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林伯强 Lin Boqiang 查看
例句: 厦门大学中国能源政策研究院院长林伯强表示,中国加快基础设施投资,大力发展新基建”,将会带动充电桩行业的繁荣发展。 "With China accelerating infrastructure investment and stepping up efforts developing 'new infrastructure', charging piles' development is eyeing a boom, said Lin Boqiang, head of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University."
学生贷款 student loan 查看
例句: 库珀说:想想这对那些支付房租、车贷、学生贷款或其他任何费用的人来说意味着什么。 "Think what that means for someone who’s trying to afford rent, or a car payment, or student loans or whatever it may be,” Cooper says."
新注册 newly registered 查看
例句: 上半年新注册登记新能源汽车逾220万辆,与去年上半年新注册登记量相比增加110.6万辆,增长100.26%,创历史新高。 "In the first half, over 2.2 million NEVs were newly registered-a record high-an increase of 1.106 million, or 100.26 percent compared with the number of new registrations in the same period of last year."
研究网 research network 查看
例句: 经济政策研究所经济分析和研究网络主管大卫·库珀对CNBC Make It栏目表示:基本上,从20世纪50年代末到80年代初,美国国会一直频繁地上调最低工资水平。” "From basically the late 1950s until the early 1980s, Congress used to raise the minimum wage fairly frequently,” David Cooper, director of the economic analysis and research network at the EPI, tells CNBC Make It.
高中学生 high school student 查看
例句: 上周,圣安东尼奥附近塞金学区表示,将在新学年实施初高中学生必须携带透明背包的规定。 "Last week, a school district in Seguin, near San Antonio, said it would move to a clear backpack policy for middle and high school students in the new school year."
基础设施投资 infrastructure investment 查看
例句: 厦门大学中国能源政策研究院院长林伯强表示,中国加快基础设施投资,大力发展新基建”,将会带动充电桩行业的繁荣发展。 "With China accelerating infrastructure investment and stepping up efforts developing 'new infrastructure', charging piles' development is eyeing a boom, said Lin Boqiang, head of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University."
生活质量 quality of life 查看
例句: 人们的生活质量与那时相比有很大区别。” That’s an enormous difference in that person’s quality of life.”
安全隐患 eliminate safety concerns 查看
例句: 达拉斯学区在公告中表示:我们承认,仅仅凭透明或网状背包并不能消除安全隐患,这只是学区全面安全计划中的措施之一,目的是更好地确保学生和教职员工的安全。” "We acknowledge that clear or mesh backpacks alone will not eliminate safety concerns, the district said in its announcement. ""This is merely one of several steps in the district's comprehensive plan to better ensure student and staff safety."""
充电桩 charging piles 查看
例句: 近日国家发布的一项规划提出了国家公路网到2035年的布局方案,总规模约46.1万公里,并将推进充电桩和加氢站的建设。 "The country unveiled a plan recently to expand road networks to about 461,000 kilometers by 2035 and encourages the construction of charging piles and hydrogen fueling stations."
新能源 energy city buses 查看
例句: 专家指出,随着上路的新能源汽车越来越多,在政府的利好政策支持下,中国的充电基础设施走上了快速发展的道路。 "With more new energy vehicles on the road, China's development of charging infrastructure is on a fast track supported by favorable incentives from the government, experts said."
路网 road network 查看
例句: 近日国家发布的一项规划提出了国家公路网到2035年的布局方案,总规模约46.1万公里,并将推进充电桩和加氢站的建设。 "The country unveiled a plan recently to expand road networks to about 461,000 kilometers by 2035 and encourages the construction of charging piles and hydrogen fueling stations."
新能源汽车 new energy vehicles 查看
例句: 专家指出,随着上路的新能源汽车越来越多,在政府的利好政策支持下,中国的充电基础设施走上了快速发展的道路。 "With more new energy vehicles on the road, China's development of charging infrastructure is on a fast track supported by favorable incentives from the government, experts said."
充电效率 charging efficiency 查看
例句: 近年来,包括宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司和蔚来公司在内的多家企业都在通过技术创新提高充电效率。 "In recent years, companies including Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd and Nio are innovating technologies to raise charging efficiency."
经济政策研究所 Economic Policy Institute 查看
例句: 经济政策研究所的分析显示,联邦最低工资处于1956年2月以来的最低水平。 "The federal minimum wage is at its lowest value since February 1956, analysis from the Economic Policy Institute shows."
最低工资 adequate wage 查看
例句: 高通胀致工资缩水,美联邦最低工资已跌至66年来最低水平 "After inflation, people making US minimum wage are earning less now than 60 years ago"
电动汽车 electric vehicle 查看
例句: 中国电动汽车充电基础设施促进联盟的数据显示,截至2022年6月,全国充电基础设施累计数量为391.8万台,同比增加101.2%。 "As of June, the total number of charging infrastructure hit 3.9 million units, a year-on-year increase of 101.2 percent, the China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance said."
能源政策 Energy Policy 查看
例句: 厦门大学中国能源政策研究院院长林伯强表示,中国加快基础设施投资,大力发展新基建”,将会带动充电桩行业的繁荣发展。 "With China accelerating infrastructure investment and stepping up efforts developing 'new infrastructure', charging piles' development is eyeing a boom, said Lin Boqiang, head of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University."
中国证券报 China Securities Journal 查看
例句: 据《中国证券报》报道,充电慢是当下阻碍该行业发展的一个问题。 A report by the China Securities Journal said slow charging is an issue that currently hinders the development of the industry.
谢运亮 Xie Yunliang 查看
例句: 信达证券分析师谢运亮认为,随着政府出台更多推进新基建的激励措施,充电桩行业的前景将会更加光明。 "The industry of charging piles will see a brighter outlook with more incentives from the government rolling out to boost new infrastructure, said Xie Yunliang, an analyst with Cinda Securities."
新墨西哥州 New Mexico 查看
例句: 其他最低工资较高的州包括佛蒙特州、南达科他州、纽约州、加利福尼亚州和新墨西哥州。 "Other states with higher minimum wages include Vermont, South Dakota, New York, California and New Mexico."
充电站 charging station 查看
例句: 举例而言,截至2022年7月6日,蔚来公司已经建成了1011座换电站、1681座充电站,其中共包含9603根充电桩,并接入第三方充电桩超过了52万根。 "Nio, for example, has 1,011 battery changing stations, 1,681 charging stations which have 9,603 charging piles in total, and connects over 520,000 piles from other companies as of July 6."
国家发展改革委 National Development and Reform Commission 查看
例句: 就在规划发布的同一天,国家发展改革委下发的方案提出,计划到2025年将城市新能源公交车辆占比提高到72%,这是国家推动产业绿色转型的举措之一,力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和。 The plan coincides with a notice on the same day from the National Development and Reform Commission to raise the proportion of new energy city buses to 72 percent of all buses by 2025-part of the country's efforts to promote the green transition of industries to achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2060.
联邦政府 federal level 查看
例句: 库珀称,尽管一些州提高了最低工资,但只有联邦政府采取行动才会发生真正的变化。他补充说,最低工资水平影响的不仅仅是最低收入者。 "Despite some states increasing their minimum wage, Cooper says that real change will only be seen once it happens at the federal level, adding that a low wage floor affects more people than just those earning the minimum."
美国国家教育统计中心 National Center for Education Statistics 查看
例句: 美国国家教育统计中心在一份报告中引用联邦数据显示,2021年美国发生93起校园枪击案,为20年来的最高水平。 "School shootings in the US reached a 20-year high in 2021, with 93 school shootings reported according to federal data cited in a report by the National Center for Education Statistics."