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arms control 军备控制 查看
例句: Aims to reduce the risks of regional or global conflicts by reducing or ending the arms race between nations. 旨在通过减少或结束国家之间的军备竞赛来减少区域或全球冲突的风险。
human trafficking 人口贩运 查看
例句: the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitatio 运送或胁迫人们以从他们的工作或服务中受益的非法行为,通常以强迫劳动或性剥削的形式
女童 girl child 查看
例句: 这女童约莫十三四岁年纪,穿一身翠绿衣衫,皮肤雪白,一张脸蛋清秀可爱,无不对她生出同情之意。 This girl child is about thirteen or fourteen years old, dressed in emerald green clothes, with snow-white skin and a beautiful and lovely face, which exudes sympathy for her.