
原文 译文 详情
创新成果 Innovative achievements -
健全新型举国 Improve the new type of country -
执政地位 Ruling position -
习近平   -
司法体制 Judicial system -
事业全面 Comprehensive career -
培养体系 Cultivation system -
无党派人士 Independents -
竞技体育 Competitive sports -
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
团结统一 Unity and unity -
要素生产率 Factor productivity -
社会安全 Social Security -
历史周期率 Historical cycle rate -
发展观 Development view -
政权安全 Regime security -
科技工业 Science and technology industry -
高度自治 A high degree of autonomy -
支持香港 Support Hong Kong -
农业农村 Agriculture and rural areas -
战略规划 Strategic planning -
物质技术 Material technology -
推进健康 Advance health -
基础设施建设 Infrastructure construction -
应对气候变化 Addressing climate change -
发展史册 History of development -
长期坚持 Persistence for a long time -
休耕轮作 Fallow rotation -
安全治理 Safety management -
民族发展 Ethnic development -
污染天气 Polluted weather -
社会主义民主政治 Socialist democratic politics -
领域军事 Domain military -
腐败问题 Corruption problem -
社会治理 Social governance -
依法立法 Legislation according to law -
市场经济体制 Market economy system -
法律文化 Legal culture -
净土保卫战 Defending the Pure Land -
基层党组织建设 Construction of grass-roots party organizations -
重大疫情 Major epidemic -
重要保障 Important guarantee -
保障妇女 Safeguard women -
土壤污染 Soil pollution -
分裂活动 Separatist activity -
减贫 Poverty reduction -
充分肯定 Fully affirm -
城镇化 Urbanization -
人民满意 People's satisfaction -
全面推进依法治国 Comprehensively promote the rule of law -
常态化 Normalization -
全面深化改革 Comprehensively deepen reform -
文化发展 Cultural development -
五位一体 Five in One -
重大文化 Significant culture -
服务体系 Service system -
重大现实 Significant reality -
中国人权 Human rights in China -
能源资源 Energy resources -
里程碑意义 Milestone significance -
应对各种 Respond to all kinds of -
战略要求 Strategic requirements -
货物贸易 Trade in goods -
体系更加 The system is more -
国家强盛 A strong country -
建设社会主义 Building socialism -
制度型 Institutional type -
推进国际 Advance international -
推进政治 Advance politics -
法治体系 Legal system -
阶段性成果 Stage achievement -
毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought -
新发展理念 New development concept -
问题导向 Problem-oriented -
加强国防 Strengthen national defense -
产业链 Industrial chain -
发展方式 Mode of development -
执政为民 Ruling for the people -
全球治理 Global governance -
多管齐下 Multi-pronged approach -
政治协商制度 Political consultation system -
工作体系 Working system -
转变政府职能 Transform government functions -
群众诉求 Demands of the masses -
文化影响 Cultural influence -
经济总量 Economic aggregate -
应对人口老龄化 Coping with the aging of the population -
社会主义社会 Socialist society -
宪法实施 Implementation of Constitution -
法治化 Legalization -
可及性 Accessibility -
推进实践 Advance practice -
扩大内需 Expand domestic demand -
教育公平 Education equity -
社会主义伟大 Socialist greatness -
推进环境 Propulsion environment -
坚持问题 Stick to a problem -
侧结构性改革 Side structural reform -
坚持人民主体地位 Adhere to the people's dominant position -
绿色消费 Green consumption -
加快规划 Accelerate planning -
理论创新 Theoretical innovation -
高素质 High quality -
制度自信 Institutional self-confidence -
中央八项规定 Eight central regulations -
综合配套改革 Comprehensive supporting reform -
决不姑息 Never tolerate -
压倒性胜利 An overwhelming victory -
繁荣稳定 Prosperity and stability -
维护国家主权 Safeguard national sovereignty -
社会主义建设者 Socialist builders -
社会主义国家 Socialist country -
迎难而上 Face up to difficulties -
文明和谐 Civilization and harmony -
基本公共服务 Basic public services -
人口规模 Population size -
推进能源 Propulsion energy -
民主专政 Democratic dictatorship -
工人阶级领导 Working class leadership -
政府作用 Role of government -
功能区 Functional area -
成为中国 Become China -
科技项目 Science and technology project -
新理念 New ideas -
历史性胜利 Historic victory -
战略性工作 Strategic work -
反分裂 Anti-secession -
取得历史性成就 Achieve historic achievements -
崇高事业 Noble cause -
建设开放型 Build an open type -
政策制度 Policy system -
科技文化 Science and technology culture -
好人民群众 Good people -
我们的祖国 Our motherland -
战略性支撑 Strategic support -
精神世界 Spiritual world -
网络生态 Network ecology -
国家创新体系 National innovation system -
人民创造 Created by the people -
执政兴国 Ruling and rejuvenating the country -
战略位置 Strategic position -
香港特别行政区同胞 Compatriots in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region -
重大科技 Major science and technology -
根本政治制度 Fundamental political system -
促进中医药 Promote Chinese medicine -
层次矛盾 Hierarchical contradiction -
公共服务 Public service -
退役军人 Veterans -
伙伴关系 Partnership -
自然和谐 Natural harmony -
不变色 Non-discoloration -
百年伟业 A hundred years of great achievements -
租购并举 Simultaneous rent and purchase -
国家长治久安 Long-term stability of the country -
军事斗争 Military struggle -
历史任务 Historical mission -
推进法治中国建设 Promote the construction of China ruled by law -
基本经济制度 Basic economic system -
民族工作 Ethnic work -
加强宪法 Strengthen the Constitution -
法治社会 Society ruled by law -
着力提高 Focus on improving -
专项斗争 Special struggle -
精神文化需求 Spiritual and cultural needs -
威慑力量 Deterrent force -
组织功能 Organizational function -
重大风险 Significant risk -
完善社会主义 Perfect socialism -
人民健康 People's health -
彪炳中华民族 Shine the Chinese nation -
各种困难 Difficulties -
坚定捍卫 Firmly defend -
国家治理体系 National governance system -
就业优先 Employment priority -
社会主义现代化 Socialist modernization -
发展格局 Development pattern -
自身安全 Self-security -
社会文明 Social civilization -
新型城镇化 New urbanization -
坚持政治 Adhere to politics -
军事战略方针 Military strategic policy -
思想新 New ideas -
最大诚意 Maximum sincerity -
同民主党派 With the Democratic parties -
腐败斗争 Corruption struggle -
生物医药 Biomedicine -
分裂分子 Separatist -
显著成效 Significant results -
可持续 Sustainable -
精神力量 Spiritual strength -
军事战略指导 Military strategic guidance -
有机统一 Organic unity -
共同利益 Common interest -
促进教育 Promote education -
内生动力 Endogenous power -
党政治 Party politics -
完善国家 Perfect the country -
创新型国家 Innovative country -
供给侧结构性改革 Supply-side structural reform -
教育体系 Education system -
载人航天 Manned spaceflight -
组织形态 Histological morphology -
媒体传播 Media communication -
经济全球化 Economic globalization -
奋斗精神 Struggle spirit -
加快发展 Accelerate development -
保障人民权益 Safeguard people's rights and interests -
国家共同 National common -
公共服务体系 Public service system -
国家文化软实力 Soft power of national culture -
科技创新体系 Scientific and technological innovation system -
意志品质 Will quality -
网络强国 Network power -
制度保障 Institutional guarantee -
四个全面 Four comprehensive -
严格执法 Strictly enforce the law -
公共安全 Public safety -
保持战略定力 Maintain strategic strength -
参与全球 Participate globally -
碳达峰 Carbon peaking -
作战力量 Combat force -
全局性意义 Global significance -
实施脱贫 Implement poverty alleviation -
建设现代化 Modernization -
人权事业 Human rights cause -
全要素生产率 Total factor productivity -
战斗堡垒 Battle fortress -
全面建成 Fully completed -
中国特色社会主义事业 The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics -
社会主义道路 Socialist road -
学习教育 Learning and education -
人民根本利益 Fundamental interests of the people -
新型能源 New energy sources -
各民主党派 Democratic parties -
扩大社会 Expand society -
社会主义法治 Socialist rule of law -
显著提升 Significant improvement -
行政效率 Administrative efficiency -
共同思想 Common thinking -
社会主义意识形态 Socialist ideology -
基本准则 Basic criteria -
人民当家作主 The people are the masters of the country -
第一要务 The first priority -
污染治理 Pollution control -
主流思想舆论 Mainstream ideological public opinion -
重塑 Remodeling -
变革性实践 Transformative practice -
社会公平正义 Social fairness and justice -
深受欢迎 Be well received -
共产党执政规律 The ruling law of the Communist Party -
绝对贫困 Absolute poverty -
满足人民 Satisfy the people -
伟大创举 Great pioneering work -
总体战 Total warfare -
战略性新兴产业 Strategic emerging industries -
政治建设 Political construction -
新思路 New thinking -
深化国防 Deepen national defense -
社会主义进入 Socialist entry -
推动全球 Drive the world -
深化司法 Deepen the administration of justice -
执政规律 Ruling law -
重大理论 Significant theory -
历史性跃升 Historic jump -
制度型开放 Institutional opening -
战略指导 Strategic guidance -
一带一路 The Belt and Road Initiative -
指导地位 Guiding position -
多边主义 Multilateralism -
保险覆盖 Insurance coverage -
机制建设 Mechanism construction -
面对国际 Facing the international community -
林田湖草沙一体化 Integration of grass and sand in Lintian Lake -
推动经济 Boost the economy -
优化军事 Optimize military affairs -
