CATTI口译常用词汇 | 名人访谈

原文 译文 详情
表面文章 lip service; surface formality -
不动辄设限和制裁 not impose restrictions or sanctions at the drop of a hat -
不折不扣地遵守 observe in both letter and spirit -
采访区域 area of news coverage -
采取双轨方式 take a dual-track approach -
层出不穷 emerge one after another -
充分发挥 give full play to -
出口设限 quotas on exports -
出拳要重 take forceful steps -
出手要快 act fast -
传真照片 faxed photo -
达到历史最高点 hit an all-time high -
打破僵局 break the deadlock -
大致意思是 to the effect that… -
带来无尽的灾难 bring untold suffering -
单打独斗 single-handed -
到达低点 bottom out -
东西互动 interaction between the east and west -
独家新闻 exclusive news -
对……施加适当的限制 impose property restrictions on… -
对外承包工程 foreign contracting projects -
发展权 right to development -
分裂活动 separatist activities -
负有不可推卸的责任 bear unshirkable responsibility for -
高级报纸 严肃报纸 -
工资提高 wage hike -
公告 public notice -
国际新闻协会 International Press Association -
红极一时的名字 big time name -
黄金时段 prime time -
黄金时段报道 primetime coverage -
记者见闻 eye-account -
(记者招待会等)主持人 moderator -
既定日期 set agenda -
坚忍克己之人 stoic person -
坚信 have the full conviction -
简讯 newsflash -
解放生产力 emancipate the productivity -
进行协调与斡旋工作 undertake various coordinating and mediating efforts -
经受得住动荡 withstand the turmoil -
历经风雨沧桑 experience all kinds of weathers -
历史最低点 at all-time low -
立场明确 clea-cut stance -
连续报道 folo (follow-up) -
两国都非常关注的问题 matter of keen concern to both countries -
“两会” two political sessions (NPC & CPPCC sessions) -
“两会”报道 full coverage of NPC & CPPCC sessions -
眉毛胡子一把抓 go about several tasks at a time -
媒体炒作 media hype -
民意调查 opinion poll -
年度风云人物 man of the year -
“骑墙”关系 hedge relations -
汽车购置税 purchasing tax of vehicles -
强强联手 win-win cooperation -
抢先报道的独家新闻 scoop -
取得极大的进展 make great headway/strides -
取得了广泛共识 reach extensive agreement -
全会 plenary session -
人肉搜索 cyber manhunt -
任意地诉诸武力或者武力恫吓 resort to the willful use of force or the intimidation of force -
任重道远 shoulder heavy responsibilities -
日新月异 progress with each passing day -
软新闻 soft news -
深入采访 dig/carry out in-depth interviews -
生存权 right to life/ subsistence -
生计问题 bread and butter issue -
实现跨越发展 achieve a leapfrog -
适于上电视镜头的 telegenic -
收视率 view rate -
硕果累累 yield fruitful results -
特别提到 make a special mention -
天方夜谭 most fantastic tale -
统筹兼顾 give overall consideration -
痛定思痛 recall a painful experience -
歪曲了事实真相 do violence to the truth -
顽强拼搏 work tenaciously -
网播 web-casting -
维护正义的国家 justice-upholding country -
(问题)突然出现 crop up, creep up, pop up -
无可挑剔的 impeccable -
无孔不入 all pervasive -
无异于 be tantamount to -
五年宽限期 five-year grace period -
物美价廉 cheap but high quality -
喜忧参半 have mingled hope and fear -
下不为例 not to be taken as a precedent -
显著提高 increase visibly -
新闻管制 new blackout -
形式一触即发 tough-and-go situation -
业内人士 industry insider -
一刀切 cut it even at one stroke—make everything rigidly uniform -
一针见血 hit the nail on the head -
迎难而上 tackle the difficulties head on -
影片镜头 footage -
有目共睹的 be as clear as day; be obvious to all; be there for all to see -
有远见的 forward-looking -
增加话语权 increase the say -
崭露头角 make a figure; cut a figure -
正在召开的会议 on-going conference -
政府-企业-学术界的合作 government-industry-academia collaboration -
致命的弱点 the Achilles’ heel -
众矢之的 target of public criticism -
资金到位 investment to be put in place -
自行决定 make the decision on one’s own -
