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自由贸易区 free trade zone 查看
例句: 推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)生效实施,建成全球最大自由贸易区。 China played its part for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which has created the world’s largest free trade zone.
消费需求 consumer demand 查看
例句: 经过艰苦努力,当前消费需求、市场流通、工业生产、企业预期等明显向好,经济增长正在企稳向上,我国经济有巨大潜力和发展动力。 Thanks to our dedicated work, consumer demand, market distribution, industrial production, and business expectations have all markedly improved. China’s economy is staging a steady recovery and demonstrating vast potential and momentum for further growth.
失业保险基金 unemployment insurance funds 查看
例句: 对困难行业企业社保费实施缓缴,大幅提高失业保险基金稳岗返还比例,增加稳岗扩岗补助。 We postponed the payment of social insurance premiums by enterprises in distressed sectors, significantly increased the proportion of unemployment insurance funds returned to enterprises to keep payrolls stable, and raised subsidies for stabilizing and increasing employment.
微企业 medium enterprises 查看
例句: 引导金融机构增加信贷投放,降低融资成本,新发放企业贷款平均利率降至有统计以来最低水平,对受疫情影响严重的中小微企业、个体工商户和餐饮、旅游、货运等实施阶段性贷款延期还本付息,对普惠小微贷款阶段性减息。 We provided guidance to financial institutions on increasing credit supply and lowering financing costs. Average interest rates on new enterprise loans fell to the lowest level on record, and time-limited measures were taken to defer principal and interest repayments on loans to businesses severely affected by Covid-19, such as micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), self-employed individuals, and enterprises in catering, tourism, and freight transportation, and to lower interest rates on inclusive loans to micro and small businesses.
创新支撑 innovation to sustain 查看
例句: 全社会研发经费投入强度从2.1%提高到2.5%以上,科技进步贡献率提高到60%以上,创新支撑发展能力不断增强。 1 percent to over 2. 5 percent of GDP, the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth exceeded 60 percent. The capacity of innovation to sustain development was enhanced continuously.
助学贷款 government-subsidized student loans 查看
例句: 免除经济困难高校毕业生2022年国家助学贷款利息并允许延期还本。 We waived interest payments on government-subsidized student loans to college graduates with financial difficulties and granted extensions on the principal repayments for these loans.
农民工 migrant workers 查看
例句: 做好高校毕业生、退役军人、农民工等群体就业工作。 We took solid measures to ensure employment for college graduates, ex-service personnel, and rural migrant workers.
社会保障 social security 查看
例句: 阶段性扩大低保等社会保障政策覆盖面,将更多困难群体纳入保障范围。 We took time-limited measures to expand the scope of subsistence allowances and other social security policies to cover more groups in difficulty.
政策支持 policy support 查看
例句: 针对就业压力凸显,强化稳岗扩就业政策支持。 In response to significant employment pressure, we boosted policy support to stabilize and increase employment.
行政村 administrative village 查看
例句: 所有地级市实现千兆光网覆盖,所有行政村实现通宽带。 Gigabit fiber optic internet services covered all prefecture-level cities, and broadband internet was installed in every administrative village in China.
资金支持 funds to support 查看
例句: 使用失业保险基金等资金支持技能培训。 We used unemployment insurance funds and other funds to support skills training programs. We carried out a three-year action plan for expanding enrollment in vocational colleges and upgrading vocational skills.
流动性合理 reasonably sufficient liquidity 查看
例句: 根据形势变化灵活把握政策力度,保持流动性合理充裕,用好降准、再贷款等政策工具,加大对实体经济的有效支持,缓解中小微企业融资难融资贵等问题。 We made flexible policy adjustments in view of new developments and maintained reasonably sufficient liquidity. We made good use of policy instruments such as required reserve ratio reductions and re-lending to increase effective support for the real economy and alleviate the difficulties faced by MSMEs in accessing affordable financing.
各位代表 Fellow Deputies 查看
例句: 各位代表: Fellow Deputies,
卫星导航 satellite navigation 查看
例句: 一些关键核心技术攻关取得新突破,载人航天、探月探火、深海深地探测、超级计算机、卫星导航、量子信息、核电技术、大飞机制造、人工智能、生物医药等领域创新成果不断涌现。 Breakthroughs were made in core technologies in key fields, and a stream of innovations emerged in areas such as manned spaceflight, lunar and Martian exploration, deep sea and deep earth probes, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, airliner manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine.
颗粒物 particulate matter 查看
例句: 地级及以上城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度下降27.5%,重污染天数下降超过五成,全国地表水优良水体比例由67.9%上升到87.9%。 In cities at and above the prefecture level, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) dropped by 27. 5 percent and the number of days with heavy air pollution fell by over 50 percent. The proportion of surface water bodies of good quality increased from 67.