重要产业 Important industry -
着力造就 Focus on bringing up -
强国战略 Powerful country strategy -
历史性变革 Historic change -
自身发展 Self-development -
世界前列 Top of the world -
驱动发展 Drive development -
政治发展 Political development -
中华民族伟大复兴 Great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation -
完善军事 Improve the military -
文明程度 Degree of civilization -
人民团结 People's unity -
大战略 Grand strategy -
社会主义事业 Socialist cause -
交流合作 Exchange and cooperation -
推进祖国 Advance the motherland -
耕地红线 Cultivated land red line -
支持中国 Support China -
社会主义法律体系 Socialist legal system -
政治制度化 Political institutionalization -
育人 Educate people -
形势发生 Situation occurs -
反腐败 Anti-corruption -
新征程 A new journey -
国家安全法 National Security Law -
深化改革开放 Deepen reform and opening up -
供应链 Supply chain -
监测预警 Monitoring and early warning -
特色大国外交 Diplomacy of a big country with characteristics -
社会主义政治 Socialist politics -
煤炭清洁 Coal cleaning -
有效提升 Effective promotion -
国际公共产品 International public goods -
加强土壤 Strengthen soil -
前行 Forward -
绿色低碳 Green and low carbon -
着力推进 Focus on advancing -
结构性改革 Structural reform -
中国力量 Chinese power -
积极成果 Positive results -
促进社会公平正义 Promote social fairness and justice -
第十九届中央委员会 The 19th Central Committee -
使用武力 Use of force -
中国梦 Chinese Dream -
爱国者治澳 Patriots governing Australia -
整体性 Integrity -
百年未有之大变局 A great change that has never happened in a hundred years -
双循环 Double cycle -
基层民主 Grass-roots democracy -
规划建设 Planning and construction -
提供科学 Provide science -
全球化 Globalization -
治党 Party management -
维护世界和平 Maintain world peace -
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology are the primary productive forces -
制度规范 Institutional norms -
汇合点 Confluence point -
全面依法 Comprehensively according to law -
生态系统多样性 Ecosystem diversity -
工作领导 Work leader -
促进机会 Promote opportunities -
世界一流 World class -
根本宗旨 Fundamental purpose -
民主立法 Democratic legislation -
人才强国 Powerful country with talents -
加快军事 Accelerate military affairs -
关键时期 Critical period -
绿色发展 Green development -
供应链安全 Supply chain security -
实行民主 Practise democracy -
十九大 19th CPC National Congress -
自我净化 Self-purification -
生态保护 Ecological protection -
党员队伍 Party members -
基本消除 Basic elimination -
建成小康 Build a well-off society -
高举中国 Hold high China -
新质 New substance -
加快建立 Accelerate the establishment -
保证人民 Guarantee the people -
马克思主义行 Marxism -
公民道德建设 Citizen moral construction -
国际安全 International security -
重要思想 Important thought -
社会主要矛盾 Major social contradictions -
发展新动能 Develop new kinetic energy -
我国发展 China's development -
同发展中国家 With developing countries -
新型国际 New international -
保障中国 Safeguard China -
战略威慑 Strategic deterrence -
核心地位 Core position -
能力建设 Capacity building -
文化需求 Cultural needs -
十八大 The 18th CPC National Congress -
实干兴邦 Work hard to prosper the country -
文化服务体系 Cultural service system -
澳门特别行政区 Macao Special Administrative Region -
新机遇 New opportunities -
全国代表大会 National Congress -
现代化水平 Modernization level -
医疗卫生体系 Medical and health system -
高效利用 Efficient utilization -
开放战略 Open strategy -
标志性 Symbolic -
重点领域 Focus areas -
促进国际 Promote international -
人民政协 People's Political Consultative Conference -
资源配置 Resource allocation -
前瞻性思考 Forward thinking -
法律体系 Legal system -
兴国战略 Strategy of rejuvenating the country -
性疾病 Sexual disease -
委员会向 Committee to -
社会主义建设规律 Law of socialist construction -
推进生态 Promote ecology -
传染性疾病 Infectious disease -
人才支撑 Talent support -
政治责任 Political responsibility -
文化创新 Cultural innovation -
非公有制经济 Non-public economy -
外交政策 Foreign policy -
国家尊严 National dignity -
势力干涉 Force interference -
法治精神 Spirit of rule of law -
资源禀赋 Resource endowment -
区域协调发展 Regional coordinated development -
促进区域 Promotion region -
卫星导航 Satellite navigation -
大飞机 Large aircraft -
侨务工作 Overseas Chinese Affairs -
发展倡议 Development initiatives -
战略性新兴 Strategic emerging -
中华优秀传统文化 Chinese excellent traditional culture -
中华文化 Chinese culture -
实施科教兴国 Rejuvenating the country through science and education -
完善科技 Perfect science and technology -
创新人才 Innovative talents -
全面推进 Advance in an all-round way -
深远历史 Profound history -
我国公民 Our citizens -
中等收入群体 Middle-income group -
治理机制 Governance mechanism -
全面贯彻 Fully implement -
完善基层 Improve the grass-roots level -
现代化建设 Modernization construction -
协商民主 Deliberative democracy -
军事人才 Military talents -
人民生命 People's lives -
防控 Prevention and control -
安全规范 Safety specification -
选人 Selection -
政府职责体系 Government responsibility system -
国内国际 Domestic and international -
共同安全 Common security -
双重标准 Double standard -
贸易伙伴 Trading partner -
行使国家权力 Exercise state power -
高素质干部队伍 High-quality cadres -
行政区同胞 Compatriots in administrative regions -
服务水平 Service level -
着力点 Focus -
努力争取 Strive for -
困难群体 Difficult group -
纠治形式主义 Rectify formalism -
赛道 Racetrack -
战略能力 Strategic capability -
创新驱动发展战略 Innovation-driven development strategy -
生物多样性保护 Biodiversity conservation -
群众体育 Mass sports -
各国发展 Development of all countries -
科技创新 Scientific and technological innovation -
改革强军 Reform and strengthen the army -
推进文化 Advance culture -
理论武装 Theoretical arming -
促进残疾人 Promotion of persons with disabilities -
人民期待 People's expectation -
超级计算机 Supercomputer -
中华文明传播力 The spreading power of Chinese civilization -
两岸同胞 Compatriots on both sides of the Straits -
主要贸易伙伴 Major trading partners -
稳中求进工作总基调 General tone of striving for stability -
一切权力 All powers -
健全基本 Sound basics -
依法治军 Run the army according to law -
基层基础 Basic foundation -
中国史 Chinese history -
有机结合起来 Organic combination -
移走 Remove -
科教兴国战略 Strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education -
意识形态领域 Ideological field -
全域 Global domain -
民主决策 Democratic decision-making -
污染防治 Pollution prevention and control -
防护体系 Protective system -
全面覆盖 Comprehensive coverage -
老龄化国家 Aging country -
妇女儿童 Women and children -
法治政府 Government ruled by law -
十八亿亩 1.8 billion mu -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
粮食安全 Food security -
减污 Pollution reduction -
收入分配 Income distribution -
全球性挑战 Global challenges -
推进美丽 Advance beauty -
实体经济 Real economy -
大国外交 Great power diplomacy -
经济文化交流 Economic and cultural exchanges -
伟大工程 Great Project -
命运共同体 Community of Destiny -
加强重点 Strengthen the focus -
猎狐 Fox Hunt -
推进新型 Promote new types -
治理制度 Governance system -
伟大成就 A great achievement -
开放创新 Open innovation -
我国现代化建设 China's modernization drive -
开放型世界 Open world -
全面依法治国 Governing the country according to law in an all-round way -
健全社会 Sound society -
自我革命 Self-revolution -
合理限制 Reasonable limitation -
全球减贫 Global poverty reduction -
程序化 Programming -
实施区域 Implementation area -
推进协商 Advance consultation -
引领性科技 Leading technology -
支持政策 Support policy -
前进道路 Way forward -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
创造性转化 Creative transformation -
良好网络 Good network -
政策体系 Policy system -
社会革命 Social revolution -
作为世界 As the world -
合理增长 Reasonable growth -
人民有效 People effective -
人类命运共同体 Community of Human Destiny -
均衡性 Equilibrium -
民主形式 Form of democracy -
关系民主化 Democratization of relations -
现代公共文化服务体系 Modern public cultural service system -
飞机制造 Aircraft manufacturing -
永葆生机 Keep alive forever -
急剧变化 Rapid change -
国际关系民主化 Democratization of international relations -
绝对领导 Absolute leadership -
产业发展 Industrial development -
感召力 Charisma -
体制机制 Institutional mechanisms -
深远影响 Far-reaching influence -
内在要求 Intrinsic requirement -
血肉联系 Flesh and blood -
繁荣发展 Prosperity and development -
推进共同 Promote common -
脱贫攻坚战 Fight against poverty -
社会大局 Overall social situation -
最大努力 Best effort -
消除影响 Eliminate the influence -
马克思主义政党 Marxist political party -
推动我国 Promote our country -
实施国防 Implement national defense -
公平正义 Fairness and justice -
更加成熟 More mature -
意识形态工作 Ideological work -
健康中国 Healthy China -
能源体系 Energy system -
经济安全 Economic security -
长期繁荣 Long-term prosperity -
全球治理体系 Global governance system -
合作平台 Cooperation platform -
民主政治制度 Democratic political system -
关系人民 Relate to the people -
人才战略 Talent strategy -
