
原文 译文 详情
Sincerity -
Dao -
Way -
De -
Li -
Qi -
Vital Force -
Qing -
Qu -
Ren -
Tian -
Heaven -
King -
Wu -
Thing -
Matter -
Heart -
Mind -
Xing -
Nature -
Xu -
Righteousness -
本末 Ben-Mo -
本末 the Fundamental and the Incidental -
般若 Bore or Boruo -
般若 Wisdom -
大同 Universal Harmony -
法治 Rule by Law -
封建 Feudal System -
格调 Form and Melody -
华夏 Huaxia -
教化 Shaping the Mind Through Education -
九州 Nine Zhou -
九州 Nine Regions -
良史 Good Historian -
良史 Good History -
良知 Liangzhi -
良知 Conscience -
情景 Sentiment and Scenery -
人治 Rule by Man -
日新 Constant Renewal -
镕裁 Refining and Deleting -
神思 Imaginative Contemplation -
太极 Taiji -
太极 The Supreme Ultimate -
体性 Style and Temperament -
体用 Ti and Yong -
体用 Substance and Utility -
天下 Tianxia -
天下 All Under Heaven -
王道 Kingly Way -
王道 Benevolent Governance -
文明 Wenming -
文明 Civilization -
文气 Wenqi -
无为 Non-action -
五行 Wuxing -
兴象 Xingxiang -
兴象 Inspiring Imagery -
玄览 Xuanlan -
玄览 Peaceful Contemplation -
雅俗 Highbrow and Lowbrow -
养气 Cultivating Qi -
意象 Yixiang -
意象 Imagery -
阴阳 Yin and Yang -
有无 You and Wu -
有无 Bing and Non-bing -
缘起 Dependent Origination -
知音 Resonance and Empathy -
直寻 Direct Quest -
中国 Zhongguo -
中国 China -
中华 Zhonghua -
中庸 Zhongyong -
中庸 Golden Mean -
滋味 Nuanced Flavor -
自然 Naturalness -
宗法 Feudal Clan System -
风雅颂 Ballad,Court Hymn,and Eulogy -
赋比兴 Narrative,Analogy and Association -
发愤著书 Indignation Spurs One to Write Great Works. -
怀远以德 Embrace Distant States by Means of Virtue -
利用厚生 Make Full Use of Resources to Enrich the People -
民惟邦本 People Being the Foundation of the State -
人文化成 Ren Wen Hua Cheng -
顺天应人 Follow the Mandate of Heaven and Comply with the Wishes of the People -
为政以德 Governance Based on Virtue -
文以载道 Literature Is the Vehicle of Ideas. -
协和万邦 Coexistence of All in Harmony -
兴观群怨 Stimulation, Contemplation, Sociability and Criticism -
修齐治平 Self-cultivation,Family Regulation,State Governance,Bringing Peace to All Under Heaven -
有教无类 Education for All Without Discrimination -
紫之夺朱 Purple Prevailing over Red -
自然英旨 Charm of Spontaneity -
有德者必有言 Virtuous Pepole Are Sure to Produce Fine Writing. -
厉与西施,道通为一 A Scabby Person and the Beautiful Lady Xishi Are the Same in the Eyes of Dao. -
乐而不淫,哀而不伤 Express Enjoyment Without Indulgence and Express Grief Without Excessive Distress -
生一无听,物一无文 A Single Note Does Not Compose a Melodious Tune, Nor Does a Single Color Make a Beautiful Pattern. -
象外之象,景外之景 The Image Beyond an Image,the Scene Beyoud a Scene -
信言不美,美言不信 Sicere Words May Not Be Pleasant to the Ear;Flowery Rhetoric May Not Be Sincere. -