经济伙伴关系协定 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement 查看
例句: 推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)生效实施,建成全球最大自由贸易区。 China played its part for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which has created the world’s largest free trade zone.
目标任务 targets and tasks 查看
例句: 在攻坚克难中稳住了经济大盘,在复杂多变的环境中基本完成全年发展主要目标任务,我国经济展现出坚强韧性。 Overcoming great difficulties and challenges, we succeeded in maintaining overall stable economic performance. Amid a complex and fluid environment, we were able to generally accomplish the main targets and tasks for the year. Such achievements are a testament to the tremendous resilience of China’s economy.
市场主体 market entities 查看
例句: 面对贸易保护主义抬头、疫情冲击等接踵而来的严峻挑战,创新宏观调控方式,不过度依赖投资,统筹运用财政货币等政策,增强针对性有效性,直面市场变化,重点支持市场主体纾困发展,进而稳就业保民生。 In response to a succession of grave challenges, including mounting protectionism and the Covid-19 pandemic, we adopted new ways of conducting macro regulation and avoided overreliance on investment as a means of achieving economic growth. We employed a wide range of policies including fiscal and monetary policies, made them more targeted and effective, and responded to market changes directly. We stayed focused on helping market entities overcome difficulties and grow and thus kept employment stable and ensured people’s wellbeing.
保持经济 keep the economy 查看
例句: 创新宏观调控,保持经济运行在合理区间。 1. We developed new ways of conducting macro regulation to keep the economy operating within an appropriate range.
地表水 surface water 查看
例句: 地级及以上城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度下降27.5%,重污染天数下降超过五成,全国地表水优良水体比例由67.9%上升到87.9%。 In cities at and above the prefecture level, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) dropped by 27. 5 percent and the number of days with heavy air pollution fell by over 50 percent. The proportion of surface water bodies of good quality increased from 67.
均衡水平 balanced level 查看
例句: 人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上弹性增强、保持基本稳定。 The RMB exchange rate floated with greater flexibility at an adaptive, balanced level while remaining generally stable.
有效需求 effective demand 查看
例句: 针对有效需求不足的突出矛盾,多措并举扩投资促消费稳外贸。 To address lack of effective demand, we adopted a combination of measures to expand investment, stimulate consumption, and stabilize foreign trade.
高速铁路 Speed Railway 查看
例句: 高速铁路运营里程从2.5万公里增加到4.2万公里,高速公路里程从13.6万公里增加到17.7万公里。 The length of in-service high-speed railways increased from 25,000 kilometers to 42,000 kilometers, and the expressway network expanded from 136,000 kilometers to 177,000 kilometers.
合理区间 appropriate range 查看
例句: 创新宏观调控,保持经济运行在合理区间。 1. We developed new ways of conducting macro regulation to keep the economy operating within an appropriate range.
中央经济 the Central Conference 查看
例句: 与此同时,我们全面落实中央经济工作会议部署,按照十三届全国人大五次会议批准的政府工作报告安排,统筹推进经济社会各领域工作。 We also fully implemented the plans set forth at the Central Conference on Economic Work and in the Report on the Work of the Government approved at the Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), and made coordinated advances in all fields of economic and social development.
决定性胜利 decisive victory 查看
例句: 新冠疫情发生三年多来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央始终坚持人民至上、生命至上,强化医疗资源和物资保障,全力救治新冠患者,有效保护人民群众生命安全和身体健康,因时因势优化调整防控政策措施,全国人民坚忍不拔,取得重大决定性胜利。 Since Covid-19 struck more than three years ago, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed the people and their lives above all else. It has boosted supplies of medical resources and materials, made every effort to ensure treatment for all patients, effectively safeguarded our people’s health and safety, and improved and adjusted response policies and measures in light of changing conditions. The Chinese people have pulled through with fortitude and resilience and secured a major and decisive victory in the fight against Covid-19.
灵活就业 flexible employment 查看
例句: 持续推进大众创业万众创新,连续举办8届全国双创活动周、超过5.2亿人次参与,鼓励以创业带动就业,加强劳动者权益保护,新就业形态和灵活就业成为就业增收的重要渠道。 To promote entrepreneurship and innovation nationwide, we have held National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week for eight consecutive years, which racked up a cumulative participation of more than 520 million. We encouraged job creation through business startups and strengthened protection of workers’ rights and interests. New and flexible employment forms became an important source of employment and income growth.
支配收入 disposable income 查看
例句: 居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步,全国居民人均可支配收入年均增长5.1%。 Personal income grew generally in step with economic growth, with national per capita disposable income increasing by 5.