团结就是力量 Unity is strength -
产业结构调整 Adjustment of industrial structure -
社会主义市场经济 Socialist market economy -
前进动力 Forward power -
培养质量 Culture quality -
国土安全 Homeland security -
战略需求 Strategic needs -
创新性 Innovation -
党组织建设 Party organization construction -
带领人民 Lead the people -
外部势力 External forces -
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory -
核电技术 Nuclear power technology -
司法责任 Judicial responsibility -
国际环境 International environment -
周期率 Periodic rate -
坚持安全 Insist on safety -
国家和地区 Countries and regions -
公共事件 Public event -
低碳发展 Low carbon development -
轮作制度 Rotation system -
外资和对外 Foreign investment and foreign investment -
中国共产党人 Chinese communists -
不少困难 Many difficulties -
全面节约 Overall economy -
重大自然灾害 Major natural disasters -
台湾问题 Taiwan question -
质量强国 Quality power -
社会主义法治国家 Socialist country ruled by law -
安全水平 Safety level -
文明制度 Civilized system -
美丽中国 Beautiful China -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
赖以生存 Depend on survival -
主导权 Dominant power -
中国方案 China programme -
领导制度 Leadership system -
规范体系 Norm system -
风险挑战 Risk challenge -
传播体系 Communication system -
我国经济 Our economy -
扎实推进 Make solid progress -
社会主义制度 Socialist system -
公有制经济 Public ownership economy -
凝心 Coagulation -
组织体系 Organizational system -
依靠工人阶级 Rely on the working class -
风险监测 Risk monitoring -
多样性保护 Diversity conservation -
自我革新 Self-innovation -
格局基本 Basic pattern -
反腐败斗争 Anti-corruption struggle -
安全能力 Security capability -
特色社会主义道路 The road of characteristic socialism -
根本制度 Fundamental system -
发展壮大 Develop and grow -
德智体美 Moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic -
传统法律文化 Traditional legal culture -
新型军事 New military -
军事人员 Military personnel -
国家发展 National development -
社会主义现代化国家 Socialist modern country -
重大传染性 Significant infectivity -
国家事业 National cause -
实施区域 Implementation area -
国家工作 State work -
推进协商 Advance consultation -
中国特色社会主义道路 The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics -
引领性科技 Leading technology -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
支持政策 Support policy -
军队改革 Army reform -
前进道路 Way forward -
澳人治澳 Macao people governing Macao -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
工作责任制 Job responsibility system -
创造性转化 Creative transformation -
全体中华 All of China -
良好网络 Good network -
一切形式 All forms -
政策体系 Policy system -
社会革命 Social revolution -
民族共同体 National community -
作为世界 As the world -
决定性作用 Decisive role -
合理增长 Reasonable growth -
当代中国共产党人 Contemporary Chinese Communists -
人民有效 People effective -
促进各国 Promote countries -
人类命运共同体 Community of Human Destiny -
全面巩固 Comprehensive consolidation -
均衡性 Equilibrium -
民主形式 Form of democracy -
尊重劳动 Respect labor -
关系民主化 Democratization of relations -
人民代表大会 People's Congress -
现代公共文化服务体系 Modern public cultural service system -
质量教育 Quality education -
飞机制造 Aircraft manufacturing -
生产力布局 Productivity distribution -
永葆生机 Keep alive forever -
统筹城乡 Coordinate urban and rural areas -
急剧变化 Rapid change -
国际关系民主化 Democratization of international relations -
创新能力 Innovation ability -
绝对领导 Absolute leadership -
社会治理体系 Social governance system -
产业发展 Industrial development -
平等就业 Equal employment -
感召力 Charisma -
系统性重塑 Systematic remodeling -
体制机制 Institutional mechanisms -
住房制度 Housing system -
深远影响 Far-reaching influence -
内在要求 Intrinsic requirement -
创新创造 Innovation and creation -
血肉联系 Flesh and blood -
亟待解决 Urgent to be solved -
繁荣发展 Prosperity and development -
制度机制 Institutional mechanism -
推进共同 Promote common -
发展利益 Development interests -
脱贫攻坚战 Fight against poverty -
推进中国 Advance China -
社会大局 Overall social situation -
最大努力 Best effort -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
消除影响 Eliminate the influence -
公共产品 Public goods -
马克思主义政党 Marxist political party -
公正合理 Fair and reasonable -
推动我国 Promote our country -
社会主义核心价值观 Socialist core values -
实施国防 Implement national defense -
改革开放史 History of reform and opening up -
公平正义 Fairness and justice -
更加成熟 More mature -
政治功能 Political function -
意识形态工作 Ideological work -
核心技术 Core technology -
健康中国 Healthy China -
国际影响力 International influence -
能源体系 Energy system -
全面建成小康社会 Build a well-off society in an all-round way -
经济安全 Economic security -
科学立法 Scientific legislation -
长期繁荣 Long-term prosperity -
全球治理体系 Global governance system -
中央委员会 Central Committee -
合作平台 Cooperation platform -
融入 Integration -
民主政治制度 Democratic political system -
最广大人民 The overwhelming majority of the people -
关系人民 Relate to the people -
坚定信心 Confident -
人才战略 Talent strategy -
外部安全 External security -
团结就是力量 Unity is strength -
产业结构调整 Adjustment of industrial structure -
澳门保持 Macao maintains -
社会主义市场经济 Socialist market economy -
海内外中华 China at home and abroad -
前进动力 Forward power -
实施创新 Implement innovation -
培养质量 Culture quality -
权益保障 Protection of rights and interests -
国土安全 Homeland security -
代表中共中央 On behalf of the CPC Central Committee -
战略需求 Strategic needs -
创新性 Innovation -
全局性谋划 Overall planning -
党组织建设 Party organization construction -
经贸关系 Economic and trade relations -
带领人民 Lead the people -
革命文化 Revolutionary culture -
外部势力 External forces -
应急管理 Emergency management -
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory -
人居环境 Human settlement environment -
核电技术 Nuclear power technology -
司法责任 Judicial responsibility -
职工合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests of employees -
国际环境 International environment -
人才强国战略 Strategy of strengthening the country with talents -
周期率 Periodic rate -
八项规定 Eight provisions -
坚持安全 Insist on safety -
公共安全体系 Public safety system -
国家和地区 Countries and regions -
主体地位 Subject status -
公共事件 Public event -
基层群众 Grassroots masses -
低碳发展 Low carbon development -
轮作制度 Rotation system -
坚持社会主义 Adhere to socialism -
外资和对外 Foreign investment and foreign investment -
社会保障体系 Social Security system -
中国共产党人 Chinese communists -
国际公平正义 International fairness and justice -
不少困难 Many difficulties -
全媒体 All-media -
全面节约 Overall economy -
理论探索 Theoretical exploration -
重大自然灾害 Major natural disasters -
台湾问题 Taiwan question -
增进民生福祉 Improve people's livelihood and well-being -
质量强国 Quality power -
规律性认识 Cognition of regularity -
社会主义法治国家 Socialist country ruled by law -
历史进程 Historical process -
安全水平 Safety level -
分配方式 Distribution mode -
文明制度 Civilized system -
军政军民 Military, political, military and civilian -
美丽中国 Beautiful China -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
司法制度 Judicial system -
赖以生存 Depend on survival -
基层党组织 Grass-roots Party organization -
主导权 Dominant power -
低碳产业 Low carbon industry -
中国方案 China programme -
防灾减灾 Disaster prevention and mitigation -
领导制度 Leadership system -
共同发展 Common development -
规范体系 Norm system -
风险挑战 Risk challenge -
人类面临 Human beings are faced with -
实施区域 Implementation area -
传播体系 Communication system -
顽瘴痼疾 Stubborn chronic disease -
推进协商 Advance consultation -
我国经济 Our economy -
国家治理 State governance -
扎实推进 Make solid progress -
中国现代化建设 China's modernization drive -
社会主义制度 Socialist system -
公有制经济 Public ownership economy -
马克思主义基本原理 Basic principles of Marxism -
引领性科技 Leading technology -
凝心 Coagulation -
文明执法 Civilized law enforcement -
组织体系 Organizational system -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
依靠工人阶级 Rely on the working class -
卫生体系 Health system -
风险监测 Risk monitoring -
支持政策 Support policy -
推进城乡 Promote urban and rural areas -
多样性保护 Diversity conservation -
前进道路 Way forward -
自我革新 Self-innovation -
第一生产力 Primary productive forces -
格局基本 Basic pattern -
标志性成果 Symbolic achievements -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
反腐败斗争 Anti-corruption struggle -
经济体系 Economic system -
创造性转化 Creative transformation -
安全能力 Security capability -
不忘初心 Do not forget your initiative mind -
良好网络 Good network -
特色社会主义道路 The road of characteristic socialism -
政策体系 Policy system -
自觉遵守 Consciously abide by -
根本制度 Fundamental system -
发展壮大 Develop and grow -
加强军事 Strengthen the military -
德智体美 Moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic -
