专业术语 | 汽车术语(中英)_第二批(2392个)

原文 译文 详情
扭力管 Torque tube -
双腔并动化油器 two-barrel dual carburetor -
只读存储器 read-only storage -
年度报告 annual report -
细度计 fineness gauge -
毛玻璃 ground glass -
厢式货箱 van body -
平炉钢 siemens-martin steel -
吸水性 water absorption -
隔圈宽度 spacerband width -
喷嘴 nozzle -
抗扰性试验 immunity test -
水冷 water-cooling -
盲文印刷 braille printing -
酚醛漆 phenolic paint -
定轴式液力变速器 countershaft transmission -
衔铁 armature -
建议阶段 proposal stage -
通用驾驶室系统 versatile cab system -
喷油延迟 injection delay -
上吸式化油器 updaught carburetor -
汽车大修返修率 returning rate of major repair of vehicle -
货架横梁 guard frame rail -
热衰退试验 fade test -
放油口 oil drain hole -
阻塞面积比 blockage area ratio -
氧校正 oxygen correction -
可轴向移动的球笼式万向节 plunging constant velocity joint -
试验脉冲强度 test pulse severity -
气顶油助力器 air over hydraulic booster -
大客车 coach -
双向双从蹄式制动器 dual two trailing shoe brake -
测试接收机 testing receiver system -
纯燃(后燃) post-ignition -
纤维 fiber -
打腻子 puttying -
带束层 belt -
标准附加说明 appended description of standard -
光透射率 luminous transmittance -
自行认证 self-certification -
光谱灵敏度 spectral sensitivity -
国家待遇 national treatment -
黏度指数 Viscosity number -
估计使用期 estimated performance -
形燃油喷射泵 vee fuel injection pump -
出版阶段 publication stage -
缓冲块 buffer stopper -
运输基地 transportation base -
滤声器 acoustical filter -
检验器 verifier -
转向信号灯 direction indicator tell-tale -
搪缸 Rebored -
突缘安装喷油器壳体 flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder -
落料切槽模 blanking-slotting die -
开缝线 opening line -
轴承 bearing -
液压分流传动 hydrostatic differenctial tranmission -
粘结式实心轮胎 cured on solid tyre -
靠模磨床 copy grinding mahcine -
测微卡 Micrometer -
异侧齿面 opposite flanks -
光颈 light trap -
热固性塑料 thermosetting plastics -
(点火)线圈绝缘体 coiled insulator -
阻尼电阻 damping resistor -
圆周侧隙 circumferential backlash -
离心式风扇 centrifugal fan -
加速 Acceleration -
切割轮口 wheel -arch cutting -
(下坡)缓速器操纵件 retarder control -
传动轴 Propeller shaft -
歧管真空 Manifold vacuum -
横向跳动 lateral run-out -
螺旋状齿轮 Screwed gear -
点火系统 Ignition system -
分离轴承和分离套筒总成 release bearing and sleeve assembly -
压条封盖 trim strip cap -
反射率 reflectance -
电视转播车 TV relaying vehicle -
燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio -
铬镍合金 chromel -
行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器 differential geared wheel reductor(bevelepicyclick hub reductor) -
普通剃齿法 general shaving -
标定用遮光片 calibrating screen -
共鸣器 acoustic resonator -
动力转向器 power steering stgear -
倾斜和缩进式转向管柱 tilt and telescopic steering column -
迁入 roll in -
乙炔氧焊装置 acetylene-welding installation -
平均制动减速度 mean braking deceleration -
沉淀 sedimentation -
Y 形坡口裂缝试验 Y-slit crack test TIG -
车身修整工具 body bumping tool -
康铜 constantan -
复位状态 reset mode -
电镀机 plating machine -
齿轮箱 Gear box -
凸轮轴偏心轮 camshaft eccentric -
轴颈安装 journal mounting -
两万向节滑动的传动轴 two -joint inboard slip ddiveshaft -
适用性 applicability -
工具磨床 cutter grinding machine -
引用的强度 strength of reference -
有箱造型 tight-flask molding -
伺服机构 servo mechanism -
横拉杆端接头 tie rod end -
霍尔效应 Hall effect -
精密铸造 precision casting -
副车架 subframe -
蓄电池总开关 battery main swtich -
悬臂弹簧 cantilever spring -
压盘 pressure plate -
输入特性 characteristic of enhance -
紫铜 copper -
耐酸涂料 acid-prrof coating -
停车距离(制动距离) stopping distance -
传声性 acoustical conductivity -
护封 jacket -
插座孔 socket aperture -
高压造型机 high pressure moulding machine -
节圆齿顶高 working addendum -
安全门 emergency door -
六月法投票表决 six months vote -
下流式转化器 down flow type converter -
轴流式涡轮 axial-flow turbine -
校准屏幕 aiming screen -
制动失效 brake fade -
动力传动机构 Power train -
异形钢管 special steel pipe -
词目 entry word -
电阻对焊 butt resistance welding -
性能规定 performance provision -
下置板簧式 under slung type -
穿通式联条 over-partition connector -
润滑周期 lubrication interval -
(氧化)硅胶 silica gel -
新鲜空气入口 Fresh air inlet -
电解液 electrolyte (battery solution ) -
差速器 differential -
充量系数 volumetric efficiency -
路牌 guide board -
行空 line space -
分电器 igniton distributor -
净化剂 detergent -
文字符号 letter symbol -
超硬铝 superduralumin -
拓印 inscription rubbing -
总重量 gross weight -
汽车维护类别 class of vehicle maintenance -
直接视野 direct vesion field -
辐射对流烘干室 joint radiation convection oven -
注释 note -
预热试验 warm test -
勘误表 corrigenda -
等速万向接头 Constant velocity joint -
气缸体 cylinder block -
透光直径 transmission diameter -
铅白漆 white lead paint -
公共交通线路设施 public transport line facilities -
弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机 curve-tooth bevel gear milling machine -
换乘乘客 transfer passenger -
功率换算 power conversion -
宽砂轮外圆磨床 wide abrasive wheel cylindrical grinding machine -
版权 copyright -
数据传输 data transmission -
公共汽车优先通行系统 bus priority sytem -
横向焊缝 cross weld -
基本喷射时期 The basic duration of injection -
发光面 light-emitting surface -
美国 LA-4CH 法 US EPA 4CH test procedure -
防冻塞 freeze plug -
脱机的 offline -
推荐性标准 recommended standard -
热电丝式指示器 glow indicator -
差速器小齿轮 Differential pinion -
再现性 reproducibility -
气制动软管 airbrake hose -
灯光颜色 lamp colr -
连接杆式 Linkage type -
管式散热器 tubular radiator -
氮氧化合物转化器 Nox converter(No2-NO) -
锻造 forging -
级数制 type size system for manual photo type setting -
电子点火 electronic ignition -
副皮碗 secontary cup -
车轮 wheel -
耐油涂料 oil resistant coating -
单腔气制动阀 single-chamber air brake valve -
高强度低合金钢 high strength low alloy steel (HSLA) -
宽带放大器 broadband amplifier -
橡胶弹簧式 rubber spring type -
真空泵 vacuum pump -
转向控制阀压力降 pressure loss in steering control valve -
反馈柱塞 reaction plunger -
含甲醇酒精 methylated spirit -
气压-液压增压器 air over hydraulic intensifier -
激磁线圈 field winding(field coil) -
名牌产品 brand-name product -
当量系统 equivalent system -
平锻 horzontal forging -
电源抗扰性 mains immunity -
公式编号 numbering of equation -
环境保护标准 environmental protection standard -
昼夜车 day and night vehicle -
下视角 downwards angle of visibility -
滤清器壳 filter box -
沸腾钢(不脱氧钢) rimmed steel -
散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind -
温度测量仪器 thermometric instruments -
重新装配 reassembling -
球轴承套管式转向管柱 tube and ball type steering column -
单向离合器 One Way clutch -
图像制版 image reproduction -
片式快速插接件 flat quick-connect termination -
化学热处理 thermo-chemical treatment -
信号阀 signal valve -
甚高频 very high frequency (VHF) -
热效率 Thermal efficiency -
滚压挤压机 hydraulic extrusion press -
行星小齿轮 Planet pinion -
揭膜改版法 film stripping correction -
倒档中间齿轮 reverse idler gear -
整行铸排 line composing and casting -
硝基底漆 nitrocellulose primer -
球震转印机 cronapress conversion system -
磁性气体保护焊 gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding -
栏板上梁 gate top rial -
轮毂总成 Hub assembly -
压痕 indentation -
角度轮 degree wheel -
折页机 folding machine -
侧围骨架 side wall frame -
先期排气 initial exhaust -
胶合层杂质 interlayer dirt -
服务等级 Service rating -
聚酰胺 polyamide(PA) -
螺纹铣床 thread milling mahcine -
随机噪声 random noise -
沸腾石 boiling stone -
不锈钢 stainless steel -
端平面 transverse plane -
可靠性 reliability -
磨擦片式自锁差速器 multi-disc self -locking differential -
螺丝起子 Screw driver -
酸性精炼油 acid refined oil -
变速齿轮组 change gear set -
化油器式发动机 carburetor engine -
后板 rear gate -
稳压器 voltage stabilizer -
公认的技术规则 acknowledged rule of technology -
应急制动器操纵件 secondary (emergency)braking conrol -
甲阶(可溶)酚醛树脂 resol -
喷油背压 injection back pressure -
编码 to code -
单向伺服式制动器 uni-servo brake -
净底盘整备质量 bare chassis kerb mass -
制动蹄释放压力 release pressure of brake shoe -
平顶活塞 flat head piston -
交流发电机调节器 alternator regulator -
译码 to decode -
传动轴减振器 drive shaft absorber -
客货两用小客车 estate car (estate) -
微粒物 particulated matter -
动力转向 Power steering -
预啮合式起动机 pre-engaged drive starter -
摆臂 swing arm -
黄油 grease -
絮凝剂 flocculant -
峰值喷油压力 peak injection pressure -
炼条张力器 Tensioner -
人工呼叫 manual calling -
平台式车架 platform frame -
回路接通”指示灯 circuit closed tell-tale -
龙门刨床 double housing planer -
安装面直径 attachment face diameter -
球化退火 shpheroidizing annealing -
三球销万向节 tripod universal joint -
标准大气状况 standard atmospheric conditions -
油底壳 Oil pan -
盘式制动器制动缸 disc brake cylinder -
前端盖 dirve end baring bracket -
组合灯 grouped lamps -
拍摄 filming -
压接电线 fixed wiring -
气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover -
控制脉冲 Control pulse -
附加成分 supplementary element -
行业标准 occupation standard -
水箱 Radiator -
阴极射线发式计算机排版 computerized CRT phototype setting -
弧齿锥齿轮铣刀盘刃 curve-tooth bevel gear milling -
楔环 wedge ring -
方斜垫圈 square taper washer -
认证体系的成员 member of certification system -
标识符 identifier -
活动车顶操纵件 sliding roof control -
衬板 patch -
速度纪录仪 tachograph -
转向系统 Steering systems -
搭铁线 Earth wire -
抑制滤波器 suppression filter -
皮圈(副皮碗) ring cup -
暖风电动机 heater motor -
拉削 broaching -
电线 Wiring -
过热保护装置 over heating protection system -
耐湿性试验 resistance-to-humidity test -
disk brake Wear indicators -
正常磨损 normal wear -
计算机指令 computer instruction -
可伸缩灯 retractable lamp -
阻燃剂 fire retardant -
蒙皮 outer panel skin(skin) -
半封闭式灯光组 semi-sealed beam unit -
化油器小喉管 booster venturi -
更换(零件) replacing -
平均吨(客)位 average tonnage (passenger seat) -
制动蹄张开凸轮 expander cam -
基本齿廓 basic rack tooth profile -
活塞加工多工位组合机床 multiple station combined machine for piston machining -
劳动保护标准 labour protectig standard -
工作循环 working cycle -
制动力增长时间 build-up time of braking force -
二行程引擎 Two-stroke-cycle engine -
后视镜 rear view mirror -
传动系的噪声 transmission noise (driveline noise -
调整气门间隙扳手 tappet wrench -
运费表 freight tariff -
镜频抑制比 image rejection ratio -
曲轴箱双通风系统 crankcase closed system -
轨距 gauge -
普通水泥混凝土 portland cement concrete -
叙述规定 descriptive provision -
行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器 planetary wheel reductor -
击穿 beakdown -
换档滞后 shift hysteresis -
速度符号 speed symbol -
生产日期 date of manufacture -
控制活塞皮碗 control piston cup -
活字高度 type-high -
带升降塔架车辆 tower crane -
抖动试验 whip test -
齿根角 dedendum angle -
耐翻倾试验 test of overturning immunity -
内方头紧定螺钉 square-socket set-screw -
滑板 sliding plate -
配气机构 valve gear -
落心式 Drop center type -
脱胶剂 glue stripper -
来令片 Lining -
反作用阀 reactive valve -
插齿 gear shaping -
齿型感知器 Toothed sensor -
十字接头 Spider -
磨边残留 edge-arrissing residue -
空气流量感知器 Air-flow sensor -
汽车面漆 automotive topcoat -
侧围护板 side wall inner shield -
螺杆螺线式转向器 screw and nut steering gear -
超速档变速器 over drive transmision -
包车 chartered vehicle -
副仪表板 auxiliary fascia console -
稠化剂 thickener -
平装 paper cover binding -
照明设备 lightig equipmetn -
硼钢 boron steel -
配电站 power transformer substation -
认证体系的利用 access to certification system -
主轴承 main bearing -
卡式磁带 cartridge -
透印 print through -
修理里程 mileage between repair -
去油(脱脂) degreasing -
汽车维护作业 operation of vehicle maintenance -
固定板 Fixing plate -
非关税壁垒 non-tarrif barrier -
专用车 special vehicle -
连杆盖 connecting rod cap -
防冻液 anti-freeze liquid -
圆柱实心轮胎 cylindrical base solid tyre -
罩光 glazing -
分离杆轴 release lever axle -
双工字梁 twin I-beam -
收音机操纵件 radio receiver contols -
桥式管 bridge pipe -
最高燃烧温度 Peak flame temperature -
串列式双腔气制动阀 series dual -chamber air brake valve -
管路 pipe-line -
发动机试验规程 engine test procedure -
电子示功仪 electronic indicator -
段管线 section line -
共晶组织 eutectic structure -
共晶合金 eutectic alloy -
添加剂 additve -
底色增益 under color addition -
叠箱造型 stack molding -
调节器 modulatro -
滤清器密封圈 filter seal ring -
重型货车 heavy truck -
顶上凸轮轴 Overhead camshaft -
齿根过渡曲面 fillet -
差速器侧齿轮 differential side gear -
有补偿孔式制动主缸 compensating brake master cylinder -
光检测器 photodetector -
进汽门凸轮 Intake camshaft -
机油量量尺 Dipstick -
路单 route-list -
车吨(客)位产量 vehicle ton(seat )production -
排气歧管 exhaust manifold -
动力计 Dynamometer -
前置式双级主减速器 front mounted double reduction final drive -
舱背式车身 hatch bock body -
光学设备 optical device -
装配线 fitting line -
连续拉削 continuous broaching -
电路,油路 Circuit -
运输费用 transportation cost -
截止频率 cut-off frequency -
内藏灯(暗灯) concealable lamp -
喷孔面积 nozzle hole area -
车厢通道宽度 passage width -
玻璃升降器 window regulator(window lifter) -
查表 table lookup -
砂带磨削 abrasive belt gringding -
高压火花点火 jump-spark ignition -
隔热板 heat shield -
刮边 scraping -
登记 registration -
车厢顶灯 roof light -
合金焊条 hastelloy electrode -
紧缩 to pack -
制动器发响 noisy brake -
平衡轴 trunnion shaft -
后窗玻璃(后挡玻璃) backlight(backlite) -
复音声响讯号装置 multi-tone sound signalling device -
真空 Vacuum -
静电照相 eletrophotography -
气幕 air seal -
正极搭铁 plus earth -
书芯 bookblock -
控制台 console -
多边协调标准 multilaterally harmonized standard -
金属造型 metal pattern molding -
刮油环 scrapper ring -
保温集装箱 isothermal container -
变量 Variable -
全杆式转向装置 all linkage tyep steering system -
外部抗扰性 external immunity -
分锥顶点 reference cone apex -
半径杆 radius rod -
完成日期 target date -
臭味 odor -
助力制动系统 energy assisted braking system -
胎冠 crown -
跨线 Jumper wire -
锁紧螺母 check nut -
槽宽半角 apace width half angle -
分度圆导程角 lead-angle -
音响技师 soundman -
制动鼓直径 drum diameter -
机油精滤器 secondary oil filter -
排版禁则 typesetting taboo -
应急管路 emergency line -
汽车技术状况参数 parameters for technical condition of vehicle -
连杆加工自动线 automatic production line for connecting rod -
垫上弹簧载荷量 spring capacity at pad -
集装箱运输 container transport -
化油器系统 carburetor circuit -
铸铁 cast iron -
标准报批审查 standard examination for approval -
转速控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with speed -
标准代号与编号 symbol and number of standard -
组合式曲轴 assembled crankshaft -
轴向齿廓 axial profile -
制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep) -
抗扰性电平 immunity level -
引燃喷射 pilot injection -
尺寸链 dimension chain -
滚柱 roller -
浇注轮胎 cast tyre -
飞机牵引车 aircraft tractor -
抗静电实心轮胎 anti-static solid tyre -
成对灯具 lamps constituting a pair -
低速凸轮 Lower speed cam -
边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring -
发动机排量 engine displacement -
传能装置 transmission device -
冷弯试验 cold impact test -
张紧带轮 tensioning pulley -
射频噪声 radio frequency noise -
模拟增压试验 simulated supercharging test -
海棉橡皮 spongy rubber -
缸径 Bore -
合格证明 verification of conformity -
功率突然变化影响试验 test of effect of sudden power change -
变矩比 torque ratio -
真空提前失效 defective vacuum advance -
汽车零件磨损 wear of vehicle part -
大王销 Kingpin -
交流发电机 alternator (AC generator) -
减速点火提前控制装置 deceleration spark advance control -
转向连杆 Linkage steering -
持证乘客 passholder -
无雨刷玻璃 wipeless windscreen -
载重量 payload -
薄膜磷化处理 thin amorphous phosphating -
化学转化 chemical reversion -
干扰后效制动力矩 distrubing residual braking torque -
泡沫灭火车 foam vehicle -
跑车 sports car -
顶盖蒙皮 roof outer panel -
故障诊断 Fault diagnosis -
招呼站 request stop -
小公共汽车 minibus -
玻璃纤维增强塑料 glass-fiber reinforced plastics -
第迪安式 De Dion type -
节汽门位置感知器 Throttle-valve switch -
扭力扳手 Torque wrench -
增压 Boost -
气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head -
声压 sound pressure -
前围立柱 front wall pillar -
骚扰功率 distrubance power -
供电臂 supply arm -
脉冲式排气歧管 pulse exhaust manifold -
胎踵 bead heel -
歧管压力表 manifold pressure gauge set -
搭铁 Ground -
倒车灯开关 back-up lamp siwthc -
曲轴超精磨机床 crankshaft superfinishing machine -
合成云母 synthetic mica -
不发火(不点火) misfiring -
蓄电池断路器操纵件 battery isolating switch control -
band -
转向动力缸 power cylinder -
单级电磁振动式继电器 single stage voltage regulator -
语域注 register note -
蒸气处理 steam treatment -
双腔分动化油器 two-barrel duplex carburetor -
排放限值 emission limits -
发动机试验 engine test -
封闭式灯 sealed -beam lamp -
双柱坐标镗床 double pillar jig borer -
渗碳炉 carburizing furnace -
切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake -
变矩系数 torque ratio -
例示 illustrative example -
侧置气门发动机 side valve engine -
液压蓄能传动 hydrostatic stored energy transmission ssytem -
落箭试验 falling dart test -
高光线 high-light line -
批处理 batch processing -
连杆大端 Rod big end -
噪声电平 noise level -
二次空气控制阀 secondary air control valve -
液压仿形车床 dydraulic coping lathe -
层次 gradation -
短头轿车 forward control passenger car -
回流 back flow -
脚注 footnote -
液力传动 hydraudynamic drive -
活塞式输油泵 piston type fuel supply pump -
涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber -
高栏板货箱 high gate cargo body -
焦碳炉 coke-fired furnace -
短冲程发动机 oversquare engine -
发动机综合试验机 engine analyzer -
平衡臂 equalizer -
射频干扰 radio frequency interference(RFI) -
离合器操纵机构 clutch operation -
制动钳安装架 brake caliper mounting bracket -
汽车大修间隔里程 average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles -
O型环 O-ring -
车列 car row -
前围骨架 front wall frame -
热度等级 Heat range -
散射光 scattered light -
粗毛毡 rough felt -
封边 cover -
产品定型 product approval -
屈挠区 flexing area -
麦花臣式前悬吊 MacPherson-strut front suspension -
(转向节)主销 knuckle pin(King pin) -
曲轴箱排放物 crankcase emission -
越野车 off-road vehicle -
冲模的楔形机构 wedged mechanism of die -
丙阶(不溶)酚醛树脂 resite -
热模锻 pressure forging -
合格 acceptable -
曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilation(PCV) -
字面率 type face proportion -
气门面磨光机 valve refacer -
刮片组件 cleaning edge -
