原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数 | against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection | - |
骨料 | aggregate | - |
含气量 | air content | - |
气干材 | air-dried timber | - |
钢构件容许长细比 | allowable slenderness ratio of steel member | - |
受压木构件容许长细比 | allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member | - |
疲劳容许应力幅 | allowable stress range of fatigue | - |
钢筋拉应变限值 | allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement | - |
裂缝宽度容许值 | allowable value of crack width | - |
构件挠度容许值 | allowable value of deflection of structural member | - |
受弯木构件挠度容许值 | allowable value of deflection of timber bending member | - |
钢构件变形容许值 | allowable value of deformation of steel member | - |
构件变形容许值 | allowable value of deformation of structural member | - |
抗震结构层间位移角限值 | allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure | - |
偏心距增大系数 | amplified coefficient of eccentricity | - |
钢筋锚固长度 | anchorage length of steel bar | - |
拉捍拱 | arch with tie rod | - |
剪面面积 | area of shear plane | - |
换算截面面积 | area of transformed section | - |
建筑抗震设计 | aseismic design | - |
装配整体式混凝土结构 | assembled monolithic concrete structure | - |
自动焊接 | automatic welding | - |
架立钢筋 | auxiliary steel bar | - |
界限受压区高度 | balanced depth of compression zone | - |
界限偏心距 | balanced eccentricity | - |
钢筋接头 | bar splice | - |
夹皮 | bark pocket | - |
缀板 | batten plate | - |
齿承压面 | bearing plane of notch | - |
支承加劲肋 | bearing stiffener | - |
弯起钢筋 | bent-up steel bar | - |
砌块砌体结构 | block masonry structure | - |
气孔 | blow hole | - |
螺栓连接钢结构 | bolted steel structure | - |
有粘结预应力混凝土结构 | bonded prestressed concrete structure | - |
制动构件 | brake member | - |
砖砌体柱 | brick masonry column | - |
砖砌体结构 | brick masonry structure | - |
成束筒结构 | bundled tube structure | - |
计算倾覆点 | calculating overturning point | - |
结构构件起拱 | camber of structural member | - |
钢筋混凝土柱帽 | cap of reinforced concrete column | - |
孔洞 | cavitation | - |
空斗墙 | cavity wall | - |
水泥砂浆 | cement mortar | - |
风荷载标准值 | characteristi cvalue o fwindload | - |
混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值 | characteristic value of concrete compressive strength | - |
混凝土轴心抗拉标准值 | characteristic value of concrete tensile strength | - |
地震作用标准值 | characteristic value of earthquake action | - |
吊车水平荷载标准值 | characteristic value of horizontal crane load | - |
砌体强度标准值 | characteristic value of masonry strength | - |
雪荷载标准值 | characteristic value of snowload | - |
钢材强度标准值 | characteristic value of strength of steel | - |
均布活标载标准值 | characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load | - |
可变作用标准值 | characteristic value of variable action | - |
吊车竖向荷载标准值 | characteristic value of vertical crane load | - |
材料强度标准值 | charaeteristic value of material strength | - |
环形焊缝 | circumferential weld | - |
冷弯试验 | cold bend inspection of steelbar | - |
柱间支撑 | column bracing | - |
组合砖砌体构件 | composite brick masonry member | - |
压型钢板楼板 | composite floor with profiled steel sheet | - |
