
原文 译文 详情
新进展 fresh progress -
防控 prevention and control -
发展职业 develop vocational -
重大工程 major project -
新增就业 new urban jobs -
市场准入 market access -
优化区域 improve planning for regional -
负面清单 Negative List -
应用基础研究 applied basic research -
金融稳定 financial stability -
税收优惠政策 provided policy support -
保险制度 insurance schemes -
农民工 migrant workers -
个体工商户 individually owned -
重大经济 major economic -
关键环节 crucial links -
一带一路 Belt and Road -
东部地区 eastern region -
转变政府职能 transform government functions -
资源节约 resource conservation -
经济社会 economic and social -
可再生能源 renewable energy -
科技创新 pace of innovation -
创新发展 innovative development -
新方式 new approaches -
精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation -
政策支持 policy support -
建设开放型 build an open -
好发挥 better play -
精神文化 intellectual and cultural -
贸易保护主义 trade and investment liberalization -
微企业 private enterprises -
中部地区 central region -
各位代表 Fellow Deputies -
产业发展 industrial development -
自由贸易试验区 pilot free trade zone -
全国人大常委会 Standing Committee of the NPC -
能力建设 capacity building -
共同价值 shared value -
承载能力 carrying capacity -
营养改善 nutrition improvement -
军事战略指导 military strategic guidance -
共同繁荣 common prosperity -
社会主义核心价值观 Core socialist values -
文化产业 cultural sector -
货币供应 money supply -
外交政策 policy of peace -
低排放 low emissions -
现代企业 modern corporate -
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region -
公共图书馆 public libraries -
养老保险 basic old-age insurance funds -
推进政府 perform government functions -
过渡期 transition period -
自由化便利化 liberalization and facilitation -
深化金融 deepen reform of the financial -
公共服务 public services -
绿水青山 lucid waters -
有效市场 efficient market -
出口退税 export tax rebate -
长三角 Yangtze River Delta -
社会投资 central government budgetary investment -
预期目标 projected targets -
中央经济工作会议 Central Economic Work Conference -
发展理念 development philosophy -
贸易体制 trading regime -
市场主体 market entities -
生态文明 ecological conservation -
现代化建设 modernization drive -
金融工具 financial tools -
创新体系 innovation system -
房地产市场 market expectations stable -
均衡水平 balanced level -
服务型 service-oriented government -
繁荣稳定 prosperity and stability -
推进政治 political loyalty -
正当竞争 fair competition -
增长极 growth belts -
农业保险制度 agricultural insurance system -
海洋经济 marine economy -
企业家精神 entrepreneurial spirit -
有为政府 effective government -
国家粮食 national food -
长江经济带 Yangtze Economic Belt -
加强政府 strengthen government -
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era -
高中阶段教育 senior secondary education -
国家安全观 national security -
能源汽车 energy vehicles -
维护世界和平 safeguard world peace -
哲学社会科学 philosophy and social sciences -
传统产业 traditional industries -
推进媒体 development of media -
改革发展 reform and development -
改革化险 advanced reforms -
国家领导人 state leaders -
完善民族 improve the system of regional ethnic -
法律议案 legislative proposals -
交流合作 exchanges and cooperation -
积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy -
澳门特别行政区 Macao special administrative region -
适度规模 appropriately scaled -
中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics -
金融监管 financial regulation -
营商环境 business environment -
均衡发展 balanced development -
气象服务 meteorological services -
革命老区 old revolutionary base area -
特色社会主义思想 Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
法律服务 legal service -
中央经济 Central Economic Work Conference -
赤字率 deficit-to-gdp ratio -
绿色发展 green development -
形象工程 vanity project -
社会保障 social services -
政府债务 government debt -
农村义务教育 rural compulsory education -
现代化国家 modern socialist country -
发展乡村 develop rural -
全面贯彻 fully implemented -
实物商品 physical goods -
医疗卫生服务 health service -
医保 medical insurance -
全球气候 global climate -
生产生活条件 working and living conditions -
粮食安全 food security -
市场信心 market confidence -
公立医院 public hospitals -
市场主体登记管理 market entity registration -
风险防控 Risk Prevention and Control -
开放型世界 world economy -
长期护理保险制度 long-term care insurance schemes -
改革完善 reformed and improved -
金融监管体制 financial regulatory system -
坚强领导 strong leadership -
生态保护 ecological conservation -
转移支付 transfer payments -
货币政策 prudent monetary policy -
