原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
成果丰硕 | Fruitful results | - |
粮食生产能力 | Grain production capacity | - |
事业全面 | Comprehensive career | - |
竞技体育 | Competitive sports | - |
团结统一 | Unity and unity | - |
基础设施建设 | Infrastructure construction | - |
应对气候变化 | Dealing with climate change | - |
居民收入 | Resident income | - |
社会主义民主政治 | Socialist democratic politics | - |
古田 | Gutian | - |
全面推进依法治国 | Comprehensively promote the rule of law | - |
全面深化改革 | Deepen reform in an all-round way | - |
顺利实施 | Smooth implementation | - |
五位一体 | economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress | - |
不断改善 | Continuous improvement | - |
中国梦强军梦 | Chinese Dream's dream of strengthening the army | - |
能源资源 | Energy resources | - |
体系更加 | The system is more | - |
贫困人口 | Poor population | - |
法治体系 | Rule of law system | - |
新发展理念 | New Development Concept | - |
古田全军政治工作会议 | Gutian all-Army political work Conference | - |
发展方式 | Mode of development | - |
政治生态 | Political ecology | - |
成为全球 | Become a global | - |
环境治理 | Environmental governance | - |
文化影响 | Cultural influence | - |
斗争准备 | Struggle preparation | - |
思想文化建设 | Ideological and cultural construction | - |
社会主义伟大 | Socialism is great. | - |
监察体制 | Supervision system | - |
侧结构性改革 | Lateral structural reform | - |
理论创新 | Theoretical innovation | - |
人道主义救援 | - | |
中高速增长 | Medium and high speed growth | - |
组织架构 | Organizational structure | - |
精神文明创建 | The establishment of spiritual civilization | - |
迎难而上 | Face up to difficulties | - |
城乡居民收入 | Income of urban and rural residents | - |
数字经济 | Digital economy | - |
习近平 | Xi Jinping | - |
转变发展 | Transformation and development | - |
稳步推进 | Make steady progress | - |
重大科技 | Major science and technology | - |
京津冀协同发展 | the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region | - |
法治社会 | A society ruled by law | - |
人民健康 | People's health | - |
农村教育 | Rural education | - |
十八大精神 | The spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress | - |
国家治理体系 | National governance system | - |
军事战略方针 | Military strategic policy | - |
社会思想 | Social thought | - |
社会建设 | Social construction | - |
农业转移人口 | Agricultural transfer population | - |
党内民主 | Inner-party democracy | - |
有机统一 | Organic unity | - |
根本动力 | Fundamental power | - |
发展协调性 | Development coordination | - |
文明创建 | Civilization creation | - |
保障体系 | Guarantee system | - |
创新型国家 | Innovative country | - |
供给侧结构性改革 | supply-side structural reform | - |
深刻变化 | Profound change | - |
墨子 | Mozi | - |
加快发展 | Speed up development | - |
国家文化软实力 | National cultural soft power | - |
军事斗争准备 | Preparation for military struggle | - |
国家监察体制改革试点 | Pilot project for the reform of the national supervision system | - |
四个全面 | the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy | - |
严格执法 | Strictly enforce the law | - |
会保障体系 | Social security system | - |
贡献率 | Contribution rate | - |
发生率 | Incidence rate | - |
优秀传统文化 | Excellent traditional culture | - |
战略机遇期 | - | |
开放型经济新体制 | New system of open economy | - |
人民获得感 | The people get a sense. | - |
全面建成 | Fully completed | - |
社会主义法治 | Socialist rule of law | - |
状况持续 | The situation continues. | - |
修复工程 | - | |
正能量 | Positive energy | - |
人民当家作主 | The people are the masters of the country | - |
重塑 | Reshaping | - |
重要领域和关键环节 | Important areas and key links | - |
悟空 | Wukong | - |
社会主义进入 | Socialist entry | - |
一带一路 | The Belt and Road Initiative | - |
指导地位 | Guiding position | - |
民族宗教工作 | Ethnic and religious work | - |
协同性 | Cooperation | - |
国家公园体制 | National park system | - |
世界经济增长 | World economic growth | - |
全面发力 | All-round development | - |
历史性变革 | Historic change | - |
世界前列 | The forefront of the world | - |
驱动发展 | Drive development | - |
工程进展 | Engineering progress | - |
全球性问题 | Global problems | - |
中华民族伟大复兴 | The Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation | - |
丁湾护航 | - | |
惠民举措 | Measures to benefit the people | - |
世界经济复苏 | World Economic Recovery | - |
统筹推进 | Push forward as a whole | - |