内部安全 Internal security -
传统法律文化 Traditional legal culture -
安全防护体系 Safety protection system -
社会革命 Social revolution -
新型军事 New military -
单边主义 Unilateralism -
军事人员 Military personnel -
国家发展 National development -
量子信息 Quantum information -
作为世界 As the world -
社会主义现代化国家 Socialist modern country -
建设中国特色社会主义 Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
合理增长 Reasonable growth -
重大传染性 Significant infectivity -
全面开展 Carry out in an all-round way -
人民有效 People effective -
国家事业 National cause -
人类命运共同体 Community of Human Destiny -
中国特色社会主义文化 Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics -
国家工作 State work -
均衡性 Equilibrium -
中国特色社会主义道路 The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics -
全球安全 Global security -
民主形式 Form of democracy -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
中国共产党 Communist Party of China -
关系民主化 Democratization of relations -
军队改革 Army reform -
各方向 All directions -
澳人治澳 Macao people governing Macao -
现代公共文化服务体系 Modern public cultural service system -
人民战争 People's War -
飞机制造 Aircraft manufacturing -
工作责任制 Job responsibility system -
碧水 Clear water -
永葆生机 Keep alive forever -
全体中华 All of China -
急剧变化 Rapid change -
协商制度 Consultation system -
一切形式 All forms -
国际关系民主化 Democratization of international relations -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
民族共同体 National community -
绝对领导 Absolute leadership -
政府职能 Government function -
决定性作用 Decisive role -
产业发展 Industrial development -
当代中国共产党人 Contemporary Chinese Communists -
直接民主制 Direct democracy -
感召力 Charisma -
促进各国 Promote countries -
体制机制 Institutional mechanisms -
治理体系 Governance system -
全面巩固 Comprehensive consolidation -
深远影响 Far-reaching influence -
组织结构 Organizational structure -
尊重劳动 Respect labor -
内在要求 Intrinsic requirement -
中国化 Sinicization -
人民代表大会 People's Congress -
血肉联系 Flesh and blood -
军队使命任务 Military mission and task -
质量教育 Quality education -
繁荣发展 Prosperity and development -
加快实现 Accelerate realization -
生产力布局 Productivity distribution -
推进共同 Promote common -
统筹城乡 Coordinate urban and rural areas -
脱贫攻坚战 Fight against poverty -
办好人民 Run the people well -
创新能力 Innovation ability -
社会大局 Overall social situation -
协调各方 Coordinate all parties -
社会治理体系 Social governance system -
最大努力 Best effort -
信息保护 Information protection -
平等就业 Equal employment -
消除影响 Eliminate the influence -
先进文化 Advanced culture -
系统性重塑 Systematic remodeling -
马克思主义政党 Marxist political party -
住房制度 Housing system -
促进世界 Promote the world -
推动我国 Promote our country -
创新创造 Innovation and creation -
国内生产 Domestic production -
实施国防 Implement national defense -
亟待解决 Urgent to be solved -
公平正义 Fairness and justice -
确保国家 Ensure that the country -
制度机制 Institutional mechanism -
更加成熟 More mature -
发展作出 Develop and make -
发展利益 Development interests -
意识形态工作 Ideological work -
生活品质 Quality of life -
推进中国 Advance China -
健康中国 Healthy China -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
生态文明制度体系 System of ecological civilization system -
能源体系 Energy system -
公共产品 Public goods -
经济安全 Economic security -
领导核心作用 Core role of leadership -
公正合理 Fair and reasonable -
长期繁荣 Long-term prosperity -
冷战思维 Cold War mentality -
社会主义核心价值观 Socialist core values -
全球治理体系 Global governance system -
公共文化服务体系 Public cultural service system -
改革开放史 History of reform and opening up -
合作平台 Cooperation platform -
政治功能 Political function -
共同价值 Common value -
民主政治制度 Democratic political system -
核心技术 Core technology -
中央全面管治权 Central comprehensive governance power -
关系人民 Relate to the people -
国际影响力 International influence -
人才战略 Talent strategy -
乡村振兴 Rural revitalization -
全面建成小康社会 Build a well-off society in an all-round way -
团结就是力量 Unity is strength -
爱国者治港 Patriots governing Hong Kong -
科学立法 Scientific legislation -
产业结构调整 Adjustment of industrial structure -
爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front -
中央委员会 Central Committee -
社会主义市场经济 Socialist market economy -
融入 Integration -
反对外部 Oppose the outside -
前进动力 Forward power -
最广大人民 The overwhelming majority of the people -
培养质量 Culture quality -
人均国内生产总值 Per capita GDP -
坚定信心 Confident -
国土安全 Homeland security -
疾病传播 Disease transmission -
外部安全 External security -
战略需求 Strategic needs -
反腐 Anti-corruption -
澳门保持 Macao maintains -
创新性 Innovation -
海内外中华 China at home and abroad -
自主创新能力 Independent innovation ability -
党组织建设 Party organization construction -
实施创新 Implement innovation -
中国特色大国外交 Diplomacy of a big country with Chinese characteristics -
带领人民 Lead the people -
权益保障 Protection of rights and interests -
外部势力 External forces -
根本性转变 Fundamental change -
代表中共中央 On behalf of the CPC Central Committee -
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory -
社会主义文化新辉煌 New glory of socialist culture -
全局性谋划 Overall planning -
核电技术 Nuclear power technology -
经贸关系 Economic and trade relations -
主体功能区战略 Main functional area strategy -
司法责任 Judicial responsibility -
革命文化 Revolutionary culture -
新冠 COVID-19 -
国际环境 International environment -
应急管理 Emergency management -
周期率 Periodic rate -
社会主义发展 Socialist development -
人居环境 Human settlement environment -
坚持安全 Insist on safety -
职工合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests of employees -
着力提升 Focus on improving -
国家和地区 Countries and regions -
人才强国战略 Strategy of strengthening the country with talents -
深层次矛盾 Deep-seated contradictions -
公共事件 Public event -
八项规定 Eight provisions -
马克思列宁 Marx Lenin -
低碳发展 Low carbon development -
公共安全体系 Public safety system -
绿水青山就是金山银山 Green mountains and green hills are Jinshan Yinshan -
轮作制度 Rotation system -
主体地位 Subject status -
外资和对外 Foreign investment and foreign investment -
军事理论 Military theory -
基层群众 Grassroots masses -
中国共产党人 Chinese communists -
唯贤 Meritocracy -
坚持社会主义 Adhere to socialism -
不少困难 Many difficulties -
社会保障体系 Social Security system -
正确导向 Correct orientation -
全面节约 Overall economy -
国际公平正义 International fairness and justice -
特权思想 Privileged thought -
重大自然灾害 Major natural disasters -
全媒体 All-media -
中央权威 Central authority -
台湾问题 Taiwan question -
理论探索 Theoretical exploration -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
质量强国 Quality power -
增进民生福祉 Improve people's livelihood and well-being -
社会主义法治国家 Socialist country ruled by law -
创新体系 Innovation system -
规律性认识 Cognition of regularity -
安全水平 Safety level -
历史进程 Historical process -
社会主义司法制度 Socialist judicial system -
文明制度 Civilized system -
分配方式 Distribution mode -
治理能力现代化 Modernization of governance capacity -
美丽中国 Beautiful China -
军政军民 Military, political, military and civilian -
着力培养 Focus on cultivation -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
司法制度 Judicial system -
实施区域 Implementation area -
实施公民 Implementing citizenship -
赖以生存 Depend on survival -
基层党组织 Grass-roots Party organization -
建设工程 Construction project -
推进协商 Advance consultation -
低碳产业 Low carbon industry -
铸魂 Casting Soul -
引领性科技 Leading technology -
防灾减灾 Disaster prevention and mitigation -
共同发展 Common development -
稳定发展 Stable development -
主导权 Dominant power -
人类面临 Human beings are faced with -
坚持马克思主义 Adhere to Marxism -
顽瘴痼疾 Stubborn chronic disease -
探月 Lunar exploration -
国家治理 State governance -
中国方案 China programme -
重要生态 Important ecology -
中国现代化建设 China's modernization drive -
规范收入分配秩序 Standardize the order of income distribution -
马克思主义基本原理 Basic principles of Marxism -
文明执法 Civilized law enforcement -
革命性锻造 Revolutionary forging -
支持政策 Support policy -
领导制度 Leadership system -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
共同体意识 Community consciousness -
规范体系 Norm system -
卫生体系 Health system -
前进道路 Way forward -
全局性变化 Global change -
推进城乡 Promote urban and rural areas -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
重大决策 Major decisions -
第一生产力 Primary productive forces -
风险挑战 Risk challenge -
创造性转化 Creative transformation -
推进各项 Advance various items -
标志性成果 Symbolic achievements -
经济体系 Economic system -
良好网络 Good network -
依法行政 Administration by law -
不忘初心 Do not forget your initiative mind -
政策体系 Policy system -
良好条件 Good conditions -
