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arms control 军备控制:通过外交谈判等手段,限制国家在军事武器的使用、交换或制造方面的行为的政策。 查看
注释/定义: a limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
例句: International arms control agreements aim to reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons. 国际军备控制协议旨在减少核武器的扩散。
human trafficking 贩运人口 查看
注释/定义: human trafficking means the crime of buying and selling people, or making money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work
例句: International organized crime includes human trafficking, drug running and money laundering. 国际间有组织犯罪包括贩卖人口,走私毒品和洗钱。
Carbon capture and storage 碳捕获和封存 查看
注释/定义: Carbon capture and storage is an important technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
例句: It would raise the demand for technologies such as carbon capture and storage, spurring their further development. 这将提高对碳捕捉和封存等技术的需求,进一步刺激其发展。
poverty eradication/poverty alleviation/reduction 消除贫困/减缓贫困(脱贫攻 坚)/减少贫困 查看
注释/定义: "Poverty reduction" is often used as a short-hand for promoting economic growth that will permanently lift as many people as possible over a poverty line.
例句: The success of large-scale poverty reduction is mainly the result of the average economic growth rate of 9% per year in the past over 20 years. 大幅度减贫的成效主要归结为二十多年长期保持的平均每年9%以上的经济增长。