功能区制度 | Functional area system | - |
重大生态 | Major ecology | - |
建设管理 | Construction management | - |
国家监察 | National supervision | - |
结构性改革 | Structural reform | - |
贡献者 | Contributor | - |
重要战略机遇期 | - | |
强军兴军 | Strengthen the army and revitalize the army | - |
司法体制改革 | Judicial system reform | - |
十二五 | The Twelfth five-year Plan | - |
中国梦 | Chinese Dream | - |
整体性 | Integrity | - |
资源消耗 | Resource consumption | - |
激励中国 | - | |
治党 | Administer the party | - |
制度体系 | Institution system | - |
建设全面 | Construction in an all-round way | - |
公共文化服务 | Public cultural service | - |
关键时期 | Critical period | - |
绿色发展 | Green development | - |
生态保护 | Ecological protection | - |
建成小康 | Build a well-off society | - |
高举中国 | Hold China high | - |
体系基本 | The system is basic | - |
我国发展 | The development of our country | - |
住房建设 | Housing construction | - |
十八大 | The 18th CPC National Congress | - |
全国代表大会 | National Congress | - |
社会主义民主 | Socialist democracy | - |
现代化水平 | Modernization level | - |
委员会向 | The committee reported to | - |
推进生态 | Promote ecology | - |
长江经济带 | the Yangtze Economic Belt | - |
特色社会主义 | Characteristic socialism | - |
开放型经济 | Open economy | - |
大飞机 | Big plane | - |
勇于创新 | - | |
中华优秀传统文化 | Excellent traditional Chinese culture | - |
中华文化 | Chinese culture | - |
全面推进 | Advance in an all-round way | - |
面对我国 | Facing our country | - |
中等收入群体 | Middle-income group | - |
现代化建设 | Modernization | - |
协商民主 | Deliberative democracy | - |
中西部 | Central and western regions | - |
改革试点 | Reform pilot project | - |
更加完善 | More perfect | - |
服务水平 | Service level | - |
积极发展 | Positive development | - |
创新驱动发展战略 | Innovation-driven development strategy | - |
全面展开 | Carry out in an all-round way | - |
发展进程 | Development process | - |
体制逐步 | The system is gradually | - |
稳中求进工作总基调 | The general tone of the work of striving for progress in the midst of stability | - |
民主法治 | Democracy and rule of law | - |
建设成果 | Construction achievements | - |
收入增速 | Income growth rate | - |
意识形态领域 | Ideological field | - |
职能转变 | Function transformation | - |
法治政府 | Government under the rule of law | - |
中国特色社会主义 | Socialism with Chinese Characteristics | - |
伟大复兴 | Great Revival | - |
协调性 | Coordination | - |
司法体 | Judicial body | - |
贫困发生率 | Poverty incidence | - |
全面依法治国 | Comprehensively govern the country according to law | - |
高铁 | high-speed rail | - |
民主更加 | Democracy is more | - |
战略布局 | Strategic layout | - |
我国经济发展 | China's economic development | - |
新增就业 | Create new jobs | - |
体制机制 | System and mechanism | - |
脱贫攻坚战 | Fight against poverty | - |
社会大局 | Overall social situation | - |
领域改革 | Domain reform | - |
意识形态工作 | Ideological work | - |
开拓进取 | Pioneering and enterprising | - |
有效治理 | Effective governance | - |
覆盖城乡居民 | Cover urban and rural residents | - |
重大突破 | Major Breakthrough | - |
发展质量 | Development quality | - |
中国共产党人 | Chinese Communists | - |
全面节约 | Comprehensive economy | - |
京津冀 | Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei | - |
全球生态 | Global ecology | - |
文明制度 | Civilized system | - |
社会主义现代化建设 | Socialist modernization construction | - |
改革举措 | Reform measures | - |
面对世界 | Face the world | - |
局部冲突 | Local conflict | - |
经济复苏乏力 | The economic recovery is weak | - |
经济增长 | Economic growth | - |
社会保障 | social security | - |
强军之路上 | The road to strengthening the army | - |
社会主义制度 | socialist system | - |
建设相互 | - | |
文化服务 | Cultural service | - |
经济增速 | Economic growth rate | - |
宗教工作 | Religious work | - |
决胜阶段 | Decisive stage | - |
国家事业 | National cause | - |
生态文明建设 | Ecological civilization construction | - |
军队改革 | Army reform | - |
大幅下降 | A sharp drop | - |
国家发展进程 | National development process | - |
建设快速 | Rapid construction | - |
权力运行 | Power operation | - |
社会主义协商 | Socialist consultation | - |
社会治理体系 | Social governance system | - |
法治观念 | The concept of rule of law | - |
文明建设 | Civilization construction | - |
保障性住房 | Indemnificatory housing | - |
社会主义核心价值观 | core socialist values | - |