自觉遵守 Consciously abide by -
社会革命 Social revolution -
统筹发展 Overall development -
加强军事 Strengthen the military -
作为世界 As the world -
传播体系 Communication system -
核心利益 Core interests -
内部安全 Internal security -
发展社会主义 Develop socialism -
安全防护体系 Safety protection system -
合理增长 Reasonable growth -
单边主义 Unilateralism -
基本政治制度 Basic political system -
我国经济 Our economy -
量子信息 Quantum information -
扎实推进 Make solid progress -
长期稳定 Long-term stability -
人民有效 People effective -
建设中国特色社会主义 Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
全面深化 Comprehensively deepen -
人类命运共同体 Community of Human Destiny -
全面开展 Carry out in an all-round way -
斗争精神 Struggle spirit -
均衡性 Equilibrium -
社会主义制度 Socialist system -
中国特色社会主义文化 Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics -
思想基础 Ideological basis -
民主形式 Form of democracy -
公有制经济 Public ownership economy -
全球安全 Global security -
坚实基础 Solid foundation -
关系民主化 Democratization of relations -
凝心 Coagulation -
中国共产党 Communist Party of China -
水平明显 Significant level -
组织体系 Organizational system -
各方向 All directions -
现代公共文化服务体系 Modern public cultural service system -
依靠工人阶级 Rely on the working class -
应急能力 Emergency response capability -
人民战争 People's War -
飞机制造 Aircraft manufacturing -
风险监测 Risk monitoring -
碧水 Clear water -
保持社会 Maintain society -
多样性保护 Diversity conservation -
协商制度 Consultation system -
永葆生机 Keep alive forever -
监督体系 Supervision system -
自我革新 Self-innovation -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
急剧变化 Rapid change -
马克思主义中国化 Sinicization of Marxism -
格局基本 Basic pattern -
政府职能 Government function -
国际关系民主化 Democratization of international relations -
立德树人 Lide Shuren -
反腐败斗争 Anti-corruption struggle -
直接民主制 Direct democracy -
绝对领导 Absolute leadership -
全面加强 Comprehensively strengthen -
安全能力 Security capability -
治理体系 Governance system -
产业发展 Industrial development -
特色社会主义道路 The road of characteristic socialism -
组织结构 Organizational structure -
比较优势 Comparative advantage -
根本制度 Fundamental system -
中国化 Sinicization -
感召力 Charisma -
社会主义先进文化 Advanced socialist culture -
发展壮大 Develop and grow -
军队使命任务 Military mission and task -
体制机制 Institutional mechanisms -
外来物种 Alien species -
德智体美 Moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic -
加快实现 Accelerate realization -
深远影响 Far-reaching influence -
人民幸福 People's happiness -
传统法律文化 Traditional legal culture -
办好人民 Run the people well -
内在要求 Intrinsic requirement -
落实中央 Implement the central government -
新型军事 New military -
协调各方 Coordinate all parties -
血肉联系 Flesh and blood -
信息保护 Information protection -
军事人员 Military personnel -
霸权主义和强权政治 Hegemonism and power politics -
先进文化 Advanced culture -
国家发展 National development -
繁荣发展 Prosperity and development -
我国社会 Our society -
促进世界 Promote the world -
社会主义现代化国家 Socialist modern country -
推进共同 Promote common -
突发公共事件 Public emergencies -
国内生产 Domestic production -
重大传染性 Significant infectivity -
脱贫攻坚战 Fight against poverty -
推进国防 Advance national defense -
确保国家 Ensure that the country -
国家事业 National cause -
社会大局 Overall social situation -
发展作出 Develop and make -
国家工作 State work -
生命安全 Life safety -
生活品质 Quality of life -
最大努力 Best effort -
中国特色社会主义道路 The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics -
突破性进展 Breakthrough progress -
生态文明制度体系 System of ecological civilization system -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
消除影响 Eliminate the influence -
新兴领域 Emerging field -
领导核心作用 Core role of leadership -
军队改革 Army reform -
马克思主义政党 Marxist political party -
工作总基调 General tone of work -
冷战思维 Cold War mentality -
澳人治澳 Macao people governing Macao -
推动我国 Promote our country -
公共文化服务体系 Public cultural service system -
尊法学法 Respect for law -
工作责任制 Job responsibility system -
共同价值 Common value -
实施国防 Implement national defense -
全体中华 All of China -
历史性成就 Historic achievements -
中央全面管治权 Central comprehensive governance power -
一切形式 All forms -
公平正义 Fairness and justice -
尊重创造 Respect creation -
乡村振兴 Rural revitalization -
民族共同体 National community -
更加成熟 More mature -
牢牢掌握 Firmly grasp -
爱国者治港 Patriots governing Hong Kong -
决定性作用 Decisive role -
意识形态工作 Ideological work -
多种分配方式 Multiple distribution methods -
爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front -
当代中国共产党人 Contemporary Chinese Communists -
反对外部 Oppose the outside -
建设教育 Construction education -
促进各国 Promote countries -
健康中国 Healthy China -
人均国内生产总值 Per capita GDP -
全面巩固 Comprehensive consolidation -
技术基础 Technical basis -
能源体系 Energy system -
疾病传播 Disease transmission -
尊重劳动 Respect labor -
推动香港 Promote Hong Kong -
经济安全 Economic security -
反腐 Anti-corruption -
人民代表大会 People's Congress -
先锋模范作用 Vanguard and exemplary role -
长期繁荣 Long-term prosperity -
自主创新能力 Independent innovation ability -
质量教育 Quality education -
互利共赢 Mutual benefit and win-win -
中国特色大国外交 Diplomacy of a big country with Chinese characteristics -
生产力布局 Productivity distribution -
全球治理体系 Global governance system -
根本性转变 Fundamental change -
统筹城乡 Coordinate urban and rural areas -
传统安全 Traditional security -
合作平台 Cooperation platform -
社会主义文化新辉煌 New glory of socialist culture -
创新能力 Innovation ability -
创新性发展 Innovative development -
民主政治制度 Democratic political system -
社会治理体系 Social governance system -
主体功能区战略 Main functional area strategy -
实施就业 Implement employment -
关系人民 Relate to the people -
平等就业 Equal employment -
新冠 COVID-19 -
保障能力 Support ability -
人才战略 Talent strategy -
系统性重塑 Systematic remodeling -
社会主义发展 Socialist development -
推进法治 Advance the rule of law -
住房制度 Housing system -
着力提升 Focus on improving -
团结就是力量 Unity is strength -
伟大旗帜 Great flag -
创新创造 Innovation and creation -
深层次矛盾 Deep-seated contradictions -
产业结构调整 Adjustment of industrial structure -
亟待解决 Urgent to be solved -
马克思列宁 Marx Lenin -
动态清零 Dynamic clearing -
社会主义市场经济 Socialist market economy -
制度机制 Institutional mechanism -
绿水青山就是金山银山 Green mountains and green hills are Jinshan Yinshan -
设施建设 Facilities construction -
前进动力 Forward power -
发展利益 Development interests -
军事理论 Military theory -
生态环境保护 Ecological environment protection -
培养质量 Culture quality -
唯贤 Meritocracy -
推进中国 Advance China -
低收入者 Low-income earners -
正确导向 Correct orientation -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
国土安全 Homeland security -
着力形成 Focus on forming -
特权思想 Privileged thought -
中央权威 Central authority -
公共产品 Public goods -
整体性推进 Integral advancement -
战略需求 Strategic needs -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
公正合理 Fair and reasonable -
整体性重构 Integral reconstruction -
创新性 Innovation -
创新体系 Innovation system -
社会主义核心价值观 Socialist core values -
完善中国 Perfecting China -
党组织建设 Party organization construction -
社会主义司法制度 Socialist judicial system -
战略性举措 Strategic initiatives -
治理能力现代化 Modernization of governance capacity -
着力培养 Focus on cultivation -
改革开放史 History of reform and opening up -
国防动员 National defense mobilization -
带领人民 Lead the people -
实施公民 Implementing citizenship -
政治功能 Political function -
非传统安全 Non-traditional security -
建设工程 Construction project -
保障工作 Guarantee work -
铸魂 Casting Soul -
外部势力 External forces -
人口老龄化 Population aging -
稳定发展 Stable development -
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory -
生活需要 Needs of life -
坚持马克思主义 Adhere to Marxism -
核心技术 Core technology -
探月 Lunar exploration -
核电技术 Nuclear power technology -
尊重人民 Respect the people -
国际影响力 International influence -
重要生态 Important ecology -
司法责任 Judicial responsibility -
职责体系 Responsibility system -
规范收入分配秩序 Standardize the order of income distribution -
实践中 In practice -
全面建成小康社会 Build a well-off society in an all-round way -
革命性锻造 Revolutionary forging -
人民事业 People's cause -
科学立法 Scientific legislation -
共同体意识 Community consciousness -
中央委员会 Central Committee -
全局性变化 Global change -
国际环境 International environment -
文化立场 Cultural standpoint -
融入 Integration -
重大决策 Major decisions -
坚定奉行 Firmly pursue -
最广大人民 The overwhelming majority of the people -
推进各项 Advance various items -
完善社会 Perfect society -
坚定信心 Confident -
依法行政 Administration by law -
周期率 Periodic rate -
