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手语团队应将自己置于距离其他人至少2米的位置 Sign language teams should position themselves at least 2 metres away from others; -
带上您自己的耳机罩(酒精清洁剂可能会损坏耳机表面)。 Bring your own headset covers (alcohol-based cleaners may damage them); -
请勿触摸麦克风海绵套,如条件允许,可更换海绵套。 Do not touch the microphone cover, replace it if possible; -
坚持在同传间保持适当的通风,但避免通风过大。 Insist on always having proper ventilation in the booth but avoid draughts; -
参加远程会议时,请关闭所有通知提示音(如skype,微信,电邮等)。 Turn off all sound notifications (skype, whatsapp, emails, etc.) while attending virtual meetings; -
注视摄像头,和听众保持眼神交流。 Replicate eye contact by looking into the camera; -
使用定向麦克风,避免噪音干扰。 Use directional microphones to avoid extraneous noise; -
在视频会议进行期间,请勿移动麦克风。 Avoid moving the microphone during the videoconference; -
只在发言时打开麦克风,发言完毕时请将麦克风静音。 Mute the microphone when not speaking. -
最好使用带有高品质麦克风和消除声反馈功能的耳麦。 Preferably, use individual headsets with high quality microphones and echo cancelling; -