全面建成小康社会 | Build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way | - |
科学立法 | Scientific legislation | - |
中央委员会 | Central committee | - |
核心价值观 | Core values | - |
大幅提高 | - | |
社会保障体系 | Social security system | - |
重大任务 | Major task | - |
海上维权 | - | |
推进全面 | Promote all-round development | - |
现代化稳步 | Modernization is steady | - |
加快形成 | Accelerate formation | - |
生态文明 | Ecological civilization | - |
勇于变革 | Dare to change | - |
社会决胜阶段 | Social decisive stage | - |
主动性显著 | Significant initiative | - |
不忘初心 | Never forget why you started | - |
中国共产党 | Communist Party of China | - |
小康社会 | a moderately prosperous society | - |
规划顺利 | The planning is smooth. | - |
治理体系 | Governance system | - |
就业状况 | Employment situation | - |
国内生产 | Domestic production | - |
管理运用 | Management and application | - |
生态文明制度体系 | Ecological civilization system | - |
显著增强 | Significantly enhanced | - |
亚丁湾 | - | |
爱国统一战线 | - | |
全面开创 | Create in an all-round way | - |
决定性进展 | Decisive progress | - |
十三五 | Thirteen five-year Plan | - |
历史性突破 | Historic breakthrough | - |
革命性重塑 | Revolutionary reshaping | - |
治理能力现代化 | Modernization of governance ability | - |
农业现代化 | Agricultural modernization | - |
城镇化率 | Urbanization rate | - |
发展社会主义 | Develop socialism | - |
城镇新增就业 | New jobs in cities and towns | - |
区域发展协调性增强 | Enhanced coordination of regional development | - |
水平明显 | The level is obvious | - |
高速增长 | Rapid growth | - |
制度建设 | System construction | - |
监督体系 | Supervision system | - |
全面加强 | Strengthen in an all-round way | - |
推进国防 | Promote national defense | - |
突破性进展 | Breakthrough progress | - |
建设成效 | Construction effect | - |
工作总基调 | General tone of work | - |
行政体制改革 | Administrative system reform | - |
协同发展 | Coordinated development | - |
政府机构改革 | Reform of government institutions | - |
历史性成就 | Historic achievement | - |
全民健身和竞技体育 | National fitness and competitive sports | - |
关键环节改革 | Key link reform | - |
伟大旗帜 | Great flag | - |
设施建设 | Facilities construction | - |
重大步伐 | Significant steps | - |
环境状况 | Environmental condition | - |
生态环境保护 | Ecological environment protection | - |
法治建设 | Construction of the rule of law | - |
改革全面 | Comprehensive reform | - |
主体功能区 | Main functional area | - |
主体框架 | Subject framework | - |
第十九次全国代表大会 | The 19th National Congress | - |
着力增强 | Focus on strengthening | - |
森林覆盖率 | forest coverage | - |
重要参与者 | Important participant | - |
依法治国 | Governing the country according to law | - |
节约资源 | Save resources | - |
文化产业 | Cultural industry | - |
发展进入 | Development into | - |
国内外形势 | Domestic and foreign situation | - |
法治国家 | A country ruled by law | - |
软实力 | Soft power | - |
公正司法 | Fair administration of justice | - |
协调性增强 | Enhanced coordination | - |
新型国家 | New country | - |
世界主要 | Major in the world | - |
全国各族人民 | People of all ethnic groups in the country | - |
环节改革 | Link reform | - |
发展理念 | Development Concept | - |
体系建设 | System construction | - |
持续改善 | Continuous improvement | - |
登高望远 | Aim high and look far | - |
改革深入 | In-depth reform | - |
体制机制弊端 | - | |
成果丰硕 | Fruitful results | - |
粮食生产能力 | Grain production capacity | - |
事业全面 | Comprehensive career | - |
竞技体育 | Competitive sports | - |
团结统一 | Unity and unity | - |
基础设施建设 | Infrastructure construction | - |
应对气候变化 | Dealing with climate change | - |
居民收入 | Resident income | - |
社会主义民主政治 | Socialist democratic politics | - |
古田 | Gutian | - |
全面推进依法治国 | Comprehensively promote the rule of law | - |
全面深化改革 | Deepen reform in an all-round way | - |
顺利实施 | Smooth implementation | - |
五位一体 | economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress | - |
不断改善 | Continuous improvement | - |
中国梦强军梦 | Chinese Dream's dream of strengthening the army | - |
能源资源 | Energy resources | - |
体系更加 | The system is more | - |
贫困人口 | Poor population | - |
法治体系 | Rule of law system | - |
新发展理念 | New Development Concept | - |
古田全军政治工作会议 | Gutian all-Army political work Conference | - |
发展方式 | Mode of development | - |
政治生态 | Political ecology | - |
