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新闻发布会 news conference 查看
例句: 国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖在周二的新闻发布会上表示,尽管面临着日益复杂的国际环境挑战和国内新冠肺炎疫情频发的压力,中国经济仍保持复苏势头。 Fu Linghui, an NBS spokesman, said at a news conference on Tuesday that China's economy has sustained recovery momentum despite facing pressure from the increasingly complex and challenging global environment and frequent COVID-19 outbreaks at home.
扩大内需 expand domestic demand 查看
例句: 周茂华表示,零售额下降主要是由于新冠肺炎疫情再次暴发。他表示,随着新冠肺炎疫情防控更加精准,扩大内需稳增长力度加大,消费可能会改善。 Zhou said the drop in retail sales is mainly due to renewed COVID-19 outbreaks, saying consumption will likely improve amid more precise COVID-19 containment and intensified efforts to expand domestic demand and stabilize growth.
付凌晖 Fu Linghui 查看
例句: 国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖在周二的新闻发布会上表示,尽管面临着日益复杂的国际环境挑战和国内新冠肺炎疫情频发的压力,中国经济仍保持复苏势头。 Fu Linghui, an NBS spokesman, said at a news conference on Tuesday that China's economy has sustained recovery momentum despite facing pressure from the increasingly complex and challenging global environment and frequent COVID-19 outbreaks at home.
中国光大银行 China Everbright Bank 查看
例句: 中国仍有财政和货币政策支持的空间。中国光大银行分析师周茂华将工业生产的稳步增长归因于国内需求的持续复苏、一系列刺激政策的生效以及外贸的韧性。 Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, attributed the steady growth in industrial production to continued recovery in domestic demand, a series of stimulus policies taking effect and resilience in foreign trade.
陆挺 Lu Ting 查看
例句: 野村证券中国区首席经济学家陆挺警告称,国内新冠肺炎疫情的再次暴发、房地产市场疲软和全球经济增长走弱都给中国经济带来了下行压力。 Lu Ting, chief China economist at Nomura, warned of downward pressure from renewed domestic COVID cases, troubles in the property market and weaker global growth.
经济数据 economic data 查看
例句: 此前,国家统计局周二发布的关键经济数据显示,中国经济在10月份保持复苏趋势,工业生产和投资稳步增长,但在新冠肺炎疫情再次暴发的压力下,消费仍然疲软。 Their comments came after key economic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday showed China's economy has maintained a recovery trend in October, with steady growth in industrial production and investment, while consumption was still weak amid pressure from renewed COVID-19 outbreaks.
中国邮政储蓄银行 Bank of China 查看
例句: 谈到最新的经济数据,中国邮政储蓄银行高级经济学家娄飞鹏表示,新的增长动力在推动10月份经济稳定增长方面发挥了关键作用。 When it comes to the latest economic data, Lou Feipeng, a senior economist at Postal Savings Bank of China, said new growth drivers have played a key role in boosting steady economic growth in October.
邮政储蓄 Postal Savings 查看
例句: 谈到最新的经济数据,中国邮政储蓄银行高级经济学家娄飞鹏表示,新的增长动力在推动10月份经济稳定增长方面发挥了关键作用。 When it comes to the latest economic data, Lou Feipeng, a senior economist at Postal Savings Bank of China, said new growth drivers have played a key role in boosting steady economic growth in October.
下行压力 downward pressure 查看
例句: 野村证券中国区首席经济学家陆挺警告称,国内新冠肺炎疫情的再次暴发、房地产市场疲软和全球经济增长走弱都给中国经济带来了下行压力。 Lu Ting, chief China economist at Nomura, warned of downward pressure from renewed domestic COVID cases, troubles in the property market and weaker global growth.
娄飞鹏 Lou Feipeng 查看
例句: 谈到最新的经济数据,中国邮政储蓄银行高级经济学家娄飞鹏表示,新的增长动力在推动10月份经济稳定增长方面发挥了关键作用。 When it comes to the latest economic data, Lou Feipeng, a senior economist at Postal Savings Bank of China, said new growth drivers have played a key role in boosting steady economic growth in October.
周茂华 Zhou Maohua 查看
例句: 中国仍有财政和货币政策支持的空间。中国光大银行分析师周茂华将工业生产的稳步增长归因于国内需求的持续复苏、一系列刺激政策的生效以及外贸的韧性。 Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, attributed the steady growth in industrial production to continued recovery in domestic demand, a series of stimulus policies taking effect and resilience in foreign trade.
