
原文 译文 详情
特色农产品 Characteristic agricultural products -
粉霜 Powder cream -
李渔 Li Yu -
嘉峪关猪头梨 Jiayuguan Zhu Tou Pear -
红提 Red extract -
实施国家 Implementing country -
泥沟村 Nigou village -
含油量 Oil content -
心脑血管 Cardio-cerebral vessels -
养颜 Nourish beauty -
杂交玉米 Hybrid corn -
美白肌肤 Whitening skin -
油泼 Oil splashing -
含量高 High content -
山丹发菜 Nostoc flagelliforme -
高台红梨 Gaotai red pear -
榨油 Press oil -
润肺化痰 Moistening the lung and resolving phlegm -
药食兼用 For both medicine and food -
张掖市种子行业协会 Zhangye seed Industry Association -
益气 Replenish qi -
发展格局 Development pattern -
味甘酸性平 Taste sweet acid flat -
雪域明珠 The pearl of snow -
机率 Probability -
河西 Hexi -
富含 Rich in -
高台合黎辣椒 Gaotai Heli pepper -
面片 Facet -
果酸 Fruit acid -
分枝 Branching -
紫红色 Purplish red -
果实色泽 Fruit color -
临泽 Linze -
黄皮 Yellow bark -
润肺止咳 -
苹果梨 Apple pear -
价值高 High value -
色泽鲜艳 Bright color -
硬度高 High hardness -
露仁核桃 Dewkernel walnut -
小枣 Jujube -
临泽沙河梨 Linze Shahe pear -
赵喜阳 Zhao Xiyang -
脆嫩 Crisp and tender -
嘉峪关泥沟胡萝卜 Jiayuguan Nigou carrots -
矮杆油菜 Dwarf rapeseed -
粥样硬化 Atherosclerosis -
茄红素 Lycopene -
生食 Raw food -
临泽红枣 Linze red jujube -
矿物元素 Mineral elements -
沙河梨 Shahe pear -
安胎 Calming the fetus -
黑番茄 Black tomato -
肃南裕固族自治县 Sunan Yugur Autonomous County -
嘉峪关 Jiayuguan pass -
糖分 Sugar content -
色泽艳丽 Gorgeous color -
张掖玉米种子 Zhangye corn seed -
心柱 Core column -
医学界 Medical profession -
嘉峪关市 Jiayuguan City -
扁圆形 Oblate and round -
松紧适度 Tightness degree -
山丹发菜 Nostoc flagelliforme -
民乐苹果梨 -
张掖红地球葡萄 Zhangye red earth grape -
证明商标 Certification trademark -
油质 Oil quality -
产量高 High output -
甘蓝 Cabbage -
薄皮 Thin skin -
化痰 Resolving phlegm -
品质优 Excellent quality -
嘉峪关野麻湾 Jiayuguan Yemawan Bay -
风味独特 Unique flavor -
经常食用 Eat frequently -
地理标志 Geographical indication -
营养价值高 High nutritional value -
滋阴 Nourishing yin -
外型美观 Beautiful appearance -
番茄 tomato -
保持身体 Keep your body. -
国家商标局 State Trademark Office -
戏曲理论 Traditional opera theory -
品质优良 Good quality -
发丝 Hair filament -
行业协会 Trade association -
洋葱 onion -
诸药 Various medicines -
胡萝卜 Carrot -
雪提 Snow Ti -
晒制 Bask in -
味香 Taste fragrant -
量高 Quantity high -
红皮 Red skin -
营养丰富 Rich in nutrition -
红枣 Red jujube -
人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
甘州区 Ganzhou District -
调和诸药 Reconcile all the drugs -
养血安神 Nourish blood and calm the mind -
医疗保健 Medical and health care -
储运 Storage and transportation -
前列腺癌 Prostate cancer -
葡萄果实 Grape fruit -
肉厚 Thick meat -
脉粥样硬化 Pulse atherosclerosis -
红梨 Red pear -
中华人民共和国农业部 Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China -
层厚 Layer thickness -
红地球葡萄 Red Globe grape -
果面 Fruit noodles -
素食主义者 Vegetarian -
健脾益气 Fortify The Spleen And Supplement Qi -