政府工作报告-CH - 副本

原文 译文 详情
利率浮动 Interest rate fluctuation -
审批事项 Approval Items -
项目减少 Decrease in projects -
政府债券 Government bonds -
政府定价 Government pricing -
出口结构 Export structure -
支付规模 Payment Scale -
规模增加 Increase in scale -
存贷比 Loan-to-deposit ratio -
一半以上 More than half -
备案管理 Filing management -
丝路基金 Silk Road Fund -
创新热情 Enthusiasm for innovation -
消费促进 Consumption promotion -
棚户区 Shantytowns -
放管结合 Combination of tube release and tube release -
工商登记 Business Registration -
推出存款 Launch Deposit -
走出去 Go out -
西部铁路 Western Railway -
负担约 Burden contract -
行政许可 Administrative Licensing -
债券置换 Bond Replacement -
非金融类 Non-financial category -
三证合一 Three Syndromes in One -
更加方便 More convenient -
创业创新 Entrepreneurial innovation -
利息负担 Interest Burden -
调控基础 Regulatory basis -
一带一路 The Belt and Road Initiative -
设施投资 Facilities Investment -
加大改革 Intensify reform -
转移支付 Transfer payments -
防风险 Risk prevention -
有效投资 Effective Investment -
中韩 China and Korea -
三分之一 One third -
服务流程 Service Process -
全面实施 Full implementation -
货币政策 Monetary policy -
政府偿债 Government debt service -
货币篮子 Currency basket -
前置 Front -
加力增效 Increase power and increase efficiency -
经济支持 Economic support -
便利化 Facilitation -
重点领域 Focus areas -
农村危房 Dangerous buildings in rural areas -
人民币 RMB -
创新升级 Innovation and Upgrading -
实际使用 Actual use -
推广上海 Promotion of Shanghai -
下行压力 Downward pressure -
发生系统 Generating system -
范围扩大 Expansion of scope -
政策注重 Policy Focus -
区间调控 Interval control -
实体经济 Real economy -
自贸协定 Free Trade Agreement -
高铁 High-speed rail -
国家经济 National economy -
金融领域 Financial field -
改革有序 Orderly reform -
许可审批 License Approval -
松紧适度 Moderate tightness -
领域改革 Domain reform -
快速增长 Rapid growth -
事后监管 Post-event supervision -
信息消费 Information consumption -
实施重点 Implementation Priorities -
产业创新 Industrial innovation -
风险挑战 Risk Challenges -
市场活力 Market vitality -
存量债务 Stock debt -
积极变化 Positive change -
投融资 Investment and Financing -
财税金融 Finance and taxation -
重点改革 Key reform -
加强水利 Strengthen water conservancy -
产能合作 Capacity cooperation -
促改革 Promote reform -
相机调控 Camera control -
降息 Cut interest rate -
优化服务 Optimize Service -
保险制度 Insurance system -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
社会创业 Social entrepreneurship -
金融安全 Financial security -
支付系统 Payment system -
偿债 Debt service -
投资限制 Investment restrictions -
简政放权 Simplify administration and delegate power -
定向调控 Directional regulation -
出口退税 Export tax rebate -
专项基金 Special Fund -
创新货币 Innovative Currency -
建设成效 Construction Effectiveness -
中澳 China and Australia -
政策工具 Policy tools -
营改增 Change from business to increase -
跨境支付 Cross-border payment -
网购 Online shopping -
支持力度 Support strength -
银行正式 Banks Formally -
存量资金 Stock fund -
投入运营 Put into operation -
提质增效 Improve quality and increase efficiency -
改革深入 In-depth reform -