组合制动系统 combination braking sytem -
贝齐尔曲线 bezier curve -
螺旋弹簧离合器 spring-loaded clutch -
主降速齿轮减速比 final reduction gear ratio -
手油泵 manual fuel pump -
数量(单位和符号) quantities (units and symbols) -
免维护蓄电池 maintenance free battery -
抗火焰传播性 resistance to flame propagation -
抽查型质量监督 sampling quality supervision -
比表面积 specific surface area -
生产定型检验 production approval inspeciton -
输入校对终端 phototype setting character imput and correction terminal -
制芯工序 coremaking operation -
中间齿轮 intermediate gear(counter gear) -
战略政策声明 strategic policy statement -
低台货箱 low deck body -
长途公共汽车 long-distance bus -
胎圈外护胶 bead filler rubber -
水箱面罩操纵件 radiator grill control -
甲烷 methane -
单道焊 single-pass welding -
分辨率 resolution rate -
可拆卸轮辋 demountable rim wheel -
轴承钢 bearing steel -
蒸发器 evaporator -
速比 speed ratio -
螺纹拉线柱 threaded terminal -
灯壳 lamp housing -
变形 deformation -
油底壳螺丝 Oil pan screw -
珩磨 honing -
调压阀 EGR pressure regulator -
横向偏摇度 Lateral runout -
正点 on schedule -
点火提前控制系统 Spark-advance control systems -
隔音室 anechoicchamber -
湿式汽缸套 Wet cylinder liner -
十字头型发动机 cross head engine -
浮子臂 float arm -
运输系统 transportation system -
全直齿常啮式变速器 fully constant mesh all spur gear transmission -
自动检票机 automatic ticket checker -
field -
喷孔长径比 ratio of nozzle hole length nozzle diameter -
诊断报警系统 diagnosis and alarming system -
制动衬片吸收功率 power absorption of lining -
整体式动力转向机构 integral type power steering -
人造羊毛 artificial wool -
槽的位置 well position -
活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing -
全程票价 full fare -
中型越野车 medium off-road vehicle -
导流板 flowguide(air deflector) -
棘抓 ratchet pawl -
碱法脱脂 alkaline degreasing -
保温 holding -
夜班车 night bus -
转塔式冲床 turret-type punch press -
当量齿数 virtual number of teeth -
熄灯温度 light-off temperature -
车轮防抱死装置 anti-lock device -
排汽尾管 Tailpipe -
低选择 select -low -
前围蒙皮 front wall outer panel -
红外线废气分析仪 infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer -
硬度 hardness -
汽车诊断周期 period of vehicle diagnosis -
底盘润滑机 chassis lubricator -
并串行转换器 serializer -
供油管 supply pipe -
T形螺栓 T-head bolt -
汽车停车场(库) park -
赛车用凸轮轴 race camshaft -
脉冲骚扰 impulsive distrubance -
转向传动机构角传动比 steering linkage angle ratio -
运输里程 transport mileage -
热时间开关 Thermo-time switch -
排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculatioon -
预弯模 die for first-forming -
排汽门孔 Exhaust port -
蒸发排放物 evaporative emission -
气门研磨机 valve grinding machine -
安装规则 installation rule -
纵梁 main sill -
支架 support(bracket) -
单向离合器换档 freewheel shfit -
综合标准化 integrated standardization -
抢气 mixture robbery -
煞车来令片 Braking lining -
鉴定试验 qualification test -
活塞排量 piston swept volume -
驱动轴减速比 axle ratio -
减振器 shock absorber -
电泳涂层 electophoretic coating -
浇铸式合金轴承 moulded bearing metal -
分散剂 dispersing agent -
变速器输入轴 transmission imput shaft -
空气滤清器 Air filter -
稀土催化剂 rare earth catalyst -
处理 process -
气缸体专用拉床 cylinder block broaching machine -
喷墨打印机 ink jet printer -
直接取样法 direct sampling method -
内环 core -
断油开关 cut-off cock -
取力器(动力输出机构) power take-off -
气门边限 valve margin -
触线网 trolly wire network -
移动式焊机 portable welding machine -
模拟灯 dummy lamp -
机场客梯车 mobile aircraft landing stairs -
螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake -
最大工作压力 max. Working pressure -
天然汽油 natural gasoline -
空压机 air compressor -
三销架 spider -
单音喇叭 monotone horn -
(电磁)发射 (eelctromagnetic )emission -
触媒转换器 Catalytic converters -
离合器后备系数 reserve coefficient of clutch -
瞬变传递 transient transmission -
润滑系 lubrication system -
衬垫 pad (packing) -
管状灯泡 tubular bulb -
双燃料车辆 duel fuel vehicle -
凸轮轴正时齿轮 Camshaft timing gear -
示宽灯 width lamp -
排气迟后角 exhaust lag angle -
交叉器 crossover -
分离杆调整螺钉 release lever adjusting screw -
轮辐 disc -
快速不解体清洁度 rapid undisassembly cleanliness -
汽门举杆的机油道 Lifter oil gallery -
封底焊道 sealing run -
制动鼓厚度 drum thickness -
快升缓降凸轮 quick lift gradual clsing cam -
腐蚀性磨损 corrosion wear -
环形齿轮 Ring gear -
注音 phonetic notation -
次品 defective product -
座椅基准点 seating reference point (SgRP) -
汽门机构 Valve trains -
丽晶 the regent -
聚碳化透镜 poly-carbonate len -
仿形法切齿 gear-cutting with form copying method -
三向坐标测量装置 three coordinates measuring equipment -
排汽门 Exhaust valve -
第一道压缩环 Top compression ring -
第一档 first gear -
制动蹄限位弹簧 brake shoe hold down spring -
调制器 modulator -
钢球 ball -
平衡水箱 surge tank -
拉深 drawing -
慢速转向 slow steeirng -
切口 cut-off (shear-out) -
声速 sound velocity -
曲轴正时齿轮 Crankshaft timing gear -
叠差 dislocation -
凸块叉 fork yoke -
样板 template -
曲轴箱窜气量测定仪 blow-by meter -
独立悬架式驱动桥 independent suspension drive axle -
扩散反射率 diffused reflectance -
眼椭圆中心 eyellipse center -
混浊度 turbidity -
精整模 forming die -
高海拔补偿式化油器 altitude compensating carburetor -
救火泵车 fire pumper -
滤清器阻塞 clogged filter -
分配式燃油喷射泵 distributor fuel injection pump -
抗绕性裕量 immunity margin -
节曲面 pitch surface -
离心点火提前机构 Centrifugal advance mechanism -
空档位置 neutral position -
气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket -
排气阀 exhaust valve -
四分之三椭圆形弹簧 three quarter elliptic spring -
副作用 side effect -
格式 layout -
按钮控制 finger-tip control -
气卸散装化学粉粒车 bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker -
金相图 phase diagram -
蒸气脱脂 vapor degreasing -
热线风速仪 hot wire anemometer -
调速器重锤 governor weight -
人工干燥 artificial drying -
制动系 braking ssytem -
保持架 cage -
厢式零担运输车 break bulk cargo carrier -
渗碳 carburizing -
国际商事仲裁 international commerce arbitration -
气压式动力转向 air-power steering -
白铁 galvanized iron -
修井车 well maintenance vehicle -
缸体自动造型生产线 automatic moulding productio line ofr cylinder block -
取样探头 probe -
车身制表面 body surface development -
检票口 ticket entrance -
容积,体积 Volume -
护套 sleeve -
重型自卸汽车 heavy duty dump truck -
综合排放质量 composite mass of exhaust emission -
轴针式喷嘴 pintle type nozzle -
决议 resolution -
凸轮包角 cam angle -
闪光器 flasher -
扭矩仪 torque meter -
质量体系 quality system -
皮碗防护垫 cup protector -
出水口 water outlet port -
快速有轨电车 light rail rapid transit car -
齿宽 face width -
寄生损失特性 no load (parasitic losses)performance -
冷放时间 soaking time -
从动盘摩擦衬片 clutch palte lining -
翻转式驾驶室 tilt cab -
眼椭圆定位线 eyellipse locating line -
渗氮 nitriding -
排气分析试验 exhaust analysis test -
原型车 prototype vehicle -
打字排版 type writer composition -
金属极惰性气体保护点焊 metal inert gas arc welding -
压板 Pressure plate -
橡胶液体弹簧式 hydro-rubber spring type -
不定期检验 nonperiodic inspection -
活塞环工具 piston ring tool -
铅基合金 lead-base alloy -
阳极机械加工 anode mechanical working -
粘附 adhesion -
储气筒 Air-reserve tank -
技术勘误表 technical corrigendum -
工作灯 working lamp -
滑行法 coastdown -
衬靠 armrst -
认证体系的参与者 participant in certification system -
客厢顶灯开关 interior light switch -
试验片 test piece -
反馈控制 feedback control -
轴颈重叠度 shaft journal overlap -
标准文献收集 collection of standard decumnets -
灰铸铁 grey cast iron -
渗铝钢板 aluminied steel sheet -
行程 Stroke -
木模造型 wood pattern molding -
加速泵 accelerating pump -
负荷电阻 load resistor -
标准程序 standard program -
互调 intermodulation -
压焊机 press welder -
点焊 point welding -
输入 input -
珠光体 pealite -
定焦盘 prefocus plate -
螺旋盖 screw-top -
测量电阻 measuring resistor -
多工位自动冷镦机 automatic multi-stage cold fromer -
过滤器 GER filter EGR -
火星塞 Spark plug -
排气行程 exhaust stroke -
气门座锥角 valve seat angle -
吨公里利用系数 coefficient of utilization of ton-kilometers -
橡皮垫圈 Rubber bushing -
飞球式调速器 flyball governor -
动平衡机 dynamic balancer -
可分式桥壳 trumpet-type axle housing -
车轮校正 Wheel alignment -
升档 upshift -
分离的彻底性 cleanliness of disengagemet -
细滤器滤芯 filter element -
热弯试验 hot impact test -
人力制动系统 muscular energy braking sytem -
食品液罐车 beverage tanker -
初级供电电流 primary supply voltage -
灯泡灯座 contact holder -
红丹漆 red lead paint -
汽车维护流水作业法 flow method of vehicle maintenance -
双金属式机油压力表 bimetalic oil pressure indicator -
倍频程 octave -
输出阀 delivery valve -
原稿 original -
失控 out of control -
白炽灯泡 filament bulb -
溢流管 overflow pipe -
磨削 grinding -
低溶点合金模 low melting point alloy die -
指导性技术文件 technical guidance -
函数发生器 function generator -
驻车制动系警报灯 parking braking sytem warning tell-tale -
传动轴形式 drive shaft type -
调整垫片 Adjusting washer -
压力润滑法 forced lubrication -
石棉板 asbestos board -
排汽旁道阀 Exhaust wastegate -
碳纤维增强塑料 carbon-fiber reinforced plastics -
无芯工频感应电炉 main frequency coreless inductio furnace -
乙阶(半溶)酚醛树脂 resitol -
蒸汽引擎 Steam engine -
电弧焊 electric arc welding -
整体式凸轮轴 one-piece camshaft -
介质损耗 dielectric loss -
排气烟度 opacity of exhaust gas -
秘书用文件 document.tin for secretarity -
膨胀试验 expansion test -
分动齿轮(分动机构) transfer gear -
气门室盖 valve chamber cover -
次级电压上升时间 secondary voltage rise time -
硫酸 sulfuric acid -
仰焊 face-up bonding -
铸钢 cast steel -
前油泵 front pump (input pump ) -
正时灯 Timing light -
外直径 overall diameter -
柴油机 diesel engine -
分层抽样 stratified sampling -
操纵杆导套 control lever guide collar -
惯性式起动机 inertial drive starter -
可选择的胎圈座轮廓 bead seat optional contours -
衰减器 attenuator -
挤压模锻 no-draft forging -
路面 surface -
直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston -
扣环 Snap ring -
内齿轮,环轮 Annulus -
车身附件 body accessories -
浇注机 cating machine -
岔线 branch line -
半双轮中心距 half dual spacing -
增压压力 boost pressure -
分电器盖 distributor cap -
定钳盘式制动器 disc brake with fixed caliper -
前照灯刮水器操纵件 headlight wiper control -
钛青铜 titanium bronze -
双泵轮液力变矩器 double-impeller torque converter -
反冲试验 kick-back test -
等容卸载 constant volume unloading -
外部电线 external cable -
检波器 detector -
J型转弯试验 test of J turn -
多用途添加剂 multipurpose additive -
取样探管 dilution tunnel -
离散点法 discrete point method -
防潮材料 moisture barrier material -
烟室 smoke chamber -
吞吐量 through put -
液压继动阀 dydraulic relay valve -
青色 cyan -
直接驱动 Direct drive -
真空炉 vacuum furnace -
啮合齿 面 surface of action -
证券印刷 security printing -
抑制螺母 check nut -
极限值 limiting value -
解体清洁度 disassembly cleanliness -
蒸气回收装置 vapor recovery system -
压扁模 flattening die -
制动装备 braking equipment -
中径 pitch diameter -
装饰线 decorative rib -
制品 product -
示踪气体 tracer gas -
分动箱控制杆 transfer gear shift fork -
加热罩 heating mantle -
电子图象处理系统 electronic image processing system -
抗爆剂 anti-knock compound -
淬火槽 quenching bach -
工业用铜 commercial bronze -
压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine -
净底盘干质量 bare chassis dry mass -
引擎风扇 Engine fan -
眼椭圆 eyellipse -
包装印刷 package printing -
锁止腔 lock chamber -
凸轮从动件 cam follower -
砂纸 emery paper -
空调装置 air conditiner -
调速不匀 hunting -
气缸上部润滑 upper cylinder lubrication -
轴交角 shaft angle -
全挂牵引汽车 towing vehicle -
双列滚珠轴承 double-row ball bearing -
排放口 discharge side -
预负荷 Preload -
排水阀 drain valve -
将尘量 quantity of fallen dust -
组合式凸轮轴 assembled camshaft -
主燃烧室 main combustion chamber -
使用温差 service temperature -
无铅汽油 unleaded gasoline -
衬片摩擦面积/每轴 lining area/axle -
胶合层气泡 bubble in the interlayer -
填料 filler -
小型诊断室 compact diagnostic chamber -
耐蚀双金属 anticorrosive bimetal -
分析测定方法和仪器 analysis measuring method and instrument -
定期修理 regulation repair -
接头体 fittings body -
通道 channel -
循环球式转向器 recirculating ball steering gear -
汽门脚间隙 Valve operating clearence -
扫描器 scanner -
认证体系 certification system -
水力清理 hydraulic blasting -
高频表面淬火 high frequency case hardening -
最大载客量 maximum passenger capacity -
多级抽样 multistage sampling -
回馈控制 Feedback-control -
干扰滤光器 interferential filter -
纵向钢板弹簧 longitudinal leaf spring -
轮胎螺栓扳手 wheel wrench -
直列式燃油喷射泵 in-line fuel injection pump -
怠速供油量 idling speed fuel delivery -
直列式转向器 in-line steering gear -
建筑大板运输车 prfab building panel transporter -
差速器锁止系数 differential locking factor -
转换触点 changeover contact -
字符集 character set -
浮子室液面仪 float level gauge -
点火顺序 Firing order -
定时运输 transportation on schedule -
驱动桥最大附着扭矩 slip torque -
制动拖滞 braking drag -
长行程 long stroke -
粉未冶金 powder metallurgy -
机械式汽门举杆 Mechanical valve lifter -
静态驻坡试验 static hill-holding test -
外部稳压电源 external stabilized power -
带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator -
附加波动电压 superimposed ripple voltage -
弹簧制动器的辅助放松装置 auxiliary release device for spring-brake actuator -
货流 flow of freight -
超高频 ultra-high frequency (UHF) -
过热警报装置 over heating warning system -
双横臂式 double -wishbone type -
钢化彩虹 trising from tempering float glass -
腰立柱 waist pillar -
车灯开关 lighting switch -
不透光式烟度计 smoke opacimeter 比尔 - -
信号源 signal source -
加强件 reinforcement (stiffenner) -
比例取样法 proportional smapling -
失效标准 failure criteria -
麻点 pit -
指示功率 indicated power -
透光率 light transmittance -
自装卸垃圾车 refuse collecting truck -
防声胶 deadener -
十进制数 decimal numeral -
高速棒料剪切机 high speed cropping machine -
气门研磨工具 valve grinding tool ( valve lapper) -
液力减速器控制阀 retarder control valve -
耦合 coupling -
单驱动桥 single drive axle -
公共交通优先 public transport priority -
空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器 air filter clog warning sensor -
臭氧发生器 ozonator -
汽车大修平均在修车日 average days during major repair of vehicles -
偏心轮 Eccentric -
磁卡 magnetic card -
吸污车 suction -type sewer scavenger -
预定选择 predetermined selectin -
眼椭圆样板 eyellipse template -
催化剂耗损 catalyst attrition -
主进水口 water main inlet port -
圆角 fillet -
转向传动比 steering gear ratio (steering ratio0 -
磨损补偿装置 wear compensation device -
遐想曲面 imaginary srufaces -
目录 catalog -
蓄电池箱门 battery compartment door -
钻孔立柱车 pole drill and erection truck -
擦刮磨损试验 scrape abrasion test -
高峰主流向 main flow during the peak period -
数字 numeral -
单横臂式 single transverse arm type -
换档品质 property of automatic shft -
咽喉半径 gorge radius -
磁芯 magnetic core -
A立柱 A-pillar -
铅青铜 lead bronze -
前轮驱动 Front-wheel drive -
散装饲料运输车 bulk-fodder transport truck -
指示马力 Indicated horsepower -
纪要 minutes -
消声器 silencer -
拷贝原版 original film for copying -
自动电镀装置 automatic plating machine -
高强度底合金钢板 low alloy steel sheet with high strength -
煞车灯 Brake lights -
栅板 palte grid -
电磁式温度计 electromagnetic temperature indicator -
反转拷边法 reversal copying process -
手动变速箱 Manual transmission -
浅弯 shallow bending -
侧窗 side window -
联址 bind -
绿色 green -
烟度单位 smoke unit(index) -
攻丝机 threading machine -
加贴标签 labelling -
机油泵 Oil pump -
抗扰度 immunity level -
单人座椅 individual seat -
信号灯 signal lamp(indicator) -
疲劳 fatigue -
周转 circulation -
文卷 file -
非高峰时间 off-peak time -
有卧铺的驾驶室 SLLEPER CAB -
喷嘴壳体 nozzle body -
凸版 relief printing plate -
电泳涂漆设备 electro apparatus -
油位表 fuel level gauge -
清除阀 furge valve -
EGR控制阀 EGR control valve -
天头 head margin -
通路 Passage -
敞蓬小轿车 drop head coupe -
标准的构成 constitution of standard -
绝缘涂料 insulating paint -
坐标系 coordination system(axissystem) -
铬酸锌复合钢板 complex steel sheet with chromate zinc -
私生子 illegitimate child -
站牌 stop board -
安全继动阀 safety relay valve -
倍数铅字 multiple quadrat -
车身装焊流水线 body assembly line -
分电盘 Distributor -
再循环排气率 EGR rate -
Lead -
楔形造型 wedge style -
水套 Water jacket -
频带过滤器 band filter -
技术委员会成员身分 membership of TCs -
凸轮总成 Cam set assembly -
加速油井 accelerating well -
后倾 Caster -
转向盘 steering wheel -
最大制动减速度 maximum braking deceleration -
声学和噪声 acoustic and noise -
浇包 ladle -
耐燃性 flame resistance -
失速测试 Stall test -
弹性锁圈 spring lock ring -
电影放映车 film projection vehicle -
传动轴管焊接合件 weld drive shaft tube assembly -
作用在挂接装置上的最大设计静载荷 maximum design static laod on coupling device -
性能降低 degradation of performance -
螺旋角 helix angle -
半自动液力变速器 semiautomatic transmission -
电控喇叭 electrically controlled air horn -
曲柄 crank -
(发动机)冷却液温度表 coolant thermometer -
颜色耐久度试验 test for color fastness -
混合式道路列车 composite road train -
惯性落砂机 inertia knock-out grid -
弹簧 spring -
温度报警传感器 temperature warning sensor -
单级主减速器 single reduction final drive -
门锁止操纵件 door lock control -
转向盘轴 steering spindle -
内衬层 inside liner -
P-成员 P-member -
胎圈座宽度 bead seat width -
弹簧主片 spring leaf -
大气质量标准 atomosphere quality standard -
衬垫纸 packing paper -
真空煞车增压器 Vacuum brake booster -
标准项目 standards project -
六角滚筒 hexagonal plating barrel -
夹具 fixture -
喷嘴液动力特性 nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics -
导轮 reactro -
氯丁橡胶 chloroprene rubber -
起动马达继电器 Starter relay -
啮合套 shift sleeve (engagement sleeve) -
油门 throttle -
横向制表字符 horizontal tabulation character -
继电器 relay -
离子束注入 ion injection -
二氧化碳干扰校正 corrected for CO2 extraction -
排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower -
全息照相印刷 hdographic printing -
横风稳定性试验 test of crosswind stability -
电子转速表 electronic tachometer -
变色 tarnishing -
气缸壁 cylinder wall -
最大制动蹄中心升程 maximum shoe centre lift -
蜗杆齿宽 worm face width -
颜料流线 paint streaming -
进气预热装置 intake preheater -
一般故障 minor failure -
磁盘 disk -
踏板护套 pedal pad -
机油压力释放阀 Oil pressure relief valve -
显微组织 micro-structure -
仪表板 dash board -
工作齿面 working flank -
参照采用 adopting by reference -
悬架 suspension -
