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official language 官方语言 查看
注释/定义: In the context of the United Nations term used to refer to the six official languages of the Organization, namely, Arabic, English, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
arms control 军备控制和裁军署 查看
注释/定义: United States Government agency
例句: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 军备控制和裁军署
human trafficking 人口贩运 查看
注释/定义: A network of organizations from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh initiated and supported by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
例句: It was passed six years to protect children from human trafficking. 这份法律已经实施了六年,用来保护儿童免于被贩卖。
carbon capture and storage 碳捕获和储存 查看
注释/定义: The application of carbon dioxide capture and storage(CCS) technology to bioenergyprocesses. Said to have a potential to achieve net carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere.
例句: The Summary of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology and Its Impact on China 碳捕获和存储技术综述及对我国的影响。