原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
消费价格 | Consumption price | - |
里程碑意义 | Milestone Significance | - |
习近平 | Xi Jinping | - |
基本平衡 | Basic balance | - |
全面建成 | Fully completed | - |
调查失业率 | Survey unemployment rate | - |
新征程 | New Journey | - |
党中央团结 | Unity of the Party Central Committee | - |
建成小康 | Build a well-off society | - |
我国发展 | The development of our country | - |
防控 | Prevention and control | - |
良好开局 | A good start | - |
现代化国家 | Modern country | - |
新增就业 | Create new jobs | - |
脱贫攻坚战 | Fight against poverty | - |
目标任务 | Target task | - |
过去一年 | In the past year | - |
风险挑战 | Risk Challenges | - |
主要目标任务 | Main objectives and tasks | - |
社会主义现代化国家 | Socialist modern country | - |
全面建成小康社会 | Build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way | - |
中国共产党 | Communist Party of China | - |
小康社会 | a moderately prosperous society | - |
国内生产 | Domestic production | - |
习近平同志 | Comrade Xi Jinping | - |
城镇新增就业 | New jobs in cities and towns | - |
城镇调查失业率 | Urban survey unemployment rate | - |
经济社会发展 | Economic and social development | - |
居民消费价格 | Consumer price | - |
国内外形势 | Domestic and foreign situation | - |
全国各族人民 | People of all ethnic groups in the country | - |
全面建设 | Comprehensive construction | - |