液化石油气车辆 liquid petroleum gas vehicle -
车身裙部 body skirt -
抑制螺拴 check bolt -
稳态 stable state -
带外发射 out of band emission -
编排 set up -
换算系数 performance test -
行星架 planet carrier -
火焰加热表面淬火 flame case hardening -
热处理工艺周期 thermal cycle -
白烟 white smoke -
过程标准 process standard -
铁素体 ferrite -
汽油蒸汽控制系统 Evaporative emission control(EEC) -
骨胶 bone gum -
类型 type -
标号 label -
上光 varnishing -
制型芯材料 core molding material -
热轧薄钢板 hot rolled thin steel sheet -
零点气 zero grade gas (air zero gas) -
进气流量传感器 intake flow sensor -
罐式集装箱 tank container -
防滑地板 no-skid floor -
复碳 carbon restoration -
强度试验 strength test -
防污漆 antifouling paint(copper paint) -
双重催化系统 dual -catalyst system -
断开式驱动桥 divided axle -
进气门 intake valve (suction valve -
赶点 accelerated run -
制动主缸 brake master cylinder -
铲削 relieve -
干扰源 distrubance source -
倾斜式发动机 slant engine -
槽深 well depth -
蜗杆副 worm gear pair -
锻压机 forging die -
液面报警开关 level warning switch -
上模 upper die -
污斑 staining -
换行字符 line feed character (LF) -
转向直拉杆 steering drag link -
大字齿轮 double-helical gear -
高速滚削 high speed hobbing -
热电偶 thermocouple -
操舵力试验 steering effort test -
煤气机 gas engine -
缓冲垫 cushion rubber -
孔板流量计 orifie meter -
凸轮轴(轴颈)车床 camshaft(journal )turning lathe -
后轮驱动 Rear-wheel drive -
镗刀磨损自动补偿装置 automatic compensating device for boring cutter wear -
阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston -
酸洗剂 pickling agent -
梯形机构 tie rod linkage -
双金属式机油压力传感器 bimetallic oil pressure snesor -
碳罐净化管 canister purge line -
汽缸盖 Cylinder head -
灯泡灯座片 bulb socket tag -
联合工作组 joint working group -
双床式转化器 dual bed converter -
机油粗滤器 primary oil filter -
中间转速 intermediate speed -
膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke -
诊断参数 diagnostic parameters -
零担运输 sporadic freight transportation -
破碎后的能见度试验 visibility-after -fracture test -
凸轮张开式制动器 cam brake -
无骨架式车身 skeletonless body -
壳体 housing -
凸轮轴磨床 camshaft grinding machine -
铅酸蓄电池 lead-acid battery -
车轮抱死 wheel lock -
技术标准 technical standard -
前板 header board -
规程 procedure -
针阀 needle -
留候乘客 remainder -
滚丝机 thread roller -
火花塞螺纹 spark plug thread -
末班车 final run vehicle -
试验标准 test standard -
切纸机 gullotine -
吸收特性 absorption characteristic -
国际标准化 international standarkdization -
烟灰盒 ash try(ash pan) -
额定工作压力 rated working pressure -
离合器踏板自由间隙 Clutch pedal free travel -
涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber -
扫气 scavenge air -
前轮校正 Front-wheel alignment -
内移距 inset -
进气温度 inlet air temperature -
电容放电点火系统 capacitor discharge ignition system -
蓄电池外壳 battery jar(accumulator jar) -
重型越野车 heavy off -road vehicle -
凉干 flash off -
桶状的汽门挺杆 Bucket valve tappet -
分度圆锥角 reference cone angle -
打磨间 scuff sand booth -
软化温度 softenning temperature -
试件 test piece -
调质钢 hardened and tempered steel -
参加 participation -
供能装置 energy supplying device -
评价型质量监督 quality supervision for approval -
汽车维修平均工时 average main-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair -
冷却水道 Coolant gallery -
冷拉弹簧钢 cold drawing spring steel -
高压油管 high pressure pipe -
火花间隙接通 gap bridging -
容积效率 Volumetric efficiency -
圆锥螺旋线 conical spiral -
超速制动器 overrun brake -
验收检验 acceptance inspeciton -
抛油圈 oil slander -
零件检验分类 inspection and clasification of parts -
磷化处理 phosphating -
专用自卸汽车 special dump truck -
节瘤 knot -
小数点 radixpoint -
滚对焊 butt seam welding -
遮盖力图 hiding power chart -
技术趋向文件 technical trend document. -
先导阀 priority valve -
引用标准 reference to standard -
市区月票 city monthly ticket -
管材运输车 pole transporter -
运次 transportatin cycle -
间隙调整装置 lash adjusting device -
灯座 lamp seat -
差速器十字轴 differential spider -
地区协调标准 regionally harmonized standard -
参数 parameter -
触头 contact -
最大允许轴荷 minimum authorized axle load -
点火分配 Ignition distribution -
海拔补偿 altitude compensating -
予标准 prestandard -
温度负荷试验 temperature load test -
分段票制 sectional fare -
运筹学 operations research -
助力器 booster -
转向控制阀内泄漏量 internal leakage in steering control valve -
副轴齿轮 counter shaft gear -
抛光液 polishing agent -
光谱发光效率 spectral luminous efficiency -
分离杆铰销 operating lever articulation -
出租汽车 taxi -
关税普遍优惠制 general preferential duties -
可反装式车轮 reversible wheel -
压焊 pressure welding -
章节 section -
齿轮滚轧机 gearrolling mill -
修理车 mobile workshop -
混浊液 dirty soulution -
发动机罩 engine bonnet -
涨溢箱 expansion tank -
超高度歧管 high-rise manifold -
花纹展开图 patttern plan -
最低湿沸点 minimum wet boiling point -
音响警告(喇叭)操纵件 audible wanring (horn)control -
蜗杆指销式转向器 worm and peg steering gear -
减速器 reducer -
活塞平均速度 mean piston speed -
标准化机构 standardizing body -
现场试验 field test -
复审国际标准 review of international standard -
排气量 displacement -
肘靠 seat armrest -
黄铜 brass -
开槽螺母 slotted nut -
技术图纸 technical drawing -
暴露剂量(辐射的) reconditioning -
右转 right-hand rotation -
搞腐蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor -
分离叉 withdrawal fork -
磷化预处理 phosphating pretreatment -
可比标准 comparable standard -
轻泡货物 light cargo -
制动稳定性试验 test of braking stability -
气缸漏气率检验仪 cylinder leak tester -
压力保护阀 pressrue protection valve -
轮胎充气压力警报灯 tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale -
无屏蔽高压点火线 unscreened high-tension igniton calbe -
会议文件 meeting document. -
湿型铸造 green sand casting -
多桥驱动 multiaxle drive -
头道底漆 primer -
汽缸 Cylinder -
微型客车 minibus -
下线车 off-line vehicle -
千分之一秒,微秒 Millisecond -
存入 storage -
球销式万向节 flexible member assembly -
联合技术委员会 joint technical committee -
总效率 overall efficiency -
低含铅汽油 low lead fuel -
冷锻模 cold forging die -
氧化型催化剂 oxidation catalyst -
卧式锻造机 horizontal forging machine -
乘客座椅 passenger seat -
存取时间 access time -
暗调 shadow -
节气门定位器 throttle positioner -
空调压缩机 Air-conditioner compressor -
电缆颜色 cable color -
调温式空气滤清器 temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner -
直线式电镀机 straight-line plating machine -
电平记录仪 level recorder -
流水槽 roof drip -
公用月票 service monthly ticket -
气缸水套 water jacket -
电负性气体 electronegative gas -
中间行程 mid-travel -
动物胶 gelatin -
支承夹具 supporting fixture -
(蓄电池)过度放电 over discharge -
水泵体 pump casing -
系统间干扰 inter-system interference -
分电盘盖弹簧夹组 Cap clamp set -
方头凸缘端紧定螺栓 square collar-head set-bolt -
平衡回流沸点 equilibrium reflux boiling point(ERBP) -
吸尘车 vacuum sweeper -
风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine -
转向器传动间隙 steering gar cleanrance -
标准的成分 normative element -
观察员 observer -
等速平面 constant velocity plane -
翼片式闪光器 vane type flasher -
滚压光加工 rolling finishing -
酚醛树脂 phenolric resin(PF) -
发动机油 engine oil -
镍青铜 nickel bronze -
标准法 standard law -
一级踏步高 first step height -
活字版 type form -
分离叉球头支座 operating fork bal -end -
阻化油 inhibited oil -
配光镜 lens(glass lens) -
辅助制动系统 auxiliary braking system -
脚凳 foot rest -
中心电极 centre electrode -
拣字 compose -
气卸散装水泥车 bulk-cement pneumatic delivery tanker -
自动合箱机 automatic closer -
失效 failure -
分电盘驱动齿轮 Distributor drive gear -
半深槽式 semi-drop center (SDC) -
危险警告灯 hazard warning lamp -
凸起 protuberance -
爬行档 creeper gear -
激光焊接 laser welding -
黄油枪 grease gun -
轮胎系列 tyre series -
机油盘放油塞 sump plug -
同步器 synchronizer -
曲线齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear -
彩色负片原稿 color negative -
最大允许拖挂质量 maximum authorized towed mass -
摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket -
挥发性 volatility -
动力机装置 power unit -
耐臭氧试验 ozone resistance test -
双领蹄式制动器 two leading shoe brake -
防止煞车死锁系统 Anti-lock brake system -
上砂箱 cope box (cope flask) -
机械磨损 mechanical wear -
高压阻尼线 anti-interference igniton cable (high resistance cable) -
沙漠轮胎 sand tyre -
恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows -
鲸蜡 spermaceti -
极限磨损 limiting wear -
吸水石 absorbent paper -
沉淀液 precipitaton number -
中间轴变速器 countershaft transmission -
液压煞车增压器 Hydraulic brake booster -
双极插接器 double-pole connector -
技术委员会编号 numbering of TCs -
机油压力警报灯 oil prssure warning tell-tale -
移动式接触焊机 portable resistance welder -
人头模型重块 head form weight -
传统点火系统 conventional igniton system -
屏蔽 mask -
齿顶高 dedendum -
手动焊炬 hand torch -
公共交通车站 public transport stop(station ) -
石棉带 asbestos band -
液力缓冲器 hydro-dynamic retarder -
整体活塞裙 solid skirt -
滴油 dribble -
氮氧化合物 Nitrogen oxides -
软钢 mild steel -
帘式制动器 band brake -
临界点 critical point -
自动润滑 automatic lubrication -
整车整备质量 complete vehicle kerb mass -
储气罐(筒) air storage reservoir -
机械转向系 manual steering system -
砂轮 abrasive wheel -
气瓶 gas cylinder -
更正 correction -
转向控制阀 steering control valve -
熟练水平试验 proficiency testing -
认可的实验室 accredited laboratory -
包衬 cylinder-packing -
气阀 air valve -
蹄片张开装置 shoe expander mechanism -
操作状态 mode of operation -
压缩行程 compression stroke -
章节编号 numbering of section -
复位 reset -
双向止回阀(双通单向阀) dual way check valve -
电枢试验器 armature tester -
催化剂 catalyst -
工作文件 working document. -
指示器 indicator -
侧滑试验台 side-slip checking stand -
传动轴安全圈 drive shaft safety strap -
惯性防抱死装置 inertia anti-lock device -
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride(PVC) -
取样部位 sampling location -
提前器飞锤 flyweight -
出场车 pull-over vehicle -
电位滴定法 potentiometric titration -
滤网(芯) strainer -
储能弹簧放松机构 energy storage spring release mechanism -
锥型座(螺帽定位用) cone seat (for retaining nut) -
马氏体临界冷却速度 critical cooling rate -
最优路线 optimization of route -
脉冲宽度 pulse width -
存储单位 storage cell -
深槽宽轮辋 wide drop center rim(WDC) -
等照度曲线 isolux curve -
燃烧过程 Combustion process -
熟黄铜 wrought brass -
挡风玻璃电加热器信号灯 windscreen eletric heater tell-tale -
底盘弹簧 chassis spring -
花边 bordering ornament -
锥形弹簧 conical spring -
后窗框下横梁 rear window cross sill -
柴油指数 diesel index -
一气化碳 carbon monoxide -
磁场 Magnetric field -
灯光总开关 master lighting swithc -
可拆卸锥形座圈 detachable endless taper bead seat ring -
金属 metal -
分离叉回位弹簧 operatign fork retrun spring -
非接触仿形测量 non-contact copying measurement -
无空气喷涂设备 airless spray equipment -
进汽歧管 Intake manifolds -
超负荷 overload -
上置式双级主减速器 top mounted double reducton final drive -
磁场控制器 field monitoring equipment -
双级主减速器 double reduction final drive -
附加驱动车轮的操纵件 additional wheel drive control -
摩擦锤 jump hammer -
定心钢球 centering ball -
耐蚀铸铁 corrosion resisting cast iron -
磁垫车 magnetic levitated vehicle -
齿面接触区 circular tooth contact -
平行轴齿轮副 gear pair with parallel axes -
挖根 undercut -
汽缸盖螺丝孔 Cylinder head bolt hole -
深槽轮辋 drop center rim(DC) -
轴间差速器 interaxial differential -
风窗玻璃 windscreen (windshield) -
滑动齿轮传动 sliding -gear transmission -
奥林康型齿制 oerlikon tooth -
光色三角区 zone of te CIE color triangle -
牵杆式牵引车 full-trailer towing vehicle -
矿用自卸汽车 mining dump truck -
去离子水 demin-water -
折叠式转向管柱 collapsible steering column -
标准学 standard learning -
焊接工艺 welding procedure -
编译 to compile -
轻型客车 light bus -
新胎 new tyre -
孔式喷嘴 hole type nozzle -
卷绕试验 winding test -
耐模拟气候试验 resistance-to-simulated weathering test -
灯光和照明系统 light and lighting sytem -
经济转速 economic speed -
全量袋式取样法 total bag sampling -
微机排版终端 microcomputer photo typesetting terminal -
齿面 tooth flank -
计算机辅助工程 computer aided engineering (CAE) -
活塞环倒角磨床 piston ring chamfering grinding machine -
手工浸漆设备 hand dip equipment -
全油门特性 full throttle performance -
极板活性物质 plate active material -
升温横跨管道 heat crossover -
其他密度 color density -
方头螺栓 squarehead bolt -
铭牌 name-plate -
离合器盖 clutchcover -
支线 branch -
城市公共交通系统 urban public transport system -
线圈初级感应电压 coil primary induced voltage -
壳型铸造 shell mould casting -
摩擦马力 Friction horsepower -
单片式钢板弹簧 single leaf spring -
单筒望远镜 monocular -
浸渍树脂 impregnating resin -
印张 printed sheet -
系统内干扰 intra-system interference -
点火提前机构 Spark-advance mechanism -
曲轴箱 crankcase -
汽车的 Automotive -
最大设计装载质量 maximum design pay mass -
胎圈底部 bead base -
再生 reclaiming -
钢板弹簧衬套 leaf spring bushing -
机器锻造 machine forging -
簧下质量 unsprung weight -
对接焊 butt welding -
T形接头 T joint -
去渣 deslag -
转向器转动力矩 rotating torque of steering gear -
优质碳素结构钢 improved carbon structural steel -
碟形弹簧 disc spring -
内锥座接头体 fitting body with innerconical seat -
镍-镉蓄电池 nickel-cadmuum battery -
链接 link -
氧干扰 oxygen interference -
润滑系统 Lubricating system -
立柱 pillar -
沉淀法 decantation -
车轮平衡 Wheel balance -
计程票制 metered fare -
上止点前 budc(before upper dead center) -
剂量阀活塞 dosage valve piston -
自动换档机械式变速器 automatic mechanical tranmission -
三腔气制动阀 triple-chamber air brake valve -
客流流向 passenger flow direction -
直馏汽油 direct distilled gasoline -
无芯线圈 air-core winding -
合格品 acceptable part -
内径 minor diameter -
加强帘线编织层 textile reinforcing cord -
亚组织 substructure -
锁止离合器 lock-up clutch -
中央弹簧离合器 cetnral spring clutch -
泡沫塑料 foam plastics -
夹紧块 clamp -
前围搁梁 front wall shelf beam -
黑金属 ferrous metal -
单缸功率 power per cylinder -
陶瓷绝缘材料 ceramic insulating material -
洗涤剂 detergent -
无油轴承 oilless bearing -
曲轴主轴颈 crankshaft main journal -
趾高气扬 cockiness -
开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted cheese-head screw -
印刷技术术语 terminologh of printing technology printing -
点火 Fires -
贵金属 noble metal -
倒圆 round edge arrissing -
冷脆性 cold brittleness -
比容 specific volume -
琥珀色 amber -
洗涤电动机 washer motro -
双气室油气弹簧 double chamber hydragas spring -
聚砜 polysulfone(PSF)ABS -
左旋齿 left-hand teeth -
尼龙 nylon -
临界流量文杜里管 critical flow venturi -
循环流冷却系 cooling recovery system -
控制管路 supply line -
制动软管管接头 btrake hose end fitting -
空气游离 free of air -
防冻剂 freezing inhibitor -
仲裁性质质量监督 quality supervision for arbitration -
因科镍合金 inconel Y -
摆线 trochoids -
跳焊 skip welding -
热焊 hot weld -
热老化试验 heat ageing test -
平面锥齿轮 plane bevel gear -
耐冷污值 cold fouling rating -
消防系统 fire extinguishing system -
倒车灯 backup(reversing)lamp -
四门轿车车身 sedan body -
焊缝 seam -
起动开关 starting switch -
分贝 decibel(dB) -
汽锤 steam hammer -
两轴式变速器 twin-shaft transmission -
二门轿车车身 coupe body -
制动反应时间 reaction time -
中间平面 mid-plane -
O margins -
活性碳罐 Charcoal canister -
四连杆式 four link type -
产品售后服务 after service -
发动机加速测功仪 free acceleraton engine tester -
安全玻璃 safety glass -
径向锻造机 radial forging machine -
压实式造型机 squeeze molding machine -
铰接装置 articulated equipment -
汽缸盖螺丝 Cylinder head screw -
醋酸纤维塑料 acetate fiber plastics -
抗扰性 immunity to a distrubance -
同心活塞环 concentric piston ring -
充量(进气) charge -
编制程序 to program -
金属弹簧式 metal spring type -
放电灯泡 discharge bulb -
下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center) -
立式双溜板外拉床 vertical double-apron external broaching machine -
喉管 venturi -
余隙容积 Clearence volume -
平衡弹簧 equalizing spring -
产品质量管理 product quality management -
输出 output -
增压器 supercharger -
单面焊 welding by one side -
缸径与行程 bore and stroke -
汽车用材料 materials used in auto manufacturing -
型式评价 type evaluation -
拉缸 cylinder score -
磁心 core -
真空提前机构 vacuum advance mechanism -
底盘与驾驶室整备质量 chassis and cab kerb mass -
球头销 ball stud -
喷砂机 sand blasting machine -
化学试剂 reagent -
蓝烟 blue smoke -
纪律 discipline -
产品质量标准 product quality standard -
轴向模数 axial module -
滤网 Strainer -
单缸熄火试验 one cylinder shut off test -
锰青铜 manganese bronze -
制动鼓 brake drum -
充气不足 under -inflation -
浮子支销 float hinge pin -
焊根 root of weld -
光亮镀层 bright coating -
双节电磁振动式调节器 double stage voltage regulator -
蝶形弹簧 belleville spring -
车身主图板 full scale draft -
催化剂收缩 catalyst shrinkage -
主缸活塞 master cylinder piston -
出油口接头 fuel discharge port -
制动软管 braking hose -
基础国际标准 basic international standard -
油槽 sump -
扭矩套管 torque tube -
瓦楞纸 crimp paper -
橡胶衬套 rubber bushing -
有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency -
厂定最大总质量 manufacturer's maxumum total mass -
标度盘 scale(dial) -
挡板 baffle(guard) -
车身制造 body manufacturing -
气密层 innerliner -
薄壁铸件 light casting -
方背式车身 square back body -
影响因子 factor of influence -
转向力特性 steering force characteristic -
充气轮胎 pneumatic tyre -
排放阀 drain valve -
轴平面 axial plane -
气门杆导管 stem guide -
蓄电池吊架 cell hanger -
工具车 tool car -
引文省略 ellipsis -
轮辋基体 rim base -
塔式超重机 tower crane -
热丝式闪光器 hot wire type flasher -
离合器操纵机构主缸 clutch release master cylinder -
铅表铜轴承 lead-bronze bearing -
液压煞车 Hydraulic brake -
无内胎轮胎 tubeless tyre -
仪表灯开关 instrument lamp switch -
辉纹技术 stration technique -
变质 deterioration -
乙烯基树脂漆 vinyl resin paint -
电瓶 Battery -
故障停机时间 down time -
单边看齐标准 unilaterally alighned standard -
凸轮轴轴承 Cam bearing -
注塑 injection moulding -
有限元法 finite-element method(FEM) -
扫描速度 writing speed -
标准组件系统 modular system -
内装式前照灯 flush mounted headlamp -
流量阀 flow valve -
减速齿轮副 speed reducing gear pair -
brake Master cylinder -
多片式钢板弹簧 muotileaved spring -
可伸缩式转向管柱 telescopic steering column -
断油行程 cut-off travel -
制动力学 braking mechanics -
输出轴 Output shaft -
滤清器滤芯 filter element -
暖风装置 heater -
站名 sto name -
固定轴式变速器 fixed shaft transmission -