进行协调与斡旋工作 undertake various coordinating and mediating efforts -
适于上电视镜头的 telegenic -
统筹兼顾 give overall consideration -
采取双轨方式 take a dual-track approach -
增加话语权 increase the say -
不折不扣地遵守 observe in both letter and spirit -
网播 web-casting -
歪曲了事实真相 do violence to the truth -
物美价廉 cheap but high quality -
坚信 have the full conviction -
高级报纸 严肃报纸 -
黄金时段报道 primetime coverage -
“两会” two political sessions (NPC & CPPCC sessions) -
分裂活动 separatist activities -
深入采访 dig/carry out in-depth interviews -
打破僵局 break the deadlock -
(记者招待会等)主持人 moderator -
喜忧参半 have mingled hope and fear -
实现跨越发展 achieve a leapfrog -
黄金时段 prime time -
不动辄设限和制裁 not impose restrictions or sanctions at the drop of a hat -
影片镜头 footage -
一刀切 cut it even at one stroke—make everything rigidly uniform -
出口设限 quotas on exports -
痛定思痛 recall a painful experience -
两国都非常关注的问题 matter of keen concern to both countries -
历史最低点 at all-time low -
历经风雨沧桑 experience all kinds of weathers -
表面文章 lip service; surface formality -
全会 plenary session -
正在召开的会议 on-going conference -
坚忍克己之人 stoic person -
(问题)突然出现 crop up, creep up, pop up -
红极一时的名字 big time name -
取得了广泛共识 reach extensive agreement -
“两会”报道 full coverage of NPC & CPPCC sessions -
强强联手 win-win cooperation -
收视率 view rate -
无可挑剔的 impeccable -
年度风云人物 man of the year -
生存权 right to life/ subsistence -
传真照片 faxed photo -
抢先报道的独家新闻 scoop -
形式一触即发 tough-and-go situation -
国际新闻协会 International Press Association -
日新月异 progress with each passing day -
充分发挥 give full play to -
层出不穷 emerge one after another -
下不为例 not to be taken as a precedent -
出手要快 act fast -
无孔不入 all pervasive -
崭露头角 make a figure; cut a figure -
经受得住动荡 withstand the turmoil -
有目共睹的 be as clear as day; be obvious to all; be there for all to see -
简讯 newsflash -
对外承包工程 foreign contracting projects -
汽车购置税 purchasing tax of vehicles -
任重道远 shoulder heavy responsibilities -
有远见的 forward-looking -
解放生产力 emancipate the productivity -
人肉搜索 cyber manhunt -
媒体炒作 media hype -
取得极大的进展 make great headway/strides -
公告 public notice -
特别提到 make a special mention -
一针见血 hit the nail on the head -
资金到位 investment to be put in place -
立场明确 clea-cut stance -
既定日期 set agenda -
五年宽限期 five-year grace period -
软新闻 soft news -
东西互动 interaction between the east and west -
达到历史最高点 hit an all-time high -
自行决定 make the decision on one’s own -
无异于 be tantamount to -
政府-企业-学术界的合作 government-industry-academia collaboration -
采访区域 area of news coverage -
独家新闻 exclusive news -
工资提高 wage hike -
众矢之的 target of public criticism -
大致意思是 to the effect that… -
到达低点 bottom out -
连续报道 folo (follow-up) -
生计问题 bread and butter issue -
任意地诉诸武力或者武力恫吓 resort to the willful use of force or the intimidation of force -
眉毛胡子一把抓 go about several tasks at a time -
迎难而上 tackle the difficulties head on -
带来无尽的灾难 bring untold suffering -
民意调查 opinion poll -
致命的弱点 the Achilles’ heel -
出拳要重 take forceful steps -
顽强拼搏 work tenaciously -
发展权 right to development -
“骑墙”关系 hedge relations -
显著提高 increase visibly -
维护正义的国家 justice-upholding country -
负有不可推卸的责任 bear unshirkable responsibility for -
天方夜谭 most fantastic tale -
单打独斗 single-handed -
业内人士 industry insider -
记者见闻 eye-account -
对……施加适当的限制 impose property restrictions on… -
新闻管制 new blackout -
硕果累累 yield fruitful results -