二十大 20th National Congress -
能源汽车 energy vehicles 查看
例句: 发展消费新业态新模式,采取减免车辆购置税等措施促进汽车消费,新能源汽车销量增长93.4%,开展绿色智能家电、绿色建材下乡,社会消费品零售总额保持基本稳定。 This has, to some degree, offset the contraction in consumption. We fostered new modes and new forms of consumer spending and adopted measures including reductions and exemptions on vehicle purchase tax to boost spending on automobiles. As a result, sales of new-energy vehicles surged by 93.
风高浪急 high winds and choppy waters -
国内经济 domestic economic 查看
例句: 在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,我们经受了世界变局加快演变、新冠疫情冲击、国内经济下行等多重考验,如期打赢脱贫攻坚战,如期全面建成小康社会,实现第一个百年奋斗目标,开启向第二个百年奋斗目标进军新征程。 Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have met numerous tests, including accelerated changes on the international landscape, the Covid-19 pandemic, and a domestic economic slowdown. We both won the critical battle against poverty and finished building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, thus attaining the First Centenary Goal and embarking on a new journey to realize the Second Centenary Goal.
营商环境 business environment 查看
例句: 全面深化改革开放推动构建新发展格局,供给侧结构性改革深入实施,简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革不断深化,营商环境明显改善。 We deepened reform and opening up across the board in an effort to create a new pattern of development. We further promoted supply-side structural reform and reforms to streamline government administration, delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. Thanks to these endeavors, a notable improvement has been made in the business environment.
就业压力 employment pressure 查看
例句: 针对就业压力凸显,强化稳岗扩就业政策支持。 In response to significant employment pressure, we boosted policy support to stabilize and increase employment.
特色社会主义思想 Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 查看
例句: 各地区各部门坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届历次全会精神,深入贯彻党的二十大精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展,统筹发展和安全,我国经济社会发展取得举世瞩目的重大成就。 All localities and government departments followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; gained a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; enhanced their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; for a New Era; gained a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; enhanced their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership;
赤字率 deficit-to-gdp ratio 查看
例句: 财政赤字率控制在2.8%,中央财政收支符合预算、支出略有结余。 7 percent. The deficit-to-GDP ratio was kept at 2. 8 percent, and central government revenue and expenditure were in line with budget projections, with expenditure slightly lower than the budgeted figure.
国务院总理 Premier of the State Council 查看
例句: 国务院总理 李克强 Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang
人民币汇率 RMB exchange 查看
例句: 国际收支保持平衡,人民币汇率在全球主要货币中表现相对稳健。 A basic equilibrium was maintained in the balance of payments, and the RMB exchange rate remained stable relative to other major global currencies.
李克强 Li Keqiang 查看
例句: 国务院总理 李克强 Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang
现代化国家 modern socialist country 查看
例句: 党的二十大胜利召开,描绘了全面建设社会主义现代化国家的宏伟蓝图。 The Party successfully convened its 20th National Congress, during which it drew up an inspiring blueprint for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects.
推进经济 Central Conference on Economic Work 查看
例句: 与此同时,我们全面落实中央经济工作会议部署,按照十三届全国人大五次会议批准的政府工作报告安排,统筹推进经济社会各领域工作。 We also fully implemented the plans set forth at the Central Conference on Economic Work and in the Report on the Work of the Government approved at the Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), and made coordinated advances in all fields of economic and social development.
政策工具 policy tools 查看
例句: 面对经济新的下行压力,果断应对、及时调控,动用近年储备的政策工具,靠前实施既定政策举措,坚定不移推进供给侧结构性改革,出台实施稳经济一揽子政策和接续措施,部署稳住经济大盘工作,加强对地方落实政策的督导服务,支持各地挖掘政策潜力,支持经济大省勇挑大梁,突出稳增长稳就业稳物价,推动经济企稳回升。 Confronted with new downward pressure on the economy, we acted decisively and made timely adjustments. We made use of the policy tools kept in reserve over recent years, front-loaded the implementation of adopted policies, and remained firm in advancing supply-side structural reform. We unveiled and implemented a full range of policies and follow-up measures to stabilize the economy.
政府负债率 government debt ratio 查看
例句: 合理把握赤字规模,五年总体赤字率控制在3%以内,政府负债率控制在50%左右。 Over these five years, the deficit-to-GDP ratio and the government debt ratio were respectively kept within 3 percent and around 50 percent.
政策措施 policies and measures 查看
例句: 新冠疫情发生三年多来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央始终坚持人民至上、生命至上,强化医疗资源和物资保障,全力救治新冠患者,有效保护人民群众生命安全和身体健康,因时因势优化调整防控政策措施,全国人民坚忍不拔,取得重大决定性胜利。 Since Covid-19 struck more than three years ago, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed the people and their lives above all else. It has boosted supplies of medical resources and materials, made every effort to ensure treatment for all patients, effectively safeguarded our people’s health and safety, and improved and adjusted response policies and measures in light of changing conditions. The Chinese people have pulled through with fortitude and resilience and secured a major and decisive victory in the fight against Covid-19.
