水磨沟 |
Shuimogou |
发酵软化 |
saccharification |
红地球 |
dark purplish red |
例句: 1998年红地球引入敦煌后,栽培表现甚佳,可以与美国、智利的同类产品相媲美。 红地球的含糖量一般在18%到20%,而敦煌的红地球,含糖量最高能达到27.6%。
The Red globe grape among the Dunhuang grapes is also called "Red grape".Its peel is dark purplish red, and its flesh is hard, crisp, sweet and delicious.Among many fresh grape varieties, red globe is particularly resistant to storage and transportation, and the fruit grains are not easy to fall off, crack and crush injury, which provides favorable conditions for long-distance transportation of grapes.The climate of Dunhuang is very similar to that of California, the origin of Red Globe grapes.After the introduction of red earth into Dunhuang in 1998, the cultivation performance is very good, which can be comparable to the similar products of the United States and Chile.The sugar content of red earth is generally 18% to 20%, while the sugar content of red earth in Dunhuang can reach 27.6%.
含糖量 |
sugar content |
十里桃乡 |
Ten kilometers peach Township |
生长周期 |
growth cycle |
例句: 玉门地处枸杞种植黄金带,因光照时间长,昼夜温差大,降雨量小,使枸杞生长周期长,营养成分多,保证了枸杞正常采摘和晾晒,减少了树体及鲜果的病虫害,造就了玉门枸杞色泽鲜红、口味甘甜、粒大皮薄、肉厚汁多的优良品质。
Yumen is located in the golden zone of Chinese wolfberry planting. Due to long illumination time, large temperature difference between day and night and small rainfall, the growth cycle of Chinese wolfberry is long and there are many nutrients, which ensures the normal picking and drying of Chinese wolfberry, reduces the diseases and pests of tree body and fresh fruit, and creates the excellent quality of Yumen Chinese wolfberry with bright red color, sweet taste, large grain, thin skin, thick meat and juicy juice.
微量元素 |
trace elements |
清暑解热 |
clearing summer heat |
时间长 |
illumination time |
例句: 玉门地处枸杞种植黄金带,因光照时间长,昼夜温差大,降雨量小,使枸杞生长周期长,营养成分多,保证了枸杞正常采摘和晾晒,减少了树体及鲜果的病虫害,造就了玉门枸杞色泽鲜红、口味甘甜、粒大皮薄、肉厚汁多的优良品质。
Yumen is located in the golden zone of Chinese wolfberry planting. Due to long illumination time, large temperature difference between day and night and small rainfall, the growth cycle of Chinese wolfberry is long and there are many nutrients, which ensures the normal picking and drying of Chinese wolfberry, reduces the diseases and pests of tree body and fresh fruit, and creates the excellent quality of Yumen Chinese wolfberry with bright red color, sweet taste, large grain, thin skin, thick meat and juicy juice.
昼夜温差 |
temperature difference |
苦味 |
bitter taste |
例句: 兰州百合味极甜美,纤维很少,又毫无苦味,其生产的百合个头大、味极甜美、色泽洁白如玉,兰州百合属山丹类,是百合中的上乘极品,是全国唯一食用甜百合。
Lanzhou Lily has very sweet taste, little fiber and no bitter taste. The lily is large, very sweet and white as jade. Lanzhou lily belongs to Shandan County, which is the best of lilies and the only edible sweet Lily in China.
鲜果 |
fresh fruit |
例句: 玉门地处枸杞种植黄金带,因光照时间长,昼夜温差大,降雨量小,使枸杞生长周期长,营养成分多,保证了枸杞正常采摘和晾晒,减少了树体及鲜果的病虫害,造就了玉门枸杞色泽鲜红、口味甘甜、粒大皮薄、肉厚汁多的优良品质。
Yumen is located in the golden zone of Chinese wolfberry planting. Due to long illumination time, large temperature difference between day and night and small rainfall, the growth cycle of Chinese wolfberry is long and there are many nutrients, which ensures the normal picking and drying of Chinese wolfberry, reduces the diseases and pests of tree body and fresh fruit, and creates the excellent quality of Yumen Chinese wolfberry with bright red color, sweet taste, large grain, thin skin, thick meat and juicy juice.
黄金带 |
golden zone |
例句: 玉门地处枸杞种植黄金带,因光照时间长,昼夜温差大,降雨量小,使枸杞生长周期长,营养成分多,保证了枸杞正常采摘和晾晒,减少了树体及鲜果的病虫害,造就了玉门枸杞色泽鲜红、口味甘甜、粒大皮薄、肉厚汁多的优良品质。
Yumen is located in the golden zone of Chinese wolfberry planting. Due to long illumination time, large temperature difference between day and night and small rainfall, the growth cycle of Chinese wolfberry is long and there are many nutrients, which ensures the normal picking and drying of Chinese wolfberry, reduces the diseases and pests of tree body and fresh fruit, and creates the excellent quality of Yumen Chinese wolfberry with bright red color, sweet taste, large grain, thin skin, thick meat and juicy juice.
