in accordance with the law -
工程所在地 Project location -
证明文件 Proof document -
主要材料 Main materials -
公司经营 Company operation -
高效地 Efficiently -
进场 Enter the field -
工作并 Work and -
任何部分 Any part -
要求建设 Requirements for construction -
合同要求 Contract requirement -
高速公路管理 Highway management -
全面质量管理 Total quality management -
工程建设进度 Progress of project construction -
有关主管部门 Relevant competent departments -
乙方应 Party B shall -
合同履约 Performance of the contract -
组织工程 Tissue engineering -
所在地市 City where it is located -
方当事人 The party concerned -
无法实施 Unable to implement -
过程中 In process -
公司向 The company reports to -
通知对方 Notify the other party -
仲裁庭 Arbitration tribunal -
维护合同 Maintenance contract -
承包合同 Contract contract -
国务院交通主管部门 The department in charge of transportation under the State Council -
收费标准 Rates -
基本建设计划 Capital construction plan -
书面同意 Written consent -
收费权 Charging right -
当地政府 Local government -
乙方承担 Party B undertakes -
任何种类 Any kind -
车辆通行费 Vehicle toll -
质量问题 Quality problem -
有关财产 Related property -
不得变更 Must not be changed -
道路安全 Road safety -
设计工作 Design work -
退还乙方 Return it to Party B -
项目运营 Project operation -
损失补偿 Loss compensation -
管理规定 Management regulations -
合同终止 Termination of contract -
监督检查 Supervision and inspection -
交通工程 Traffic engineering -
广西壮族自治区 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region -
违约责任 Liability for breach of contract -
维护费 Maintenance fee -
设备维修 Equipment maintenance -
完善配套 Perfect matching -
否则甲方 Otherwise, Party A -
设计图纸 Design drawing -
融资能力 Financing ability -
管理不善 Poor management -
公路建设市场管理办法 Measures for the Management of Highway Construction Market -
国家法律 National law -
履约保证金 Performance bond -
法律法规 laws and regulations -
未完成 Unfinished -
工程承包 Project contracting -
保证金不足 Lack of security deposit -
绿化带 Green belt -
完成项目 Complete the project -
工程量 Engineering quantity -
移交日期 Handover date -
公司破产 The company goes bankrupt -
基本帐户 Basic account -
书面形式 Written form -
项&公司 Item & Company -
产权证 Property right certificate -
接通后 After it is connected -
项目公司 Project company -
合同条款 Terms of the contract -
公司承担 The company undertakes -
申请办理 Application processing -
土地征用工作 Land expropriation work -
人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
实质性违约 Material breach of contract -
政府授权 Government authorization -
验收申请 Application for acceptance -
优惠条件 Preferential terms -
全部权利 All rights -
建设工程 Construction project -
阳朔 Yangshuo -
实质性条件 Substantive condition -
经济地位 Economic status -
工程进度 Project progress -
征地拆迁 Land requisition and demolition -
车辆维修 Vehicle maintenance -
设计内容 Design content -
银行开设 Bank opening -
甲方负责 Party An is responsible -
实质性损失 Material loss -
办公用房 Office room -
公路法 Highway law -
项目服务 Project service -
水利设施 Water conservancy facilities -
合同任何 Any contract -
退还保证金 Refund of deposit -
鉴定意见 Appraisal opinion -
第十章 Chapter 10 -
全部过程 The whole process -
建设期 Construction period -
影响评价 Impact assessment -
运行状态 Running state -
项目资金 Project funds -
行政规章 Administrative regulations -
工程分包 Engineering subcontract -
收费公路 Tollway -
贷款人 Lender -
合同约定 Contractual agreement -
出资额 Capital contribution -
质押权 Pledge right -
基本建设投资 Investment in capital construction -
企业法人营业执照 Business license of enterprise legal person -
国家档案 National archives -
组织管理 Organization and management -
相关合同 Related contract -
道路养护 Road maintenance -
公司成立 Establishment of the company -
土地征用 land acquisition -
合同生效日期 Effective date of the contract -
国有资产管理 Management of state-owned assets -
甲方权利 Party A's rights -
有关机构 Relevant institutions -
要求甲方 Require Party A -
政府土地 Government land -
同意乙方 Agree with Party B -
向第三方 To a third party -
中华人民共和国合同法 Contract Law of the people's Republic of China -
提交中国 Submit to China -
一方当事人 One party -
工程竣工 Completion of the project -
退回乙方 Return to Party B -
施工监理 Construction supervision -
政府批准 Approved by the government -
工期延误 Delay in construction period -
说明理由 Explain the reason -
招标投标 Bidding and bidding -
受让方 Transferee -
运营商 Service provider -
符合国家 Conform to the country -
工程设施 Engineering facilities -
工程质量监督站 Engineering quality supervision station -
承办单位 Undertaking unit -
追加概算 Supplementary estimate -
拆迁费 Demolition fee -
工程监理 Engineering supervision -
平等待遇 Equal treatment -
设计文件 Design document -
国家鼓励 Encouraged by the state -
使用和管理 Use and management -
总投资额 total investment amount -
土地使用权 Land use right -
乙方支付 Party B pays -
规范性文件 Normative document -
控股权 Controlling stock right -
有限责任 Limited liability -
公众健康 Public health -
存款利息 interest on deposit -
任何合同 Any contract -
友好协商 Friendly negotiation -
技术资料 Technical data -
会计师事务所 Accounting firm -
这些合同 These contracts -
试运营 Trial operation -
股权转让 Equity transfer -