坚强领导 strong leadership 查看
例句: 在党中央坚强领导下,我们高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,根据病毒变化和防疫形势,优化调整疫情防控措施。 However, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we carried out Covid-19 response and pursued economic and social development in an effective and well-coordinated way; and we improved and adjusted response measures in view of virus variations and the evolving dynamics of epidemic prevention and control.
转移支付 transfer payments 查看
例句: 为有力支持减税降费政策落实,中央对地方转移支付大幅增加。 To ensure implementation of tax and fee reduction policies, the central government significantly increased transfer payments to local governments.
货币政策 prudent monetary policy 查看
例句: 坚持实施稳健的货币政策。 We continued a prudent monetary policy.
经济增长 Economic growth 查看
例句: 经过艰苦努力,当前消费需求、市场流通、工业生产、企业预期等明显向好,经济增长正在企稳向上,我国经济有巨大潜力和发展动力。 Thanks to our dedicated work, consumer demand, market distribution, industrial production, and business expectations have all markedly improved. China’s economy is staging a steady recovery and demonstrating vast potential and momentum for further growth.
放管结合 improve regulation 查看
例句: 全面深化改革开放推动构建新发展格局,供给侧结构性改革深入实施,简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革不断深化,营商环境明显改善。 We deepened reform and opening up across the board in an effort to create a new pattern of development. We further promoted supply-side structural reform and reforms to streamline government administration, delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. Thanks to these endeavors, a notable improvement has been made in the business environment.
实体经济 the real economy 查看
例句: 根据形势变化灵活把握政策力度,保持流动性合理充裕,用好降准、再贷款等政策工具,加大对实体经济的有效支持,缓解中小微企业融资难融资贵等问题。 We made flexible policy adjustments in view of new developments and maintained reasonably sufficient liquidity. We made good use of policy instruments such as required reserve ratio reductions and re-lending to increase effective support for the real economy and alleviate the difficulties faced by MSMEs in accessing affordable financing.
全国各族人民 Chinese people of all ethnic groups 查看
例句: 面对风高浪急的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民迎难而上,全面落实疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全的要求,加大宏观调控力度,实现了经济平稳运行、发展质量稳步提升、社会大局保持稳定,我国发展取得来之极为不易的新成就。 In the face of high winds and choppy waters in the international environment and challenging tasks in promoting reform, development, and stability at home, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core brought together the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and led them in meeting difficulties head-on. We acted on the requirements of responding effectively to Covid-19, maintaining economic stability, and ensuring security in development, and intensified macro regulation. As a result, we stabilized the economy, steadily enhanced development quality, and maintained overall social stability, securing new and hard-won achievements in China’s development.
宏伟蓝图 inspiring blueprint 查看
例句: 党的二十大胜利召开,描绘了全面建设社会主义现代化国家的宏伟蓝图。 The Party successfully convened its 20th National Congress, during which it drew up an inspiring blueprint for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects.
习近平 Xi Jinping 查看
例句: 面对风高浪急的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民迎难而上,全面落实疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全的要求,加大宏观调控力度,实现了经济平稳运行、发展质量稳步提升、社会大局保持稳定,我国发展取得来之极为不易的新成就。 In the face of high winds and choppy waters in the international environment and challenging tasks in promoting reform, development, and stability at home, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core brought together the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and led them in meeting difficulties head-on. We acted on the requirements of responding effectively to Covid-19, maintaining economic stability, and ensuring security in development, and intensified macro regulation. As a result, we stabilized the economy, steadily enhanced development quality, and maintained overall social stability, securing new and hard-won achievements in China’s development.
经济社会发展 economic and social development 查看
例句: 在党中央坚强领导下,我们高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,根据病毒变化和防疫形势,优化调整疫情防控措施。 However, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we carried out Covid-19 response and pursued economic and social development in an effective and well-coordinated way; and we improved and adjusted response measures in view of virus variations and the evolving dynamics of epidemic prevention and control.
重大工程 major projects 查看
例句: 提前实施部分“十四五”规划重大工程项目,加快地方政府专项债券发行使用,依法盘活用好专项债务结存限额,分两期投放政策性开发性金融工具7400亿元,为重大项目建设补充资本金。 In response, we launched several major projects set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule, expedited the processes of issuing and utilizing local government special-purpose bonds, made better use of carryover quotas for special-purpose bonds in accordance with the law, and issued development and policy-backed financial instruments in two batches totaling 740 billion yuan to replenish the capital for major projects. set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule, expedited the processes of issuing and utilizing local government special-purpose bonds, made better use of carryover quotas for special-purpose bonds in accordance with the law, and issued development and policy-backed financial instruments in two batches totaling 740 billion yuan to replenish the capital for major projects.
