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arms control 军备控制 查看
例句: Arms control aims to reduce the risks of regional or global conflicts by reducing or ending the arms race between nations. 军备控制旨在通过减少或结束国家之间的军备竞赛来降低地区或全球冲突的风险。
Carbon Capture and Storage 碳捕获和封存 查看
例句: Carbon Capture and Storage is a process consisting of separation of CO2 from industrial and energy-related sources, transport to a storage location, and long-term isolation from the atmosphere. 碳捕获和储存是一个过程,包括从工业和能源相关来源中分离二氧化碳,运输到储存地点,并与大气长期隔离。
human trafficking 贩运人口 查看
例句: Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. 人口贩运涉及使用武力、欺诈或胁迫来获得某种类型的劳动或商业性行为。