中国区 chief China economist 查看
例句: 野村证券中国区首席经济学家陆挺警告称,国内新冠肺炎疫情的再次暴发、房地产市场疲软和全球经济增长走弱都给中国经济带来了下行压力。 Lu Ting, chief China economist at Nomura, warned of downward pressure from renewed domestic COVID cases, troubles in the property market and weaker global growth.
房地产市场 property market 查看
例句: 娄飞鹏表示,考虑到政府采取的稳定经济增长和房地产市场的有效措施,以及优化的疫情防控措施,随着工业生产、消费和房地产投资的稳步改善,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 Considering the government's effective measures to stabilize growth and the property market as well as its fine-tuned pandemic-prevention measures, Lou said the economy will likely regain steam in the fourth quarter with steady improvement in industrial production, consumption and real estate investment, and China still has room for fiscal and monetary policy support.
国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics 查看
例句: 此前,国家统计局周二发布的关键经济数据显示,中国经济在10月份保持复苏趋势,工业生产和投资稳步增长,但在新冠肺炎疫情再次暴发的压力下,消费仍然疲软。 Their comments came after key economic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday showed China's economy has maintained a recovery trend in October, with steady growth in industrial production and investment, while consumption was still weak amid pressure from renewed COVID-19 outbreaks.
宏观政策 macro policy 查看
例句: 他说:“由于政府越来越希望稳定经济和房地产行业,国内宏观政策环境可能仍将保持宽松,我们预计经济活动指标将触底反弹,到2023年,初步复苏的势头将逐渐增强。” "With domestic macro policy settings likely to remain loose as authorities increasingly look to stabilize the economy and the property sector, we expect activity indicators to bottom out and a tentative recovery to gather steam heading into 2023," Loo said.
国内需求 domestic demand 查看
例句: 中国仍有财政和货币政策支持的空间。中国光大银行分析师周茂华将工业生产的稳步增长归因于国内需求的持续复苏、一系列刺激政策的生效以及外贸的韧性。 Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, attributed the steady growth in industrial production to continued recovery in domestic demand, a series of stimulus policies taking effect and resilience in foreign trade.
政策措施 policy measures 查看
例句: 经济学家和分析人士表示,随着政府采取有效措施协调新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济发展,以及刺激政策措施逐步生效,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 China's economy is expected to regain steam in the fourth quarter with the government's effective measures to coordinate COVID control and economic development along with stimulus policy measures gradually taking effect, economists and analysts said.
经济增长 weaker global growth 查看
例句: 娄飞鹏表示,考虑到政府采取的稳定经济增长和房地产市场的有效措施,以及优化的疫情防控措施,随着工业生产、消费和房地产投资的稳步改善,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 Considering the government's effective measures to stabilize growth and the property market as well as its fine-tuned pandemic-prevention measures, Lou said the economy will likely regain steam in the fourth quarter with steady improvement in industrial production, consumption and real estate investment, and China still has room for fiscal and monetary policy support.
刺激政策 stimulus policies 查看
例句: 经济学家和分析人士表示,随着政府采取有效措施协调新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济发展,以及刺激政策措施逐步生效,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 China's economy is expected to regain steam in the fourth quarter with the government's effective measures to coordinate COVID control and economic development along with stimulus policy measures gradually taking effect, economists and analysts said.
固定资产投资 asset investment 查看
例句: 1-10月全国固定资产投资(不含农户)同比增长5.8%,1-9月为5.9%。 And fixed-asset investment increased 5.8 percent in the January-October period, compared with a 5.9 percent rise in the first three quarters.
第四季 fourth quarter 查看
例句: 经济学家和分析人士表示,随着政府采取有效措施协调新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济发展,以及刺激政策措施逐步生效,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 China's economy is expected to regain steam in the fourth quarter with the government's effective measures to coordinate COVID control and economic development along with stimulus policy measures gradually taking effect, economists and analysts said.
房地产投资 real estate investment 查看
例句: 娄飞鹏表示,考虑到政府采取的稳定经济增长和房地产市场的有效措施,以及优化的疫情防控措施,随着工业生产、消费和房地产投资的稳步改善,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 Considering the government's effective measures to stabilize growth and the property market as well as its fine-tuned pandemic-prevention measures, Lou said the economy will likely regain steam in the fourth quarter with steady improvement in industrial production, consumption and real estate investment, and China still has room for fiscal and monetary policy support.
有效措施 effective measure 查看
例句: 经济学家和分析人士表示,随着政府采取有效措施协调新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济发展,以及刺激政策措施逐步生效,第四季度国民经济将继续保持稳定恢复态势。 China's economy is expected to regain steam in the fourth quarter with the government's effective measures to coordinate COVID control and economic development along with stimulus policy measures gradually taking effect, economists and analysts said.