养老保险 basic medical insurance 查看
例句: 基本养老保险参保人数增加1.4亿、覆盖10.5亿人,基本医保水平稳步提高。 Basic old-age insurance now covers 1. 05 billion people, an increase of 140 million over the past five years. Basic medical insurance saw steady improvement.
阶段性贷款 enterprise loans fell 查看
例句: 引导金融机构增加信贷投放,降低融资成本,新发放企业贷款平均利率降至有统计以来最低水平,对受疫情影响严重的中小微企业、个体工商户和餐饮、旅游、货运等实施阶段性贷款延期还本付息,对普惠小微贷款阶段性减息。 We provided guidance to financial institutions on increasing credit supply and lowering financing costs. Average interest rates on new enterprise loans fell to the lowest level on record, and time-limited measures were taken to defer principal and interest repayments on loans to businesses severely affected by Covid-19, such as micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), self-employed individuals, and enterprises in catering, tourism, and freight transportation, and to lower interest rates on inclusive loans to micro and small businesses.
担保贷款 guaranteed loans 查看
例句: 落实担保贷款、租金减免等创业支持政策。 To support business startups, we implemented policies on guaranteed loans and on reducing or waiving the rent for state-owned premises.
稳步提高 steady improvement 查看
例句: 基本养老保险参保人数增加1.4亿、覆盖10.5亿人,基本医保水平稳步提高。 Basic old-age insurance now covers 1. 05 billion people, an increase of 140 million over the past five years. Basic medical insurance saw steady improvement.
残奥会 Paralympic Games 查看
例句: 经过多年精心筹办,成功举办了简约、安全、精彩的北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,为促进群众性冰雪运动、促进奥林匹克运动发展、促进世界人民团结友谊作出重要贡献。 After many years of meticulous preparation, we successfully presented the world with streamlined, safe, and splendid 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, which made a major contribution to boosting the popularity of winter sports in China and to promoting the Olympic movement as well as solidarity and friendship among the peoples of all countries.
单位国内生产总值能耗 Energy consumption per unit of GDP 查看
例句: 单位国内生产总值能耗下降8.1%、二氧化碳排放下降14.1%。 Energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by 8. 1 percent, and carbon dioxide emissions fell by 14. 1 percent.
严峻挑战 grave challenges 查看
例句: 面对贸易保护主义抬头、疫情冲击等接踵而来的严峻挑战,创新宏观调控方式,不过度依赖投资,统筹运用财政货币等政策,增强针对性有效性,直面市场变化,重点支持市场主体纾困发展,进而稳就业保民生。 In response to a succession of grave challenges, including mounting protectionism and the Covid-19 pandemic, we adopted new ways of conducting macro regulation and avoided overreliance on investment as a means of achieving economic growth. We employed a wide range of policies including fiscal and monetary policies, made them more targeted and effective, and responded to market changes directly. We stayed focused on helping market entities overcome difficulties and grow and thus kept employment stable and ensured people’s wellbeing.
载人航天 manned spaceflight 查看
例句: 一些关键核心技术攻关取得新突破,载人航天、探月探火、深海深地探测、超级计算机、卫星导航、量子信息、核电技术、大飞机制造、人工智能、生物医药等领域创新成果不断涌现。 Breakthroughs were made in core technologies in key fields, and a stream of innovations emerged in areas such as manned spaceflight, lunar and Martian exploration, deep sea and deep earth probes, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, airliner manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine.
供给侧结构性改革 deepened reform 查看
例句: 面对经济新的下行压力,果断应对、及时调控,动用近年储备的政策工具,靠前实施既定政策举措,坚定不移推进供给侧结构性改革,出台实施稳经济一揽子政策和接续措施,部署稳住经济大盘工作,加强对地方落实政策的督导服务,支持各地挖掘政策潜力,支持经济大省勇挑大梁,突出稳增长稳就业稳物价,推动经济企稳回升。 Confronted with new downward pressure on the economy, we acted decisively and made timely adjustments. We made use of the policy tools kept in reserve over recent years, front-loaded the implementation of adopted policies, and remained firm in advancing supply-side structural reform. We unveiled and implemented a full range of policies and follow-up measures to stabilize the economy.
乡村振兴 rural revitalization 查看
例句: 常住人口城镇化率从60.2%提高到65.2%,乡村振兴战略全面实施。 2 percent to 65. 2 percent. The rural revitalization strategy was implemented across the board.
国内生产 domestic product 查看
例句: 全年国内生产总值增长3%,城镇新增就业1206万人,年末城镇调查失业率降到5.5%,居民消费价格上涨2%。 Gross domestic product (GDP) of the year grew by 3 percent. A total of 12. 06 million urban jobs were added, with the year-end surveyed urban unemployment rate falling to 5.
