
原文 译文 详情
终极武器 absolute weapon -
声学情报 acoustic intelligence (ACOUSTINT) -
主动反措施 active countermeasures -
积极防御 active defense -
先进机载数字计算 机 advanced airborne digital computer -
先进常规武器 advanced conventional munitions -
先进导弹系统 advanced missile system -
先进单脉冲导引头 advanced mono-pulse seeker -
先进点防御系统 advanced point defense system -
先进电力管理系统 advanced power management system -
高 级靶场仪器飞机 advanced range instrumentation aircraft (ARIA) -
高级靶场仪器船 advanced range instrumentation ship (ARIS) -
先进近程空对空导弹 advanced short-range air-to-air missile -
空中加油(飞机) aerial refueling (aircraft) -
铀浓缩的空气动力法 aerodynamic methods of uranium enrichment -
防空预警装置 air defense alerting device -
防空反导弹系统 air defense anti-missile system -
高射炮 air defense artillery -
防空识别区 air defense identification zone -
空中警戒 airborne alert -
机载活动目标指示器 airborne moving target indicator -
空降兵特遣部队 airborne task forces -
机载警报和控制系统 airborne warning and control system (AWACS) -
空气喷气式导弹 air-breathing missile -
待命飞行器 aircraft prepared for service (APS) -
机载武器运载系统 aircraft weapon delivery system -
防空访坦克系统 air defense antitank system (ADATS) -
空中发射的弹道导弹 air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) -
空中发射的巡航导弹 air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) -
空域协调区 airspace coordination area (ACA) -
空对地飞航式导弹 air-to-surface aerodynamic missile -
高度指示雷达 altitude marking radar -
水路两栖 (坦克 ) amphibious tank -
摄影测量分析定位 系统 analytical photogrammetric positioning system -
攻击角 angle of attack -
空中位置指示器 angle position indicator -
角度位置传感器 angular position sensor -
反装甲集束弹 anti-armor cluster munitions -
反弹道导弹 anti-ballistic missile (ABM) -
反登陆 anti-landing -
杀伤炸弹 anti-personnel bomb -
杀伤榴弹 anti-personnel grenade -
反卫星武器 anti-satellite weapons (ASAT weapons) -
反潜战 anti-submarine warfare -
反战术弹道导弹 anti-tactical ballistic missile -
进场控制雷达 approach control radar -
阿迪尔柯达型管状发射药 Ardeer Cordite Tubular -
区域封锁炮弹 area denial artillery munition (ADAM) -
解脱保险装置 arming device -
脱壳穿甲弹 armor piercing discarding sabot -
炮兵压制火箭系 统 artillery saturation rocket system -
原子爆破弹药 atomic demolition munitions -
原子能探测系统 atomic energy detection system -
扩充比例导航 augmented proportional navigation -
自动点燃推进剂 auto-igniting propellant -
自动投弹瞄准器 automatic bomb sight -
自动控制模块 automatic control module -
自动数据采集 automatic data acquisition -
自动数据检测 automatic inspection of data -
自主式海军系统 autonomous marine system -
自主式导航装置 autonomous navigation installation -
自动驾驶飞行指挥仪 autopilot flight director -
辅助起炮 auxiliary detonating -
弹道导弹防御 ballistic missile defense (BMD) -
弹道导弹预警系统 ballistic missile early warning system -
弹道导弹截击机 ballistic missile interceptor (BMI) -
冲击波武器 blast weapon -
远海训练 blue water training -
沸水反应堆 boiling water reactor (BWR) -
轰炸机 (轻,中,重型) bomber (light, medium, heavy) -
遥控水雷 command-fire mine -
指令舱 command module -
导弹攻击电子模拟器 electronic missile attack simulator -
通讯情报 communications intelligence (COMINT) -
通讯卫星 communications satellite -
电子海洋侦察卫星 electronic ocean reconnaissance satellite (EORSAT) -
飞鱼导弹 Exocet guided missile -
爆炸反应装甲 explosive reactive armor (ERA) -
大黄蜂战斗机 F/A-18 Hornet warplane FA-18 -
高速反雷达导弹 high-speed anti-radar missile (HARM) -
超高速导弹系统 Hypervelocity Guided Missile System (HGM) -
海洋权 maritime rights -
中程弹道导弹 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) -
多弹头分导再入飞行器 multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) -
多重保护壳 multiple protective shelter (MPS) -
多弹头返航运载工具 multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) -
多管火箭炮 multiple rocket launcher (MRL) -
多管火箭系统 multiple-launcher rocket system -
多弹头导弹 multiple-warhead missile -
联合军事演习 joint military drill, joint military exercise, joint military manoeuvre -
隔离作战演练 isolation drill -
反潜舰 anti-submarine vessel -
反潜鱼雷 anti-sub torpedoe -
深水炸弹 depth charge -
海军陆战队 marine corp -
特种部队 special taskforce -
自导鱼雷 homing torpado -
和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence -
全面彻底裁军 general and complete disarmament (GCD) -