公共卫生体系 Public health system -
良好条件 Good conditions -
重构 Reconstruction -
统筹发展 Overall development -
外部安全 External security -
核心利益 Core interests -
中华文明 Chinese civilization -
澳门保持 Macao maintains -
发展社会主义 Develop socialism -
三个代表 Three Represents -
海内外中华 China at home and abroad -
坚持安全 Insist on safety -
基本政治制度 Basic political system -
现代化经济 Modernized economy -
实施创新 Implement innovation -
长期稳定 Long-term stability -
国家和地区 Countries and regions -
权益保障 Protection of rights and interests -
决策部署 Decision-making and deployment -
全面深化 Comprehensively deepen -
公共事件 Public event -
代表中共中央 On behalf of the CPC Central Committee -
不变味 Stale -
斗争精神 Struggle spirit -
全局性谋划 Overall planning -
低碳发展 Low carbon development -
思想基础 Ideological basis -
科学思想 Scientific thought -
经贸关系 Economic and trade relations -
坚实基础 Solid foundation -
轮作制度 Rotation system -
理想信念教育 Ideal and belief education -
革命文化 Revolutionary culture -
水平明显 Significant level -
外资和对外 Foreign investment and foreign investment -
应急管理 Emergency management -
依法治国 Governing the country according to law -
应急能力 Emergency response capability -
人居环境 Human settlement environment -
中国共产党人 Chinese communists -
塑造力 Molding force -
保持社会 Maintain society -
职工合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests of employees -
不少困难 Many difficulties -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
监督体系 Supervision system -
人才强国战略 Strategy of strengthening the country with talents -
马克思主义中国化 Sinicization of Marxism -
全面节约 Overall economy -
良好态势 Good momentum -
八项规定 Eight provisions -
立德树人 Lide Shuren -
改革方向 Reform direction -
重大自然灾害 Major natural disasters -
公共安全体系 Public safety system -
全面加强 Comprehensively strengthen -
主体地位 Subject status -
文化产业 Cultural industry -
台湾问题 Taiwan question -
比较优势 Comparative advantage -
基层群众 Grassroots masses -
制度安排 Institutional arrangement -
质量强国 Quality power -
社会主义先进文化 Advanced socialist culture -
坚持社会主义 Adhere to socialism -
突出矛盾和问题 Highlight contradictions and problems -
社会主义法治国家 Socialist country ruled by law -
外来物种 Alien species -
社会保障体系 Social Security system -
人民幸福 People's happiness -
安全水平 Safety level -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation and difficulties tackling -
国际公平正义 International fairness and justice -
落实中央 Implement the central government -
文明制度 Civilized system -
坚强领导 Strong leadership -
全媒体 All-media -
霸权主义和强权政治 Hegemonism and power politics -
美丽中国 Beautiful China -
理论探索 Theoretical exploration -
社会主义市场经济体制 Socialist market economic system -
我国社会 Our society -
增进民生福祉 Improve people's livelihood and well-being -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
法治国家 Country ruled by law -
突发公共事件 Public emergencies -
规律性认识 Cognition of regularity -
赖以生存 Depend on survival -
推进国防 Advance national defense -
全球安全治理机制 Global security governance mechanism -
历史进程 Historical process -
生命安全 Life safety -
主导权 Dominant power -
底线思维 Bottom line thinking -
分配方式 Distribution mode -
突破性进展 Breakthrough progress -
中国方案 China programme -
水平对外开放 Horizontal opening to the outside world -
军政军民 Military, political, military and civilian -
新兴领域 Emerging field -
领导制度 Leadership system -
司法制度 Judicial system -
发展文化 Develop culture -
工作总基调 General tone of work -
基层党组织 Grass-roots Party organization -
规范体系 Norm system -
社会主义教育 Socialist education -
尊法学法 Respect for law -
低碳产业 Low carbon industry -
风险挑战 Risk challenge -
历史性成就 Historic achievements -
软实力 Soft power -
防灾减灾 Disaster prevention and mitigation -
尊重创造 Respect creation -
传播体系 Communication system -
作为战略 As a strategy -
共同发展 Common development -
牢牢掌握 Firmly grasp -
我国经济 Our economy -
政治立场 Political stand -
人类面临 Human beings are faced with -
多种分配方式 Multiple distribution methods -
扎实推进 Make solid progress -
顽瘴痼疾 Stubborn chronic disease -
两岸关系 Cross-strait relations -
建设教育 Construction education -
国家治理 State governance -
社会主义制度 Socialist system -
系统保护 System protection -
技术基础 Technical basis -
中国现代化建设 China's modernization drive -
公有制经济 Public ownership economy -
推动香港 Promote Hong Kong -
着力解决 Focus on solving -
马克思主义基本原理 Basic principles of Marxism -
先锋模范作用 Vanguard and exemplary role -
凝心 Coagulation -
公正司法 Fair justice -
文明执法 Civilized law enforcement -
互利共赢 Mutual benefit and win-win -
组织体系 Organizational system -
人类文明 Human civilization -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
传统安全 Traditional security -
依靠工人阶级 Rely on the working class -
卫生体系 Health system -
新型国家 New state -
创新性发展 Innovative development -
推进城乡 Promote urban and rural areas -
风险监测 Risk monitoring -
特色社会主义政治 Socialist politics with characteristics -
实施就业 Implement employment -
第一生产力 Primary productive forces -
多样性保护 Diversity conservation -
改善民生 Improve people's livelihood -
保障能力 Support ability -
标志性成果 Symbolic achievements -
推进法治 Advance the rule of law -
自我革新 Self-innovation -
政治安全 Political security -
经济体系 Economic system -
伟大旗帜 Great flag -
格局基本 Basic pattern -
新型工业化 New industrialization -
不忘初心 Do not forget your initiative mind -
动态清零 Dynamic clearing -
自觉遵守 Consciously abide by -
反腐败斗争 Anti-corruption struggle -
开放型世界经济 Open world economy -
设施建设 Facilities construction -
加强军事 Strengthen the military -
安全能力 Security capability -
全面领导 Overall leadership -
生态环境保护 Ecological environment protection -
内部安全 Internal security -
特色社会主义道路 The road of characteristic socialism -
低收入者 Low-income earners -
全球伙伴 Global partners -
安全防护体系 Safety protection system -
着力形成 Focus on forming -
根本制度 Fundamental system -
单边主义 Unilateralism -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in China -
整体性推进 Integral advancement -
量子信息 Quantum information -
发展壮大 Develop and grow -
发展基层民主 Develop grass-roots democracy -
整体性重构 Integral reconstruction -
建设中国特色社会主义 Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
德智体美 Moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic -
各人民团体 People's organizations -
完善中国 Perfecting China -
全面开展 Carry out in an all-round way -
传统法律文化 Traditional legal culture -
战略性举措 Strategic initiatives -
践行社会主义 Practice socialism -
中国特色社会主义文化 Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics -
国防动员 National defense mobilization -
新型军事 New military -
全球安全 Global security -
发展理念 Development Concept -
非传统安全 Non-traditional security -
中国共产党 Communist Party of China -
军事人员 Military personnel -
夯实 Tamp -
保障工作 Guarantee work -
各方向 All directions -
国家发展 National development -
忧患意识 Sense of hardship -
人口老龄化 Population aging -
人民战争 People's War -
社会主义现代化国家 Socialist modern country -
生活需要 Needs of life -
最大限度保护 Maximum protection -
碧水 Clear water -
重大传染性 Significant infectivity -
尊重人民 Respect the people -
不变质 Do not deteriorate -
协商制度 Consultation system -
国家事业 National cause -
职责体系 Responsibility system -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
体系建设 System construction -
实践中 In practice -
政府职能 Government function -
国家工作 State work -
推进科学 Advance science -
人民事业 People's cause -
直接民主制 Direct democracy -
中国特色社会主义道路 The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics -
港人治港 Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong -
治理体系 Governance system -
文化立场 Cultural standpoint -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
弘扬社会 Carry forward the society -
组织结构 Organizational structure -
坚定奉行 Firmly pursue -
军队改革 Army reform -
中国化 Sinicization -
创新发展 Innovation and development -
完善社会 Perfect society -
澳人治澳 Macao people governing Macao -
军队使命任务 Military mission and task -
公共卫生体系 Public health system -
幼有所育 Have a good child -
加快实现 Accelerate realization -
工作责任制 Job responsibility system -
重构 Reconstruction -
坚持经济 Stick to the economy -
办好人民 Run the people well -
中华文明 Chinese civilization -
全体中华 All of China -
协调各方 Coordinate all parties -
低碳 Low carbon -
三个代表 Three Represents -
一切形式 All forms -
信息保护 Information protection -
全面建设 Construction in an all-round way -
现代化经济 Modernized economy -
民族共同体 National community -
先进文化 Advanced culture -
决策部署 Decision-making and deployment -
人民主体地位 People's dominant position -
促进世界 Promote the world -
决定性作用 Decisive role -
不变味 Stale -
总体国家安全观 Overall national security concept -
