中国日报 | 3月新闻热词

原文 译文 详情
政治季 political season -
人大代表 NPC deputies/delegates -
议案 motion -
政协委员 CPPCC members -
提案 proposal -
审议 deliberate -
草案 draft -
决议 resolution -
人大代表团团组会议 panel discussions of NPC delegations -
军费预算 military budget -
军费开支 military spending -
军队改革 military reform -
新型陆军 modern land force -
火箭军 the PLA Rocket Force -
中国人民解放军陆军领导机构 the PLA Army general command -
中国人民解放军战略支援部队 the PLA Strategic Support Force -
楼市高烧 high fever of real estate -
购房贷款 purchase loan -
零首付 zero down payment/no money down -
房产税 house property tax -
房地产经纪人 real estate agent -
投机性需求 speculative demand -
新型经济 new eonomy -
债券投资 investment in bonds -
股权投资 equity investment -
信贷紧缩 credit crunch -
股权收购 stake purchase -
资本净值 net worth -
(获得支持的)党代表人数 delegate count -
开放式初选 open primary -
党团会议 caucus -
选民 electorate -
政治演说 stump speech -
草根群体 grass roots -
红色州/蓝色州 red state/blue state -
独角兽企业 unicorn company -
创业 start a business -
中小型企业 small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs -
投资行业 investment industry -
科技创新 science and technological innovation -
近场通讯 Near Field Communication,NFC -
虚拟现实 virtual reality -
民生痛点 the pain points for people's livelihood -
上头条 dominate headlines -
消息来源 news source -
公众关注的话题 topic of public concern -
工匠精神 spirit of the craftsman -
首付贷 down payment loan -
抵押贷款 mortgage lending -
最低首付 minimum down payment -
首次购房者 first-time homebuyer -
改善购房者 upgrader -
供需不平衡 supply-demand imbalance -
休学创业 suspend courses to do business -
天使投资人 angel investor -
创业项目 startup project -
优惠政策 preferential policy -
间隔年 gap year -
超级计算机 supercomputer -
围棋大师 Go grandmaster -
机器人 robot -
控制系统 control system -
仿真系统 simulation system -
药检 drug test -
商业合同 commercial contract -
药物作弊 drug cheat -
慈善法 charity law -
慈善事业 philanthropy -
慈善组织 charitable organization -
慈善文化 philanthropic culture -
捐助者 donor -
志愿者 volunteer -
受益人 beneficiary -
消费者权益 consumer rights -
退款 refund -
赔偿 compensation -
节日包裹焦虑症 holiday package anxiety -
海淘 buy products from overseas websites -
直邮服务 direct delivery service -
大众旅游时代 era of mass tourism -
贿选 vote buying -
受贿 bribe-taking -
主办权 hosting rights -
刑事诉讼 criminal proceeding -
经济犯罪 economic crime -
A4腰 A4 waist -
梨型身材 pear-shaped figure -
苹果型身材 apple-shaped body -
沙漏型身材 hourglass figure -
X型身材 hourglass figure -
倒三角身材 inverted triangle figure -
矩形身材 rectangle body shape -
腰间赘肉 love handles -
肥胖羞辱 fat shaming -
身体羞辱 body shaming -
澜湄合作机制 Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism -
次区合作 subregional cooperation -
社会问题 social affairs -
可持续发展 sustainable development -
人文交流 people-to-people exchanges -
社保费率 social security premium rate -
社会保障体系 social welfare system -
社保基金 social security funds -
基本养老保险 basic endowment insurance -
工伤保险 employment injury insurance -
失业保险 unemployment insurance -
生育保险 maternity insurance -
增值税 value-added tax (VAT) -
财政改革 fiscal reform -
结构性减税 structural tax reduction -
改革试点行业 pilot sectors -
税收负担 tax burden -
税级 tax brackets -
荧幕恋情 showmance, show romance -
核安全合作 nuclear security cooperation -
核泄漏 nuclear leakage -
核弹头 nuclear warhead -
核扩散 nuclear proliferation -
相互确保摧毁 mutually assured destruction -
和平利用核能 peaceful use of nuclear energy -
国际原子能机构 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) -
限苗令 vaccination limitation -
疫苗游客 vaccine tourist -
弹性工作制 flexible work schedule -
法定工作时间 legal working hours -
在线辅导 online tutoring -
在线教育平台 online education platform -
赏花游 flower tour/trip -
名人堂 Hall of Fame -
季后赛 playoff -
板凳球员 bench warmer -
篮板 rebound -
封盖 block -
助攻 assist -