反装甲集束弹 anti-armor cluster munitions -
多弹头导弹 multiple-warhead missile -
空中发射的弹道导弹 air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) -
冲击波武器 blast weapon -
区域封锁炮弹 area denial artillery munition (ADAM) -
角度位置传感器 angular position sensor -
自动驾驶飞行指挥仪 autopilot flight director -
反弹道导弹 anti-ballistic missile (ABM) -
先进点防御系统 advanced point defense system -
弹道导弹预警系统 ballistic missile early warning system -
机载活动目标指示器 airborne moving target indicator -
自动点燃推进剂 auto-igniting propellant -
弹道导弹防御 ballistic missile defense (BMD) -
空中发射的巡航导弹 air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) -
自动投弹瞄准器 automatic bomb sight -
联合军事演习 joint military drill, joint military exercise, joint military manoeuvre -
弹道导弹截击机 ballistic missile interceptor (BMI) -
空对地飞航式导弹 air-to-surface aerodynamic missile -
指令舱 command module -
多管火箭炮 multiple rocket launcher (MRL) -
高度指示雷达 altitude marking radar -
反潜舰 anti-submarine vessel -
先进机载数字计算 机 advanced airborne digital computer -
杀伤炸弹 anti-personnel bomb -
脱壳穿甲弹 armor piercing discarding sabot -
反潜战 anti-submarine warfare -
高级靶场仪器船 advanced range instrumentation ship (ARIS) -
主动反措施 active countermeasures -
防空识别区 air defense identification zone -
炮兵压制火箭系 统 artillery saturation rocket system -
原子爆破弹药 atomic demolition munitions -
特种部队 special taskforce -
通讯卫星 communications satellite -
和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence -
空降兵特遣部队 airborne task forces -
多弹头分导再入飞行器 multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) -
反潜鱼雷 anti-sub torpedoe -
空中加油(飞机) aerial refueling (aircraft) -
空气喷气式导弹 air-breathing missile -
反战术弹道导弹 anti-tactical ballistic missile -
多重保护壳 multiple protective shelter (MPS) -
反卫星武器 anti-satellite weapons (ASAT weapons) -
进场控制雷达 approach control radar -
原子能探测系统 atomic energy detection system -
海军陆战队 marine corp -
防空访坦克系统 air defense antitank system (ADATS) -
多管火箭系统 multiple-launcher rocket system -
反登陆 anti-landing -
全面彻底裁军 general and complete disarmament (GCD) -
空中位置指示器 angle position indicator -
解脱保险装置 arming device -
防空反导弹系统 air defense anti-missile system -
飞鱼导弹 Exocet guided missile -
防空预警装置 air defense alerting device -
空域协调区 airspace coordination area (ACA) -
杀伤榴弹 anti-personnel grenade -
先进电力管理系统 advanced power management system -
先进导弹系统 advanced missile system -
铀浓缩的空气动力法 aerodynamic methods of uranium enrichment -
先进单脉冲导引头 advanced mono-pulse seeker -
电子海洋侦察卫星 electronic ocean reconnaissance satellite (EORSAT) -
遥控水雷 command-fire mine -
高 级靶场仪器飞机 advanced range instrumentation aircraft (ARIA) -
导弹攻击电子模拟器 electronic missile attack simulator -
海洋权 maritime rights -
高速反雷达导弹 high-speed anti-radar missile (HARM) -
自主式海军系统 autonomous marine system -
先进常规武器 advanced conventional munitions -
先进近程空对空导弹 advanced short-range air-to-air missile -
隔离作战演练 isolation drill -
高射炮 air defense artillery -
爆炸反应装甲 explosive reactive armor (ERA) -
扩充比例导航 augmented proportional navigation -
声学情报 acoustic intelligence (ACOUSTINT) -
远海训练 blue water training -
待命飞行器 aircraft prepared for service (APS) -
机载警报和控制系统 airborne warning and control system (AWACS) -
水路两栖 (坦克 ) amphibious tank -
辅助起炮 auxiliary detonating -
超高速导弹系统 Hypervelocity Guided Missile System (HGM) -
自动数据采集 automatic data acquisition -
摄影测量分析定位 系统 analytical photogrammetric positioning system -
自导鱼雷 homing torpado -
轰炸机 (轻,中,重型) bomber (light, medium, heavy) -
攻击角 angle of attack -
阿迪尔柯达型管状发射药 Ardeer Cordite Tubular -
通讯情报 communications intelligence (COMINT) -
终极武器 absolute weapon -
大黄蜂战斗机 F/A-18 Hornet warplane FA-18 -
自动数据检测 automatic inspection of data -
机载武器运载系统 aircraft weapon delivery system -
积极防御 active defense -
中程弹道导弹 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) -
深水炸弹 depth charge -
多弹头返航运载工具 multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) -
自主式导航装置 autonomous navigation installation -
沸水反应堆 boiling water reactor (BWR) -
空中警戒 airborne alert -
自动控制模块 automatic control module -