高校毕业生 college graduates 查看
例句: 突出做好高校毕业生就业工作,开展就业困难人员专项帮扶。 We made college graduates employment a priority and provided targeted assistance to people who had difficulty finding employment.
美丽中国 Beautiful China 查看
例句: 美丽中国建设迈出重大步伐。 We have made significant strides in building a Beautiful China.
贷款平均利率 Inclusive loans to micro and small businesses 查看
例句: 引导金融机构增加信贷投放,降低融资成本,新发放企业贷款平均利率降至有统计以来最低水平,对受疫情影响严重的中小微企业、个体工商户和餐饮、旅游、货运等实施阶段性贷款延期还本付息,对普惠小微贷款阶段性减息。 We provided guidance to financial institutions on increasing credit supply and lowering financing costs. Average interest rates on new enterprise loans fell to the lowest level on record, and time-limited measures were taken to defer principal and interest repayments on loans to businesses severely affected by Covid-19, such as micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), self-employed individuals, and enterprises in catering, tourism, and freight transportation, and to lower interest rates on inclusive loans to micro and small businesses.
新模式 new-energy vehicles surged 查看
例句: 发展消费新业态新模式,采取减免车辆购置税等措施促进汽车消费,新能源汽车销量增长93.4%,开展绿色智能家电、绿色建材下乡,社会消费品零售总额保持基本稳定。 This has, to some degree, offset the contraction in consumption. We fostered new modes and new forms of consumer spending and adopted measures including reductions and exemptions on vehicle purchase tax to boost spending on automobiles. As a result, sales of new-energy vehicles surged by 93.
结构性改革 structural reform 查看
例句: 面对经济新的下行压力,果断应对、及时调控,动用近年储备的政策工具,靠前实施既定政策举措,坚定不移推进供给侧结构性改革,出台实施稳经济一揽子政策和接续措施,部署稳住经济大盘工作,加强对地方落实政策的督导服务,支持各地挖掘政策潜力,支持经济大省勇挑大梁,突出稳增长稳就业稳物价,推动经济企稳回升。 Confronted with new downward pressure on the economy, we acted decisively and made timely adjustments. We made use of the policy tools kept in reserve over recent years, front-loaded the implementation of adopted policies, and remained firm in advancing supply-side structural reform. We unveiled and implemented a full range of policies and follow-up measures to stabilize the economy.
数字经济 digital economy 查看
例句: 高技术制造业、装备制造业增加值年均分别增长10.6%、7.9%,数字经济不断壮大,新产业新业态新模式增加值占国内生产总值的比重达到17%以上。 China’s digital economy continued to grow in strength. The value-added of new industries and new business forms and models accounted for over 17 percent of GDP. We fully implemented the coordinated regional development strategy and major regional development strategies.
金融工具 financial instrument 查看
例句: 提前实施部分“十四五”规划重大工程项目,加快地方政府专项债券发行使用,依法盘活用好专项债务结存限额,分两期投放政策性开发性金融工具7400亿元,为重大项目建设补充资本金。 In response, we launched several major projects set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule, expedited the processes of issuing and utilizing local government special-purpose bonds, made better use of carryover quotas for special-purpose bonds in accordance with the law, and issued development and policy-backed financial instruments in two batches totaling 740 billion yuan to replenish the capital for major projects.
核心技术 core technologies 查看
例句: 一些关键核心技术攻关取得新突破,载人航天、探月探火、深海深地探测、超级计算机、卫星导航、量子信息、核电技术、大飞机制造、人工智能、生物医药等领域创新成果不断涌现。 Breakthroughs were made in core technologies in key fields, and a stream of innovations emerged in areas such as manned spaceflight, lunar and Martian exploration, deep sea and deep earth probes, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, airliner manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine.
国际环境 international environment 查看
例句: 面对风高浪急的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民迎难而上,全面落实疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全的要求,加大宏观调控力度,实现了经济平稳运行、发展质量稳步提升、社会大局保持稳定,我国发展取得来之极为不易的新成就。 In the face of high winds and choppy waters in the international environment and challenging tasks in promoting reform, development, and stability at home, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core brought together the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and led them in meeting difficulties head-on. We acted on the requirements of responding effectively to Covid-19, maintaining economic stability, and ensuring security in development, and intensified macro regulation. As a result, we stabilized the economy, steadily enhanced development quality, and maintained overall social stability, securing new and hard-won achievements in China’s development.
医疗资源 medical resources 查看
例句: 新冠疫情发生三年多来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央始终坚持人民至上、生命至上,强化医疗资源和物资保障,全力救治新冠患者,有效保护人民群众生命安全和身体健康,因时因势优化调整防控政策措施,全国人民坚忍不拔,取得重大决定性胜利。 Since Covid-19 struck more than three years ago, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed the people and their lives above all else. It has boosted supplies of medical resources and materials, made every effort to ensure treatment for all patients, effectively safeguarded our people’s health and safety, and improved and adjusted response policies and measures in light of changing conditions. The Chinese people have pulled through with fortitude and resilience and secured a major and decisive victory in the fight against Covid-19.
