
原文 译文 详情
生命活动 Life activity -
完美结合 Perfect combination -
普遍适用 Universally applicable -
许多国家 Many countries -
二至二分 Two to two points -
四立 Four stands -
变化曲线 Change curve -
文化记忆 Cultural memory -
乡土文化 Local culture -
自然时间 Natural time -
北京冬奥会 Beijing Winter Olympic Games -
自然和谐 Natural harmony -
基本命题 Basic proposition -
季节变化 Seasonal variation -
百济国 Baiji country -
凝华现象 Condensing phenomenon -
人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage -
文化走向 Cultural trend -
可持续 Sustainable -
古诗词 Ancient poetry -
内容非常 The content is very -
产品设计 Product design -
物候现象 Phenological phenomenon -
日常生产 Daily production -
艺术创意 Artistic creativity -
优秀传统文化 Excellent traditional culture -
农耕文明 Farming civilization -
文化传承 Cultural inheritance -
文化价值 Cultural value -
短片 Short film -
逻辑起点 Logical starting point -
满足人民 Satisfy the people -
时间或 Time or -
运动轨迹 Motion track -
民族传统文化 National traditional culture -
作物生长 Crop growth -
周年运动 Annual campaign -
绿色发展 Green development -
典型代表 Typical representative -
地球生命 Life on Earth -
人时 Man-hour -
二雨、二雪 Second rain, second snow -
相合 Coincide -
因时制宜 do the right thing at the right time -
中华优秀传统文化 Excellent traditional Chinese culture -
中华文化 Chinese culture -
文化内涵 Cultural connotations -
代表性意象 Representative image -
阴晴圆缺 Cloudy and sunny round deficiency -
循环发展 Circular development -
思想观念 Ideas and ideas -
生产活动 Production activity -
变化规律 Law of change -
中国传统 Chinese tradition -
东南亚国家 Southeast Asian countries -
二寒 Second cold -
参考价值 Reference value -
疏密 Sparse and dense -
情感纽带 Emotional bond -
三要素 Three elements -
落地生根 air plant -
成为全国 Become a national -
建设生态文明 Construction of ecological civilization -
七十二候 72 pentad -
知识体系 Knowledge system -
深挖 Deep digging -
太阳周年运动 Annual solar motion -
基本逻辑 Basic logic -
活动必须 Activities must be -
显著特征 Salient feature -
社会产业 Social industry -
影视文化 Film and television culture -
人民关注 People's concern -
现代美学 Modern aesthetics -
细分 Subdivision -
结构完整 Structural integrity -
数字技术 Digital technology -
改造自然 Transform nature -
天人合一 harmony between man and nature -
生产生活 Production and living -
时间框架 Time frame -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
生态思想 Ecological thought -
特性安排 Characteristic arrangement -
古代中国 Ancient China -
推进绿色 Promote green -
生长环境 Growing environment -
生活品质 Quality of life -
文化产品 Cultural products -
人类历史 Human history -
影视作品 Film and television works -
普适性 Universality -
授时历 Timing calendar -
源于中国 Originated in China -
独特魅力 Unique charm -
指导生产 Guide production -
生命共同体 Life community -
农业生态 Agricultural ecology -
调整部分 Adjustment part -
天空星斗 Stars in the sky -
文化财富 Cultural wealth -
持续发展 Sustainable development -
民俗文化 Folk culture -
文化焦点 Cultural focus -
太初历 Taichu calendar -
顺序依次 In order -
温度变化 Temperature change -
农作物生长 Crop growth -
地域特色 Regional characteristics -
秋收冬藏 harvesting in autumn and storing of grain in winter -
独特性 Uniqueness -