制动储备行程 reserve brake travel -
强制怠速加浓装置 coasting richer -
冲孔 punching -
截流继电器 cutout relay -
齿轮齿条式转向器 rack and pinion steering gear -
彩色正片原稿 color transparancy -
测量 Measurement -
万向节 universal joint -
汽车维修指标 indices of vehicle maintenance and repari -
瞬时轴 instantaneous axis -
冷型火花塞 soft plug -
清洗 washing -
废气排气系统 exhaust emission suction system -
离合器机械式操纵机构 clutch operation device(mechanical ) -
暖风操纵件 heater control -
燃油泵 fuel pump -
指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption -
蓄电池式焊机 battery welder -
材料剪切试验台 material shear test rig -
顶盖 roof -
转向控制阀压力降特性 steeirn gcontrol valve presrue loss characteristtic -
凸轮轴驱动机构 camshaft drive -
铝硅合金 silumin -
额定供油量 rated fuel delivery -
高温回火 high temperature tempering -
推杆悬链 double-chain conveyer -
动力转向系 power steering system -
制造工艺 manufacturing process -
声幅射器 acoustical radiator -
隔磁套 magnetic shield -
结皮现象 skinning -
技术协议书 technical agreemetn -
组合式传动轴 unitized drive shaft -
滑动柱塞 Sliding plug -
顶锻模 joggling die -
标准物 reference material -
管接头 pipe fittings -
红外线高温计 infrared pyrometer -
中性滤色片 neutral filter -
电热加工 electro-thermic working -
制动噪声 brake noise -
切边压力机 trimming press -
安全监视窗 curb window -
侧向安装燃油喷射泵 side-mounted fuel injection pump -
油浴式空气滤清器 oil bath air cleaner 纸质空气滤 -
聚集 agregate -
肋骨 Rib -
施照体 illuminant -
曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe -
原始特性 primary characteristic -
标准化领域 field fo standardization -
包车运输 rent automobile transportation -
指令 instruction -
躺焊 fire-cracker welding -
离心惯性力 centrifugal inertia force -
恋爱 comitship -
真空渗碳 vacuum carburizing -
热力学温度(绝对温度) thermodynamic temperature -
压紧弹簧 pressure spring -
贝氏体 bainite -
释放轴承 Throwout bearing -
焊工用护目镜 welding goggles -
无调谐 no-modulation (CW) -
拆卸 disassembling -
项目 project -
温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system -
逆电流 reverse current -
驱动桥减速比 driveaxle ratio -
上齿面 addendum flank -
恒温器 thermostat -
火焰抑制器 Flame arrester -
方头紧定螺栓 square-head set-bolt -
硅锰青铜 silico-manganese bronze -
发动机测功机 engine dynamomete -
旅游车 touring bus -
双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring -
风窗框上横梁 windshield header crossbar -
置位 set -
沥漆区 drain area -
垃圾车 dust car (refuse collector) -
准等速万向节 near constant velocity universal joint -
左侧围应力蒙皮 R/S stretching skin (road side) -
溶剂 solvent -
最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load -
近光 lower eam -
半导体点火系统 semi-conductor ingnition sytem -
叙词表(主题词表) thesaurus -
内燃机 intenal combusiton engine -
油漆调制室 paint mixing room -
声学工程 acoustical engineering -
滚筒式测功试验台 roller type dynamometer (test bed0 -
轴承合金 bearing metal -
驻车制动操纵装置 parking brake control device -
吹芯 core blowing -
无轨电车 trolley bus -
离心铸造 centrifugal casting -
命令语言 command lanuage -
基准燃油 reference fuel -
日本六工况法 Japanese 6-mode test cycle 欧洲 ECE -
盘车 turning -
特别用途线 special line -
运程 voyage -
双发动机并联传动 dual engine drive -
防水盖 splash-proof cover -
电焊机 electric welding -
换档点 shift point -
浮点表示 floating point representation -
节圆柱面 pitch cylinder -
梭梁 stabilizing beam -
安全标志 safety mark -
弹簧衬垫 Spring pad -
组合式桥壳 unitized carrier-type axle housing -
小型轿车 coupe -
骨架材料 framework material -
三通路控制阀 three way control valve -
单边协议 unilateral arrangement -
压扁 flattening -
电热安全玻璃 electric heating safety glass -
离合器分离拉索 clutch release cable -
水冷冲天炉 water cooled cupola -
转速表 tachometer -
凸块式万向节 tracta universal joint -
蓄电池单元 battery cell -
越野轮胎 cross-country tyre -
下标 subscript -
热轧弹簧钢 hot rolling spring steel -
红硬性 red hardness -
算术平均值 arithmetic average -
全尺寸造型模型 full scale styling representation mock-up -
玻璃-塑料安全材料 glass-plastic glazing material -
节气门操纵手柄 throttle control lever -
派生 V 点和 P 点 developing V points and P points -
修边模 trimming die -
活塞台钳 piston vice -
止回阀 Check valve -
群脉冲 burst of pulses -
专业标准 specialized standard -
分火头 distributor track -
客流量 passenger flow volume -
汽车维修网点 network of vehicle maintenance and repair -
常压式液压动力转向器 constant pressure hydraulic power steering gear -
燃油系统 Fuel-system -
免费乘车 zero fare -
工字梁 I-beam -
正时链条 timing chain -
渗硼 sulphurizing -
通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage -
对外贸易管理 foreign trade control -
油压挺杆 ooil tappet -
直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine -
调速器 Governor -
齿宽角 width angle -
活塞环区 ring zone -
冲天炉 cupola (cupola furnace) -
技术检验 technical checking -
过度停顿 flat spot -
微型轿车 minicar -
整体式载体 monolithic substrate -
轮胎 tyre (tire) -
线束阻抗 impedance of wiring harness -
版面远程传输 remote page transmission -
反应室 reactive cell (chamber) -
旁通水管 Bypass hose -
主视区 primary vision area -
进气和排气系统 intake and exhaust system -
无线电话信号灯 radio communication sytem tell-tale -
碳烟 soot -
液压伺服对刀装置 hydraulic servo tool setting device -
定子电磁铁组 stationary electromagner -
rail(beam) -
内壳体 inner housing -
轮式装载车 wheeled loader -
客流 passenger flow -
机械电镀 mechanical plating -
耐热钢 heat resisting steel -
标准文件 normative document. -
形变时效 strain ageing -
怠速转速 idling speed -
超声波去油槽 ultrasonic cleaning tank -
横向疲劳试验 cornering fatigue test -
议事日程 agenda -
梯形臂 tie rod arm -
真空转速调速器 vacuum speed governor -
软轴 flexible shaft -
中华人民共和国环境保护法 the environment protection law of the people's republic of china -
空气喷枪 air spray gun -
尾部降低式车架 step-down frame -
量油尺 Oil level gauge -
离合器输入轴 Clutch input shaft -
光反射率 luninous reflectance -
配光屏 filament shield -
立焊 vertical position of welding -
电炉 electric furnace -
功效性能状况分类 function performance status classificaton (FPSC) -
走(磨)合过程 running -in process -
交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine -
摆动碾压机 oscillating rolling machine -
中央主销式转向装置 central king pin type steering systme -
螺栓 bolt -
自相关仪 autocorrelaton function analyzer -
国际标准化组织 international standardization organization -
气制动贮气筒压力表 air brake reservoir pressrue indicator -
变工况 variable working condition -
内汽门弹簧 Valve spring(inner) -
矩阵 matrix -
序列 sequence -
分离杆支座 release lever supoort -
自愿认证制 voluntary system of certification -
多型槽锻造 multiple impression forging -
阀体 valve housing -
锥座型火花塞 conical seat type spark plug -
合格证检查 inspection by certificate -
行李箱盖操纵件 real hood (boot )control -
缓冲层 breaker -
铸字 type casting -
最高连续发火转速 maximum continued sparking speed -
整体式桥壳 banjo housing -
合格评定 conformity assessment -
火花塞接线杆 spark plug terminal pin -
标准报批材料 standard materials for approval -
锌合金 zinc alloy -
允许滑动量 slip -
电源线 Lead wire -
单座小客车 one-seater -
滚光 tumbling -
运行条件 service condition -
侧窗立柱 side window pillar -
标准文件的贯彻 implementation of normative document. -
分层充气 stratified charge -
减震弹簧 damping spring -
公共交通线路布局 public transport network distribution -
两万向节外侧滑动传动轴 two joint ouboard slip drive shaft -
储能弹簧制动气室 energy storage spring brake chamber -
有效长度 effective length -
试验方法 test method -
下行程 down stroke -
控制频率 control frequency -
分单元 subdivision -
EGR延迟线圈 EGR delay solenoid -
汽车平顺性单脉冲输入行驶试验 automobile ride single pulse input running test -
介质 dielectric -
化油器附加器 adaptor carburetor -
电阻炉 resistance furnace -
多叶片弹簧 Multileaf spring -
附加装置 additional device -
单轨运输系统 monorail transit system -
过境货物 transit goods -
衬片摩擦系数 lining mu -
液力变矩器 torque converter -
汽车吊车 truck crane -
可能性 possibility -
转向驱动桥 steering drive axle -
钻床 drilling machine -
换档定时 property of automatic shift -
点火电压储备 ignition voltage reserve -
接口 interface -
雪泥花纹 mud and snow pattern -
强化系数 coefficient of intensification -
正弦波调幅 sine-wave amplitude modulation -
供油规律 fuel supply rate curve -
累加器 accumulator -
化油器接头 carburetor adaptor -
丁腈橡胶 nitrile rubber -
填隙片 Shim -
修复 reconditioning -
压弯压筋模 bending-beading die -
密封剂和粘接剂 sealer and adhesive -
合格标志 mark of conformity -
倒空 turned letter -
电工名词术语 electrotechnical terminology -
汽车修理类别 class of vehicle repair -
环形定子 stationary torus -
普通货物 common goods -
故障 fault -
三动压机 triple-action press -
焊接工程车 mobile welding workshop -
煞车油 Brake fluid -
信号装置的光照面 illuminating surface of a signalling device -
底漆 priming paint -
通用术语 general terms -
加大气门杆 oversize valve stem -
车轮装饰罩 wheel disc (rim embelisher) -
转向器角传动比 steering gear angle ratio -
驾驶区 driver's compartment -
冷却器 EGR cooler EGR -
容积式泵 positive displacement pump -
电缆 cable -
胎侧胶 sidewall rubber -
剥裂试验 peel test -
三面翻倾式自卸汽车 three-way dump truck -
瞬间超电压强度 transient overvoltage strength -
概率密度分析仪 probability density analyzer -
火花塞间隙量规 plug gap gauge -
仓栅式汽车 storage/stake truck -
第二活塞 secondary piston -
瞬时制动减速度 instantaneous braking deceleration -
低速档 bottom gear(low speed gear) -
球面圆柱头螺钉 fillister(raised cheese)head screw -
标定气体 calibration gas -
通电时间 current"on"time -
塑料夹层消声钢板 multi-steel sheet with plastic plate -
耦合点 Coupling point -
制版 platemaking -
聚苯乙烯 polystyrene(PS) -
二进制数 binary numberal -
引导程序 bootstrap -
连杆轴承螺丝 Connecting-rod bolt -
铸造双金属 cst bimetal -
分散运输 decentralized transportation -
给定方向的光畸变 optical distortion in a given direction -
适用期(有效使用期) pot life working life -
摇臂 rocker arm -
预热点 hot spot -
脉冲极性 pulse polarity -
信息论 information theory -
热塑塑料 thermoplastic plastics -
折叠式车顶 drop head -
产品质量认证程序 certification procedure of product quality -
铲运机 wheeled loading shovel -
左侧发动机 left-hand engine -
焊波 ripple -
多点焊机 multiple spot welder -
钟形壳 outer race -
增压中冷 inter-cooling -
行李架 luggage rack -
大型装焊架 large-scale jig -
同侧齿面 corresponding flanks -
十字单向阀 spider singe check valve -
踏板回位弹簧力 pedal return spring load -
内装式调节器 built-in voltage regulator -
输出特性曲线 output characteristic curve -
踏板速比 pedal velocity ratio -
怠速 idling -
缝焊 seam welding -
断电触点电流 contacet breaker current -
锁圈槽顶 gutter tip -
高靠背座椅 high back seat U -
脉冲噪声 impulsive noise -
气门正时 valve timing -
助力膜片 boosting diaphragm -
反射原稿 reflextion copy -
售票员座椅 conductor seat -
阴图 negative -
召集人 governor -
水线 rule -
阿基米得蜗杆 straight sided axial worm ZA-worm -
胶木盖 ignition coil head -
副钢板弹簧 auxiliary spring -
召集会议 calling a meeting -
空调试验 air conditioning test -
抑制型火花塞 seppresssed type spark plug -
拉杆(拉绳) pull rod(pull wire) -
上压式造型机 molding machine with top sand frame -
活顶轿车 convertible saloon -
电压探头 voltage probe -
空气溢流阀 air bleed valve -
齿轮磨床 gear grinding machine -
发动机中置式客车 bus with under floor engine -
内侧行星齿轮 inner planet geear -
滚针轴承 needle bearing -
压缩点火引擎 Combustion-ignition engine -
两片法 two-plate method -
双边协议 bilateral arrangement -
合格保证 assurance of conformity -
煞车鼓 Brake drum -
喷油器 injector -
一音级 octave -
凸轮滑滑块自锁差速器 self-locking differential with side ring and radial cam plate -
手制动阀 hand brake valve -
汽车 Automobile -
门锁 door lock -
滚齿机 hobbing machine -
灯圈 lamp ring -
四分之一椭圆形弹簧 quarter elliptic spring -
液化气罐车 liquified gas tanker -
增压比 supercharge ratio -
钢球冲击试验 ball impact test -
粗加工 rough machining -
熔接 Welding -
胎里 tyre cavity -
工作组文件 working group document. -
主高压线 Coil wire -
自动照相排版 automatic photo type setting -
工作粗暴 rough running -
玻璃布 glass cloth -
保温车 insulated van -
中涂 floating coat -
风动工具 air tool -
附装燃油箱中的电动燃油泵 tank-mounted eletric fuel pump -
转子轴颈 rotor journal -
充气减振器 gas-filled shock absorber -
雾灯开关 fog lamp swtich -
世界标准日 world standard day -
档位变换操纵件 range shift control -
整形 restricking -
阳图 positive -
保险杆 Bumpers -
汽门正时 Valve timing -
飞轮齿圈 flywheel ring gear -
电力测功机 electric dynamometer -
起草 drafting -
混装修理法 depersonalized repairmethod -
包装标准 packaging standard -
数组 array -
侧置浮子室式 side float type -
活塞裙 Skirt -
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear -
水泵叶轮 water pump impeller -
开式风洞 open wind turnnel -
剃齿机 gear shaving machine -
平稳杆 Stabilizer -
扭振平衡器 torsion balancer -
底架 foundation -
活塞标记 piston mark -
分层 stratification -
快速轨道交通 rail rapid transit (RRT) -
有效期 valid date -
初沸点 initial boiling point -
货物接收点 receiving point for goods -
测定 determination -
分发文件 distribution of document. -
感知器 Sensor -
快速磨损试验 accelerated wear test -
暖气马达 Heater fan -
隔声罩 acoustic hood -
动力行程 power stroke -
多管路制动系统 multi-line braking sytem -
排放物控制系统 emission control system -
外圆磨削 cylindrical grinding -
槽角 well angle -
聚氯乙烯塑料 vinylene chloride plastics -
水管,橡皮油管 Hose -
实验室评定 laboratory assessment -
磨损过程 wear process -
电信工程车 telecommunicatin field service truck -
线条原稿 line copy -
经济档 economic gear -
连接板 connecting panel -
蒙片 mask -
部件 assembly and parts -
活塞销 piston pin -
驾驶室 cab -
语言 language -
下锤头 lower die -
光度仪器 photometric device -
书名页 title page -
湿砂型 green sand mold -
齿槽 tooth space -
倾向于 tend to do -
齿根圆 root circle -
气压制动阀 air brake valve -
机械传动 mechanical transmission -
国际贸易惯例 convention of international trade -
高负荷实心轮胎 high load capacity solid tyre -
蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator -
卤素灯泡 halogen bulb -
抽样过滤 sample filtering -
供能管路 energy transmission lines -
断电器触点臂 breaker cam -
耐辐照性试验 resistance-to-radiation test -
允许间隙 permissible clearance -
排汽门凸轮轴 Exhaust camshaft -
酮类溶剂 ketones solvent -
空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance -
横流式 Cross flow -
方头凸缘螺栓 square collar-head bolt -
对外贸易 foreign trade -
排放物 emission -
镗孔 boring hole -
接合平顺性 smoothness of pick-up (engagement) -
汽车修理工艺 technology of vehicle repair -
静电除尘装置 electrostatic dust collector -
过度转向 oversteering -
固定件 stay (retainer) -
万向节夹角 true joint angle -
合格监督 conformity surveillance -
低倍照相 macrography -
汽车总成修理厂 unit repair plant for vehicle -
作业 job -
内饰 interior trimming -
齿轮淬火压床 gear hardening press -
出租小客车 taxicar -
凝固点 freezing point -
胎趾 bead toe -
中间设备 intermediate equipment -
空档安全开关 Neutral safety switch -
立体印刷 three dimentional printing -
植物保护车 plant pest control vehicle -
碳素工具钢 carbon tool steel -
调速器工作不匀 governor hunting -
渗硅 siliconizing -
膜片弹簧 diaphragm spring -
通用标准 general standard -
汽车故障现象 symptom of vehicle failure -
制动力 braking work -
厢式货车 van -
炭墨 soot -
项目阶段 project stage -
应急腔 secondary chamber -
弹簧架 spring bracket -
离析性 segregation -
电容器纸 kraft capacitor paper -
工作草案 working draft -
两侧翻倾式自卸汽车 side dump truck -
汽缸床 Head gasket -
双金属式制动鼓 bimetallic shoe brake drum -
燃油计量系统 Fuel metering system -
防滑式差速器 limited -slip differential -
允许磨损 permissible wear -
齿轮式机油泵 gear type oil pump -
清洁度检测室 cleanliness measurement room -
制型材料 molding material -
卷压接头 crimped termination -
转向盘轮缘盲区 steering wheel rim obstruction -
外汽门弹簧 Valve spring(outer) -
燃油消耗量 fuel consumption -
外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器 spur geared wheel reductor -
肖氏硬度计 shore hardness tester -
自动液力变速器 automatic transmission -
活塞销超精加工机 piston pin superfinishing machine -
语法 syntax -
射频滤波器 radio frequency (RF)filter -
内控标准 inner quality standard -
总成修理 unit repair -
车窗 window -
设计缺陷 design defect -
洗涤泵 washer pump -
沐浴车 mobile shower bath -
气门挺杆发响 tappet noise (valve knock) -
惯性式制动试验台 inertia type brake tester -
秘书处 secretariat -
气缸 cylinder -
飞轮芯棒 cantilever -
导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake -
电流检测器 current probe -
苯乙烯聚丁橡胶 styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) -
换档机构 gearshift -
袋式分析 bag analysis -
电化电流 electrification current -
超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection -
无型锻造 open forging -
惯性 Inertia -
电阻值 resistance value -
环境 environment -
“B”接线柱 battery terminal -
滤清器 filter -
洗涤器开关 washer switch -
EGR时间延迟阀 EGR delay timer -
聚甲醛 polyformaldehyde(POM) -
提出 presentation -
技术规范 technical specification -
加速程序 accelerated procedure -
整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaft -
电子加热钎焊 electric brazing -
车厢 carriage -
转向力 steering force -
纤维材料 fibre material -
产品规范 product specification -
小批量产品 be pilot -
清漆 varnish -
燃油增浓功能 Fuel enrichment function -
高速切削 high speed cutting -
发动机油压表 engine oil pressue indicator -
自动换档 automaitc shfit -
气动缓冲器 aerodynamic retarder -
室温固化 cold curing -
压缩螺旋弹簧 compresson coil spring -
筑路工程用车 road machine -
反拖特性 coast performance -
最大允许总质量 maximum autohrozed total mass -
胎面基部 tread base -
电枢 Armature -
动力性能 power performance -
电磁环境 electromagnetic environment -
正极接线柱 positive terminal -
多孔塑料(泡沫塑料) expanded plastics -
筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine -
深溶焊 deep penetration welding -
强制风冷 forced-air cooling -
城市公共交通票价制 urban public transport fare structure -
环脊 ring ridge -
阴极罩 cathode shiedl -
压铸机 die casting machine -
标准补充件 addition to standard -
滑动节,伸缩节 slip joint -
定量试验 quantitative test -
固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin -
故障磨损 failure wear -
同心式浮子 concentric float -
粉未涂料 powder coating -
定位焊 tack welding -
乙炔 acetylene -
装饰圈 ornament -
档位指示器 shift indicator(shift torwer) -
使用转速 application frequency -