组合屋架 | composite roof truss | - |
组合构件 | compostle member | - |
复合箍筋 | compound stirrup | - |
斜纹承压强度 | compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain | - |
横纹承压强度 | compressive strength perpendicular to grain | - |
混凝土柱 | concrete column | - |
混凝土稠度 | concrete consistence | - |
钢管混凝土构件 | concrete-filled steel tubular member | - |
砂浆稠度 | consistency of mortar | - |
核心筒悬挂结构 | core tube supported structure | - |
连肢墙 | coupled wall | - |
砂浆分层度 | coursing degree of mortar | - |
盖板 | cover plate | - |
焊条 | covered electrode | - |
吊车梁 | crane girder | - |
吊车荷载 | crane load | - |
井字梁 | cross beam | - |
砖筒拱 | cylindrical brick arch | - |
墙面垂直度 | degree of gravity vertical forwall surface | - |
构件平整度 | degree of plainness for structural memer | - |
墙面平整度 | degree of plainness for wall surface | - |
受压区高度 | depth of compression zone | - |
中和轴高度 | depth of neutral axis | - |
齿深 | depth of notch | - |
材料强度设计值 | designvalue of material strength | - |
破损试验 | destructive test | - |
构造配筋 | detailing reintorcement | - |
双肢柱 | double component concrete column | - |
销连接 | dowelled joint | - |
下撑式组合粱 | down-stayed composite beam | - |
延性框架 | ductile frame | - |
抗震设计 | earthquake-resistant design | - |
角焊缝有效面积 | effective area of fillet weld | - |
梁端有效支承长度 | effective supporting length at end of beam | - |
角焊缝有效厚度 | effective thickness of fillet weld | - |
弹性地基梁 | elastic foundation beam | - |
弹性地基板 | elastic foundation plate | - |
材料弹性模量 | elasticity modulus of materials | - |
平衡含水率 | equilibrium moisture content | - |
欧拉临界力 | euler's critical load | - |
纤维混凝仁 | fiber concrete | - |
填板门 | filler plate | - |
终凝时间 | final setting time | - |
柔性连接 | flexible connection | - |
截面弯曲刚度 | flexural rigidity of section | - |
构件抗弯刚度 | flexural stiffness of member | - |
四边支承板 | four sides(edges)supported plate | - |
框架结构 | frame structure | - |
有侧移框架 | frame with sidesway | - |
无侧移框架 | frame without sidesway | - |
翼缘板 | frange plate | - |
砌体摩擦系数 | friction coefficient of masonry | - |
胶合接头 | glued joint | - |
层板胶合结构 | glued laminated timber structure | - |
吊筋 | hanging steel bar | - |
热处理钢筋 | heat tempering bar | - |
铰轴支座 | hinge support | - |
铰接 | hinged connection | - |
无铰拱 | hingeless arch | - |
块体空心率 | hollow ratio of masonry unit | - |
刻痕钢丝 | indented wire | - |
空间性能影响系数 | influence coefficient for spacial action | - |
结构用胶性能检验 | inspection for properties of glue used in structural member | - |
块体性能检验 | inspection for properties of masnory units | - |
砂浆性能检验 | inspection for properties of mortar | - |
钢筋性能检验 | inspection for properties of steelbar | - |
格构式钢柱 | laced of battened compression member | - |
缀材(缀件) | lacing and batten elements | - |
缀条 | lacing bar | - |
层状撕裂 | lamellar tearing | - |
叠接(搭接) | lap connectlon | - |
钢筋搭接长度 | lapped length of steel bar | - |
大模板结构 | large-form cocrete structure | - |
楼层侧移刚度 | lateral displacement stiffness of storey | - |
轻骨料混凝土 | light weight aggregate concrete | - |
截面尺寸限值 | limiting value for sectional dimension | - |
