中国科技名词委 | 免疫预防术语

原文 译文 详情
免疫预防 immunoprophylaxis -
主动免疫 active immunity -
被动免疫 passive immunity -
过继免疫 adoptive immunity -
人工免疫 artificial immunity -
免疫接种 immunization -
初次免疫接种 `primary immunization -
二次免疫接种 secondary immunization -
主动免疫接种 active immunization -
被动免疫接种 passive immunization -
人工免疫接种 artificial immunization -
人工主动免疫接种 artificial active immunization -
人工被动免疫接种 artificial passive immunization -
特异性免疫接种 specific immunization -
预防性被动免疫 prophylactic passive immunization -
过度反应 overreaction -
生物制品 biological product -
疫苗 vaccine -
细菌疫苗 bacterial vaccine -
灭活疫苗 inactivated vaccine -
减毒[活]疫苗 `live vaccine -
多表位疫苗 polytope vaccine -
多价疫苗 polyvalent vaccine -
联合疫苗 combined vaccine -
结合疫苗 conjugate vaccine -
基因疫苗 gene vaccine -
DNA疫苗 DNA vaccine -
核酸疫苗 nucleic acid vaccine -
基因工程疫苗 genetic engineering vaccine -
合成肽疫苗 synthetic peptide vaccine -
类毒素疫苗 toxoid vaccine -
亚单位疫苗 subunit vaccine -
抗独特型疫苗 anti-idiotype vaccine -
血清疫苗接种 serovaccination -
交叉免疫 cross immunity -
异型疫苗 heterotypic vaccine -
异源载体疫苗 heterologous carrier vaccine -
无细胞疫苗 acellular vaccine -
实验性疫苗 experimental vaccine -
增殖性疫苗 replicative vaccine -
细菌疫苗载体 bacterial vaccine vector -
重组疫苗 recombined vaccine -
重组疫苗载体 recombined vaccine vector -
重组载体疫苗 recombinant vector vaccine -
佐剂 adjuvant -
弗氏佐剂 Freund’s adjuvant -
胞壁酰二肽 muramyl dipeptide -
疫苗接种 vaccination -
预防性免疫接种 prophylactic immunization -
基因疫苗接种 genetic vaccination -
计划免疫接种 planed immunization -
人痘接种 variolation -
扩大免疫接种规划 expanded program immunization -
免疫接种策略 immunization strategy -
模拟自然感染 mimicking natural infection -
基于表位的疫苗设计 epitope-based vaccine design -
纯化鸡胚细胞疫苗 purified chick embryo cell vaccine -
肺炎球菌多糖疫苗 pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine -
黄热病疫苗 yellow fever vaccine -
百日咳疫苗 pertussis vaccine -
风疹和腮腺炎病毒活疫苗 rubella and mumps virus vaccine live -
斑疹伤寒疫苗 typhus vaccine -
肺炎链球菌疫苗 Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine -
风疹活病毒疫苗 rubella live virus vaccine -
霍乱灭活疫苗 cholera inactivated vaccine -
荚膜多糖疫苗 capsular polysaccharide vaccine -
卡介苗 Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine -
脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗 inactivated poliovirus vaccine(IPV) -
灭活脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗 poliovirus vaccine inactivated(IPV) -
结核疫苗 tuberculosis vaccine -
口服脊髓灰质炎病毒活疫苗 live oral poliovirus vaccine -
口服轮状病毒活疫苗 live oral rotavirus vaccine -
流感嗜血杆菌b结合疫苗 hemophilus influenzae b conjugate vaccine -
流感嗜血杆菌b多糖疫苗 hemophilus influenzae b polysaccharide -
口服伤寒疫苗 oral vaccine against typhoid -
莱姆病疫苗 Lyme disease vaccine -
流感灭活病毒疫苗 influenza inactivated virus vaccine -
落基山斑疹热疫苗 Rocky Mountain spotted fever vaccine -
狂犬病疫苗 rabies vaccine -
麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹联合病毒活疫苗 measles -
麻疹和风疹病毒活疫苗 measles and rubella virus vaccine live -
脑膜炎奈瑟菌疫苗 Neisseria meningitis vaccine -
麻疹和流行性腮腺炎病毒活疫苗 measles and mumps virus vaccine live -
脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗 meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine -
伤寒沙门菌疫苗 Salmonella typhi vaccine -
麻疹活病毒疫苗 measles live virus vaccine -
人二倍体细胞狂犬病疫苗 human diploid cell rabies vaccine -
伤寒疫苗 typhoid vaccine -
伤寒Ⅵ多糖疫苗 typhoid Ⅵ polysaccharide vaccine -
天花疫苗 smallpox vaccine -
吸附狂犬病疫苗 rabies vaccine adsorbed -
乙型脑炎灭活病毒疫苗 Japanese encephalitis inactivated virus vaccine -
鼠疫疫苗 plague vaccine -
炭疽杆菌疫苗 bacillus anthracis vaccine -
无细胞百日咳疫苗 acellular pertussis vaccine -
炭疽疫苗 anthrax vaccine -
吸附百日咳、白喉、破伤风联合疫苗 diphtheria -
皮上划痕人用炭疽活疫苗 anthrax vaccine live for percutaneous scarification -
皮上划痕人用布氏菌活疫苗 brucella vaccine live for percutaneous scarification -
钩端螺旋体疫苗 leptospirosis vaccine -
乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗 Japanese encephalitis vaccine -
森林脑炎灭活疫苗 tick-borne encephalitis vaccine -
腮腺炎活病毒疫苗 mumps live virus vaccine -
Ⅰ型肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗 type Ⅰ hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome vaccine inactivated -
Ⅱ型肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗 type Ⅱ hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome vaccine inactivated -
乙肝疫苗 hepatitis B vaccine -
重组乙肝疫苗 recombinant hepatitis B vaccine -
重组[酵母]乙肝疫苗 hepatitis B vaccine made by recombinant DNA technique in yeast -
重组中国仓鼠卵巢细胞乙肝疫苗 hepatitis B vaccine made by recombinant DNA technique in Chinese hamster overy cell -
甲肝减毒活疫苗 live hepatitis A vaccine -