燃油 Fuel -
内燃机 intenal combusiton engine -
翼片式闪光器 vane type flasher -
容积,体积 Volume -
活塞标记 piston mark -
自动换档 automaitc shfit -
语言 language -
最大允许总质量 maximum autohrozed total mass -
建筑大板运输车 prfab building panel transporter -
聚集 agregate -
插座孔 socket aperture -
滚压挤压机 hydraulic extrusion press -
安装面直径 attachment face diameter -
皮圈(副皮碗) ring cup -
滚光 tumbling -
离散点法 discrete point method -
反作用阀 reactive valve -
焊接工程车 mobile welding workshop -
车厢顶灯 roof light -
燃烧过程 Combustion process -
橡胶弹簧式 rubber spring type -
气缸壁 cylinder wall -
齿轮箱 Gear box -
沙漠轮胎 sand tyre -
液力传动 hydraudynamic drive -
海棉橡皮 spongy rubber -
圆锥螺旋线 conical spiral -
引擎风扇 Engine fan -
方斜垫圈 square taper washer -
轮胎螺栓扳手 wheel wrench -
碱法脱脂 alkaline degreasing -
可拆卸轮辋 demountable rim wheel -
搞腐蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor -
烟室 smoke chamber -
球头销 ball stud -
轻型客车 light bus -
热线风速仪 hot wire anemometer -
冷却器 EGR cooler EGR -
稳压器 voltage stabilizer -
滚针轴承 needle bearing -
工作粗暴 rough running -
倍数铅字 multiple quadrat -
弹簧架 spring bracket -
机油压力警报灯 oil prssure warning tell-tale -
风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine -
压盘 pressure plate -
液化气罐车 liquified gas tanker -
置位 set -
制动稳定性试验 test of braking stability -
沐浴车 mobile shower bath -
辅助制动系统 auxiliary braking system -
减震弹簧 damping spring -
档位变换操纵件 range shift control -
燃油消耗量 fuel consumption -
缓冲层 breaker -
添加剂 additve -
膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke -
下视角 downwards angle of visibility -
过热保护装置 over heating protection system -
包车 chartered vehicle -
膨胀试验 expansion test -
制动衬片吸收功率 power absorption of lining -
帘式制动器 band brake -
光度仪器 photometric device -
跨线 Jumper wire -
储气罐(筒) air storage reservoir -
环境 environment -
传统点火系统 conventional igniton system -
闪光器 flasher -
诊断报警系统 diagnosis and alarming system -
曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe -
蓄电池断路器操纵件 battery isolating switch control -
真空煞车增压器 Vacuum brake booster -
转向控制阀 steering control valve -
铅基合金 lead-base alloy -
初沸点 initial boiling point -
汽车诊断周期 period of vehicle diagnosis -
齿面接触区 circular tooth contact -
内藏灯(暗灯) concealable lamp -
模拟灯 dummy lamp -
整体式载体 monolithic substrate -
作业 job -
字符集 character set -
聚苯乙烯 polystyrene(PS) -
泡沫塑料 foam plastics -
防冻塞 freeze plug -
轴平面 axial plane -
罐式集装箱 tank container -
过境货物 transit goods -
准等速万向节 near constant velocity universal joint -
成对灯具 lamps constituting a pair -
轴交角 shaft angle -
发动机中置式客车 bus with under floor engine -
黄油枪 grease gun -
锌合金 zinc alloy -
渗碳 carburizing -
分离的彻底性 cleanliness of disengagemet -
碳罐净化管 canister purge line -
红硬性 red hardness -
供能管路 energy transmission lines -
出油口接头 fuel discharge port -
活塞裙 Skirt -
楔环 wedge ring -
原始特性 primary characteristic -
氮氧化合物转化器 Nox converter(No2-NO) -
音响技师 soundman -
转向驱动桥 steering drive axle -
静电除尘装置 electrostatic dust collector -
薄壁铸件 light casting -
暖风装置 heater -
小型诊断室 compact diagnostic chamber -
钻孔立柱车 pole drill and erection truck -
拉深 drawing -
译码 to decode -
压力润滑法 forced lubrication -
附加装置 additional device -
线条原稿 line copy -
凸轮轴驱动机构 camshaft drive -
连杆大端 Rod big end -
趾高气扬 cockiness -
交叉器 crossover -
预定选择 predetermined selectin -
抑制滤波器 suppression filter -
触头 contact -
进汽歧管 Intake manifolds -
栅板 palte grid -
防声胶 deadener -
变矩比 torque ratio -
紫铜 copper -
白炽灯泡 filament bulb -
活塞销 piston pin -
可分式桥壳 trumpet-type axle housing -
夜班车 night bus -
全油门特性 full throttle performance -
张紧带轮 tensioning pulley -
国家待遇 national treatment -
分离杆铰销 operating lever articulation -
数字 numeral -
语法 syntax -
平衡轴 trunnion shaft -
排放限值 emission limits -
甲阶(可溶)酚醛树脂 resol -
汽缸 Cylinder -
灰铸铁 grey cast iron -
活塞排量 piston swept volume -
人工呼叫 manual calling -
凉干 flash off -
麦花臣式前悬吊 MacPherson-strut front suspension -
排气行程 exhaust stroke -
防冻剂 freezing inhibitor -
电化电流 electrification current -
腰立柱 waist pillar -
飞轮芯棒 cantilever -
浮子支销 float hinge pin -
工作组文件 working group document. -
隔声罩 acoustic hood -
噪声电平 noise level -
保持架 cage -
滤声器 acoustical filter -
行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器 differential geared wheel reductor(bevelepicyclick hub reductor) -
平装 paper cover binding -
上齿面 addendum flank -
汽缸盖螺丝 Cylinder head screw -
Lead -
凸轮滑滑块自锁差速器 self-locking differential with side ring and radial cam plate -
曲轴箱窜气量测定仪 blow-by meter -
侧窗 side window -
精密铸造 precision casting -
标准项目 standards project -
排气歧管 exhaust manifold -
对外贸易 foreign trade -
转塔式冲床 turret-type punch press -
后窗玻璃(后挡玻璃) backlight(backlite) -
压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine -
将尘量 quantity of fallen dust -
喷嘴 nozzle -
标准程序 standard program -
整车整备质量 complete vehicle kerb mass -
技术标准 technical standard -
护套 sleeve -
排气烟度 opacity of exhaust gas -
高峰主流向 main flow during the peak period -
桥式管 bridge pipe -
有效期 valid date -
乙阶(半溶)酚醛树脂 resitol -
助力膜片 boosting diaphragm -
总重量 gross weight -
电信工程车 telecommunicatin field service truck -
分离叉回位弹簧 operatign fork retrun spring -
厢式零担运输车 break bulk cargo carrier -
制型芯材料 core molding material -
球轴承套管式转向管柱 tube and ball type steering column -
锥形弹簧 conical spring -
原型车 prototype vehicle -
存入 storage -
出租小客车 taxicar -
环境保护标准 environmental protection standard -
等速平面 constant velocity plane -
强度试验 strength test -
全直齿常啮式变速器 fully constant mesh all spur gear transmission -
双工字梁 twin I-beam -
摩擦马力 Friction horsepower -
灯圈 lamp ring -
序列 sequence -
同心活塞环 concentric piston ring -
粉未涂料 powder coating -
汽车修理类别 class of vehicle repair -
照明设备 lightig equipmetn -
减速器 reducer -
磨边残留 edge-arrissing residue -
并串行转换器 serializer -
双领蹄式制动器 two leading shoe brake -
输出阀 delivery valve -
立式双溜板外拉床 vertical double-apron external broaching machine -
客厢顶灯开关 interior light switch -
非关税壁垒 non-tarrif barrier -
接头体 fittings body -
清除阀 furge valve -
调速器重锤 governor weight -
外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器 spur geared wheel reductor -
硅锰青铜 silico-manganese bronze -
汽车维修指标 indices of vehicle maintenance and repari -
纯燃(后燃) post-ignition -
拷贝原版 original film for copying -
腐蚀性磨损 corrosion wear -
汽门脚间隙 Valve operating clearence -
储能弹簧放松机构 energy storage spring release mechanism -
转向盘 steering wheel -
活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing -
横风稳定性试验 test of crosswind stability -
项目阶段 project stage -
制动主缸 brake master cylinder -
负荷电阻 load resistor -
双床式转化器 dual bed converter -
计算机辅助工程 computer aided engineering (CAE) -
细滤器滤芯 filter element -
配光镜 lens(glass lens) -
副钢板弹簧 auxiliary spring -
高栏板货箱 high gate cargo body -
前轮驱动 Front-wheel drive -
宽砂轮外圆磨床 wide abrasive wheel cylindrical grinding machine -
连接杆式 Linkage type -
点火提前控制系统 Spark-advance control systems -
进气和排气系统 intake and exhaust system -
生产定型检验 production approval inspeciton -
内径 minor diameter -
产品售后服务 after service -
千分之一秒,微秒 Millisecond -
标识符 identifier -
侧围骨架 side wall frame -
认证体系 certification system -
电容放电点火系统 capacitor discharge ignition system -
磁卡 magnetic card -
无铅汽油 unleaded gasoline -
联合工作组 joint working group -
批处理 batch processing -
氯丁橡胶 chloroprene rubber -
蓝烟 blue smoke -
单道焊 single-pass welding -
孔板流量计 orifie meter -
J型转弯试验 test of J turn -
制动系 braking ssytem -
醋酸纤维塑料 acetate fiber plastics -
次品 defective product -
抗扰性电平 immunity level -
屏蔽 mask -
活塞式输油泵 piston type fuel supply pump -
软轴 flexible shaft -
油位表 fuel level gauge -
整体式凸轮轴 one-piece camshaft -
副车架 subframe -
暖气马达 Heater fan -
金属 metal -
下线车 off-line vehicle -
蹄片张开装置 shoe expander mechanism -
洗涤泵 washer pump -
搭铁 Ground -
长途公共汽车 long-distance bus -
氧校正 oxygen correction -
公用月票 service monthly ticket -
磁垫车 magnetic levitated vehicle -
食品液罐车 beverage tanker -
蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator -
边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring -
电热安全玻璃 electric heating safety glass -
汽锤 steam hammer -
电磁式温度计 electromagnetic temperature indicator -
操纵杆导套 control lever guide collar -
动力转向系 power steering system -
滤清器 filter -
门锁 door lock -
观察员 observer -
摩擦锤 jump hammer -
整行铸排 line composing and casting -
保险杆 Bumpers -
半自动液力变速器 semiautomatic transmission -
润滑系 lubrication system -
齿轮式机油泵 gear type oil pump -
载重量 payload -
充量系数 volumetric efficiency -
咽喉半径 gorge radius -
彩色负片原稿 color negative -
螺旋弹簧离合器 spring-loaded clutch -
(下坡)缓速器操纵件 retarder control -
适用性 applicability -
经济档 economic gear -
感知器 Sensor -
康铜 constantan -
因科镍合金 inconel Y -
烟度单位 smoke unit(index) -
控制频率 control frequency -
介质损耗 dielectric loss -
气卸散装化学粉粒车 bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker -
复审国际标准 review of international standard -
磨损过程 wear process -
循环球式转向器 recirculating ball steering gear -
冷脆性 cold brittleness -
上压式造型机 molding machine with top sand frame -
交流发电机调节器 alternator regulator -
阀体 valve housing -
玻璃-塑料安全材料 glass-plastic glazing material -
功率突然变化影响试验 test of effect of sudden power change -
开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted cheese-head screw -
渗硅 siliconizing -
沉淀液 precipitaton number -
壳体 housing -
差速器侧齿轮 differential side gear -
玻璃纤维增强塑料 glass-fiber reinforced plastics -
黄铜 brass -
工业用铜 commercial bronze -
抛光液 polishing agent -
最优路线 optimization of route -
指示器 indicator -
rail(beam) -
挤压模锻 no-draft forging -
抗爆剂 anti-knock compound -
算术平均值 arithmetic average -
雪泥花纹 mud and snow pattern -
止回阀 Check valve -
引用的强度 strength of reference -
后窗框下横梁 rear window cross sill -
车身裙部 body skirt -
微型客车 minibus -
仪表板 dash board -
客流 passenger flow -
压接电线 fixed wiring -
分离杆支座 release lever supoort -
耦合 coupling -
信号源 signal source -
中央主销式转向装置 central king pin type steering systme -
铁素体 ferrite -
予标准 prestandard -
凸轮轴(轴颈)车床 camshaft(journal )turning lathe -
最大工作压力 max. Working pressure -
定时运输 transportation on schedule -
专用车 special vehicle -
躺焊 fire-cracker welding -
指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption -
语域注 register note -
微机排版终端 microcomputer photo typesetting terminal -
通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage -
赶点 accelerated run -
镍青铜 nickel bronze -
标准学 standard learning -
滤清器滤芯 filter element -
章节编号 numbering of section -
湿式汽缸套 Wet cylinder liner -
内方头紧定螺钉 square-socket set-screw -
货架横梁 guard frame rail -
蒸气处理 steam treatment -
新鲜空气入口 Fresh air inlet -
红外线高温计 infrared pyrometer -
双气室油气弹簧 double chamber hydragas spring -
底盘与驾驶室整备质量 chassis and cab kerb mass -
强制怠速加浓装置 coasting richer -
滤清器壳 filter box -
扭振平衡器 torsion balancer -
自装卸垃圾车 refuse collecting truck -
活塞台钳 piston vice -
头道底漆 primer -
数量(单位和符号) quantities (units and symbols) -
倒车灯开关 back-up lamp siwthc -
衬靠 armrst -
试验标准 test standard -
制造工艺 manufacturing process -
换档定时 property of automatic shift -
汽车零件磨损 wear of vehicle part -
中型越野车 medium off-road vehicle -
火花塞间隙量规 plug gap gauge -
分离杆轴 release lever axle -
钛青铜 titanium bronze -
防冻液 anti-freeze liquid -
玻璃升降器 window regulator(window lifter) -
汽车用材料 materials used in auto manufacturing -
跑车 sports car -
会议文件 meeting document. -
铸造双金属 cst bimetal -
车轮抱死 wheel lock -
电平记录仪 level recorder -
溢流管 overflow pipe -
上止点前 budc(before upper dead center) -
汽缸盖螺丝孔 Cylinder head bolt hole -
文卷 file -
十字接头 Spider -
曲轴主轴颈 crankshaft main journal -
流量阀 flow valve -
焊波 ripple -
(点火)线圈绝缘体 coiled insulator -
章节 section -
切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake -
催化剂耗损 catalyst attrition -
龙门刨床 double housing planer -
性能规定 performance provision -
凸轮包角 cam angle -
注塑 injection moulding -
碟形弹簧 disc spring -
汽车技术状况参数 parameters for technical condition of vehicle -
分电器盖 distributor cap -
调节器 modulatro -
机械磨损 mechanical wear -
分电盘 Distributor -
单级电磁振动式继电器 single stage voltage regulator -
预热试验 warm test -
扫描器 scanner -
汽车维修平均工时 average main-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair -
内控标准 inner quality standard -
聚酰胺 polyamide(PA) -
函数发生器 function generator -
制动拖滞 braking drag -
滚丝机 thread roller -
调速不匀 hunting -
霍尔效应 Hall effect -
热轧弹簧钢 hot rolling spring steel -
截流继电器 cutout relay -
十字头型发动机 cross head engine -
下标 subscript -
行李箱盖操纵件 real hood (boot )control -
灯光颜色 lamp colr -
编译 to compile -
清洗 washing -
透光率 light transmittance -
磷化预处理 phosphating pretreatment -
滑动节,伸缩节 slip joint -
减速点火提前控制装置 deceleration spark advance control -
基础国际标准 basic international standard -
喷砂机 sand blasting machine -
干扰源 distrubance source -
钢化彩虹 trising from tempering float glass -
第二活塞 secondary piston -
出场车 pull-over vehicle -
赛车用凸轮轴 race camshaft -
脱胶剂 glue stripper -
预热点 hot spot -
铅青铜 lead bronze -
聚氯乙烯塑料 vinylene chloride plastics -
鉴定试验 qualification test -
砂轮 abrasive wheel -
人工干燥 artificial drying -
落心式 Drop center type -
标准附加说明 appended description of standard -
汽车吊车 truck crane -
活性碳罐 Charcoal canister -
零点气 zero grade gas (air zero gas) -
叠箱造型 stack molding -
弹簧制动器的辅助放松装置 auxiliary release device for spring-brake actuator -
插齿 gear shaping -
双重催化系统 dual -catalyst system -
前置式双级主减速器 front mounted double reduction final drive -
查表 table lookup -
调制器 modulator -
小批量产品 be pilot -
燃油 Fuel -
汽油蒸汽控制系统 Evaporative emission control(EEC) -
弹性锁圈 spring lock ring -
靠模磨床 copy grinding mahcine -
上砂箱 cope box (cope flask) -
活字版 type form -
肖氏硬度计 shore hardness tester -
前围骨架 front wall frame -
变工况 variable working condition -
单级主减速器 single reduction final drive -
热电丝式指示器 glow indicator -
压力保护阀 pressrue protection valve -
氮氧化合物 Nitrogen oxides -
专业标准 specialized standard -
脱机的 offline -
电磁环境 electromagnetic environment -
滑动齿轮传动 sliding -gear transmission -
组合式凸轮轴 assembled camshaft -
跳焊 skip welding -
机油量量尺 Dipstick -
卡式磁带 cartridge -
转向控制阀压力降特性 steeirn gcontrol valve presrue loss characteristtic -
剥裂试验 peel test -
主视区 primary vision area -
登记 registration -
书名页 title page -
转向力 steering force -
鲸蜡 spermaceti -
汽车面漆 automotive topcoat -
转向盘轴 steering spindle -
连接板 connecting panel -
冷弯试验 cold impact test -
国际标准化组织 international standardization organization -
凸轮轴磨床 camshaft grinding machine -
脉冲式排气歧管 pulse exhaust manifold -
测量电阻 measuring resistor -
环形齿轮 Ring gear -
包衬 cylinder-packing -
翻转式驾驶室 tilt cab -
速度符号 speed symbol -
前照灯刮水器操纵件 headlight wiper control -
取样探管 dilution tunnel -
公共交通线路布局 public transport network distribution -
激光焊接 laser welding -
怠速转速 idling speed -
来令片 Lining -
自动合箱机 automatic closer -
转子轴颈 rotor journal -
调质钢 hardened and tempered steel -
敞蓬小轿车 drop head coupe -
决议 resolution -
耦合点 Coupling point -
吸水性 water absorption -
轮式装载车 wheeled loader -
双柱坐标镗床 double pillar jig borer -
乙烯基树脂漆 vinyl resin paint -
余隙容积 Clearence volume -
可拆卸锥形座圈 detachable endless taper bead seat ring -
动力机装置 power unit -
类型 type -
车厢 carriage -
高靠背座椅 high back seat U -
透光直径 transmission diameter -
防潮材料 moisture barrier material -
支架 support(bracket) -
隔圈宽度 spacerband width -
市区月票 city monthly ticket -
垃圾车 dust car (refuse collector) -
颜色耐久度试验 test for color fastness -
定期修理 regulation repair -
胎侧胶 sidewall rubber -
气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head -
有限元法 finite-element method(FEM) -
反射率 reflectance -
排汽门孔 Exhaust port -
通路 Passage -
化学热处理 thermo-chemical treatment -
润滑系统 Lubricating system -
参数 parameter -
奥林康型齿制 oerlikon tooth -
去离子水 demin-water -
胎圈外护胶 bead filler rubber -
浮点表示 floating point representation -
纪律 discipline -
越野车 off-road vehicle -
半深槽式 semi-drop center (SDC) -
光色三角区 zone of te CIE color triangle -
P-成员 P-member -
从动盘摩擦衬片 clutch palte lining -
横拉杆端接头 tie rod end -
接口 interface -
落箭试验 falling dart test -
软钢 mild steel -
眼椭圆定位线 eyellipse locating line -
蒙片 mask -
毛玻璃 ground glass -
立柱 pillar -
冷锻模 cold forging die -
蝶形弹簧 belleville spring -
派生 V 点和 P 点 developing V points and P points -
电弧焊 electric arc welding -
焊缝 seam -
调压阀 EGR pressure regulator -
比表面积 specific surface area -
点火顺序 Firing order -
极限磨损 limiting wear -
节曲面 pitch surface -
小数点 radixpoint -
气门杆导管 stem guide -
底漆 priming paint -
使用转速 application frequency -
制动鼓 brake drum -
怠速供油量 idling speed fuel delivery -
技术委员会成员身分 membership of TCs -
原稿 original -
转向动力缸 power cylinder -
质量体系 quality system -
光透射率 luminous transmittance -
油底壳 Oil pan -
活塞环区 ring zone -
标准大气状况 standard atmospheric conditions -
混浊度 turbidity -
高压阻尼线 anti-interference igniton cable (high resistance cable) -
氧化型催化剂 oxidation catalyst -
中华人民共和国环境保护法 the environment protection law of the people's republic of china -
版面远程传输 remote page transmission -
硼钢 boron steel -
疲劳 fatigue -
球震转印机 cronapress conversion system -
标准物 reference material -
丁腈橡胶 nitrile rubber -
