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微企业 medium enterprises 查看
例句: 注重用改革和创新办法,助企纾困和激发活力并举,帮助受冲击最直接且量大面广的中小微企业和个体工商户渡难关。 Using approaches of reform and innovation, we eased the difficulties of our enterprises and energized them. And we helped micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and self-employed individuals, which are large in number, extensive in scope and took the most direct hit from Covid-19, weather what was a very tough time.
大企业 large enterprises 查看
例句: 对大企业复工复产加强“点对点”服务。 Point-to-point transportation services were provided to large enterprises to help them resume operations.
市场主体 market entities 查看
例句: 一是围绕市场主体的急需制定和实施宏观政策,稳住了经济基本盘。 1. We formulated and implemented macro policies to meet the urgent needs of market entities and kept the fundamentals of the economy stable.
宏观政策 macro policies 查看
例句: 一是围绕市场主体的急需制定和实施宏观政策,稳住了经济基本盘。 1. We formulated and implemented macro policies to meet the urgent needs of market entities and kept the fundamentals of the economy stable.
实体经济 real economy 查看
例句: 支持银行定向增加贷款并降低利率水平,对中小微企业贷款延期还本付息,大型商业银行普惠小微企业贷款增长50%以上,金融系统向实体经济让利15万亿元。 MSMEs were allowed to postpone principal and interest repayments on their loans, and inclusive finance lending by large commercial banks to micro and small businesses increased by more than 50 percent. The real economy thus received an infusion of 1. 5 trillion yuan from financial institutions.