健康中国 Healthy China -
国际经贸 international economic and trade -
经济增长 Economic growth -
医学中心 medical centers -
建设性作用 constructive roles -
一体化发展 integrated development -
实体经济 the real economy -
新型城镇化 new urbanization -
支出责任 spending responsibilities -
决定性作用 decisive role -
注册制 underlying systems -
区域发展 regional development -
配套设施 supporting facilities -
全国各族人民 Chinese people of all ethnic groups -
加快设备 equipment upgrading -
人民币汇率 RMB exchange rate -
预算管理体制 budget management system -
军队改革 military reform -
加快发展 ensured solid development -
推进中央 central and local governments -
习近平 Xi Jinping -
全球性挑战 global challenges -
经济社会发展 economic and social development -
集体产权制度 rural collective property rights system -
金融风险 financial risks -
市场原则 market principles -
优质资源 quality resources -
医疗卫生制度 medical and healthcare systems -
经济圈 Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone -
宏观政策 macro policy -
地区热点 regional hotspot -
综合改革 comprehensive reform -
行政事务 numerous administrative chores -
国家科学中心 national science centers -
全面实施 full implementation -
数据安全 data security -
推进西部 western region -
移动互联网 mobile internet -
农村人口 rural people -
机械化率 rate of mechanization -
推进能源 renewable energy -
绝对领导 absolute leadership -
创新企业 innovative enterprises -
现代服务业 modern service -
乡村振兴 rural revitalization -
社会免费 public free -
土地承包 land contract -
中西部地区 central and western regions -
北京峰会 Beijing Summit -
高校毕业生 college graduates -
推进世界 develop world-class universities -
政务服务 Government Services -
独特优势 unique strength -
登记管理 registration and administration -
结构性改革 structural reform -
信息保护 Information Protection -
经济增速 economic growth rate -
加快社会 social programs -
数字经济 digital economy -
国家医学 national medical -
核心技术 core technologies -
意见和建议 views and suggestions -
激发市场 energize the market -
巩固率 retention rate -
小康社会 moderately prosperous society -
核心竞争力 core competitiveness -
居民收入 personal income -
单位国内生产总值能耗 energy consumption per unit of GDP -
重点产业 key industries -
法治政府 strengthen government self-improvement -
健康管理 health management -
污染治理 Pollution Control -
投资项目 investment items -
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform -
重大风险 major risks -
直面问题 face these problems -
安全体系 security system -
全球发展 global development -
优质医疗 quality medical -
就业创业 employment and business -
战略机遇 strategic opportunities -
军事战略 military strategy -
社会责任 social responsibilities -
重要农产品 major agricultural -
推进农业 agricultural and rural modernization -
扩大内需 expanding domestic -
发展利益 development interests -
中非合作论坛 first and second Belt and Road forums -
落后产 outdated production -
高速公路收费 expressway toll -
基本公共服务 basic public services -
社会主义民族关系 socialist ethnic relations -
经贸摩擦 trade frictions -
有效投资 effective investment -
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era -
共同发展 common development -
发展文化 develop cultural -
社会治理 social governance -
社会创造力 social creativity -
稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy -
助学贷款 government-subsidized loans -
节能环保 saving and environmental -
所得税制 individual income tax system -
全球伙伴 Global Partnership -
激发民间 stimulate private -
土壤污染 soil pollution -
国内国际 domestic and international -
社区服务 community services -
推进农村 rural reform -
资源配置 resource allocation -
全面质量 across-the-board quality management -
经济文化交流 economic and cultural exchanges -
应急管理 emergency management -
分级诊疗 tiered diagnosis -
产业链 industrial chain -
纠治形式主义 full and rigorous Party self-governance -
社会主义社会 socialist society -
综合生产能力 overall agricultural production capacity -
新能源汽车 new-energy vehicles -
任务战 fulfilling major tasks -
全面加强 strengthen military -
预算内投资 budgetary investment -
民间资本 private capital -
疾病预防控制 National Administration of Disease Prevention and Control -
人民政协 oversight of people -
诊疗体系 treatment system -
资本市场 capital market -
集体林权 collective forest tenure -
国防动员 national defense mobilization -
高效利用 efficient use -
轨道交通 rail transit -
代表国务院 behalf of the State -
农村集体产权 rural collective property rights -
国际秩序 international order -
推进国际 international and regional centers -
西部大开发 promote large-scale development -