化油器式发动机 carburetor engine -
更正 correction -
衔铁 armature -
离心铸造 centrifugal casting -
使用温差 service temperature -
附装燃油箱中的电动燃油泵 tank-mounted eletric fuel pump -
反拖特性 coast performance -
过度停顿 flat spot -
打腻子 puttying -
名牌产品 brand-name product -
过度转向 oversteering -
镜频抑制比 image rejection ratio -
液压蓄能传动 hydrostatic stored energy transmission ssytem -
转向传动机构角传动比 steering linkage angle ratio -
辉纹技术 stration technique -
扫描速度 writing speed -
分贝 decibel(dB) -
车灯开关 lighting switch -
阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston -
楔形造型 wedge style -
光检测器 photodetector -
应急腔 secondary chamber -
印张 printed sheet -
蓄电池箱门 battery compartment door -
储气筒 Air-reserve tank -
参加 participation -
人力制动系统 muscular energy braking sytem -
增压中冷 inter-cooling -
断电器触点臂 breaker cam -
制动软管 braking hose -
臭味 odor -
技术规范 technical specification -
单缸功率 power per cylinder -
天然汽油 natural gasoline -
油浴式空气滤清器 oil bath air cleaner 纸质空气滤 -
滤清器阻塞 clogged filter -
断开式驱动桥 divided axle -
充气轮胎 pneumatic tyre -
轴承 bearing -
连续拉削 continuous broaching -
侧置浮子室式 side float type -
总效率 overall efficiency -
次级电压上升时间 secondary voltage rise time -
转向控制阀内泄漏量 internal leakage in steering control valve -
端平面 transverse plane -
标准的成分 normative element -
放油口 oil drain hole -
化油器小喉管 booster venturi -
技术趋向文件 technical trend document. -
增压压力 boost pressure -
节气门操纵手柄 throttle control lever -
温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system -
净化剂 detergent -
加速泵 accelerating pump -
保温集装箱 isothermal container -
折叠式转向管柱 collapsible steering column -
离合器操纵机构主缸 clutch release master cylinder -
组合式曲轴 assembled crankshaft -
贝齐尔曲线 bezier curve -
喷嘴液动力特性 nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics -
侧向安装燃油喷射泵 side-mounted fuel injection pump -
活顶轿车 convertible saloon -
初级供电电流 primary supply voltage -
管材运输车 pole transporter -
不锈钢 stainless steel -
胎里 tyre cavity -
气压制动阀 air brake valve -
排气量 displacement -
交流发电机 alternator (AC generator) -
对接焊 butt welding -
行业标准 occupation standard -
蒸汽引擎 Steam engine -
传动轴形式 drive shaft type -
锥座型火花塞 conical seat type spark plug -
保温车 insulated van -
砂带磨削 abrasive belt gringding -
深槽宽轮辋 wide drop center rim(WDC) -
扭力扳手 Torque wrench -
空压机 air compressor -
压缩螺旋弹簧 compresson coil spring -
故障停机时间 down time -
锁止腔 lock chamber -
齿宽 face width -
直接驱动 Direct drive -
煞车油 Brake fluid -
正点 on schedule -
普通剃齿法 general shaving -
短头轿车 forward control passenger car -
储能弹簧制动气室 energy storage spring brake chamber -
汽车维护作业 operation of vehicle maintenance -
制型材料 molding material -
最高连续发火转速 maximum continued sparking speed -
反冲试验 kick-back test -
抗扰性 immunity to a distrubance -
出水口 water outlet port -
遐想曲面 imaginary srufaces -
主高压线 Coil wire -
壳型铸造 shell mould casting -
材料剪切试验台 material shear test rig -
引导程序 bootstrap -
热弯试验 hot impact test -
排气迟后角 exhaust lag angle -
轨距 gauge -
城市公共交通系统 urban public transport system -
真空泵 vacuum pump -
走(磨)合过程 running -in process -
一音级 octave -
切纸机 gullotine -
热电偶 thermocouple -
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear -
卷绕试验 winding test -
字面率 type face proportion -
平炉钢 siemens-martin steel -
前围立柱 front wall pillar -
弹簧主片 spring leaf -
制动鼓厚度 drum thickness -
三腔气制动阀 triple-chamber air brake valve -
分动齿轮(分动机构) transfer gear -
粗加工 rough machining -
眼椭圆 eyellipse -
城市公共交通票价制 urban public transport fare structure -
低速档 bottom gear(low speed gear) -
微粒物 particulated matter -
磨擦片式自锁差速器 multi-disc self -locking differential -
平衡水箱 surge tank -
陶瓷绝缘材料 ceramic insulating material -
压弯压筋模 bending-beading die -
比容 specific volume -
部件 assembly and parts -
内壳体 inner housing -
召集会议 calling a meeting -
模拟增压试验 simulated supercharging test -
罩光 glazing -
曲柄 crank -
脚注 footnote -
骨架材料 framework material -
压铸机 die casting machine -
建议阶段 proposal stage -
灯座 lamp seat -
灯光和照明系统 light and lighting sytem -
低倍照相 macrography -
分离杆调整螺钉 release lever adjusting screw -
估计使用期 estimated performance -
抑制型火花塞 seppresssed type spark plug -
合格品 acceptable part -
滚筒式测功试验台 roller type dynamometer (test bed0 -
气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover -
空调试验 air conditioning test -
最大制动蹄中心升程 maximum shoe centre lift -
试件 test piece -
齿型感知器 Toothed sensor -
私生子 illegitimate child -
轴间差速器 interaxial differential -
蒸气脱脂 vapor degreasing -
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride(PVC) -
真空渗碳 vacuum carburizing -
废气排气系统 exhaust emission suction system -
螺杆螺线式转向器 screw and nut steering gear -
弹簧衬垫 Spring pad -
制动装备 braking equipment -
性能降低 degradation of performance -
信号灯 signal lamp(indicator) -
自动电镀装置 automatic plating machine -
雾灯开关 fog lamp swtich -
暖风操纵件 heater control -
底色增益 under color addition -
运行条件 service condition -
合格标志 mark of conformity -
浮子室液面仪 float level gauge -
热焊 hot weld -
汽车总成修理厂 unit repair plant for vehicle -
中间轴变速器 countershaft transmission -
供油规律 fuel supply rate curve -
电子点火 electronic ignition -
配光屏 filament shield -
圆柱实心轮胎 cylindrical base solid tyre -
厂定最大总质量 manufacturer's maxumum total mass -
转速控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with speed -
切边压力机 trimming press -
分锥顶点 reference cone apex -
平均吨(客)位 average tonnage (passenger seat) -
小公共汽车 minibus -
分单元 subdivision -
琥珀色 amber -
气门面磨光机 valve refacer -
货物接收点 receiving point for goods -
EGR时间延迟阀 EGR delay timer -
分动箱控制杆 transfer gear shift fork -
胎圈底部 bead base -
转向传动比 steering gear ratio (steering ratio0 -
轴针式喷嘴 pintle type nozzle -
油底壳螺丝 Oil pan screw -
内装式前照灯 flush mounted headlamp -
发动机罩 engine bonnet -
底盘弹簧 chassis spring -
骚扰功率 distrubance power -
最高燃烧温度 Peak flame temperature -
加强件 reinforcement (stiffenner) -
火焰加热表面淬火 flame case hardening -
认可的实验室 accredited laboratory -
石棉带 asbestos band -
站名 sto name -
定子电磁铁组 stationary electromagner -
圆角 fillet -
镗刀磨损自动补偿装置 automatic compensating device for boring cutter wear -
型式评价 type evaluation -
基本齿廓 basic rack tooth profile -
碳纤维增强塑料 carbon-fiber reinforced plastics -
清洁度检测室 cleanliness measurement room -
转换触点 changeover contact -
吸污车 suction -type sewer scavenger -
频带过滤器 band filter -
瓦楞纸 crimp paper -
解体清洁度 disassembly cleanliness -
尾部降低式车架 step-down frame -
超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection -
高速棒料剪切机 high speed cropping machine -
水冷冲天炉 water cooled cupola -
衬片摩擦系数 lining mu -
丽晶 the regent -
曲线齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear -
铲运机 wheeled loading shovel -
剃齿机 gear shaving machine -
允许磨损 permissible wear -
累加器 accumulator -
充量(进气) charge -
磷化处理 phosphating -
方背式车身 square back body -
无芯工频感应电炉 main frequency coreless inductio furnace -
液压继动阀 dydraulic relay valve -
阻燃剂 fire retardant -
可能性 possibility -
再循环排气率 EGR rate -
合格保证 assurance of conformity -
透印 print through -
热固性塑料 thermosetting plastics -
标准文件 normative document. -
重新装配 reassembling -
输入校对终端 phototype setting character imput and correction terminal -
无调谐 no-modulation (CW) -
工具车 tool car -
离合器输入轴 Clutch input shaft -
全息照相印刷 hdographic printing -
轴颈安装 journal mounting -
叠差 dislocation -
挖根 undercut -
恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows -
安全标志 safety mark -
混合式道路列车 composite road train -
换档品质 property of automatic shft -
车轮防抱死装置 anti-lock device -
踏板回位弹簧力 pedal return spring load -
优质碳素结构钢 improved carbon structural steel -
空调压缩机 Air-conditioner compressor -
蓄电池外壳 battery jar(accumulator jar) -
配电站 power transformer substation -
封底焊道 sealing run -
孔式喷嘴 hole type nozzle -
热衰退试验 fade test -
轴颈重叠度 shaft journal overlap -
整形 restricking -
弧齿锥齿轮铣刀盘刃 curve-tooth bevel gear milling -
汽缸盖 Cylinder head -
活塞销超精加工机 piston pin superfinishing machine -
聚砜 polysulfone(PSF)ABS -
汽车维护类别 class of vehicle maintenance -
公式编号 numbering of equation -
行星小齿轮 Planet pinion -
形变时效 strain ageing -
变速器输入轴 transmission imput shaft -
电子加热钎焊 electric brazing -
散装饲料运输车 bulk-fodder transport truck -
特别用途线 special line -
工作灯 working lamp -
长行程 long stroke -
曲轴箱双通风系统 crankcase closed system -
油漆调制室 paint mixing room -
标准代号与编号 symbol and number of standard -
电缆颜色 cable color -
试验片 test piece -
带外发射 out of band emission -
设计缺陷 design defect -
无骨架式车身 skeletonless body -
风动工具 air tool -
光谱发光效率 spectral luminous efficiency -
化学转化 chemical reversion -
驱动桥减速比 driveaxle ratio -
炼条张力器 Tensioner -
车身修整工具 body bumping tool -
换档机构 gearshift -
制动蹄释放压力 release pressure of brake shoe -
抖动试验 whip test -
换行字符 line feed character (LF) -
汽车大修平均在修车日 average days during major repair of vehicles -
汽门机构 Valve trains -
危险警告灯 hazard warning lamp -
回馈控制 Feedback-control -
倾斜和缩进式转向管柱 tilt and telescopic steering column -
气顶油助力器 air over hydraulic booster -
低溶点合金模 low melting point alloy die -
火焰抑制器 Flame arrester -
踏板速比 pedal velocity ratio -
认证体系的成员 member of certification system -
分配式燃油喷射泵 distributor fuel injection pump -
转向盘轮缘盲区 steering wheel rim obstruction -
活字高度 type-high -
折叠式车顶 drop head -
曲轴箱 crankcase -
异形钢管 special steel pipe -
尼龙 nylon -
路牌 guide board -
滑行法 coastdown -
三动压机 triple-action press -
公共汽车优先通行系统 bus priority sytem -
半径杆 radius rod -
编制程序 to program -
标准补充件 addition to standard -
运输里程 transport mileage -
隔热板 heat shield -
水箱面罩操纵件 radiator grill control -
变质 deterioration -
制动器发响 noisy brake -
转向器传动间隙 steering gar cleanrance -
抑制螺母 check nut -
快速不解体清洁度 rapid undisassembly cleanliness -
塑料夹层消声钢板 multi-steel sheet with plastic plate -
稳态 stable state -
无油轴承 oilless bearing -
绝缘涂料 insulating paint -
管路 pipe-line -
射频滤波器 radio frequency (RF)filter -
抗静电实心轮胎 anti-static solid tyre -
不定期检验 nonperiodic inspection -
液压煞车 Hydraulic brake -
组合式传动轴 unitized drive shaft -
耐油涂料 oil resistant coating -
内饰 interior trimming -
燃油系统 Fuel-system -
锻造 forging -
外部电线 external cable -
周转 circulation -
上吸式化油器 updaught carburetor -
调温式空气滤清器 temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner -
异侧齿面 opposite flanks -
蜗杆指销式转向器 worm and peg steering gear -
制版 platemaking -
故障诊断 Fault diagnosis -
客货两用小客车 estate car (estate) -
歧管压力表 manifold pressure gauge set -
慢速转向 slow steeirng -
平衡弹簧 equalizing spring -
样板 template -
煞车灯 Brake lights -
外汽门弹簧 Valve spring(outer) -
副作用 side effect -
高温回火 high temperature tempering -
热轧薄钢板 hot rolled thin steel sheet -
切口 cut-off (shear-out) -
单边看齐标准 unilaterally alighned standard -
燃油计量系统 Fuel metering system -
聚碳化透镜 poly-carbonate len -
变色 tarnishing -
伺服机构 servo mechanism -
怠速 idling -
内汽门弹簧 Valve spring(inner) -
左旋齿 left-hand teeth -
装饰圈 ornament -
引用标准 reference to standard -
输入特性 characteristic of enhance -
层次 gradation -
输出轴 Output shaft -
熔接 Welding -
等容卸载 constant volume unloading -
最低湿沸点 minimum wet boiling point -
发动机综合试验机 engine analyzer -
包装印刷 package printing -
白铁 galvanized iron -
允许滑动量 slip -
热老化试验 heat ageing test -
产品质量标准 product quality standard -
行程 Stroke -
共晶合金 eutectic alloy -
显微组织 micro-structure -
木模造型 wood pattern molding -
落料切槽模 blanking-slotting die -
液力缓冲器 hydro-dynamic retarder -
输入 input -
低速凸轮 Lower speed cam -
仲裁性质质量监督 quality supervision for arbitration -
组合式桥壳 unitized carrier-type axle housing -
排版禁则 typesetting taboo -
换乘乘客 transfer passenger -
水套 Water jacket -
高频表面淬火 high frequency case hardening -
齿根过渡曲面 fillet -
气门边限 valve margin -
汽缸床 Head gasket -
结皮现象 skinning -
胶合层杂质 interlayer dirt -
双燃料车辆 duel fuel vehicle -
侧滑试验台 side-slip checking stand -
工作草案 working draft -
暗调 shadow -
浇铸式合金轴承 moulded bearing metal -
啮合套 shift sleeve (engagement sleeve) -
实验室评定 laboratory assessment -
差速器锁止系数 differential locking factor -
深槽轮辋 drop center rim(DC) -
产品规范 product specification -
尺寸链 dimension chain -
环脊 ring ridge -
气缸水套 water jacket -
夹紧块 clamp -
平面锥齿轮 plane bevel gear -
排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculatioon -
低选择 select -low -
排气分析试验 exhaust analysis test -
Y 形坡口裂缝试验 Y-slit crack test TIG -
加大气门杆 oversize valve stem -
断油行程 cut-off travel -
供能装置 energy supplying device -
剂量阀活塞 dosage valve piston -
制动力增长时间 build-up time of braking force -
碳烟 soot -
差速器十字轴 differential spider -
差速器小齿轮 Differential pinion -
无芯线圈 air-core winding -
拍摄 filming -
一级踏步高 first step height -
隔音室 anechoicchamber -
燃油增浓功能 Fuel enrichment function -
热丝式闪光器 hot wire type flasher -
热力学温度(绝对温度) thermodynamic temperature -
浇注轮胎 cast tyre -
去油(脱脂) degreasing -
球销式万向节 flexible member assembly -
薄膜磷化处理 thin amorphous phosphating -
橡胶衬套 rubber bushing -
光谱灵敏度 spectral sensitivity -
吨公里利用系数 coefficient of utilization of ton-kilometers -
润滑周期 lubrication interval -
后视镜 rear view mirror -
第迪安式 De Dion type -
超声波去油槽 ultrasonic cleaning tank -
管式散热器 tubular radiator -
连杆加工自动线 automatic production line for connecting rod -
分析测定方法和仪器 analysis measuring method and instrument -
技术检验 technical checking -
认证体系的利用 access to certification system -
传动轴安全圈 drive shaft safety strap -
正常磨损 normal wear -
disk brake Wear indicators -
齿宽角 width angle -
强化系数 coefficient of intensification -
二行程引擎 Two-stroke-cycle engine -
文字符号 letter symbol -
世界标准日 world standard day -
电子转速表 electronic tachometer -
电子示功仪 electronic indicator -
进气流量传感器 intake flow sensor -
汽车维修网点 network of vehicle maintenance and repair -
测定 determination -
截止频率 cut-off frequency -
齿轮齿条式转向器 rack and pinion steering gear -
压焊 pressure welding -
电位滴定法 potentiometric titration -
版权 copyright -
整体式动力转向机构 integral type power steering -
胶合层气泡 bubble in the interlayer -
等速万向接头 Constant velocity joint -
铰接装置 articulated equipment -
分层 stratification -
brake Master cylinder -
发动机加速测功仪 free acceleraton engine tester -
驻车制动操纵装置 parking brake control device -
试验方法 test method -
纵梁 main sill -
比例取样法 proportional smapling -
双金属式制动鼓 bimetallic shoe brake drum -
耐冷污值 cold fouling rating -
复碳 carbon restoration -
重型货车 heavy truck -
顶上凸轮轴 Overhead camshaft -
黑金属 ferrous metal -
多孔塑料(泡沫塑料) expanded plastics -
电负性气体 electronegative gas -
热模锻 pressure forging -
啮合齿 面 surface of action -
当量系统 equivalent system -
螺旋盖 screw-top -
阳图 positive -
最大载客量 maximum passenger capacity -
合金焊条 hastelloy electrode -
连杆轴承螺丝 Connecting-rod bolt -
焊根 root of weld -
离析性 segregation -
两片法 two-plate method -
增压器 supercharger -
安全玻璃 safety glass -
横向偏摇度 Lateral runout -
电解液 electrolyte (battery solution ) -
整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaft -
破碎后的能见度试验 visibility-after -fracture test -
安全监视窗 curb window -
花纹展开图 patttern plan -
双列滚珠轴承 double-row ball bearing -
自动换档机械式变速器 automatic mechanical tranmission -
铅表铜轴承 lead-bronze bearing -
转向系统 Steering systems -
厢式货箱 van body -
招呼站 request stop -
单腔气制动阀 single-chamber air brake valve -
最大设计装载质量 maximum design pay mass -
三球销万向节 tripod universal joint -
卷压接头 crimped termination -
主降速齿轮减速比 final reduction gear ratio -
眼椭圆中心 eyellipse center -
滑板 sliding plate -
电镀机 plating machine -
四分之一椭圆形弹簧 quarter elliptic spring -
双极插接器 double-pole connector -
固定件 stay (retainer) -
甚高频 very high frequency (VHF) -
救火泵车 fire pumper -
压紧弹簧 pressure spring -
针阀 needle -
暴露剂量(辐射的) reconditioning -
更换(零件) replacing -
化油器系统 carburetor circuit -
评价型质量监督 quality supervision for approval -
喷油背压 injection back pressure -
开缝线 opening line -
第一档 first gear -
制动软管管接头 btrake hose end fitting -
行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器 planetary wheel reductor -
十进制数 decimal numeral -
液压伺服对刀装置 hydraulic servo tool setting device -
整体活塞裙 solid skirt -
膜片弹簧 diaphragm spring -
动力性能 power performance -
主缸活塞 master cylinder piston -
蓄电池式焊机 battery welder -
液力减速器控制阀 retarder control valve -
热度等级 Heat range -
标度盘 scale(dial) -
离合器机械式操纵机构 clutch operation device(mechanical ) -
火花间隙接通 gap bridging -
修复 reconditioning -
综合标准化 integrated standardization -
分层抽样 stratified sampling -
仰焊 face-up bonding -
蜗杆副 worm gear pair -
臭氧发生器 ozonator -
高光线 high-light line -
转速表 tachometer -
湿型铸造 green sand casting -
直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston -
合成云母 synthetic mica -
渗硼 sulphurizing -
过程标准 process standard -
电瓶 Battery -
独立悬架式驱动桥 independent suspension drive axle -
再生 reclaiming -
车身装焊流水线 body assembly line -
公共交通线路设施 public transport line facilities -
中径 pitch diameter -
额定工作压力 rated working pressure -
动力计 Dynamometer -
喷油延迟 injection delay -
总成修理 unit repair -
缝焊 seam welding -
硬度 hardness -
亚组织 substructure -
标准法 standard law -
盲文印刷 braille printing -
快升缓降凸轮 quick lift gradual clsing cam -
蒸气回收装置 vapor recovery system -
清漆 varnish -
技术委员会编号 numbering of TCs -
先期排气 initial exhaust -
修边模 trimming die -
发动机试验 engine test -
地区协调标准 regionally harmonized standard -
