
原文 译文 详情
平台、刻线台 surface plate -
三角板、丁字尺、弯板、 直角 angle plate -
划针、划线盘 tosecan -
V形定位板 V-block -
平行块 perallel block -
小型千斤顶 small jack -
虎钳 vice -
刻线针 marking off pin -
卡钳(规) caliper -
単边钳(规) nermaphrodite calioer -
磨料 abrasive -
紫红铁粉 crous -
二碳化硅 silicon carbids -
氧化铝 alumina oxide -
红丹、铅丹 lead red -
凸模背靠块 punch heel -
锉(刀) file -
偏(平)锉 flat file -
圆锉 round file -
方锉 square file -
三边锉 trianguler file -
半圆锉 half round file -
圆锥锉 taper file -
锥形偏锉刀 taper flat file -
金刚石锉 diamond file -
金刚砂纸、硬玉粉纸 emery paper -
砂纸 sand paper -
修磨砂 stick wet stone -
金刚石研磨膏 diamond paste -
铰刀 reamer -
可整式铰刀 adjustable reamer -
锥形铰刀 taper reamer -
套装铰刀 shell reamer -
手胶刀 hang reamer -
刮刀 scraper -
平刮刀 flat scraper -
扁三角刮刀 cantchi scraper -
凿子 chisel -
冲头 punch -
中心冲头 center punch -
克丝钳 plier -
螺丝起子、螺丝刀 screw driver -
十字头螺丝刀 screw driver for cross  recessed screw -
板手 spanner -
六角板手 hexagon wrench -
电钻 electric drill -
盘式砂磨器 disk sander -
喷气枪 air gun -
润滑脂枪、注油枪 grease gun -
喷枪 spray gun -
燃焼气喷灯 gas burner -
焊炬 torch -
端(面)锉刀 face mill -
燕尾槽铣刀 dovetail milling cutter -
成形铣刀 formed cutter -
T形槽铣刀 T-slot milling cutter -
(外)圆角锉刀 corner rounding cutter -
立铣刀 end mill -
螺旋立铣刀 spiral end mill -
直刃立铣刀 straight tooth end mill -
锥形立铣刀 taperd end mill -
锥形球头立铣刀 taperd ball end mill -
双刃立铣刀 two blade end mill -
螺旋刃立铣刀 helical tooth end mill -
圆头指形立铣刀 ball end mill -
钻、钻头 drill -
帯油孔深钻 oil hole drill -
深孔钻、枪管钻 gun drill -
中心钻 center drill -
长钻头 long drill -
磨轮 grinding wheel -
磨料粘結剤 abrasive binder -
不磨刃刀片 throwaway chip -
切削刀 bite -
金属开缝锯 metal sliting saw -
棒形温度计 bar type thermometer -
热敏电阻 thermister -
热电偶、温差电偶 thermocouple -
温度自动调节器 thermostat -
封装加热器 sheath heater -
空间加热器 space heater -
高温计 pyrometer -
帯式加热器 band heater -
热管 heat pipe -
介质加熱 dielectric heating -
感应加热 induction heating -
高频加热 high frequency heating -
同轴往复螺杆式注塑机 inline screw type injection molding machine -
注塑机 injection molding machine -
多色注塑机 multi color injection molding machine -
柱塞式注塑机 plunger type injection  molding machine -
延长嘴式注塑机 injection molding machine  with extention nozzle -
注射装置 injection unit -
注射嘴 injection nozzle -
增长注嘴 extension nozzle -
注射柱塞 injection plunger -
加热板 heating plate -
直接液圧式合模系統 straight hydraulic mold clamoing system -
肘节式合模装置 toggle type mold clamping system -
拉扛、拉杆 tie bar -
支承物 bolster -
活动盘 movale plate -
固定台 stationary platen,fixed platen -
温度调节设备(恒温器) temperature regulation equipment -
引火点 flash point -
化学腐蚀 chemical erosion -
光骤合物 photopolymer,phot-sensitive polymer -
吸湿 moisture,adsorption -
凝结、凝固 coagulation -
结晶作用 drystallization -
固化 solidification -
高骤物、高分子 high polymer -
氧化 oxidation -
转压、压延 rolling -
圧缩空气 compressed air -
锻模 coining -
合金 alloy -
通断控制 on-off control -
开环控制 open loop control -
加工硬化 work hardening -
玻璃纤维 glass fiber,fibrous glass -
金属纤维 metallic fiber -
闭环控制 closed loop control -
螺旋弹簧 coil spring -
伺服机构 servo mechanism -
伺服电动机 servo moter -
加工表面符号 symbolic of finished surface -
集成电路 integrated circuit -
碳纤维 carbon fiber -
肘节(连杆)机构 toggle mechanism P18 -
吊环螺栓 eye bolt -
石棉板 asbestos plate -
燕尾槽 dovetail -
凹窝 centering location -
气罐、气缸 air cylinder -
O形环、密封圈 O ring -
密封垫 gasker -
偶联 coupling -
凸轮 cam -
锥管螺纹 taper pipe thread -
平管螺纹 parallel pipe thread -
齿轮泵 gear pump -