税负率 rate of VAT 查看
例句: 彻底完成营改增任务、取消营业税,将增值税收入占比最高、涉及行业广泛的税率从17%降至13%,阶段性将小规模纳税人增值税起征点从月销售额3万元提高到15万元、小微企业所得税实际最低税负率从10%降至2.5%。 The rate of VAT was lowered from 17 percent to 13 percent in many sectors where VAT accounts for the largest share of tax receipts ccounted the large ahtorsre of revenueh in reponse toale . The VAT threshold was raised from 30,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan of monthly sales for small-scale taxpayers in a phased way, and the minimum corporate income tax rate was cut from 10 percent to 2. 5 percent in real terms for micro and small businesses.
优化调整 improved and adjusted 查看
例句: 在党中央坚强领导下,我们高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,根据病毒变化和防疫形势,优化调整疫情防控措施。 However, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we carried out Covid-19 response and pursued economic and social development in an effective and well-coordinated way; and we improved and adjusted response measures in view of virus variations and the evolving dynamics of epidemic prevention and control.
小康社会 moderately prosperous society 查看
例句: 在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,我们经受了世界变局加快演变、新冠疫情冲击、国内经济下行等多重考验,如期打赢脱贫攻坚战,如期全面建成小康社会,实现第一个百年奋斗目标,开启向第二个百年奋斗目标进军新征程。 Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have met numerous tests, including accelerated changes on the international landscape, the Covid-19 pandemic, and a domestic economic slowdown. We both won the critical battle against poverty and finished building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, thus attaining the First Centenary Goal and embarking on a new journey to realize the Second Centenary Goal.
农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives 查看
例句: 完全化解了历史上承担的国有商业银行和农村信用社等14486亿元金融改革成本。 4486 trillion yuan that was incurred in the reform of financial institutions such as state-owned commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives decades ago.
年均增长 annual growth 查看
例句: 国内生产总值增加到121万亿元,五年年均增长5.2%,十年增加近70万亿元、年均增长6.2%,在高基数基础上实现了中高速增长、迈向高质量发展。 China’s GDP increased to 121 trillion yuan, registering an annual growth rate of 5. 2 percent over the past five years. Over the past decade, GDP has increased by almost 70 trillion yuan at an annual rate of 6.
多重困难 many difficulties 查看
例句: 在极不平凡的抗疫历程中,各地区各部门各单位做了大量工作,各行各业共克时艰,广大医务人员不畏艰辛,特别是亿万人民克服多重困难,付出和奉献,都十分不易,大家共同抵御疫情重大挑战,面对尚未结束的疫情,仍在不断巩固统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展成果。 Most notably, our people in their hundreds of millions have prevailed over many difficulties and challenges, made great sacrifices, and played their due part. It has not been an easy journey for anyone, but together we have overcome the huge challenge of Covid-19. As the pandemic is not yet over, we must keep working to consolidate our achievements in both Covid-19 response and economic and social development.
脱贫攻坚 fight against poverty 查看
例句: 在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,我们经受了世界变局加快演变、新冠疫情冲击、国内经济下行等多重考验,如期打赢脱贫攻坚战,如期全面建成小康社会,实现第一个百年奋斗目标,开启向第二个百年奋斗目标进军新征程。 Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have met numerous tests, including accelerated changes on the international landscape, the Covid-19 pandemic, and a domestic economic slowdown. We both won the critical battle against poverty and finished building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, thus attaining the First Centenary Goal and embarking on a new journey to realize the Second Centenary Goal.
区域全面经济伙伴关系 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership 查看
例句: 推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)生效实施,建成全球最大自由贸易区。 China played its part for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which has created the world’s largest free trade zone.
重要农产品 major agricultural 查看
例句: 有效应对洪涝、干旱等严重自然灾害,不误农时抢抓粮食播种和收获,督促和协调农机通行,保障农事活动有序开展,分三批向种粮农民发放农资补贴,保障粮食丰收和重要农产品稳定供给。 To see that no time was lost during the planting and harvest seasons, we worked to ensure unrestricted movement of agricultural machines on public roads and saw that farming was free from disruptions. We issued agricultural supply subsidies to grain growers in three installments. All this helped ensure good grain harvests and stable supplies of major agricultural products.
巨大潜力 vast potential 查看
例句: 经过艰苦努力,当前消费需求、市场流通、工业生产、企业预期等明显向好,经济增长正在企稳向上,我国经济有巨大潜力和发展动力。 Thanks to our dedicated work, consumer demand, market distribution, industrial production, and business expectations have all markedly improved. China’s economy is staging a steady recovery and demonstrating vast potential and momentum for further growth.
