
原文 译文 详情
financi Financi -
财政赤字率 Fiscal deficit ratio -
符合预期 In line with expectations -
紧张问题 Tense problem -
常态化 Normalization -
大众创业万众创新 Mass entrepreneurship, mass innovation -
新发展理念 New Development Concept -
中央财政 Central finance -
风险事件 Risk event -
平稳运行 Smooth operation -
万众创新 Mass innovation -
就业政策 Employment policy -
推进大众 Promote the public -
全面降准 Across-the-board reduction of reserve requirements -
债券发行 Bond issuance -
推动经济 Promote the economy -
世界前列 The forefront of the world -
贷款利率 Loan interest rate -
宏观杠杆率 Macro leverage ratio -
政府债务 Government debt -
保持经济 Maintain the economy -
货币政策 Monetary policy -
推进地方 Push the place -
经济运行 Economic operation -
全面贯彻 Carry out in an all-round way -
高校毕业生 College graduates -
合理区间 Reasonable interval -
专项债券 Special bond -
逆周期 Reverse cycle -
大宗商品 Bulk commodities -
位居世界 Rank in the world -
政策连续性 Policy continuity -
deficit Deficit -
金融风险 Financial risk -
Reflecting Reflecting -
杠杆率 Leverage ratio -
稳岗扩就业政策 Policy of stabilizing posts and expanding employment -
风险挑战 Risk Challenges -
fastest Fastest -
经济增速 Economic growth rate -
各种风险挑战 Various risks and challenges -
county County -
中央经济工作会议 Central Economic work Conference -
地方政府专项债券 Special bonds of local government -
prefecture Prefecture -
应对各种风险 Deal with all kinds of risks -
中央经济 Central economy -
政策空间 Policy space -
严重冲击 Severe impact -
周期调节 Periodic regulation -
新变化 New changes -
六稳 Six stable -
政府专项 Government special project -
风险防范 risk prevention -
decreased Decreased -
重点群体 Key groups -
落实中央 Implement the central government -
宏观政策 Macro policy -
债务风险 Debt risk -
大宗商品保供稳价 Guaranteed supply and stable price of commodities -
六保 Six guarantees -
决策部署 Decision deployment -
国内外形势 Domestic and foreign situation -
支持力度 Support strength -
政策落实 Policy implementation -
着力解决 Focus on solving the problem -
发展理念 Development Concept -