支承长度限值 | limiting value for supporting length | - |
线膨胀系数 | linear expansion coeffcient | - |
原木结构 | log timberstructure | - |
构件长期刚度 | long term rigidity of member | - |
纵向钢筋 | longitudinal steel bar | - |
纵向加劲肋 | longitudinal stiffener | - |
纵向焊缝 | longitudinal weld | - |
强轴 | main axis | - |
手工焊接 | manual welding | - |
龟裂 | map cracking | - |
无筋砌体构件 | masonry member | - |
砌体材料最低强度等级 | minimum strength class of masonry | - |
预制混凝土构件 | precast reinforced concrete member | - |
装配式混凝土结构 | prefabricated concrete structure | - |
初凝时间 | presetting time | - |
焊缝质量级别 | quality grade of weld | - |
螺栓连接质量检验 | quality inspection of bolted connection | - |
砌体质量检验 | quality inspection of masonry | - |
铆钉连接质量检验 | quality inspection of riveted connection | - |
辐裂 | radial check | - |
配筋率 | ratio of reinforcement | - |
配筋率 | reinforcement ratio | - |
剪跨比 | ratio of shear span to effective depth of section | - |
活荷载折减系数 | reducing coefficient of liveload | - |
混凝土深梁 | reinforced concrete deep beam | - |
混凝土浅梁 | reinforced concrete slender beam | - |
配筋砌体结构 | reinforced masonry structure | - |
重力荷载代表值 | representative value of gravity load | - |
耐磨性 | resistance to abrasion | - |
抗冻融性 | resistance to freezing and thawing | - |
刚性支座连续梁 | rigidly supported continous girder | - |
圈梁 | ring beam | - |
铆钉连接 | riveted connecction | - |
无缝钢管 | seamless steel pipe | - |
无缝钢管 | seamless steel tube | - |
挠曲二阶效应 | second order effect due to displacement | - |
型钢 | section steel | - |
半自动焊接 | semi-automatic welding | - |
分离式钢柱 | separated steel column | - |
风荷载体型系数 | shapefactorofwindload | - |
短加劲肋 | short stiffener | - |
混凝干收缩 | shrinkage of concrete | - |
扭剪型高强度螺栓 | tor-shear type high-strength bolt | - |
截面扭转刚度 | torsional rigidity of section | - |
构件抗扭刚度 | torsional stiffness of member | - |
预应力传递长度 | transmission length of prestress | - |
横向水平支撑 | transverse horizontal bracing | - |
横向焊缝 | transverse weld | - |
横向分布钢筋 | transversely distributed steelbar | - |
梯形屋架 | trapezoid roof truss | - |
三角锥体网架 | triangular pyramid space grids | - |
三角形屋架 | triangular roof truss | - |
桁架拱 | trussed rafter | - |
筒中筒结构 | tube in tube structure | - |
承载能极限状态验证 | verification of ultimate limit states | - |
竖向支撑 | vertical bracing | - |
空腹屋架 | vierendal roof truss | - |
风振系数 | wind fluttering factor | - |
基本风压 | wind reference pressure | - |
阿勃拉姆规则 | Abram's rule | - |
快速强度试验 | Accelerated strength testing | - |
高压釜 | Autoclave | - |
集料松散容重 | Aggregate bulk density | - |
防锈剂 | Auti-corrosion Admixture | - |
引气剂 | Air Entrain Admixture | - |
集料孔隙率 | Aggregate porosity | - |
碱-集料反应 | Alkali-aggregate reaction | - |
无水石膏(硬石膏) | Anhydrite | - |
高压釜膨胀试验 | Autoclave expansion test | - |
速凝剂 | Accelerating agent | - |
无筋钢丝网水泥 | All mesh ferrocement | - |
鼓泡 | Air pockets | - |
轴心受拉性能 | Axial tensive property | - |
轴心受压性能 | Axial compressive property | - |
石棉纤维 | Asbestos fibres | - |
石棉绝热制品 | Asbestos insulation | - |
压蒸法 | Autoclave expansion test | - |