融资成本 financing costs 查看
例句: 引导金融机构增加信贷投放,降低融资成本,新发放企业贷款平均利率降至有统计以来最低水平,对受疫情影响严重的中小微企业、个体工商户和餐饮、旅游、货运等实施阶段性贷款延期还本付息,对普惠小微贷款阶段性减息。 We provided guidance to financial institutions on increasing credit supply and lowering financing costs. Average interest rates on new enterprise loans fell to the lowest level on record, and time-limited measures were taken to defer principal and interest repayments on loans to businesses severely affected by Covid-19, such as micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), self-employed individuals, and enterprises in catering, tourism, and freight transportation, and to lower interest rates on inclusive loans to micro and small businesses.
中央部门 central government departments 查看
例句: 各级政府坚持过紧日子,严控一般性支出,中央部门带头压减支出,盘活存量资金和闲置资产,腾出的资金千方百计惠企裕民,全国财政支出70%以上用于民生。 At every level, governments kept their belts tightened by strictly controlling general expenditures, and central government departments led the way in cutting back spending. We also put idle funds and assets to good use and tapped every means possible to see that these funds were used to benefit businesses and people. Over 70 percent of government expenditures went toward ensuring the people’s wellbeing.
一带一路 the Belt and Road Initiative 查看
例句: 共建“一带一路”扎实推进。 Joint efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) made solid headway.
稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy 查看
例句: 坚持实施稳健的货币政策。 We continued a prudent monetary policy.
居民收入 Personal income 查看
例句: 居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步,全国居民人均可支配收入年均增长5.1%。 Personal income grew generally in step with economic growth, with national per capita disposable income increasing by 5.
固定资产投资 asset investment 查看
例句: 全年基础设施、制造业投资分别增长9.4%、9.1%,带动固定资产投资增长5.1%,一定程度弥补了消费收缩缺口。 In 2022, investments in infrastructure and the manufacturing sector increased by 9. 4 percent and 9. 1 percent respectively, while fixed-asset investment increased by 5.
奥林匹克运动 Olympic movement 查看
例句: 经过多年精心筹办,成功举办了简约、安全、精彩的北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,为促进群众性冰雪运动、促进奥林匹克运动发展、促进世界人民团结友谊作出重要贡献。 After many years of meticulous preparation, we successfully presented the world with streamlined, safe, and splendid 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, which made a major contribution to boosting the popularity of winter sports in China and to promoting the Olympic movement as well as solidarity and friendship among the peoples of all countries.
科技创新 technological innovation 查看
例句: ——科技创新成果丰硕。 '-Fruitful gains were made in scientific and technological innovation.
高风险 high-risk small and medium-sized financial institutions 查看
例句: 运用市场化法治化方式,精准处置一批大型企业集团风险,平稳化解高风险中小金融机构风险,大型金融机构健康发展,金融体系稳健运行,守住了不发生系统性风险的底线。 Using market- and law-based means, we took targeted steps to deal with the risks of several large enterprise groups and made steady headway in defusing risks in high-risk small and medium-sized financial institutions. Large financial institutions registered sound growth, financial systems operated in a robust and stable manner, and we ensured that no systemic risks arose.
代表国务院 behalf of the State 查看
例句: 现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告工作,请予审议,并请全国政协委员提出意见。 On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval and also for comments from members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
决定性意义 decisive significance 查看
例句: 各地区各部门坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届历次全会精神,深入贯彻党的二十大精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展,统筹发展和安全,我国经济社会发展取得举世瞩目的重大成就。 All localities and government departments followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; gained a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; enhanced their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership;
大众创业 business startups 查看
例句: 持续推进大众创业万众创新,连续举办8届全国双创活动周、超过5.2亿人次参与,鼓励以创业带动就业,加强劳动者权益保护,新就业形态和灵活就业成为就业增收的重要渠道。 To promote entrepreneurship and innovation nationwide, we have held National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week for eight consecutive years, which racked up a cumulative participation of more than 520 million. We encouraged job creation through business startups and strengthened protection of workers’ rights and interests. New and flexible employment forms became an important source of employment and income growth.
绝对贫困 absolute poverty 查看
例句: 经过八年持续努力,近1亿农村贫困人口实现脱贫,全国832个贫困县全部摘帽,960多万贫困人口实现易地搬迁,历史性地解决了绝对贫困问题。 Thanks to eight years of continued efforts, close to 100 million poor rural residents and a total of 832 impoverished counties were lifted from poverty, including more than 9. 6 million poverty-stricken people relocated from inhospitable areas. We have thus, once and for all, resolved the problem of absolute poverty in China.