
原文 译文 详情
许可证管理 License management -
许可证管理 License management -
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
有关资料 Relevant information -
有关资料 Relevant information -
经营范围 Scope of business -
经营范围 Scope of business -
全面清查 Comprehensive inventory -
全面清查 Comprehensive inventory -
外包业务 Outsourcing business -
外包业务 Outsourcing business -
上述事项 Above matters -
上述事项 Above matters -
相关法律 Relevant laws -
相关法律 Relevant laws -
合伙人决议 Partner resolution -
合伙人决议 Partner resolution -
公司股权 Company equity -
公司股权 Company equity -
区内贸易 Intra-regional trade -
联系电话 Contact number -
区内贸易 Intra-regional trade -
股权比例 Equity ratio -
联系电话 Contact number -
全面情况 Comprehensive situation -
股权比例 Equity ratio -
注册评估师 Certified appraiser -
全面情况 Comprehensive situation -
审计报表 Audit statement -
注册评估师 Certified appraiser -
假设条件 Assumptions -
审计报表 Audit statement -
汇总分析 Summary analysis -
假设条件 Assumptions -
资产和负债 Assets and liabilities -
汇总分析 Summary analysis -
评估基准日 Appraisal base date -
资产和负债 Assets and liabilities -
反应评估 Response assessment -
评估基准日 Appraisal base date -
账务处理 Accounting treatment -
限制条件 Constraints -
反应评估 Response assessment -
经审计 Audited -
账务处理 Accounting treatment -
增值额X元 Value-added amount X yuan -
限制条件 Constraints -
实施过程 Implementation process -
经审计 Audited -
财务结算 Financial settlement -
增值额X元 Value-added amount X yuan -
业务性质 Nature of business -
实施过程 Implementation process -
验资报告 Capital verification report -
财务结算 Financial settlement -
信息研究 Information research -
业务性质 Nature of business -
持续经营 Going concern -
道德准则 Moral code -
验资报告 Capital verification report -
现场勘察 Site investigation -
信息研究 Information research -
受控状态 Controlled state -
持续经营 Going concern -
继续经营 Go on with business -
道德准则 Moral code -
相关规定 Relevant regulations -
现场勘察 Site investigation -
资产评估机构 Assets appraisal institution -
受控状态 Controlled state -
注册资本 Registered capital -
继续经营 Go on with business -
中评协 China Evaluation Association -
相关规定 Relevant regulations -
公司资产 Corporate assets -
价值评估 Valuation -
资产评估机构 Assets appraisal institution -
结果报告 Results report -
注册资本 Registered capital -
会计报表 Accounting statement -
中评协 China Evaluation Association -
资产账面价值 Book value of assets -
公司资产 Corporate assets -
重大变化 Significant change -
价值评估 Valuation -
明细表 Schedule -
结果报告 Results report -
产品价格 Product price -
会计报表 Accounting statement -
概算指标 Estimated budget indicator -
资产账面价值 Book value of assets -
国家有关 State-related -
重大变化 Significant change -
项目评估 Project evaluation -
明细表 Schedule -
评估程序 Evaluation procedure -
评估结果 Evaluation results -
产品价格 Product price -
并进一步 And further -
概算指标 Estimated budget indicator -
评估项目 Evaluation project -
国家有关 State-related -
审计报告 Audit report -
项目评估 Project evaluation -
有关事项 Related matters -
评估程序 Evaluation procedure -
账面价值 Book value -
评估结果 Evaluation results -
证明材料 Certification material -
并进一步 And further -
基本准则 Basic criteria -
评估项目 Evaluation project -
XXX有限公司 XXX Co. Ltd -
审计报告 Audit report -
资产清查 Inventory of assets -
有关事项 Related matters -
资产评估 Assets appraisal -
当事方 Parties -
账面价值 Book value -
评估明细 Evaluation details -
证明材料 Certification material -
人事管理 Personnel management -
基本准则 Basic criteria -
投资企业 Investment enterprise -
XXX有限公司 XXX Co. Ltd -
中国资产评估协会 China Assets Appraisal Association -
资产清查 Inventory of assets -
项目负责人 Project leader -
资产评估 Assets appraisal -
配套服务 Supporting services -
当事方 Parties -
资产价值 Asset value -
评估明细 Evaluation details -
转口贸易 Entrepot trade -
人事管理 Personnel management -
目前状况 Current situation -
投资企业 Investment enterprise -
净资产 Net assets -
中国资产评估协会 China Assets Appraisal Association -
抗力 Resistance -
项目负责人 Project leader -
公司营业执照 Company business license -
实地查勘 Field survey -
配套服务 Supporting services -
任何形式 Any form -
资产价值 Asset value -
人民币元 RMB yuan -
转口贸易 Entrepot trade -