城关区 |
chengguan district |
例句: 三.城关区
No.3 Chengguan District
肃北县 |
Subei County |
玉门市 |
Yumen City |
市场青睐 |
favored by the market |
利尿解渴 |
diuresis and thirst |
瓜州县 |
Guazhou County |
安宁区 |
Lily nutritional powder |
地表水 |
underground water resources |
例句: 榆中县地势较高,土壤深厚肥沃,属半干旱、半湿润气候区,河谷地区水源主要是境内的地表水和地下水,川塬地区主要以地下水资源为主,区域内无工业污染,为天然绿色食品生产区。
It belongs to a semi-arid and semi humid climate area. The water source in the valley area is mainly surface water and groundwater in the territory. The Sichuan Plateau area is mainly underground water resources.
抗逆性 |
stress resistance |
隽品 |
meaningful product |
皋兰县 |
Gaolan Country |
红古区 |
Honggu District |
西固区 |
Xigu District |
湿润气候 |
humid climate |
例句: 榆中县地势较高,土壤深厚肥沃,属半干旱、半湿润气候区,河谷地区水源主要是境内的地表水和地下水,川塬地区主要以地下水资源为主,区域内无工业污染,为天然绿色食品生产区。
It belongs to a semi-arid and semi humid climate area. The water source in the valley area is mainly surface water and groundwater in the territory. The Sichuan Plateau area is mainly underground water resources.
榆中县 |
Yuzhong County |
肃州区 |
Suzhou District |
阳面 |
sunny surface |
梗洼中深 |
the stem is deep in the pit |
安宁区 |
anning district |
例句: 二.安宁区
No.2 Anning District
高抗 |
high resistance |
例句: 本品种为目前世界最优秀杂交一代甜瓜种,植株强壮,高抗瓜类病害。
This variety is the best hybrid melon in the world, with strong plants and high resistance to melon diseases. The vine and leaf are of medium size. The seeds and vines can bear melons.
七里河区 |
Qilihe District |
气候垂直差异 |
vertical difference in climate |
微碱性 |
slightly alkaline loess |
重瓣 |
double petal |
亚洲清香型 |
Asian fragrance type |
酒泉市 |
Jiuquan City |
永登县 |
Yongdeng Country |
金塔县 |
Jinta County |
国内外 |
at home and abroad |
开胃进食 |
appetizing food |
润口 |
moisten the mouth |
水资源 |
water resources |
例句: 榆中县地势较高,土壤深厚肥沃,属半干旱、半湿润气候区,河谷地区水源主要是境内的地表水和地下水,川塬地区主要以地下水资源为主,区域内无工业污染,为天然绿色食品生产区。
It belongs to a semi-arid and semi humid climate area. The water source in the valley area is mainly surface water and groundwater in the territory. The Sichuan Plateau area is mainly underground water resources.
敦煌市 |
Dunhuang City |
高海拔 |
high-quality vegetable produced |
例句: 兰州高原夏菜是利用西北高原夏季凉爽、日照充足、昼夜温差大等气候特点,在高海拔地区生产的优质蔬菜。
Lanzhou Plateau Summer Vegetable is a high-quality vegetable produced in high-altitude areas by taking advantage of the climate characteristics of the Northwest Plateau, such as cool summer, sufficient sunshine and large temperature difference between day and night.
产业链 |
industrial chain |
例句: 百合产业链的延伸和深加工产品的研发也取得一定成果,百合营养粉、营养麦片、百合果酥、百合醋已成功上市,百合枣粉、百合花、百合芽菜、百合鸡等新产品已研发成功。
The extension of Lily industrial chain and the research and development of deep-processing products have also achieved certain results. Lily nutritional powder, nutritional cereal, Lily fruit crisp and Lily vinegar have been successfully listed, and new products such as lily jujube powder, lily flower, Lily sprout and Lily chicken have been successfully developed.
出油率 |
oil yield |
加工产品 |
processing product |
例句: 百合产业链的延伸和深加工产品的研发也取得一定成果,百合营养粉、营养麦片、百合果酥、百合醋已成功上市,百合枣粉、百合花、百合芽菜、百合鸡等新产品已研发成功。
The extension of Lily industrial chain and the research and development of deep-processing products have also achieved certain results. Lily nutritional powder, nutritional cereal, Lily fruit crisp and Lily vinegar have been successfully listed, and new products such as lily jujube powder, lily flower, Lily sprout and Lily chicken have been successfully developed.
安宁区 |
Anning District |
金塔人 |
jinta people |
例句: 从古到今,无论在任何地方金塔人都能辨认出金塔沙葱其窍门儿就是:金塔沙葱是实心的,其它任何地方都是空心的。
From ancient times to the present, Jinta people can recognize Jinta shallots anywhere. The trick is: Jinta shallots are solid and hollow everywhere else.