
原文 译文 详情
资源配置 allocation of resources -
法治 nomocracy -
经济体制改革 economic system reform -
全面深化改革 overall deepening of reform -
市场监管 market oversight -
市场主体 market actors -
看不见的手 Invisible Hand -
看得见的手 Visible Hand -
简政放权 streamline administration, delegate more powers, -
宏观调控 macro regulation -
阵痛 temporary pains -
经济结构性改革 economic structural reforms -
合理区间 reasonable range -
市场经济体制 Market economic system -
竞争机制 competition mechanism -
合法经营 lawful operation -
产业结构 industrial structure -
非公有制经济 Non-Public Sectors Of the Economy -
壁垒 barrier -
市场调节 market regulation -
资本主义自由化 capitalist liberalization -
市场秩序 market order -
市场失灵 market failure -
公共设施 public facilities -
放管结合 improve regulation -
优化服务 provide better services/optimize service -
公共基础设施 public infrastructure -
市场准入 market access -
战略产业 strategic industry -
体制改革 structural reform/restructuring -