少数股权 Minority equity -
目前状况 Current situation -
权益价值 Equity value -
净资产 Net assets -
贸易管理 Trade management -
抗力 Resistance -
交易方式 Transaction mode -
公司营业执照 Company business license -
资产评估报告 Assets appraisal report -
评估基准 Evaluation benchmark -
实地查勘 Field survey -
投资方 Investor -
任何形式 Any form -
统一社会 Unified society -
人民币元 RMB yuan -
财政部财 Finance Ministry -
少数股权 Minority equity -
所在地区 Location -
权益价值 Equity value -
报告阶段 Reporting stage -
贸易管理 Trade management -
资产增值 Asset appreciation -
交易方式 Transaction mode -
如下所述 As follows -
资产评估报告 Assets appraisal report -
家用产品 Household products -
评估基准 Evaluation benchmark -
人民币 RMB -
投资方 Investor -
评估操作规范 Evaluation operation specification -
统一社会 Unified society -
职业道德准则 Code of Professional Ethics -
评估对象 Evaluation object -
财政部财 Finance Ministry -
操作规范 Operation specification -
所在地区 Location -
机电产品报价手册 Quotation Manual for Mechanical and Electrical Products -
报告阶段 Reporting stage -
持股比例 Ownership ratio -
资产增值 Asset appreciation -
会计信息 Accounting information -
如下所述 As follows -
审计报告 Audit report -
家用产品 Household products -
文件目录 File directory -
人民币 RMB -
价值评估值 Valuation value -
评估操作规范 Evaluation operation specification -
评估报告 Evaluation report -
资格证书 Qualification certificate -
职业道德准则 Code of Professional Ethics -
评估报告日 Evaluation report date -
评估对象 Evaluation object -
税务主管部门 Tax authorities -
操作规范 Operation specification -
评估实施 Evaluate implementation -
机电产品报价手册 Quotation Manual for Mechanical and Electrical Products -
步骤如下 The steps are as follows -
持股比例 Ownership ratio -
机构资格 Institutional qualification -
会计信息 Accounting information -
国内采购 Domestic procurement -
审计报告 Audit report -
受限 Restricted -
文件目录 File directory -
市场价值 Market value -
价值评估值 Valuation value -
工作底稿 Working papers -
投资有限公司 Investment Limited -
评估报告 Evaluation report -
全国资产评估价格信息 National asset appraisal price information -
资格证书 Qualification certificate -
交易情况 Transaction situation -
评估报告日 Evaluation report date -
机电产品 Electromechanical products -
税务主管部门 Tax authorities -
使用限制 Use restriction -
评估实施 Evaluate implementation -
专业意见 Professional advice -
投资政策 Investment policy -
步骤如下 The steps are as follows -
经营业务 Operate business -
机构资格 Institutional qualification -
股东权益 Shareholders' equity -
国内采购 Domestic procurement -
产品市场 Product market -
受限 Restricted -
中国机电产品价格商情 Price and business situation of mechanical and electrical products in China -
市场价值 Market value -
中华人民共和国公司法 Company Law of the People's Republic of China -
工作底稿 Working papers -
切割工具 Cutting tool -
投资有限公司 Investment Limited -
评估过程 Evaluation process -
全国资产评估价格信息 National asset appraisal price information -
企业会计 Enterprise accounting -
资产价格 Asset price -
交易情况 Transaction situation -
资产评估操作规范意见 Opinions on Operational Standards of Assets Appraisal -
机电产品 Electromechanical products -
研究开发 Research and development -
使用限制 Use restriction -
开发过程 Development process -
专业意见 Professional advice -
项目概算 Project budget estimate -
投资政策 Investment policy -
责任公司 Liable company -
经营业务 Operate business -
电动产品 Electric products -
股东权益 Shareholders' equity -
使用者 Users -
汇总表 Summary table -
产品市场 Product market -
影响评估 Impact assessment -
中国机电产品价格商情 Price and business situation of mechanical and electrical products in China -
货物进出 Goods in and out -
中华人民共和国公司法 Company Law of the People's Republic of China -
执业注册 Practice registration -
切割工具 Cutting tool -
评估机构 Evaluation agency -
评估过程 Evaluation process -
经营期限 Operating period -
企业会计 Enterprise accounting -
注册资产评估师 Certified asset appraiser -
资产价格 Asset price -
资产评估师 Assets appraiser -
具体步骤 Specific steps -
资产评估操作规范意见 Opinions on Operational Standards of Assets Appraisal -
账面值 Book value -
研究开发 Research and development -
产权交易 Property right transaction -
开发过程 Development process -