引气减水剂 | Air entraining and water-reducing admixture | - |
活性混合材 | Active addition | - |
水泥混合材 | Addition of cement | - |
铁铝酸盐水泥熟料 | Aluminoferic cement clinker | - |
封闭空气间层 | Air space insulation | - |
比热阻(热导率的倒数) | Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal resistance) | - |
空气渗透率 | Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient) | - |
粘结强度 | Bond strength | - |
沥青针入度测定法 | Bitumen-determination of penetration | - |
成组立模工艺 | Battery-mold process | - |
加筋间距 | Bar spacing | - |
粘合剂 | Binder bonding agent | - |
双轴向性质 | Biaxial behavior | - |
勃来恩细度 | Blaine fineness | - |
高炉矿渣 | Blast-furnace slag | - |
鲍格方程式 | Bogue equations | - |
刮尺 | Bull-float | - |
绝热板 | Board(block)insulation | - |
发泡剂 | Blowing agent | - |
落球试验法 | Ball impact test | - |
弯曲应力 | Bend stress | - |
砖砌体 | Brick setting | - |
发泡能力 | Bubbing potential | - |
脆性材料 | Brittle material | - |
冷轧钢 | Cold rolled steel | - |
多孔混凝土 | Cellular concrete | - |
复合绝热层 | Composite insulation | - |
复合硅酸盐水泥 | Composite portland cement | - |
绸度 | Consistency | - |
钻芯试验 | Core tests | - |
临界集料尺寸 | Critical aggregate size | - |
收缩系数 | Coefficient of shrinkage | - |
冷拉钢筋 | Cold-drawn reinforcement bar | - |
缩聚反应 | Condensation polymerization | - |
临界饱和度 | Critical degree of saturation | - |
临界压力 | Critical stress | - |
硅酸钙绝热制品 | Calcium silicate insulation | - |
软木绝热制品 | Cork insulation | - |
泡沫塑料(多孔塑料) | Cellular(foamed)plastics | - |
聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 | Cellular(foamed)polystyrene | - |
聚氨脂泡沫塑料 | Cellular(foamed)polyurethane | - |
钙塑绝热板 | Calcium-resin insulating board | - |
泡沫橡胶 | Cellular(foamed)rubber | - |
装饰砂浆 | Decoration mortar | - |
变形钢筋,螺纹钢 | Deformed bar | - |
冲刷风化、剥蚀 | Erosion | - |
钙矾石 | Ettringite | - |
膨胀矿渣集料 | Expanded slag aggregate | - |
膨胀水泥混凝土 | Expansive cement concrete | - |
膨胀蛭石 | Expanded vermiculite | - |
土工模袋 | Fabriform | - |
假凝 | False set | - |
纤维增强混凝土 | Fiber-reinforced concrete | - |
终凝 | Final set | - |
粉煤灰 | Fly ash | - |
泡沫矿渣 | Foamed slag | - |
拆模 | Formwork removal | - |
水泥胶砂流动度 | Flow of cement mortar | - |
纤维增强塑料 | Fiber reinforced plastics | - |
玻璃纤维增强塑料 | Fiber-glass reinforced plastics | - |
玻璃纤维增强塑料 | Glassfiber Reinforced Plastics | - |
纤维水泥 | Fiber cement | - |
压花玻璃 | Figured glass | - |
闪凝(瞬间凝结) | Flash set | - |
凝胶孔 | Gel pores | - |
凝胶/空隙比 | Gel/space ratio | - |
土工复合排水材 | Glass geogrid | - |
土工垫 | Geomat | - |
粒状棉 | Granulated wood | - |
玻纤网 | Glass geogrid | - |
玻璃棉 | Glass wool | - |
颗粒绝热材料 | Granular(powder)insulation | - |
间断级配材料 | Gap-graded aggregate | - |
水化热 | Heat of hydration | - |
重集料 | Heavyweight aggregate | - |
重混凝土 | Heavyweight concrete | - |
半水化物 | Hemihydrate | - |
高铝水泥 | High-alumina cement | - |
热天浇筑混凝土 | Hot-weather concreting | - |
亲水与憎水 | Hydrophilic and hydrophobic | - |
初始正切模量 | Initial tangent modulus | - |
C-S-H中的层间空间 | Interlayer space in C-S-H | - |
C-S-H中的层间水 | Interlayer water in C-S-H | - |
化铁高炉渣 | Iron blast-furnace slag | - |
各向同性材料 | Isotropic materials | - |
