
原文 译文 详情
Zhong Ou AMC 中欧资产管理公司 -
fund house 基金公司 -
sales distribution channels 销售分销渠道 -
Fund evaluation center 基金评估中心 -
Household financial asset 家庭金融资产 -
Invesco Great Wall 景顺长城 -
China Asset Management Industry 中国资产管理行业 -
Mutual fund 共同基金 -
Wealth management product 理财产品 查看
例句: Wealth management products provide a return based on the performance of the underlying assets(a single loan or a pool of loans), typically higher than bank deposit rates to which monetary authoritiesapply caps, thereby enabling interest rate liberalization “by stealth” (Kruger, 2013). 理财产品根据标的资产(单笔贷款或贷款池)的表现提供回报,通常高于货币当局设定上限的银行存款利率,从而使利率“隐形”自由化(Kruger, 2013)。
Sales distribution 销售配送 -
Excess return 额外回报 -
Distribution channel 分销渠道 -
ICBC CS 工银瑞信 -
China Galaxy Security 中国银河证券 -