开展经营 Carry out business -
项目概算 Project budget estimate -
实施方案 Implementation plan -
责任公司 Liable company -
提供担保 Provide security -
电动产品 Electric products -
紧固件 Fastener -
使用者 Users -
须经批准 Subject to approval -
汇总表 Summary table -
关联公司 Affiliate company -
市场法评估计算公式 Calculation formula of market method evaluation -
影响评估 Impact assessment -
地区总部 Regional headquarters -
货物进出 Goods in and out -
信贷利率 Credit rate -
执业注册 Practice registration -
员工培训 Staff training -
评估机构 Evaluation agency -
指导意见 Guidance -
经营期限 Operating period -
评报 Review newspaper -
注册资产评估师 Certified asset appraiser -
负债 Liabilities -
资产评估师 Assets appraiser -
询价 Inquiry -
具体步骤 Specific steps -
有关数据 Relevant data -
账面值 Book value -
国家法律 National law -
产权交易 Property right transaction -
法律法规 Laws and regulations -
报告书 Report -
开展经营 Carry out business -
法人独资 Sole proprietorship of legal person -
实施方案 Implementation plan -
企业间 Inter-firm -
提供担保 Provide security -
手工具 Hand tools -
紧固件 Fastener -
转让经济 Transfer economy -
须经批准 Subject to approval -
国家资产 State assets -
关联公司 Affiliate company -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
市场法评估计算公式 Calculation formula of market method evaluation -
中国注册资产评估师 Chinese certified asset appraiser -
地区总部 Regional headquarters -
时间计划 Time plan -
信贷利率 Credit rate -
接受评估 Accept evaluation -
外部经济 External economy -
员工培训 Staff training -
机器设备 Machinery and equipment -
指导意见 Guidance -
外国法人 Foreign legal person -
评报 Review newspaper -
评估情况 Evaluate the situation -
负债 Liabilities -
资产历史 Asset history -
询价 Inquiry -
价格信息 Price information -
有关数据 Relevant data -
委托业务 Entrusted business -
国家法律 National law -
委托方 Entrusting party -
法律法规 Laws and regulations -
价值参考 Value reference -
报告书 Report -
实收资本 Paid-in capital -
出资额 Amount of capital contribution -
法人独资 Sole proprietorship of legal person -
市场开发 Market development -
企业间 Inter-firm -
外汇管理 Foreign exchange management -
手工具 Hand tools -
最终结果 Final result -
转让经济 Transfer economy -
企业法人营业执照 Business License of Enterprise Legal Person -
国家资产 State assets -
工作中 At work -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
涉税 Tax-related -
中国注册资产评估师 Chinese certified asset appraiser -
技术支持 Technical support -
时间计划 Time plan -
摘要报告 Summary report -
接受评估 Accept evaluation -
法定代表人 Legal representative -
企业价值 Enterprise value -
外部经济 External economy -
相关部门 Relevant departments -
机器设备 Machinery and equipment -
基准日 Base date -
外国法人 Foreign legal person -
评估方法 Evaluation method -
评估情况 Evaluate the situation -
评估准则 Evaluation criteria -
资产历史 Asset history -
经营能力 Management ability -
价格信息 Price information -
增值率 Increment rate -
委托业务 Entrusted business -
评估价值 Valuation value -
委托方 Entrusting party -
服务外包业务 Service outsourcing business -
价值参考 Value reference -
企业内部 Inside the enterprise -
社会经济 Social economy -
实收资本 Paid-in capital -
宏观经济政策 Macroeconomic policy -
出资额 Amount of capital contribution -
明显影响 Significant influence -
市场开发 Market development -
公司股东 Company shareholders -
外汇管理 Foreign exchange management -
控股权 Controlling rights -
最终结果 Final result -
有限责任 Limited liability -
企业法人营业执照 Business License of Enterprise Legal Person -
阅读者 Reader -
工作中 At work -
评估值 Evaluation value -
涉税 Tax-related -
股权转让 Equity transfer -
技术支持 Technical support -
摘要报告 Summary report -
法定代表人 Legal representative -
企业价值 Enterprise value -
相关部门 Relevant departments -
基准日 Base date -
评估方法 Evaluation method -
评估准则 Evaluation criteria -
经营能力 Management ability -
增值率 Increment rate -
评估价值 Valuation value -
服务外包业务 Service outsourcing business -
企业内部 Inside the enterprise -
社会经济 Social economy -
宏观经济政策 Macroeconomic policy -
明显影响 Significant influence -
公司股东 Company shareholders -
控股权 Controlling rights -
有限责任 Limited liability -
阅读者 Reader -
评估值 Evaluation value -
股权转让 Equity transfer -