低碳钢丝 | Iron wire | - |
低碱水泥 | Low PH value cement | - |
轻集料 | Lightweight aggregates | - |
木质磺酸盐 | Lignosulfonate | - |
水玻璃模数 | Modulus of water-glass | - |
砌筑砂浆 | Masonry mortar | - |
最大集料粒径 | Maximum aggregate size | - |
中热硅酸盐水泥 | Moderate heat portland cement | - |
中热 | Moderate heat of hydration | - |
中抗硫酸盐 | Moderate sulfate resistance | - |
自应力 | Magnitude of self-stress | - |
非蒸发水 | Non-evaporable water | - |
水泥净浆标准绸度 | Normal consistency of cement paste | - |
针状晶体 | Needle crystal | - |
维卡仪 | Needle penetrometer | - |
方镁石 | Periclase | - |
珍珠岩 | Perlite | - |
磷酸盐 | Phosphate | - |
建筑石膏 | Plaster of paris | - |
聚丙烯(PP) | Polypropylene | - |
聚苯乙烯(PS) | Polystyrene | - |
聚酯塑料 | Polyester plastics | - |
塑钢窗 | Plastic-steel window | - |
聚酯树脂(PR) | Polyester Resin | - |
塑性收缩 | Plastic shrinkage | - |
高炉矿渣波特兰水泥 | Portland blast-furnace slag cement | - |
火山灰质波特兰水泥 | Portland pozzolan cement | - |
粒度分布 | Particle size distribution | - |
试饼法 | Pat test | - |
火山灰质反应 | Pozzolanic reaction | - |
拔出试验 | Pull-out test | - |
水淬,骤冷 | Quench | - |
喷浆工艺 | Shotereting process | - |
表面起砂 | Surface dusting | - |
受力裂缝 | Stressed crack | - |
软化点试验 | Softening point test | - |
应力强度因素 | Stress intensity factor | - |
表面水 | Surface moisture | - |
劈裂强度 | Splitting strength | - |
标准筛 | Stand sieve | - |
静弹性模量 | Static modulus | - |
蒸汽养护 | Steam curing | - |
应力集中 | Stress concentration | - |
超塑化外加剂 | Superplasticized admixture | - |
缓凝剂 | Set retarder admixture | - |
缓凝减水剂 | Set retarding and water-reducing admixture | - |
高效减水剂 | Superplasticizer admixture | - |
正切弹性模量 | Tangent modulus of elasticity | - |
温度效应 | Temperature effects | - |
拉伸应变 | Tensile strain | - |
试验筛 | Test sieve | - |
莫来石凝胶 | Tobermorite gel | - |
局部水化 | Topochemical hydration | - |
范德华力 | Vander Wale force | - |
维勃试验 | Vebe test | - |
火山玻璃 | Volcanic glass | - |
松香皂树脂 | Vinsol resin | - |
振动成型工艺 | Vibro-moulding process | - |
震动模压工艺 | Vibrating stamping process | - |
振动-真空脱水工艺 | Vibrating vacuum-dewater process | - |
隔汽层 | Vapour barrier,water vapour retarder | - |
湿法筛分,湿筛析 | Wet screening | - |
反分析法 | back analysis method | - |
应力路径法 | stress path method | - |
标准冻深 | standard frost penetration | - |
冰积层 | glacial deposit | - |
残积土 | eluvial soil, residual soil | - |
承压水 | confined water | - |
断裂构造 | fracture structure | - |
海积层 | marine deposit | - |
海相沉积 | marine deposit | - |
化学沉积岩 | chemical sedimentary rock | - |
流滑 | flow slide | - |
陆相沉积 | continental sedimentation | - |
年粘土矿物 | clay minerals | - |
围限地下水 | confined ground water | - |
岩爆 | rock burst | - |
曲率系数 | coefficient of curvature | - |
三相图 | block diagram, skeletal diagram, three phase diagram | - |
三相土 | tri-phase soil | - |
湿陷起始应力 | initial collapse pressure | - |
湿陷系数 | coefficient of collapsibility | - |
限定粒径 | constrained diameter | - |
絮状结构 | flocculent structure | - |
压密系数 | coefficient of consolidation | - |
液性指数 | liquidity index | - |
游离水 | free water | - |
最优含水量 | optimum water content | - |