国内生产 Domestic production -
当代中国共产党人 Contemporary Chinese Communists -
科学思想 Scientific thought -
确保国家 Ensure that the country -
促进各国 Promote countries -
理想信念教育 Ideal and belief education -
发展作出 Develop and make -
全面巩固 Comprehensive consolidation -
生活品质 Quality of life -
依法治国 Governing the country according to law -
尊重劳动 Respect labor -
生态文明制度体系 System of ecological civilization system -
塑造力 Molding force -
领导核心作用 Core role of leadership -
人民代表大会 People's Congress -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
冷战思维 Cold War mentality -
质量教育 Quality education -
良好态势 Good momentum -
公共文化服务体系 Public cultural service system -
生产力布局 Productivity distribution -
改革方向 Reform direction -
共同价值 Common value -
统筹城乡 Coordinate urban and rural areas -
文化产业 Cultural industry -
中央全面管治权 Central comprehensive governance power -
制度安排 Institutional arrangement -
创新能力 Innovation ability -
乡村振兴 Rural revitalization -
突出矛盾和问题 Highlight contradictions and problems -
爱国者治港 Patriots governing Hong Kong -
社会治理体系 Social governance system -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation and difficulties tackling -
爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front -
平等就业 Equal employment -
坚强领导 Strong leadership -
反对外部 Oppose the outside -
系统性重塑 Systematic remodeling -
社会主义市场经济体制 Socialist market economic system -
人均国内生产总值 Per capita GDP -
法治国家 Country ruled by law -
住房制度 Housing system -
疾病传播 Disease transmission -
全球安全治理机制 Global security governance mechanism -
创新创造 Innovation and creation -
反腐 Anti-corruption -
底线思维 Bottom line thinking -
自主创新能力 Independent innovation ability -
亟待解决 Urgent to be solved -
水平对外开放 Horizontal opening to the outside world -
中国特色大国外交 Diplomacy of a big country with Chinese characteristics -
制度机制 Institutional mechanism -
发展文化 Develop culture -
根本性转变 Fundamental change -
发展利益 Development interests -
社会主义教育 Socialist education -
社会主义文化新辉煌 New glory of socialist culture -
软实力 Soft power -
推进中国 Advance China -
主体功能区战略 Main functional area strategy -
作为战略 As a strategy -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
新冠 COVID-19 -
政治立场 Political stand -
公共产品 Public goods -
社会主义发展 Socialist development -
两岸关系 Cross-strait relations -
着力提升 Focus on improving -
公正合理 Fair and reasonable -
系统保护 System protection -
深层次矛盾 Deep-seated contradictions -
社会主义核心价值观 Socialist core values -
着力解决 Focus on solving -
马克思列宁 Marx Lenin -
公正司法 Fair justice -
改革开放史 History of reform and opening up -
绿水青山就是金山银山 Green mountains and green hills are Jinshan Yinshan -
人类文明 Human civilization -
政治功能 Political function -
军事理论 Military theory -
新型国家 New state -
唯贤 Meritocracy -
核心技术 Core technology -
特色社会主义政治 Socialist politics with characteristics -
正确导向 Correct orientation -
国际影响力 International influence -
改善民生 Improve people's livelihood -
特权思想 Privileged thought -
全面建成小康社会 Build a well-off society in an all-round way -
政治安全 Political security -
中央权威 Central authority -
新型工业化 New industrialization -
科学立法 Scientific legislation -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
开放型世界经济 Open world economy -
中央委员会 Central Committee -
创新体系 Innovation system -
全面领导 Overall leadership -
社会主义司法制度 Socialist judicial system -
融入 Integration -
全球伙伴 Global partners -
治理能力现代化 Modernization of governance capacity -
最广大人民 The overwhelming majority of the people -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in China -
着力培养 Focus on cultivation -
坚定信心 Confident -
发展基层民主 Develop grass-roots democracy -
实施公民 Implementing citizenship -
各人民团体 People's organizations -
外部安全 External security -
建设工程 Construction project -
践行社会主义 Practice socialism -
澳门保持 Macao maintains -
铸魂 Casting Soul -
发展理念 Development Concept -
稳定发展 Stable development -
海内外中华 China at home and abroad -
夯实 Tamp -
坚持马克思主义 Adhere to Marxism -
实施创新 Implement innovation -
忧患意识 Sense of hardship -
探月 Lunar exploration -
权益保障 Protection of rights and interests -
最大限度保护 Maximum protection -
重要生态 Important ecology -
不变质 Do not deteriorate -
代表中共中央 On behalf of the CPC Central Committee -
规范收入分配秩序 Standardize the order of income distribution -
体系建设 System construction -
全局性谋划 Overall planning -
革命性锻造 Revolutionary forging -
推进科学 Advance science -
共同体意识 Community consciousness -
经贸关系 Economic and trade relations -
港人治港 Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong -
全局性变化 Global change -
革命文化 Revolutionary culture -
弘扬社会 Carry forward the society -
重大决策 Major decisions -
应急管理 Emergency management -
创新发展 Innovation and development -
推进各项 Advance various items -
人居环境 Human settlement environment -
幼有所育 Have a good child -
依法行政 Administration by law -
坚持经济 Stick to the economy -
职工合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests of employees -
良好条件 Good conditions -
低碳 Low carbon -
统筹发展 Overall development -
人才强国战略 Strategy of strengthening the country with talents -
全面建设 Construction in an all-round way -
核心利益 Core interests -
八项规定 Eight provisions -
人民主体地位 People's dominant position -
发展社会主义 Develop socialism -
公共安全体系 Public safety system -
总体国家安全观 Overall national security concept -
基本政治制度 Basic political system -
主体地位 Subject status -
长期稳定 Long-term stability -
基层群众 Grassroots masses -
全面深化 Comprehensively deepen -
坚持社会主义 Adhere to socialism -
斗争精神 Struggle spirit -
社会保障体系 Social Security system -
思想基础 Ideological basis -
国际公平正义 International fairness and justice -
坚实基础 Solid foundation -
全媒体 All-media -
水平明显 Significant level -
应急能力 Emergency response capability -
理论探索 Theoretical exploration -
保持社会 Maintain society -
增进民生福祉 Improve people's livelihood and well-being -
监督体系 Supervision system -
规律性认识 Cognition of regularity -
马克思主义中国化 Sinicization of Marxism -
历史进程 Historical process -
立德树人 Lide Shuren -
全面加强 Comprehensively strengthen -
分配方式 Distribution mode -
比较优势 Comparative advantage -
军政军民 Military, political, military and civilian -
社会主义先进文化 Advanced socialist culture -
司法制度 Judicial system -
外来物种 Alien species -
基层党组织 Grass-roots Party organization -
人民幸福 People's happiness -
低碳产业 Low carbon industry -
落实中央 Implement the central government -
霸权主义和强权政治 Hegemonism and power politics -
防灾减灾 Disaster prevention and mitigation -
我国社会 Our society -
共同发展 Common development -
突发公共事件 Public emergencies -
人类面临 Human beings are faced with -
推进国防 Advance national defense -
顽瘴痼疾 Stubborn chronic disease -
生命安全 Life safety -
突破性进展 Breakthrough progress -
国家治理 State governance -
新兴领域 Emerging field -
中国现代化建设 China's modernization drive -
工作总基调 General tone of work -
马克思主义基本原理 Basic principles of Marxism -
尊法学法 Respect for law -
文明执法 Civilized law enforcement -
历史性成就 Historic achievements -
尊重创造 Respect creation -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
牢牢掌握 Firmly grasp -
卫生体系 Health system -
多种分配方式 Multiple distribution methods -
推进城乡 Promote urban and rural areas -
建设教育 Construction education -
第一生产力 Primary productive forces -
技术基础 Technical basis -
推动香港 Promote Hong Kong -
标志性成果 Symbolic achievements -
先锋模范作用 Vanguard and exemplary role -
经济体系 Economic system -
互利共赢 Mutual benefit and win-win -
不忘初心 Do not forget your initiative mind -
传统安全 Traditional security -
自觉遵守 Consciously abide by -
创新性发展 Innovative development -
加强军事 Strengthen the military -
实施就业 Implement employment -
内部安全 Internal security -
保障能力 Support ability -
安全防护体系 Safety protection system -
推进法治 Advance the rule of law -
伟大旗帜 Great flag -
单边主义 Unilateralism -
动态清零 Dynamic clearing -
量子信息 Quantum information -
设施建设 Facilities construction -
建设中国特色社会主义 Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
生态环境保护 Ecological environment protection -
全面开展 Carry out in an all-round way -
低收入者 Low-income earners -
中国特色社会主义文化 Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics -
着力形成 Focus on forming -
全球安全 Global security -
整体性推进 Integral advancement -
整体性重构 Integral reconstruction -
中国共产党 Communist Party of China -
完善中国 Perfecting China -
各方向 All directions -
战略性举措 Strategic initiatives -
人民战争 People's War -
国防动员 National defense mobilization -
碧水 Clear water -
非传统安全 Non-traditional security -
协商制度 Consultation system -