取样部位 sampling location -
功效性能状况分类 function performance status classificaton (FPSC) -
螺旋角 helix angle -
轮毂总成 Hub assembly -
只读存储器 read-only storage -
高海拔补偿式化油器 altitude compensating carburetor -
电子图象处理系统 electronic image processing system -
浮子臂 float arm -
凸块叉 fork yoke -
标准文件的贯彻 implementation of normative document. -
锥型座(螺帽定位用) cone seat (for retaining nut) -
示踪气体 tracer gas -
喷孔长径比 ratio of nozzle hole length nozzle diameter -
轮辐 disc -
起草 drafting -
圆周侧隙 circumferential backlash -
磁场 Magnetric field -
微型轿车 minicar -
零件检验分类 inspection and clasification of parts -
水线 rule -
真空 Vacuum -
气密层 innerliner -
功率换算 power conversion -
数据传输 data transmission -
共晶组织 eutectic structure -
齿轮淬火压床 gear hardening press -
检波器 detector -
耐蚀双金属 anticorrosive bimetal -
凸块式万向节 tracta universal joint -
调速器 Governor -
免费乘车 zero fare -
定位焊 tack welding -
前端盖 dirve end baring bracket -
多边协调标准 multilaterally harmonized standard -
量油尺 Oil level gauge -
槽深 well depth -
分辨率 resolution rate -
铸铁 cast iron -
留候乘客 remainder -
粘结式实心轮胎 cured on solid tyre -
取样探头 probe -
液压仿形车床 dydraulic coping lathe -
平行轴齿轮副 gear pair with parallel axes -
煞车鼓 Brake drum -
气压式动力转向 air-power steering -
吸收特性 absorption characteristic -
制动力 braking work -
球面圆柱头螺钉 fillister(raised cheese)head screw -
可反装式车轮 reversible wheel -
联址 bind -
压扁 flattening -
组合灯 grouped lamps -
盘车 turning -
粘附 adhesion -
钢球冲击试验 ball impact test -
离合器操纵机构 clutch operation -
定钳盘式制动器 disc brake with fixed caliper -
副轴齿轮 counter shaft gear -
脚凳 foot rest -
乘客座椅 passenger seat -
打字排版 type writer composition -
转向器角传动比 steering gear angle ratio -
万向节 universal joint -
座椅基准点 seating reference point (SgRP) -
车轮平衡 Wheel balance -
填隙片 Shim -
盘式制动器制动缸 disc brake cylinder -
双向止回阀(双通单向阀) dual way check valve -
无线电话信号灯 radio communication sytem tell-tale -
放电灯泡 discharge bulb -
高压火花点火 jump-spark ignition -
聚甲醛 polyformaldehyde(POM) -
下锤头 lower die -
半导体点火系统 semi-conductor ingnition sytem -
双泵轮液力变矩器 double-impeller torque converter -
火花塞螺纹 spark plug thread -
珩磨 honing -
再现性 reproducibility -
过热警报装置 over heating warning system -
秘书用文件 document.tin for secretarity -
一气化碳 carbon monoxide -
触线网 trolly wire network -
无屏蔽高压点火线 unscreened high-tension igniton calbe -
单驱动桥 single drive axle -
定焦盘 prefocus plate -
附加成分 supplementary element -
直接视野 direct vesion field -
回路接通”指示灯 circuit closed tell-tale -
两轴式变速器 twin-shaft transmission -
阿基米得蜗杆 straight sided axial worm ZA-worm -
减振器 shock absorber -
高压油管 high pressure pipe -
给定方向的光畸变 optical distortion in a given direction -
岔线 branch line -
开槽螺母 slotted nut -
压板 Pressure plate -
同步器 synchronizer -
齿根圆 root circle -
铭牌 name-plate -
转向器转动力矩 rotating torque of steering gear -
搭铁线 Earth wire -
揭膜改版法 film stripping correction -
发光面 light-emitting surface -
有卧铺的驾驶室 SLLEPER CAB -
目录 catalog -
超速档变速器 over drive transmision -
滴油 dribble -
正时灯 Timing light -
运筹学 operations research -
发动机排量 engine displacement -
顶盖蒙皮 roof outer panel -
同心式浮子 concentric float -
管接头 pipe fittings -
最大允许拖挂质量 maximum authorized towed mass -
气缸 cylinder -
耐酸涂料 acid-prrof coating -
彩色正片原稿 color transparancy -
三通路控制阀 three way control valve -
飞轮齿圈 flywheel ring gear -
排汽尾管 Tailpipe -
气压-液压增压器 air over hydraulic intensifier -
新胎 new tyre -
最大允许轴荷 minimum authorized axle load -
深溶焊 deep penetration welding -
概率密度分析仪 probability density analyzer -
节圆齿顶高 working addendum -
制芯工序 coremaking operation -
螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake -
凸轮轴偏心轮 camshaft eccentric -
系统间干扰 inter-system interference -
客流流向 passenger flow direction -
格式 layout -
排放阀 drain valve -
单面焊 welding by one side -
车身制表面 body surface development -
回流 back flow -
点火电压储备 ignition voltage reserve -
电视转播车 TV relaying vehicle -
阴极射线发式计算机排版 computerized CRT phototype setting -
双节电磁振动式调节器 double stage voltage regulator -
关税普遍优惠制 general preferential duties -
高强度底合金钢板 low alloy steel sheet with high strength -
油压挺杆 ooil tappet -
飞球式调速器 flyball governor -
路面 surface -
通用驾驶室系统 versatile cab system -
施照体 illuminant -
对外贸易管理 foreign trade control -
技术勘误表 technical corrigendum -
左侧围应力蒙皮 R/S stretching skin (road side) -
火星塞 Spark plug -
可选择的胎圈座轮廓 bead seat optional contours -
极限值 limiting value -
气门研磨工具 valve grinding tool ( valve lapper) -
增压比 supercharge ratio -
电炉 electric furnace -
控制管路 supply line -
半封闭式灯光组 semi-sealed beam unit -
有补偿孔式制动主缸 compensating brake master cylinder -
蒙皮 outer panel skin(skin) -
工作循环 working cycle -
直线式电镀机 straight-line plating machine -
预啮合式起动机 pre-engaged drive starter -
离心式风扇 centrifugal fan -
海拔补偿 altitude compensating -
移动式接触焊机 portable resistance welder -
左侧发动机 left-hand engine -
流水槽 roof drip -
曲轴超精磨机床 crankshaft superfinishing machine -
工字梁 I-beam -
溶剂 solvent -
倒空 turned letter -
光颈 light trap -
热时间开关 Thermo-time switch -
穿通式联条 over-partition connector -
半双轮中心距 half dual spacing -
泡沫灭火车 foam vehicle -
转向信号灯 direction indicator tell-tale -
防水盖 splash-proof cover -
热塑塑料 thermoplastic plastics -
火花塞接线杆 spark plug terminal pin -
拣字 compose -
两万向节外侧滑动传动轴 two joint ouboard slip drive shaft -
凸轮张开式制动器 cam brake -
弹簧 spring -
单横臂式 single transverse arm type -
作用在挂接装置上的最大设计静载荷 maximum design static laod on coupling device -
操作状态 mode of operation -
分散运输 decentralized transportation -
断电触点电流 contacet breaker current -
诊断参数 diagnostic parameters -
联合技术委员会 joint technical committee -
形燃油喷射泵 vee fuel injection pump -
排汽旁道阀 Exhaust wastegate -
间隙调整装置 lash adjusting device -
螺纹铣床 thread milling mahcine -
挡板 baffle(guard) -
机油压力释放阀 Oil pressure relief valve -
汽车平顺性单脉冲输入行驶试验 automobile ride single pulse input running test -
线束阻抗 impedance of wiring harness -
双金属式机油压力传感器 bimetallic oil pressure snesor -
标定气体 calibration gas -
变量 Variable -
出租汽车 taxi -
充气减振器 gas-filled shock absorber -
活塞加工多工位组合机床 multiple station combined machine for piston machining -
颜料流线 paint streaming -
美国 LA-4CH 法 US EPA 4CH test procedure -
灯泡灯座 contact holder -
横流式 Cross flow -
基本喷射时期 The basic duration of injection -
升档 upshift -
失控 out of control -
服务等级 Service rating -
湿砂型 green sand mold -
衬板 patch -
气门挺杆发响 tappet noise (valve knock) -
双金属式机油压力表 bimetalic oil pressure indicator -
燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio -
电阻值 resistance value -
电路,油路 Circuit -
轴承钢 bearing steel -
出版阶段 publication stage -
熟黄铜 wrought brass -
坐标系 coordination system(axissystem) -
加贴标签 labelling -
起动开关 starting switch -
粉未冶金 powder metallurgy -
化学试剂 reagent -
二门轿车车身 coupe body -
随机噪声 random noise -
公共交通车站 public transport stop(station ) -
外圆磨削 cylindrical grinding -
柴油指数 diesel index -
可轴向移动的球笼式万向节 plunging constant velocity joint -
无雨刷玻璃 wipeless windscreen -
命令语言 command lanuage -
外部稳压电源 external stabilized power -
轮胎充气压力警报灯 tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale -
宽带放大器 broadband amplifier -
T形接头 T joint -
单片式钢板弹簧 single leaf spring -
气门室盖 valve chamber cover -
过滤器 GER filter EGR -
胎圈座宽度 bead seat width -
焦碳炉 coke-fired furnace -
气制动软管 airbrake hose -
梯形臂 tie rod arm -
输出 output -
护封 jacket -
集装箱运输 container transport -
接合平顺性 smoothness of pick-up (engagement) -
手动变速箱 Manual transmission -
当量齿数 virtual number of teeth -
战略政策声明 strategic policy statement -
凸轮总成 Cam set assembly -
液压煞车增压器 Hydraulic brake booster -
附加波动电压 superimposed ripple voltage -
生产日期 date of manufacture -
全程票价 full fare -
阴极罩 cathode shiedl -
允许间隙 permissible clearance -
凸起 protuberance -
反转拷边法 reversal copying process -
无轨电车 trolley bus -
铅酸蓄电池 lead-acid battery -
风窗玻璃 windscreen (windshield) -
气门正时 valve timing -
工具磨床 cutter grinding machine -
煞车来令片 Braking lining -
抗火焰传播性 resistance to flame propagation -
操舵力试验 steering effort test -
大王销 Kingpin -
渗氮 nitriding -
直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine -
变形 deformation -
发动机试验规程 engine test procedure -
十字单向阀 spider singe check valve -
喉管 venturi -
离心点火提前机构 Centrifugal advance mechanism -
瞬时轴 instantaneous axis -
碳素工具钢 carbon tool steel -
无型锻造 open forging -
齿根角 dedendum angle -
国际商事仲裁 international commerce arbitration -
T形螺栓 T-head bolt -
离合器踏板自由间隙 Clutch pedal free travel -
传动轴管焊接合件 weld drive shaft tube assembly -
去渣 deslag -
汽车大修间隔里程 average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles -
中心电极 centre electrode -
强制风冷 forced-air cooling -
点火系统 Ignition system -
惯性防抱死装置 inertia anti-lock device -
机械转向系 manual steering system -
保温 holding -
检票口 ticket entrance -
机油泵 Oil pump -
攻丝机 threading machine -
抑制螺拴 check bolt -
卧式锻造机 horizontal forging machine -
衬片摩擦面积/每轴 lining area/axle -
沉淀 sedimentation -
寄生损失特性 no load (parasitic losses)performance -
排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower -
全挂牵引汽车 towing vehicle -
移动式焊机 portable welding machine -
汽门正时 Valve timing -
精整模 forming die -
防止煞车死锁系统 Anti-lock brake system -
三向坐标测量装置 three coordinates measuring equipment -
喷墨打印机 ink jet printer -
抛油圈 oil slander -
变速齿轮组 change gear set -
机器锻造 machine forging -
双发动机并联传动 dual engine drive -
浇注机 cating machine -
光亮镀层 bright coating -
自动检票机 automatic ticket checker -
遮盖力图 hiding power chart -
倒车灯 backup(reversing)lamp -
立焊 vertical position of welding -
含甲醇酒精 methylated spirit -
合格评定 conformity assessment -
门锁止操纵件 door lock control -
轴流式涡轮 axial-flow turbine -
有效长度 effective length -
玻璃布 glass cloth -
倾斜式发动机 slant engine -
点焊 point welding -
固定轴式变速器 fixed shaft transmission -
全杆式转向装置 all linkage tyep steering system -
六月法投票表决 six months vote -
酸洗剂 pickling agent -
下行程 down stroke -
制动储备行程 reserve brake travel -
镍-镉蓄电池 nickel-cadmuum battery -
压扁模 flattening die -
灯泡灯座片 bulb socket tag -
轮胎 tyre (tire) -
可伸缩式转向管柱 telescopic steering column -
活塞环倒角磨床 piston ring chamfering grinding machine -
取力器(动力输出机构) power take-off -
缸体自动造型生产线 automatic moulding productio line ofr cylinder block -
铬酸锌复合钢板 complex steel sheet with chromate zinc -
车身主图板 full scale draft -
吞吐量 through put -
惯性式起动机 inertial drive starter -
温度负荷试验 temperature load test -
旅游车 touring bus -
内装式调节器 built-in voltage regulator -
逆电流 reverse current -
轮胎系列 tyre series -
叙述规定 descriptive provision -
汽车修理工艺 technology of vehicle repair -
横向焊缝 cross weld -
肋骨 Rib -
车轮装饰罩 wheel disc (rim embelisher) -
空气溢流阀 air bleed valve -
离合器分离拉索 clutch release cable -
控制台 console -
丙阶(不溶)酚醛树脂 resite -
肘靠 seat armrest -
紧缩 to pack -
螺丝起子 Screw driver -
顶盖 roof -
活动车顶操纵件 sliding roof control -
传声性 acoustical conductivity -
试验脉冲强度 test pulse severity -
滤网 Strainer -
输出特性曲线 output characteristic curve -
扩散反射率 diffused reflectance -
混装修理法 depersonalized repairmethod -
包装标准 packaging standard -
自动照相排版 automatic photo type setting -
动力转向 Power steering -
空气流量感知器 Air-flow sensor -
机场客梯车 mobile aircraft landing stairs -
耐湿性试验 resistance-to-humidity test -
合格 acceptable -
机油粗滤器 primary oil filter -
测量 Measurement -
标准化领域 field fo standardization -
定量试验 quantitative test -
桶状的汽门挺杆 Bucket valve tappet -
配气机构 valve gear -
钢板弹簧衬套 leaf spring bushing -
驻车制动系警报灯 parking braking sytem warning tell-tale -
栏板上梁 gate top rial -
挡风玻璃电加热器信号灯 windscreen eletric heater tell-tale -
片式快速插接件 flat quick-connect termination -
线圈初级感应电压 coil primary induced voltage -
屈挠区 flexing area -
多片式钢板弹簧 muotileaved spring -
拆卸 disassembling -
按钮控制 finger-tip control -
黏度指数 Viscosity number -
打磨间 scuff sand booth -
行李架 luggage rack -
车厢通道宽度 passage width -
电容器纸 kraft capacitor paper -
群脉冲 burst of pulses -
客流量 passenger flow volume -
悬臂弹簧 cantilever spring -
先导阀 priority valve -
蓄电池总开关 battery main swtich -
超速制动器 overrun brake -
扭力管 Torque tube -
浇包 ladle -
工作文件 working document. -
机械式汽门举杆 Mechanical valve lifter -
固定板 Fixing plate -
双腔并动化油器 two-barrel dual carburetor -
后板 rear gate -
酸性精炼油 acid refined oil -
传动系的噪声 transmission noise (driveline noise -
空气游离 free of air -
红丹漆 red lead paint -
密封剂和粘接剂 sealer and adhesive -
节汽门位置感知器 Throttle-valve switch -
二次空气控制阀 secondary air control valve -
印刷技术术语 terminologh of printing technology printing -
导流板 flowguide(air deflector) -
直接取样法 direct sampling method -
声幅射器 acoustical radiator -
EGR控制阀 EGR control valve -
油门 throttle -
国际标准化 international standarkdization -
专用自卸汽车 special dump truck -
贝氏体 bainite -
高压造型机 high pressure moulding machine -
反应室 reactive cell (chamber) -
校准屏幕 aiming screen -
调整垫片 Adjusting washer -
齿顶高 dedendum -
中间行程 mid-travel -
运输基地 transportation base -
平顶活塞 flat head piston -
低台货箱 low deck body -
洗涤剂 detergent -
气缸上部润滑 upper cylinder lubrication -
装饰线 decorative rib -
挥发性 volatility -
滚柱 roller -
标准报批审查 standard examination for approval -
瞬间超电压强度 transient overvoltage strength -
牵杆式牵引车 full-trailer towing vehicle -
分段票制 sectional fare -
烟灰盒 ash try(ash pan) -
词目 entry word -
电缆 cable -
运费表 freight tariff -
充气不足 under -inflation -
磁盘 disk -
脉冲骚扰 impulsive distrubance -
控制脉冲 Control pulse -
超高度歧管 high-rise manifold -
软化温度 softenning temperature -
液压分流传动 hydrostatic differenctial tranmission -
合格证明 verification of conformity -
锻压机 forging die -
上模 upper die -
复音声响讯号装置 multi-tone sound signalling device -
槽的位置 well position -
主轴承 main bearing -
下流式转化器 down flow type converter -
继电器 relay -
直馏汽油 direct distilled gasoline -
单边协议 unilateral arrangement -
汽车的 Automotive -
压缩点火引擎 Combustion-ignition engine -
隔磁套 magnetic shield -
进气温度 inlet air temperature -
灯光总开关 master lighting swithc -
粗毛毡 rough felt -
底盘润滑机 chassis lubricator -
运次 transportatin cycle -
前围蒙皮 front wall outer panel -
衬垫 pad (packing) -
电阻对焊 butt resistance welding -
单轨运输系统 monorail transit system -
稠化剂 thickener -
扭矩仪 torque meter -
洗涤器开关 washer switch -
灯壳 lamp housing -
分发文件 distribution of document. -
折页机 folding machine -
单向离合器换档 freewheel shfit -
珠光体 pealite -
催化剂 catalyst -
导轮 reactro -
第一道压缩环 Top compression ring -
恋爱 comitship -
控制活塞皮碗 control piston cup -
售票员座椅 conductor seat -
红外线废气分析仪 infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer -
耐臭氧试验 ozone resistance test -
铝硅合金 silumin -
带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator -
封边 cover -
扣环 Snap ring -
认证体系的参与者 participant in certification system -
滚齿机 hobbing machine -
运输系统 transportation system -
上光 varnishing -
电力测功机 electric dynamometer -
压焊机 press welder -
钢球 ball -
辐射对流烘干室 joint radiation convection oven -
冷型火花塞 soft plug -
净底盘整备质量 bare chassis kerb mass -
拉杆(拉绳) pull rod(pull wire) -
电压探头 voltage probe -
汽车停车场(库) park -
甲烷 methane -
示宽灯 width lamp -
电源线 Lead wire -
排水阀 drain valve -
锁止离合器 lock-up clutch -
射频干扰 radio frequency interference(RFI) -
立体印刷 three dimentional printing -
超高频 ultra-high frequency (UHF) -
内齿轮,环轮 Annulus -
助力制动系统 energy assisted braking system -
修理车 mobile workshop -
暖风电动机 heater motor -
动力传动机构 Power train -
刮油环 scrapper ring -
预负荷 Preload -
涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber -
矩阵 matrix -
声速 sound velocity -
酚醛树脂 phenolric resin(PF) -
蓄电池吊架 cell hanger -
推杆悬链 double-chain conveyer -
静电照相 eletrophotography -
顶锻模 joggling die -
存储单位 storage cell -
酮类溶剂 ketones solvent -
纤维材料 fibre material -
行空 line space -
制动反应时间 reaction time -
点火 Fires -
光反射率 luninous reflectance -
进气门 intake valve (suction valve -
电阻炉 resistance furnace -
零担运输 sporadic freight transportation -
抗扰度 immunity level -
蓄电池单元 battery cell -
制动失效 brake fade -
气缸漏气率检验仪 cylinder leak tester -
齿槽 tooth space -
定心钢球 centering ball -
射频噪声 radio frequency noise -
标定用遮光片 calibrating screen -
角度轮 degree wheel -
产品质量认证程序 certification procedure of product quality -
天头 head margin -
节气门定位器 throttle positioner -
分离轴承和分离套筒总成 release bearing and sleeve assembly -
制品 product -
整体式桥壳 banjo housing -
脉冲宽度 pulse width -
小型轿车 coupe -
衬垫纸 packing paper -
熄灯温度 light-off temperature -
离合器后备系数 reserve coefficient of clutch -
胶木盖 ignition coil head -
缓冲垫 cushion rubber -
传动轴 Propeller shaft -
弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机 curve-tooth bevel gear milling machine -
恒温器 thermostat -
开式风洞 open wind turnnel -
指示功率 indicated power -
上置式双级主减速器 top mounted double reducton final drive -
花边 bordering ornament -
柴油机 diesel engine -
快速磨损试验 accelerated wear test -
耐辐照性试验 resistance-to-radiation test -
动物胶 gelatin -
汽车故障现象 symptom of vehicle failure -
附加驱动车轮的操纵件 additional wheel drive control -
制动蹄限位弹簧 brake shoe hold down spring -
径向锻造机 radial forging machine -
内锥座接头体 fitting body with innerconical seat -
单座小客车 one-seater -
真空转速调速器 vacuum speed governor -
反馈柱塞 reaction plunger -
梯形机构 tie rod linkage -
刮边 scraping -
“B”接线柱 battery terminal -