达西定律 | Darcy' s law | - |
临界水力梯度 | critical hydraulic gradient | - |
砂沸 | sand boiling | - |
布西涅斯克解 | Boussinnesq 's solution | - |
残余孔隙水压力 | residual pore water pressure | - |
超静孔隙水压力 | excess pore water pressure | - |
次固结系数 | coefficient of secondary consolidation | - |
分层总和法 | layerwise summation method | - |
负孔隙水压力 | negative pore | - |
附加应力 | superimposed stress | - |
割线模量 | secant modulus | - |
回弹变形 | rebound deformation | - |
剪胀 | dilatation | - |
角点法 | corner-points method | - |
明德林解 | Mindlin 's solution | - |
纽马克感应图 | Newmark chart | - |
瞬时沉降 | immediate settlement | - |
弹性平衡状态 | state of elastic equilibrium | - |
有效应力 | effective stress | - |
自重应力 | self-weight stress | - |
单向度压密 | one-dimensional consolidation | - |
回弹曲线 | rebound curve | - |
井阻 | well resistance | - |
曼代尔-克雷尔效应 | Mandel-Cryer effect | - |
时间对数拟合法 | logrithm of time fitting method | - |
时间因子 | time factor | - |
太沙基固结理论 | Terzaghi s consolidation theory | - |
太沙基-伦杜列克扩散方程 | Terzaghi-Rendulic diffusion equation | - |
一维固结 | one dimensional consolidation | - |
有效应力原理 | principle of effective stress | - |
安息角 | angle of repose | - |
不排水抗剪强度 | undrained shear strength | - |
单轴抗拉强度 | uniaxial tension test | - |
伏斯列夫参数 | Hvorslev parameter | - |
有效应力法 | effective stress approach of shear strength | - |
库仑方程 | Coulomb 's equation | - |
摩尔包线 | Mohr' s envelope | - |
摩尔-库仑理论 | Mohr-Coulomb theory | - |
无侧限抗压强度 | unconfined compression strength | - |
总应力破坏包线 | total stress failure envelope | - |
本构模型 | constitutive model | - |
边界面模型 | boundary surface model | - |
层向各向同性体模型 | cross anisotropic model | - |
超弹性模型 | hyperelastic model | - |
德鲁克-普拉格准则 | Drucker-Prager criterion | - |
盖帽模型 | cap model | - |
刚塑性模型 | rigid plastic model | - |
广义冯・米赛斯屈服准则 | extended von Mises yield criterion | - |
广义特雷斯卡屈服准则 | extended tresca yield criterion | - |
剑桥模型 | Cambridge model | - |
柯西弹性模型 | Cauchy elastic model | - |
拉特-邓肯模型 | Lade-Duncan model | - |
拉特屈服准则 | Lade yield criterion | - |
理想弹塑性模型 | ideal elastoplastic model | - |
临界状态弹塑性模型 | critical state elastoplastic model | - |
流变学模型 | rheological model | - |
流动规则 | flow rule | - |
摩尔-库仑屈服准则 | Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion | - |
内蕴时间塑性模型 | endochronic plastic model | - |
内蕴时间塑性理论 | endochronic theory | - |
年粘弹性模型 | viscoelastic model | - |
切线模量 | tangent modulus | - |
清华弹塑性模型 | Tsinghua elastoplastic model | - |
双剪应力屈服模型 | twin shear stress yield criterion | - |
双曲线模型 | hyperbolic model | - |
松岗元-中井屈服准则 | Matsuoka-Nakai yield criterion | - |
弹塑性模量矩阵 | elastoplastic | - |
弹塑性增量理论 | incremental elastoplastic theory | - |
弹性半空间地基模型 | elastic half-space foundation model | - |
文克尔地基模型 | Winkler foundation model | - |
修正剑桥模型 | modified cambridge model | - |
准弹性模型 | hypoelastic model | - |
冲剪破坏 | punching shear failure | - |
汉森地基承载力公式 | Hansen 's ultimate bearing capacity formula | - |
极限平衡状态 | state of limit equilibrium | - |
临塑荷载 | critical edge pressure | - |
普朗特承载力理论 | Prandel bearing capacity theory | - |