保障工作 Guarantee work -
人口老龄化 Population aging -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
生活需要 Needs of life -
政府职能 Government function -
尊重人民 Respect the people -
直接民主制 Direct democracy -
职责体系 Responsibility system -
治理体系 Governance system -
实践中 In practice -
组织结构 Organizational structure -
人民事业 People's cause -
文化立场 Cultural standpoint -
中国化 Sinicization -
坚定奉行 Firmly pursue -
军队使命任务 Military mission and task -
完善社会 Perfect society -
加快实现 Accelerate realization -
公共卫生体系 Public health system -
办好人民 Run the people well -
重构 Reconstruction -
协调各方 Coordinate all parties -
中华文明 Chinese civilization -
三个代表 Three Represents -
信息保护 Information protection -
现代化经济 Modernized economy -
先进文化 Advanced culture -
决策部署 Decision-making and deployment -
促进世界 Promote the world -
不变味 Stale -
国内生产 Domestic production -
科学思想 Scientific thought -
理想信念教育 Ideal and belief education -
确保国家 Ensure that the country -
依法治国 Governing the country according to law -
发展作出 Develop and make -
塑造力 Molding force -
生活品质 Quality of life -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
生态文明制度体系 System of ecological civilization system -
良好态势 Good momentum -
领导核心作用 Core role of leadership -
改革方向 Reform direction -
文化产业 Cultural industry -
冷战思维 Cold War mentality -
制度安排 Institutional arrangement -
公共文化服务体系 Public cultural service system -
突出矛盾和问题 Highlight contradictions and problems -
共同价值 Common value -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation and difficulties tackling -
中央全面管治权 Central comprehensive governance power -
坚强领导 Strong leadership -
乡村振兴 Rural revitalization -
社会主义市场经济体制 Socialist market economic system -
法治国家 Country ruled by law -
爱国者治港 Patriots governing Hong Kong -
全球安全治理机制 Global security governance mechanism -
爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front -
底线思维 Bottom line thinking -
反对外部 Oppose the outside -
水平对外开放 Horizontal opening to the outside world -
人均国内生产总值 Per capita GDP -
发展文化 Develop culture -
疾病传播 Disease transmission -
社会主义教育 Socialist education -
反腐 Anti-corruption -
软实力 Soft power -
作为战略 As a strategy -
自主创新能力 Independent innovation ability -
政治立场 Political stand -
中国特色大国外交 Diplomacy of a big country with Chinese characteristics -
两岸关系 Cross-strait relations -
根本性转变 Fundamental change -
系统保护 System protection -
社会主义文化新辉煌 New glory of socialist culture -
着力解决 Focus on solving -
公正司法 Fair justice -
主体功能区战略 Main functional area strategy -
人类文明 Human civilization -
新冠 COVID-19 -
新型国家 New state -
社会主义发展 Socialist development -
特色社会主义政治 Socialist politics with characteristics -
改善民生 Improve people's livelihood -
着力提升 Focus on improving -
政治安全 Political security -
深层次矛盾 Deep-seated contradictions -
新型工业化 New industrialization -
马克思列宁 Marx Lenin -
开放型世界经济 Open world economy -
绿水青山就是金山银山 Green mountains and green hills are Jinshan Yinshan -
全面领导 Overall leadership -
军事理论 Military theory -
全球伙伴 Global partners -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in China -
唯贤 Meritocracy -
发展基层民主 Develop grass-roots democracy -
正确导向 Correct orientation -
各人民团体 People's organizations -
特权思想 Privileged thought -
践行社会主义 Practice socialism -
中央权威 Central authority -
发展理念 Development Concept -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
夯实 Tamp -
忧患意识 Sense of hardship -
创新体系 Innovation system -
最大限度保护 Maximum protection -
社会主义司法制度 Socialist judicial system -
不变质 Do not deteriorate -
治理能力现代化 Modernization of governance capacity -
体系建设 System construction -
着力培养 Focus on cultivation -
推进科学 Advance science -
实施公民 Implementing citizenship -
港人治港 Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong -
弘扬社会 Carry forward the society -
建设工程 Construction project -
创新发展 Innovation and development -
铸魂 Casting Soul -
幼有所育 Have a good child -
稳定发展 Stable development -
坚持经济 Stick to the economy -
坚持马克思主义 Adhere to Marxism -
低碳 Low carbon -
探月 Lunar exploration -
全面建设 Construction in an all-round way -
人民主体地位 People's dominant position -
重要生态 Important ecology -
总体国家安全观 Overall national security concept -
规范收入分配秩序 Standardize the order of income distribution -
革命性锻造 Revolutionary forging -
共同体意识 Community consciousness -
全局性变化 Global change -
重大决策 Major decisions -
推进各项 Advance various items -
依法行政 Administration by law -
良好条件 Good conditions -
统筹发展 Overall development -
核心利益 Core interests -
发展社会主义 Develop socialism -
基本政治制度 Basic political system -
长期稳定 Long-term stability -
全面深化 Comprehensively deepen -
斗争精神 Struggle spirit -
思想基础 Ideological basis -
坚实基础 Solid foundation -
水平明显 Significant level -
应急能力 Emergency response capability -
保持社会 Maintain society -
监督体系 Supervision system -
马克思主义中国化 Sinicization of Marxism -
立德树人 Lide Shuren -
全面加强 Comprehensively strengthen -
比较优势 Comparative advantage -
社会主义先进文化 Advanced socialist culture -
外来物种 Alien species -
人民幸福 People's happiness -
落实中央 Implement the central government -
霸权主义和强权政治 Hegemonism and power politics -
我国社会 Our society -
突发公共事件 Public emergencies -
推进国防 Advance national defense -
生命安全 Life safety -
突破性进展 Breakthrough progress -
新兴领域 Emerging field -
工作总基调 General tone of work -
尊法学法 Respect for law -
历史性成就 Historic achievements -
尊重创造 Respect creation -
牢牢掌握 Firmly grasp -
多种分配方式 Multiple distribution methods -
建设教育 Construction education -
技术基础 Technical basis -
推动香港 Promote Hong Kong -
先锋模范作用 Vanguard and exemplary role -
互利共赢 Mutual benefit and win-win -
传统安全 Traditional security -
创新性发展 Innovative development -
实施就业 Implement employment -
保障能力 Support ability -
推进法治 Advance the rule of law -
伟大旗帜 Great flag -
动态清零 Dynamic clearing -
设施建设 Facilities construction -
生态环境保护 Ecological environment protection -
低收入者 Low-income earners -
着力形成 Focus on forming -
整体性推进 Integral advancement -
整体性重构 Integral reconstruction -
完善中国 Perfecting China -
战略性举措 Strategic initiatives -
国防动员 National defense mobilization -
非传统安全 Non-traditional security -
保障工作 Guarantee work -
人口老龄化 Population aging -
生活需要 Needs of life -
尊重人民 Respect the people -
职责体系 Responsibility system -
实践中 In practice -
人民事业 People's cause -
文化立场 Cultural standpoint -
坚定奉行 Firmly pursue -
完善社会 Perfect society -
公共卫生体系 Public health system -
重构 Reconstruction -
中华文明 Chinese civilization -
三个代表 Three Represents -
现代化经济 Modernized economy -
决策部署 Decision-making and deployment -
不变味 Stale -
科学思想 Scientific thought -
理想信念教育 Ideal and belief education -
依法治国 Governing the country according to law -
塑造力 Molding force -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
良好态势 Good momentum -
改革方向 Reform direction -
文化产业 Cultural industry -
制度安排 Institutional arrangement -
突出矛盾和问题 Highlight contradictions and problems -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation and difficulties tackling -
坚强领导 Strong leadership -
社会主义市场经济体制 Socialist market economic system -
法治国家 Country ruled by law -
全球安全治理机制 Global security governance mechanism -
底线思维 Bottom line thinking -
水平对外开放 Horizontal opening to the outside world -
发展文化 Develop culture -
社会主义教育 Socialist education -
软实力 Soft power -
作为战略 As a strategy -
政治立场 Political stand -
两岸关系 Cross-strait relations -
系统保护 System protection -
着力解决 Focus on solving -
公正司法 Fair justice -
人类文明 Human civilization -
新型国家 New state -
特色社会主义政治 Socialist politics with characteristics -
改善民生 Improve people's livelihood -
政治安全 Political security -
新型工业化 New industrialization -
开放型世界经济 Open world economy -
全面领导 Overall leadership -
全球伙伴 Global partners -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in China -
发展基层民主 Develop grass-roots democracy -
各人民团体 People's organizations -
践行社会主义 Practice socialism -
发展理念 Development Concept -
夯实 Tamp -
忧患意识 Sense of hardship -
最大限度保护 Maximum protection -
不变质 Do not deteriorate -
体系建设 System construction -
推进科学 Advance science -
港人治港 Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong -
弘扬社会 Carry forward the society -
创新发展 Innovation and development -
幼有所育 Have a good child -
坚持经济 Stick to the economy -
低碳 Low carbon -
全面建设 Construction in an all-round way -
人民主体地位 People's dominant position -
总体国家安全观 Overall national security concept -