
原文 译文 详情
成果丰硕 Fruitful results -
外交卓有成效 Diplomacy has been fruitful. -
腐败问题 Corruption -
代表国务院 On behalf of the State Council -
全面深化改革 Deepen reform in an all-round way -
贫困人口 Impoverished population -
城镇棚户区 Urban shanty towns -
阶段性成果 Phased achievement -
住房改造 Housing renovation -
教育公平 Education equity -
侧结构性改革 Side structural reform -
能源利用效率 Energy efficiency -
卫生健康 Hygiene and Health -
中央八项规定 Eight central regulations -
一切困难 All difficulties -
肯定成绩 Affirmative achievement -
水平显著 Significant level -
习近平 Xi Jinping -
特色社会主义思想 Characteristic socialism thought -
香港特别行政区同胞 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Compatriots -
稳步推进 Steadily advance -
重大科技 Major Science and Technology -
环境明显 The environment is obvious -
腐败斗争 The fight against corruption -
农业转移人口 Agricultural transfer population -
保障体系 Guarantee system -
创新型国家 Innovative country -
供给侧结构性改革 Supply-side structural reform -
重大活动 Major Events -
载人航天 Manned spaceflight -
加快发展 Accelerate development -
会保障体系 Social security system -
关键领域 Key areas -
各民主党派 Democratic parties -
党风廉政建设 Construction of a clean and honest government -
显著提升 Significant improvement -
显著提高 Markedly improved -
绝对贫困 Absolute poverty -
个体工商户 Individual industrial and commercial households -
一带一路 The Belt and Road Initiative -
多边主义 Multilateralism -
探月工程 Lunar exploration project -
中华民族伟大复兴 The Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation -
人民团结 Unity of the people -
各国政府 Governments -
支持中国 Support China -
残疾人护理 Nursing of the disabled -
党风廉政 Party conduct and clean government -
特色大国外交 Diplomacy of Great Powers with Characteristics -
市场主体 Market main body -
结构性改革 Structural reform -
级别会议 Level Meeting -
亚太经合组织 APEC -
思想科学 Ideological science -
中小微企业 Small and medium-sized micro-enterprises -
应对冲击 Coping with shocks -
非正式会议 Informal meetings -
治党 Ruling the Party -
小微企业 Small and micro enterprises -
社会保持 Social maintenance -
较大提升 Greater improvement -
利用效率 Utilization Efficiency -
人民生活水平 People's living standard -
二十国集团领导人峰会 G-20 Leaders Summit -
不确定因素 Uncertain factors -
常住人口 Resident population -
澳门特别行政区 Macao Special Administrative Region -
诚挚感谢 Sincerely thank you -
全面建立 Fully Established -
发展成就 Development Achievements -
广大人民群众 The broad masses of the people -
一方水土 One side of soil and water -
主题教育 Thematic education -
经济运行 Economic operation -
十国集团 Group of Ten -
棚户区住房改造 Housing renovation in shantytowns -
现代化建设 Modernization -
防控 Prevention and control -
行政区同胞 Administrative Region Compatriots -
艰巨任务 Arduous task -
世界卫生 World Health -
视频方式 Video mode -
人民期待 People's Expectations -
建设成果 Construction achievement -
居民消费 Residents' Consumption -
污染防治 Pollution control -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese characteristics -
伟大复兴 Great Revival -
二十国集团 Group of Twenty -
大国外交 Great Power Diplomacy -
命运共同体 Community of Destiny -
困难残疾人生活补贴 Living allowance for the disabled in difficulty -
人类命运共同体 Community of Human Destiny -
区域性整体 Regional whole -
新增就业 New employment -
习近平主席 President Xi Jinping -
欧盟领导人 EU leaders -
金融风险 Financial risk -
繁荣发展 Prosperity and development -
建档立卡 Filing cards -
世界卫生大会 World Health Assembly -
领导人系列会议 Leaders' Series Meeting -
重大突破 Major Breakthrough -
目标任务 Target Task -
生活补贴 Subsistence allowance -
重大战略 Major Strategy -
过去一年 In the past year -
护理补贴 Nursing allowance -
主要目标任务 Main Objectives and Tasks -
我国经济 China's economy -
社会保障 Social Security -
扎实推进 Make solid progress -
反腐败斗争 Anti-corruption struggle -
农村贫困人口 Poor people in rural areas -
正式会议 Formal meeting -
创新能力 Innovation ability -
投资增长 Investment growth -
风险处置 Risk Disposal -
八项规定 Eight Provisions -
环境持续 Environmental sustainability -
社会保障体系 Social security system -
现代化稳步 Modernization is steady -
中国现代化建设 China's modernization drive -
医疗卫生事业 Medical and health services -
不忘初心 Do not forget your initiative mind -
量子信息 Quantum information -
就业压力 Employment pressure -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
促进世界 Promoting the world -
国内生产 Domestic production -
发展作出 Development to make -
财政收支 Fiscal revenue and expenditure -
重度残疾人 Severe disability -
卫生事业 Health services -
中国特色大国外交 Diplomacy of Great Powers with Chinese Characteristics -
经合组织领导人 OECD leaders -
习近平同志 Comrade Xi Jinping -
新冠 COVID-19 -
各位代表 Delegates -
十三五 Thirteenth Five-Year Plan -
农业现代化 Agricultural modernization -
支持国际 Support International -
重要阶段 Important Stage -
城镇新增就业 New jobs in cities and towns -
短板 Short board -
全面加强 Strengthen in an all-round way -
落实中央 Implement the Central Government -
构建人类 Constructing Human Beings -
历史性成就 Historic achievement -
直面问题 Face up to the problem -
明显改善 Markedly improved -
超级计算 Supercomputing -
易地扶贫 Relocation to help the poor -
展现出 Show off -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
文化产业 Cultural industry -
脱贫攻坚 Get rid of poverty -
坚强领导 Strong leadership -
营商环境 Business environment -
新型国家 A new type of country -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in China -
各人民团体 People's organizations -
生态环保 Eco-environmental protection -
国家领导人 National leader -
持续改善 Continuous improvement -