包车运输 rent automobile transportation -
起动马达继电器 Starter relay -
串列式双腔气制动阀 series dual -chamber air brake valve -
货流 flow of freight -
产品质量管理 product quality management -
凸版 relief printing plate -
最大制动减速度 maximum braking deceleration -
公认的技术规则 acknowledged rule of technology -
铸字 type casting -
袋式分析 bag analysis -
带束层 belt -
O型环 O-ring -
摇臂 rocker arm -
压实式造型机 squeeze molding machine -
贵金属 noble metal -
螺纹拉线柱 threaded terminal -
平均制动减速度 mean braking deceleration -
直列式燃油喷射泵 in-line fuel injection pump -
四连杆式 four link type -
可靠性 reliability -
加速程序 accelerated procedure -
细度计 fineness gauge -
常压式液压动力转向器 constant pressure hydraulic power steering gear -
机械传动 mechanical transmission -
方头凸缘螺栓 square collar-head bolt -
滤清器密封圈 filter seal ring -
摆臂 swing arm -
磁心 core -
高强度低合金钢 high strength low alloy steel (HSLA) -
马氏体临界冷却速度 critical cooling rate -
镗孔 boring hole -
涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber -
信号阀 signal valve -
电枢试验器 armature tester -
气幕 air seal -
冲天炉 cupola (cupola furnace) -
反射原稿 reflextion copy -
参照采用 adopting by reference -
硝基底漆 nitrocellulose primer -
测试接收机 testing receiver system -
轴向齿廓 axial profile -
超负荷 overload -
修理里程 mileage between repair -
倾向于 tend to do -
摆动碾压机 oscillating rolling machine -
摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket -
O margins -
沸腾钢(不脱氧钢) rimmed steel -
金属造型 metal pattern molding -
高速滚削 high speed hobbing -
变矩系数 torque ratio -
(转向节)主销 knuckle pin(King pin) -
重型越野车 heavy off -road vehicle -
调速器工作不匀 governor hunting -
规程 procedure -
凸轮轴正时齿轮 Camshaft timing gear -
不发火(不点火) misfiring -
低含铅汽油 low lead fuel -
激磁线圈 field winding(field coil) -
叙词表(主题词表) thesaurus -
方头紧定螺栓 square-head set-bolt -
纤维 fiber -
封闭式灯 sealed -beam lamp -
超硬铝 superduralumin -
技术图纸 technical drawing -
多管路制动系统 multi-line braking sytem -
渗碳炉 carburizing furnace -
空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance -
勘误表 corrigenda -
离子束注入 ion injection -
飞机牵引车 aircraft tractor -
项目 project -
双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring -
末班车 final run vehicle -
指导性技术文件 technical guidance -
衰减器 attenuator -
适用期(有效使用期) pot life working life -
标准文献收集 collection of standard decumnets -
消声器 silencer -
可比标准 comparable standard -
存取时间 access time -
平衡回流沸点 equilibrium reflux boiling point(ERBP) -
稀土催化剂 rare earth catalyst -
EGR延迟线圈 EGR delay solenoid -
梭梁 stabilizing beam -
安全门 emergency door -
音响警告(喇叭)操纵件 audible wanring (horn)control -
单向离合器 One Way clutch -
蒸发器 evaporator -
中间齿轮 intermediate gear(counter gear) -
滚压光加工 rolling finishing -
副皮碗 secontary cup -
分电盘驱动齿轮 Distributor drive gear -
平衡臂 equalizer -
击穿 beakdown -
阴图 negative -
消防系统 fire extinguishing system -
焊接工艺 welding procedure -
絮凝剂 flocculant -
仓栅式汽车 storage/stake truck -
手油泵 manual fuel pump -
(发动机)冷却液温度表 coolant thermometer -
支线 branch -
室温固化 cold curing -
轮辋基体 rim base -
计算机指令 computer instruction -
进汽门凸轮 Intake camshaft -
气阀 air valve -
乙炔 acetylene -
段管线 section line -
排放口 discharge side -
沥漆区 drain area -
纪要 minutes -
互调 intermodulation -
内侧行星齿轮 inner planet geear -
抗绕性裕量 immunity margin -
热处理工艺周期 thermal cycle -
带升降塔架车辆 tower crane -
扭矩套管 torque tube -
经济转速 economic speed -
水力清理 hydraulic blasting -
大型装焊架 large-scale jig -
液面报警开关 level warning switch -
蒸发排放物 evaporative emission -
多用途添加剂 multipurpose additive -
交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine -
中涂 floating coat -
持证乘客 passholder -
指令 instruction -
正弦波调幅 sine-wave amplitude modulation -
失效 failure -
(氧化)硅胶 silica gel -
循环流冷却系 cooling recovery system -
磁性气体保护焊 gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding -
发动机油 engine oil -
加速油井 accelerating well -
反馈控制 feedback control -
离合器盖 clutchcover -
温度测量仪器 thermometric instruments -
制动力学 braking mechanics -
沉淀法 decantation -
指示马力 Indicated horsepower -
速度纪录仪 tachograph -
中间转速 intermediate speed -
内衬层 inside liner -
其他密度 color density -
单人座椅 individual seat -
一般故障 minor failure -
耐热钢 heat resisting steel -
标准化机构 standardizing body -
真空提前失效 defective vacuum advance -
全量袋式取样法 total bag sampling -
大字齿轮 double-helical gear -
煤气机 gas engine -
六角滚筒 hexagonal plating barrel -
外部抗扰性 external immunity -
引文省略 ellipsis -
有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency -
空档位置 neutral position -
内移距 inset -
固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin -
惯性 Inertia -
垫上弹簧载荷量 spring capacity at pad -
散射光 scattered light -
单音喇叭 monotone horn -
电流检测器 current probe -
蜗杆齿宽 worm face width -
卤素灯泡 halogen bulb -
酚醛漆 phenolic paint -
舱背式车身 hatch bock body -
车身制造 body manufacturing -
水冷 water-cooling -
同侧齿面 corresponding flanks -
冲模的楔形机构 wedged mechanism of die -
临界点 critical point -
汽门举杆的机油道 Lifter oil gallery -
压条封盖 trim strip cap -
矿用自卸汽车 mining dump truck -
空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器 air filter clog warning sensor -
支承夹具 supporting fixture -
耐模拟气候试验 resistance-to-simulated weathering test -
平台式车架 platform frame -
平稳杆 Stabilizer -
分离叉 withdrawal fork -
冷却水道 Coolant gallery -
锁紧螺母 check nut -
额定供油量 rated fuel delivery -
曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilation(PCV) -
峰值喷油压力 peak injection pressure -
二进制数 binary numberal -
方头凸缘端紧定螺栓 square collar-head set-bolt -
摆线 trochoids -
应急管路 emergency line -
快速轨道交通 rail rapid transit (RRT) -
拉缸 cylinder score -
真空提前机构 vacuum advance mechanism -
空调装置 air conditiner -
运程 voyage -
眼椭圆样板 eyellipse template -
汽车 Automobile -
环形定子 stationary torus -
组合制动系统 combination braking sytem -
召集人 governor -
书芯 bookblock -
非高峰时间 off-peak time -
空气喷枪 air spray gun -
多桥驱动 multiaxle drive -
计程票制 metered fare -
厢式货车 van -
轻泡货物 light cargo -
注释 note -
普通水泥混凝土 portland cement concrete -
双横臂式 double -wishbone type -
验收检验 acceptance inspeciton -
排汽门凸轮轴 Exhaust camshaft -
分层充气 stratified charge -
band -
分火头 distributor track -
四门轿车车身 sedan body -
手制动阀 hand brake valve -
惯性式制动试验台 inertia type brake tester -
植物保护车 plant pest control vehicle -
喷嘴壳体 nozzle body -
侧窗立柱 side window pillar -
多级抽样 multistage sampling -
应急制动器操纵件 secondary (emergency)braking conrol -
气缸体 cylinder block -
双边协议 bilateral arrangement -
淬火槽 quenching bach -
活塞平均速度 mean piston speed -
年度报告 annual report -
纵向钢板弹簧 longitudinal leaf spring -
夹具 fixture -
沸腾石 boiling stone -
防滑式差速器 limited -slip differential -
级数制 type size system for manual photo type setting -
球化退火 shpheroidizing annealing -
磨削 grinding -
提前器飞锤 flyweight -
(电磁)发射 (eelctromagnetic )emission -
链接 link -
缓冲块 buffer stopper -
制动蹄张开凸轮 expander cam -
滚对焊 butt seam welding -
中间设备 intermediate equipment -
绿色 green -
前围搁梁 front wall shelf beam -
电工名词术语 electrotechnical terminology -
压痕 indentation -
前轮校正 Front-wheel alignment -
两万向节滑动的传动轴 two -joint inboard slip ddiveshaft -
齿轮滚轧机 gearrolling mill -
吸尘车 vacuum sweeper -
喷油器 injector -
二氧化碳干扰校正 corrected for CO2 extraction -
骨胶 bone gum -
临界流量文杜里管 critical flow venturi -
大气质量标准 atomosphere quality standard -
加热罩 heating mantle -
昼夜车 day and night vehicle -
速比 speed ratio -
歧管真空 Manifold vacuum -
通道 channel -
中央弹簧离合器 cetnral spring clutch -
动力行程 power stroke -
气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket -
短冲程发动机 oversquare engine -
刮片组件 cleaning edge -
离心惯性力 centrifugal inertia force -
气卸散装水泥车 bulk-cement pneumatic delivery tanker -
通用标准 general standard -
不透光式烟度计 smoke opacimeter 比尔 - -
倒档中间齿轮 reverse idler gear -
释放轴承 Throwout bearing -
有箱造型 tight-flask molding -
排汽门 Exhaust valve -
悬架 suspension -
劳动保护标准 labour protectig standard -
三面翻倾式自卸汽车 three-way dump truck -
极板活性物质 plate active material -
车身附件 body accessories -
通用术语 general terms -
换算系数 performance test -
活塞环工具 piston ring tool -
吹芯 core blowing -
偏心轮 Eccentric -
容积式泵 positive displacement pump -
信息论 information theory -
加速 Acceleration -
分电盘盖弹簧夹组 Cap clamp set -
导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake -
阳极机械加工 anode mechanical working -
推荐性标准 recommended standard -
正极接线柱 positive terminal -
三销架 spider -
自愿认证制 voluntary system of certification -
声学工程 acoustical engineering -
发动机测功机 engine dynamomete -
白烟 white smoke -
槽角 well angle -
簧下质量 unsprung weight -
标号 label -
综合排放质量 composite mass of exhaust emission -
复位 reset -
转向力特性 steering force characteristic -
分度圆锥角 reference cone angle -
转向连杆 Linkage steering -
电控喇叭 electrically controlled air horn -
横向疲劳试验 cornering fatigue test -
自动润滑 automatic lubrication -
电枢 Armature -
防污漆 antifouling paint(copper paint) -
外直径 overall diameter -
安装规则 installation rule -
管状灯泡 tubular bulb -
浸渍树脂 impregnating resin -
机械电镀 mechanical plating -
铲削 relieve -
检验器 verifier -
编码 to code -
点火提前机构 Spark-advance mechanism -
凸轮从动件 cam follower -
横向跳动 lateral run-out -
涨溢箱 expansion tank -
油槽 sump -
两侧翻倾式自卸汽车 side dump truck -
突缘安装喷油器壳体 flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder -
议事日程 agenda -
车列 car row -
橡胶液体弹簧式 hydro-rubber spring type -
磁芯 magnetic core -
曲轴箱排放物 crankcase emission -
高负荷实心轮胎 high load capacity solid tyre -
钟形壳 outer race -
耐蚀铸铁 corrosion resisting cast iron -
预弯模 die for first-forming -
最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load -
氧干扰 oxygen interference -
无空气喷涂设备 airless spray equipment -
现场试验 field test -
引燃喷射 pilot injection -
注音 phonetic notation -
水泵叶轮 water pump impeller -
合格监督 conformity surveillance -
抗扰性试验 immunity test -
温度报警传感器 temperature warning sensor -
气瓶 gas cylinder -
分度圆导程角 lead-angle -
快速有轨电车 light rail rapid transit car -
系统内干扰 intra-system interference -
标准组件系统 modular system -
四分之三椭圆形弹簧 three quarter elliptic spring -
前油泵 front pump (input pump ) -
发动机油压表 engine oil pressue indicator -
(蓄电池)过度放电 over discharge -
连杆盖 connecting rod cap -
迁入 roll in -
无内胎轮胎 tubeless tyre -
主燃烧室 main combustion chamber -
标准报批材料 standard materials for approval -
手工浸漆设备 hand dip equipment -
分离叉球头支座 operating fork bal -end -
等照度曲线 isolux curve -
热效率 Thermal efficiency -
升温横跨管道 heat crossover -
阻化油 inhibited oil -
耐燃性 flame resistance -
耐翻倾试验 test of overturning immunity -
排气阀 exhaust valve -
旁通水管 Bypass hose -
故障磨损 failure wear -
硫酸 sulfuric acid -
可伸缩灯 retractable lamp -
复位状态 reset mode -
声学和噪声 acoustic and noise -
传动轴减振器 drive shaft absorber -
下置板簧式 under slung type -
国际贸易惯例 convention of international trade -
方头螺栓 squarehead bolt -
化油器接头 carburetor adaptor -
后轮驱动 Rear-wheel drive -
转向控制阀压力降 pressure loss in steering control valve -
气制动贮气筒压力表 air brake reservoir pressrue indicator -
制动鼓直径 drum diameter -
瞬时制动减速度 instantaneous braking deceleration -
化油器附加器 adaptor carburetor -
通电时间 current"on"time -
污斑 staining -
定轴式液力变速器 countershaft transmission -
装配线 fitting line -
非接触仿形测量 non-contact copying measurement -
大客车 coach -
锰青铜 manganese bronze -
全尺寸造型模型 full scale styling representation mock-up -
铬镍合金 chromel -
风窗框上横梁 windshield header crossbar -
空档安全开关 Neutral safety switch -
介质 dielectric -
右转 right-hand rotation -
调整气门间隙扳手 tappet wrench -
正时链条 timing chain -
冷放时间 soaking time -
分散剂 dispersing agent -
筑路工程用车 road machine -
制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep) -
进气预热装置 intake preheater -
节圆柱面 pitch cylinder -
混浊液 dirty soulution -
仿形法切齿 gear-cutting with form copying method -
排放物 emission -
车轮校正 Wheel alignment -
停车距离(制动距离) stopping distance -
黄油 grease -
正极搭铁 plus earth -
自行认证 self-certification -
渗铝钢板 aluminied steel sheet -
制动噪声 brake noise -
影响因子 factor of influence -
声压 sound pressure -
仪表灯开关 instrument lamp switch -
瞬变传递 transient transmission -
人头模型重块 head form weight -
干扰滤光器 interferential filter -
浅弯 shallow bending -
驾驶室 cab -
气缸体专用拉床 cylinder block broaching machine -
高速切削 high speed cutting -
底架 foundation -
万向节夹角 true joint angle -
收音机操纵件 radio receiver contols -
净底盘干质量 bare chassis dry mass -
炭墨 soot -
转向直拉杆 steering drag link -
抢气 mixture robbery -
直列式转向器 in-line steering gear -
压缩行程 compression stroke -
汽车大修返修率 returning rate of major repair of vehicle -
点火分配 Ignition distribution -
砂纸 emery paper -
档位指示器 shift indicator(shift torwer) -
中间平面 mid-plane -
路单 route-list -
胎面基部 tread base -
编排 set up -
多型槽锻造 multiple impression forging -
失速测试 Stall test -
气门座锥角 valve seat angle -
驱动桥最大附着扭矩 slip torque -
电影放映车 film projection vehicle -
胎踵 bead heel -
曲轴正时齿轮 Crankshaft timing gear -
棘抓 ratchet pawl -
双级主减速器 double reduction final drive -
站牌 stop board -
钻床 drilling machine -
完成日期 target date -
制动钳安装架 brake caliper mounting bracket -
断油开关 cut-off cock -
搪缸 Rebored -
减速齿轮副 speed reducing gear pair -
拓印 inscription rubbing -
行星架 planet carrier -
下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center) -
机油精滤器 secondary oil filter -
电热加工 electro-thermic working -
自动液力变速器 automatic transmission -
真空炉 vacuum furnace -
手动焊炬 hand torch -
助力器 booster -
倒圆 round edge arrissing -
信号装置的光照面 illuminating surface of a signalling device -
齿轮磨床 gear grinding machine -
擦刮磨损试验 scrape abrasion test -
秘书处 secretariat -
惯性落砂机 inertia knock-out grid -
爬行档 creeper gear -
槽宽半角 apace width half angle -
单向伺服式制动器 uni-servo brake -
共鸣器 acoustic resonator -
合格证检查 inspection by certificate -
水管,橡皮油管 Hose -
内环 core -
螺栓 bolt -
铅白漆 white lead paint -
电源抗扰性 mains immunity -
失效标准 failure criteria -
数组 array -
齿面 tooth flank -
车轮 wheel -
机油盘放油塞 sump plug -
容积效率 Volumetric efficiency -
拉削 broaching -
人造羊毛 artificial wool -
胎冠 crown -
脉冲噪声 impulsive noise -
车吨(客)位产量 vehicle ton(seat )production -
抽查型质量监督 sampling quality supervision -
筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine -
电泳涂层 electophoretic coating -
水泵体 pump casing -
field -
喷孔面积 nozzle hole area -
切割轮口 wheel -arch cutting -
双向双从蹄式制动器 dual two trailing shoe brake -
轴向模数 axial module -
缸径与行程 bore and stroke -
触媒转换器 Catalytic converters -
排放物控制系统 emission control system -
后倾 Caster -
催化剂收缩 catalyst shrinkage -
磨损补偿装置 wear compensation device -
证券印刷 security printing -
锁圈槽顶 gutter tip -
金属弹簧式 metal spring type -
供电臂 supply arm -
侧围护板 side wall inner shield -
踏板护套 pedal pad -
防滑地板 no-skid floor -
前板 header board -
平锻 horzontal forging -
动力转向器 power steering stgear -
阻尼电阻 damping resistor -
测微卡 Micrometer -
处理 process -
气动缓冲器 aerodynamic retarder -
磁场控制器 field monitoring equipment -
燃油泵 fuel pump -
多点焊机 multiple spot welder -
产品定型 product approval -
修井车 well maintenance vehicle -
冲孔 punching -
空气滤清器 Air filter -
主进水口 water main inlet port -
静态驻坡试验 static hill-holding test -
液化石油气车辆 liquid petroleum gas vehicle -
焊工用护目镜 welding goggles -
缸径 Bore -
电焊机 electric welding -
车窗 window -
双腔分动化油器 two-barrel duplex carburetor -
故障 fault -
轴承合金 bearing metal -
洗涤电动机 washer motro -
气门研磨机 valve grinding machine -
螺旋状齿轮 Screwed gear -
传能装置 transmission device -
越野轮胎 cross-country tyre -
脉冲极性 pulse polarity -
标准的构成 constitution of standard -
汽车维护流水作业法 flow method of vehicle maintenance -
动平衡机 dynamic balancer -
中性滤色片 neutral filter -
加强帘线编织层 textile reinforcing cord -
塔式超重机 tower crane -
工作齿面 working flank -
近光 lower eam -
麻点 pit -
皮碗防护垫 cup protector -
侧置气门发动机 side valve engine -
基准燃油 reference fuel -
苯乙烯聚丁橡胶 styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) -
电线 Wiring -
单筒望远镜 monocular -
抽样过滤 sample filtering -
换档点 shift point -
例示 illustrative example -
供油管 supply pipe -
提出 presentation -
横向制表字符 horizontal tabulation character -
驱动轴减速比 axle ratio -
乙炔氧焊装置 acetylene-welding installation -
青色 cyan -
水箱 Radiator -
重型自卸汽车 heavy duty dump truck -
普通货物 common goods -
节瘤 knot -
冷拉弹簧钢 cold drawing spring steel -
免维护蓄电池 maintenance free battery -
图像制版 image reproduction -
铸钢 cast steel -
倍频程 octave -
干扰后效制动力矩 distrubing residual braking torque -
安全继动阀 safety relay valve -
金属极惰性气体保护点焊 metal inert gas arc welding -
光学设备 optical device -
驾驶区 driver's compartment -
液力变矩器 torque converter -
扫气 scavenge air -
吸水石 absorbent paper -
多叶片弹簧 Multileaf spring -
副仪表板 auxiliary fascia console -
多工位自动冷镦机 automatic multi-stage cold fromer -
滑动柱塞 Sliding plug -
胎趾 bead toe -
橡皮垫圈 Rubber bushing -
换档滞后 shift hysteresis -
单缸熄火试验 one cylinder shut off test -
凝固点 freezing point -
熟练水平试验 proficiency testing -
散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind -
滤网(芯) strainer -
金相图 phase diagram -
技术协议书 technical agreemetn -
A立柱 A-pillar -
自相关仪 autocorrelaton function analyzer -
增压 Boost -
日本六工况法 Japanese 6-mode test cycle 欧洲 ECE -
电泳涂漆设备 electro apparatus -
石棉板 asbestos board -
阻塞面积比 blockage area ratio -
凸轮轴轴承 Cam bearing -
分电器 igniton distributor -
填料 filler -
公共交通优先 public transport priority -
运输费用 transportation cost -
差速器 differential -