成为全球 | Become a global | - |
环境治理 | Environmental governance | - |
文化影响 | Cultural influence | - |
斗争准备 | Struggle preparation | - |
思想文化建设 | Ideological and cultural construction | - |
社会主义伟大 | Socialism is great. | - |
监察体制 | Supervision system | - |
侧结构性改革 | Lateral structural reform | - |
理论创新 | Theoretical innovation | - |
人道主义救援 | - | |
中高速增长 | Medium and high speed growth | - |
组织架构 | Organizational structure | - |
精神文明创建 | The establishment of spiritual civilization | - |
迎难而上 | Face up to difficulties | - |
城乡居民收入 | Income of urban and rural residents | - |
数字经济 | Digital economy | - |
习近平 | Xi Jinping | - |
转变发展 | Transformation and development | - |
稳步推进 | Make steady progress | - |
重大科技 | Major science and technology | - |
京津冀协同发展 | the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region | - |
法治社会 | A society ruled by law | - |
人民健康 | People's health | - |
农村教育 | Rural education | - |
十八大精神 | The spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress | - |
国家治理体系 | National governance system | - |
军事战略方针 | Military strategic policy | - |
社会思想 | Social thought | - |
社会建设 | Social construction | - |
农业转移人口 | Agricultural transfer population | - |
党内民主 | Inner-party democracy | - |
有机统一 | Organic unity | - |
根本动力 | Fundamental power | - |
发展协调性 | Development coordination | - |
文明创建 | Civilization creation | - |
保障体系 | Guarantee system | - |
创新型国家 | Innovative country | - |
供给侧结构性改革 | supply-side structural reform | - |
深刻变化 | Profound change | - |
墨子 | Mozi | - |
加快发展 | Speed up development | - |
国家文化软实力 | National cultural soft power | - |
军事斗争准备 | Preparation for military struggle | - |
国家监察体制改革试点 | Pilot project for the reform of the national supervision system | - |
四个全面 | the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy | - |
严格执法 | Strictly enforce the law | - |
会保障体系 | Social security system | - |
贡献率 | Contribution rate | - |
发生率 | Incidence rate | - |
优秀传统文化 | Excellent traditional culture | - |
战略机遇期 | - | |
开放型经济新体制 | New system of open economy | - |
人民获得感 | The people get a sense. | - |
全面建成 | Fully completed | - |
社会主义法治 | Socialist rule of law | - |
状况持续 | The situation continues. | - |
修复工程 | - | |
正能量 | Positive energy | - |
人民当家作主 | The people are the masters of the country | - |
重塑 | Reshaping | - |
重要领域和关键环节 | Important areas and key links | - |
悟空 | Wukong | - |
社会主义进入 | Socialist entry | - |
一带一路 | The Belt and Road Initiative | - |
指导地位 | Guiding position | - |
民族宗教工作 | Ethnic and religious work | - |
协同性 | Cooperation | - |
国家公园体制 | National park system | - |
世界经济增长 | World economic growth | - |
全面发力 | All-round development | - |
历史性变革 | Historic change | - |
世界前列 | The forefront of the world | - |
驱动发展 | Drive development | - |
工程进展 | Engineering progress | - |
全球性问题 | Global problems | - |
中华民族伟大复兴 | The Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation | - |
丁湾护航 | - | |
惠民举措 | Measures to benefit the people | - |
世界经济复苏 | World Economic Recovery | - |
统筹推进 | Push forward as a whole | - |
功能区制度 | Functional area system | - |
重大生态 | Major ecology | - |
建设管理 | Construction management | - |
国家监察 | National supervision | - |
结构性改革 | Structural reform | - |
贡献者 | Contributor | - |
重要战略机遇期 | - | |
强军兴军 | Strengthen the army and revitalize the army | - |
司法体制改革 | Judicial system reform | - |
十二五 | The Twelfth five-year Plan | - |
中国梦 | Chinese Dream | - |
整体性 | Integrity | - |
资源消耗 | Resource consumption | - |
激励中国 | - | |
治党 | Administer the party | - |
制度体系 | Institution system | - |
建设全面 | Construction in an all-round way | - |
公共文化服务 | Public cultural service | - |
关键时期 | Critical period | - |
绿色发展 | Green development | - |
生态保护 | Ecological protection | - |
建成小康 | Build a well-off society | - |
高举中国 | Hold China high | - |
体系基本 | The system is basic | - |
我国发展 | The development of our country | - |
住房建设 | Housing construction | - |
十八大 | The 18th CPC National Congress | - |
全国代表大会 | National Congress | - |
社会主义民主 | Socialist democracy | - |
现代化水平 | Modernization level | - |