
原文 译文 详情
 糖尿病 diabetes -
心脏病 heart disease -
心血管疾病 cardio vascular disease -
 支气管哮喘 bronchial asthma -
 支气管炎 bronchitis -
 支气管扩张 bronchiectasis -
 支气管肺炎 bronchopneumonia -
 酸中毒 Acidosis -
 亚-斯氏综合症 Adams-Stokes syndrome -
 酒精中毒 alcoholism, alcoholic intoxication -
 碱中毒 alkalosis -
 过敏症 anaphylaxis -
 贫血 anemia -
 缺铁性贫血 iron deficiency anemia -
 巨幼红细胞性贫血 megaloblastic anemia -
 再生障碍性贫血 aplastic anemia -
 脉管炎 angiitis -
 心绞痛 angina pectoris -
 动脉硬化 arteriosclerosis -
 中风 apoplexy -
 心房纤颤 auricular fibrillation -
 房室传导阻滞 auriculo-ventricular block -
 癌 carcinoma -
 心律紊乱 cardiac arrhythmia -
 心力衰竭 cardiac failure -
 心肌病 cardiomyopathy -
 肝硬化 cirrhosis -
 弥散性血管凝血 diffuse intravascular coagulation -
 痢疾 dysentery -
 肠炎 enteritis -
 胃溃疡 gastric ulcer -
 胃炎 gastritis -
 痛风 gout -
 肝炎 hepatitis -
 高血压 hypertension -
 甲状腺功能亢进 hyperthyroidism -
 低血糖 hypoglycemia -
 甲状腺功能减退 hypothyroidism -
 感染性心内膜炎 infective endocarditis -
 流感 influenza -
 白血病 leukemia -
 大叶性肺炎 lobar pneumonia -
 淋巴结炎 lymphadenitis -
 淋巴瘤 lymphoma -
 疟疾 malaria -
 营养不良 malnutrition -
 麻疹 measles -
 骨髓瘤 myeloma -
 心肌梗死 myocardial infarction -
 心肌炎 myocarditis -
 肾炎 nephritis -
 肾综合症 nephritic syndrome -
 阻塞性肺气肿 obstructive pulmonary emphysema -
 胰腺炎 pancreatitis -
 消化性溃疡 peptic ulcer -
 腹膜炎 peritonitis -
 胸膜炎 pleuritis -
 肺炎 pneumonia -
 气胸 pneumothorax -
 紫癜 purpura -
 过敏性紫癜 allergic purpura -
 血小板减少性紫癜 thrombocytopenic purpura -
 肾盂肾炎 pyelonephritis -
 肾功能衰竭 renal failure -
 风湿病 rheumatic fever -
 类风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis -
 猩红热 scarlet fever -
 败血症 septicemia -
 梅毒 syphilis -
 心动过速 tachycardia -
 肿瘤 tumor -
 伤寒 typhoid -
 溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis -
 上消化道血 upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage -
 神经科 Neurology -
 脑脓肿 brain abscess -
 脑栓塞 cerebral embolism -
 脑梗死 cerebral infarction -
 脑血栓 cerebral thrombosis -
 脑出血 cerebral hemorrhage -
 脑震荡 concussion of brain -
 颅脑损伤 craniocerebral injury -
 癫痫 epilepsy -
 颅内肿瘤 intracranial tumor -
 颅内血肿 intracranial hematoma -
 脑膜炎 meningitis -
 偏头痛 migraine -
 神经衰弱 neurasthenia -
 神经官能症 neurosis -
 偏执性精神病 paranoid psychosis -
 帕金森综合症 Parkinson's disease -
 精神病 psychosis -
 精神分裂症 schizophrenia -
 腹外疝 abdominal external hernia -
 急性弥漫性腹膜炎 acute diffuse peritonitis -
 急性乳腺炎 acute mastitis -
 急性胰腺炎 acute pancreatitis -
急性胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔 acute perforation of gastro-duodenal ulcer -
 急性肾盂肾炎 acute pyelonephritis -
 肛裂 anal fissure -
 肛瘘 anal fistula -
 麻醉 anesthesia -
 血管瘤 angioma -
 阑尾炎 appendicitis -
 胃十二指肠溃疡出血 bleeding of gastro-duodenal ulcer -
 骨肿瘤 bone tumor -
 乳房腺瘤 breast adenoma -
 烧伤 burn -
 乳腺癌 cancer of breast -
 结肠炎 carcinoma of colon -
 食管癌 carcinoma of esophagus -
 胆囊癌 carcinoma of gallbladder -
 直肠癌 carcinoma of rectum -
 胃癌 carcinoma of stomach -
 胆囊炎 cholecystitis -
 颈椎病 cervical spondylosis -
 胆石症 cholelithiasis -
 软骨瘤 chondroma -
 关节脱位 dislocation of joint -
 丹毒 erysipelas -
 骨折 fracture -
 疖 furuncle -
 痔 hemorrhoid -
 血胸 hemothorax -
 前列腺肥大 hypertrophy of prostate -
 肠梗阻 intestinal obstruction -
 肠结核 intestinal tuberculosis -
 脂肪瘤 lipoma -
 尿路结石 lithangiuria -
 肝脓肿 liver abscess -
 黑色素瘤 melanoma -
 骨结核 osseous tuberculosis -
 骨巨细胞瘤 osteoclastoma -
 骨质疏松症 osteoporosis -
 骨质疏松症 osteosarcoma -
 骨肉瘤 osteosarcoma -
 佩吉特病 Paget's disease -
 肛管直肠周围脓肿 perianorecrtal abscess -
 前列腺炎 prostatitis -
 椎间盘突出 protrusion of intervertebral disc -
 化脓性关节炎 purulent arthritis -
 化脓性骨髓炎 pyogenic ostcomyclitis -
 脓胸 pyothorax -
 肩周炎 scapulohumeral periarthritis -
 腱鞘炎 tenosynovitis -
 破伤风 tetanus -
 血栓性脉管炎 thromboangiitis -
 甲状腺腺癌 thyroid adenocarcinoma -
 甲状腺腺瘤 thyroid adenoma -
 创伤 trauma -
 泌尿系感染 urinary infection -
 下肢静脉曲张 varicose vein of lower limb -
 儿科 Pediatrics -
 过敏性紫癜 anaphylactic purpura -
 钩虫病 ancylostomiasis -
 蛔虫病 ascariasis -
 新生儿窒息 asphyxia of the newborn -
 房间隔缺损 atrial septal defect -
 产伤 birth injury -
 头颅血肿 cephalhematoma -
 脑性瘫痪 cerebral palsy -