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human trafficking 南亚打击人口贩运论坛 查看
例句: Human trafficking has become a major issue in the Midwest heartland of America, causing some campaigners to dub it a modern form of slavery. 人口贩运已经成为美国中西部中心地带的一个主要问题,一些活动人士将其称为现代形式的奴隶制。
arm control 军备控制 查看
例句: Regarding arm control and disarmament, china has always stood for the complete of prohibition and thorough destructions of nuclear weapons. 关于军备控制和裁军,中国总是为全面禁止和销毁核武器而努力。
official language 官方语言 查看
例句: In the context of the United Nations term, it's used to refer to the six official languages of the Organization, namely, Arabic, English, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. 在联合国术语中,它指的是本组织的六种官方语言,即阿拉伯文、英文、中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文。
carbon capture and storage 碳捕获和储存 查看
例句: The distinct parts of this process, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), are already in operation. 这一过程的独特部分就是所说的碳捕获封存(CCS),已在具体操作中。
poverty alleviation 减缓贫困 查看
例句: The extra funds are to help with the speed and efficiency of the bank's poverty alleviation efforts. 新增资金将用于提高亚行扶贫工作的进展速度和效率。