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arms control 军备控制和裁军署 查看
例句: Others were focused on more concrete political issues, such as arms control. 另一些则集中在更具体的政治问题上,比如军备控制。
human trafficking 南亚打击人口贩运论坛 查看
例句: Estonia has taken various measures to implement the recommendations made by the Committee and to combat the problem of human trafficking. 爱沙尼亚已经采取各 种措施执行委员会提出的建议,整 治人 口 贩运 问 题。
carbon capture and storage 碳捕获和储存 查看
例句: The distinct parts of this process, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), are already in operation. 这一过程的独特部分就是所说的碳捕获封存(CCS),已在具体操作中。
poverty eradiction/ poverty alleviation/ reduction 减贫 查看
例句: Economic Growth,Income Distribution And Poverty Alleviation--Evidence From Rural China:1985~2003; 经济增长、收入分配与贫困缓解——基于中国农村贫困变动的实证分析
女童 girl children 查看
例句: 女童教育不完全,也是义务教育不完全. The incompletion of school - age girls education means the incompletion of compulsory education.