太沙基承载力理论 | Terzaghi bearing capacity theory | - |
魏锡克极限承载力公式 | Vesic' s ultimate bearing capacity formula | - |
被动土压力系数 | coefficient of passive earth pressure | - |
静止土压力 | earth pressue at rest | - |
库仑土压力理论 | Coulomb 's earth pressure theory | - |
库尔曼图解法 | Culmannn construction | - |
朗肯土压力理论 | Rankine' s earth pressure theory | - |
朗肯状态 | Rankine state | - |
毕肖普法 | Bishop method | - |
边坡稳定安全系数 | safety factor of slope | - |
不平衡推理传递法 | unbalanced thrust transmission method | - |
费伦纽斯条分法 | Fellenius method of slices | - |
摩擦圆法 | friction circle method | - |
瑞典圆弧滑动法 | Swedish circle method | - |
斯宾赛法 | Spencer method | - |
泰勒法 | Taylor method | - |
休止角 | angle of repose | - |
扬布普遍条分法 | Janbu general slice method | - |
圆弧分析法 | circular arc analysis | - |
动力布西涅斯克解 | dynamic solution of Boussinesq | - |
应力波 | stress waves in soils | - |
扶垛式挡土墙 | counterfort retaining wall | - |
加筋土挡墙 | reinforced earth bulkhead | - |
悬壁式板桩墙 | cantilever sheet pile wall | - |
悬壁式挡土墙 | cantilever sheet pile wall | - |
重力式挡土墙 | gravity retaining wall | - |
物板桩结构 | sheet pile structure | - |
深井点 | deep well point | - |
倒梁法 | inverted beam method | - |
基床系数 | coefficient of subgrade reaction | - |
基底附加应力 | net foundation pressure | - |
静定分析法(浅基础) | static analysis (shallow foundation) | - |
壳体基础 | shell foundation | - |
片筏基础 | mat foundation | - |
热摩奇金法 | Zemochkin 's method | - |
弹性地基梁(板)分析 | analysis of beams and slabs on elastic foundation | - |
箱形基础 | box foundation | - |
波动方程分析 | Wave equation analysis | - |
充盈系数 | fullness coefficient | - |
表层压密法 | surface compaction | - |
电渗法 | electro-osmotic drainage | - |
粉体喷射深层搅拌法 | powder deep mixing method | - |
灌浆法 | grouting | - |
硅化法 | silicification | - |
换填法 | cushion | - |
挤淤法 | displacement method | - |
加筋法 | reinforcement method | - |
碱液法 | soda solution grouting | - |
坑式托换 | pit underpinning | - |
锚杆静压桩托换 | anchor pile underpinning | - |
排水固结法 | consolidation | - |
劈裂灌浆 | fracture grouting | - |
强夯法 | dynamic compaction | - |
软土地基 | soft clay ground | - |
深层搅拌法 | deep mixing method | - |
托换技术 | underpinning technique | - |
预浸水法 | presoaking | - |
振冲密实法 | vibro-compaction | - |
比阻尼容量 | specific gravity capacity | - |
等效集总参数法 | constant strain rate consolidation test | - |
动基床反力法 | dynamic subgrade reaction method | - |
基础振动半空间理论 | elastic half-space theory of foundation vibr ation | - |
质量-弹簧-阻尼器系统 | mass-spring-dushpot system | - |
地震等效均匀剪应力 | equivalent even shear stress of earthquake | - |
地震反应谱 | earthquake response spectrum | - |
对数递减率 | logrithmic decrement | - |
常水头渗透试验 | constant head permeability test | - |
真三轴仪 | true triaxial apparatus | - |
标准贯入试验 | standard penetration test | - |
动力触探试验 | dynamic penetration test | - |
静力触探试验 | static cone penetration test | - |
跨孔试验 | cross-hole test | - |
旁压试验 | pressurementer test | - |
深层沉降观测 | deep settlement measurement | - |
十字板剪切试验 | vane shear test | - |
无损检测 | nondestructive testing | - |
梅耶霍夫极限承载力公式 | Meyerhof 's ultimate bearing capacity formula | - |